
What does Ma Chao think of the Five Tiger Generals! Big exposure to their rankings!

author:Ichii Lao Li

The five tiger generals of the Three Kingdoms period, including Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Ma Chao, Huang Zhong and Zhao Yun, are all heroes and fierce generals in the world, and they are majestic.

As one of them, Ma Chao also has his own judgment on the strength of these brothers.

First of all, let's talk about Ma Chao's opinion on Guan Yu. Guan Yu, the "martial saint", has a very high status in Ma Chao's eyes, and Ma Chao has never provoked him.

What does Ma Chao think of the Five Tiger Generals! Big exposure to their rankings!

On the contrary, whenever someone mentioned challenging Guan Yu, Ma Chao was silent, which showed that he was extremely in awe of Guan Yu's strength.

Let's talk about Ma Chao's opinion of Huang Zhong. Huang Zhong is an older generation, and Ma Chao has never directly evaluated him.

But judging from Huang Zhong's record of more than 100 rounds of battles with Guan Yu, Huang Zhong is definitely a generation of fierce generals, and his strength is beyond ordinary people. Ma Chao is naturally convinced by this.

As for Zhao Yun, Ma Chao respects him very much. Zhao Yun has repeatedly performed miraculous feats with his brave and refined combat strength, and Zhuge Liang has also highly praised him.

What does Ma Chao think of the Five Tiger Generals! Big exposure to their rankings!

Whenever Ma Chao saw Zhao Yun's heroic posture in the enemy formation, he would feel a sense of awe in his heart.

For Zhang Fei, Ma Chao is more confident. In the battle of Jiameng Pass, the two fought for a day, and in the end, they won or lost.

But Ma Chao made it clear that he wanted to fight at night, which shows that he is still very confident in his own strength and thinks that he is slightly better than Zhang Fei.

To sum up, in Ma Chao's mind, the ranking of the five tiger generals is roughly as follows: the first is Huang Zhong, Guan Yu is second, followed by Zhao Yun, Ma Chao himself is ranked fourth, and Zhang Fei is in the last place.

What does Ma Chao think of the Five Tiger Generals! Big exposure to their rankings!

Such a ranking certainly has a certain subjective color, but it is not entirely a strategy of Ma Chao's force. In fact, the five tiger generals are all fierce generals who have returned from a hundred battles, and their strength is not high or low, each has its own strengths.

For example, in addition to Guan Yu's sword skills, his passionate heroism is also unmatched.

Another example is that although Zhao Yun is not very public, he is invincible and invincible every time he makes a move, which can be described as unknown but extraordinary.

Although Ma Chao's ranking of the five tiger generals has some personal colors, we can also get a glimpse of the uniqueness of these heroes.

What does Ma Chao think of the Five Tiger Generals! Big exposure to their rankings!

Regarding Zhang Fei, although Ma Chao ranked him last, this does not mean that Zhang Fei is useless. On the contrary, Zhang Fei's brave and fearless image of a pioneer is his greatest charm.

Throughout Zhang Fei's life, he has repeatedly turned the tide at critical moments, and can be described as the mainstay of Shu Han's brave generals.

Take Zhang Fei's performance in the Battle of Changbanpo as an example, Zhuge Liang was in a predicament at that time, Zhang Fei was not afraid of danger, led his troops to break through the siege, and finally rescued Zhuge Liang and others, which can be said to have stepped forward at a critical moment.

What does Ma Chao think of the Five Tiger Generals! Big exposure to their rankings!

Another impressive thing is the story of Zhang Fei's seven trips to California to avenge his father.

That time, Zhang Fei waded into the river several times alone, almost tried his best, and finally killed the murderer and avenged the root cause of the disaster.

This kind of heroic spirit of disregarding life and death and treating death as if it were home is the best embodiment of Zhang Fei's courage.

Therefore, although Ma Chao ranked Zhang Fei last, this does not mean that Zhang Fei is the worst one.

What does Ma Chao think of the Five Tiger Generals! Big exposure to their rankings!

On the contrary, it was with this reckless courage that Zhang Fei made himself repeatedly perform miraculous feats on the battlefield and became a well-deserved general of Shu Han.

Looking at Huang Zhong again, although Ma Chao did not directly evaluate it, through more than 100 rounds of battles between him and Guan Yu, it is not difficult for us to see that Huang Zhong is indeed old and experienced as an elder.

In Ma Chao's eyes, Huang Zhong may be able to rank first among the five tiger generals by virtue of this experience and calmness.

What does Ma Chao think of the Five Tiger Generals! Big exposure to their rankings!

In addition to force, Huang Zhong is also good at the art of counterbalance and war, and has repeatedly schemed in difficult situations and turned defeat into victory. Even military wizards like Zhuge Liang have to admire Huang Zhong's ability to "lead the army in a good way".

It can be said that Huang Zhong is not only strong in martial arts, but also has a shrewd mind, no wonder he can become the first place in Ma Chao's mind.

Continue to talk about the other two characters in the Five Tiger Generals-Guan Yu and Zhao Yun. The status of these two people in Ma Chao's mind is also extraordinary.

What does Ma Chao think of the Five Tiger Generals! Big exposure to their rankings!

First of all, let's talk about Guan Yu, who ranked second. Guan Yu is not only strong in martial arts, but what is even more commendable is his heroic righteousness.

Although he has a reputation for being "unruly", Guan Yu has adhered to his ethics all his life, has been loyal to his lord, and has never had the slightest selfish thoughts.

is the so-called "don't be afraid to change if you pass", which is enough to summarize Guan Yu's lifelong pursuit of this straightforward and hearty character.

This iron-clad integrity makes Guan Yu have a transcendent position in Ma Chao's heart.

What does Ma Chao think of the Five Tiger Generals! Big exposure to their rankings!

In that era of heroes, there were not many people who could be sincere to the lord. Guan Yu is a rare loyal person, no wonder Ma Chao would give such a high evaluation.

Besides, Zhao Yun, who ranked third, although he was not very ostentatious on the surface, in fact, Zhao Yun's bravery and courage were not inferior to any one.

The reason why Ma Chao gave Zhao Yun such a high evaluation was precisely because he saw Zhao Yun's outstanding features of being calm and witty and calm.

What does Ma Chao think of the Five Tiger Generals! Big exposure to their rankings!

Zhao Yun never puts his life and death first, as long as it is for the sake of the lord and the great cause, he will never hesitate or retreat in the slightest.

Take the time when he rode the Savior alone, when Zhao Yun entered the Cao camp alone, and under the siege of invincible people, he still responded calmly, and finally retreated.

You must know that Zhao Yun was in a desperate situation at that time, but he was still calm and calm, and this heroic and fearless spirit was what Ma Chao admired.

What does Ma Chao think of the Five Tiger Generals! Big exposure to their rankings!

Not only that, Zhao Yun is also a humble and polite person, never publicizing himself, and is willing to be an unknown warrior. This kind of indifferent mind to fame and fortune also makes Ma Chao admire.

After all, in that era full of power and ambition, it was not easy to be so self-controlled.

For Ma Chao, Guan Yu's righteousness and Zhao Yun's calm and responsible are both qualities that he praises, and they will naturally be highly evaluated by the two.

Although the five tiger generals are all heroes, the unique spiritual demeanor displayed by these two people really made Ma Chao awe-inspiring.

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