
The 75-year-old uncle lives in an abandoned pigsty, and wants to eat meat before he dies, but his daughter lives in a small western-style building on the second floor

author:Su Su micro reading
The 75-year-old uncle lives in an abandoned pigsty, and wants to eat meat before he dies, but his daughter lives in a small western-style building on the second floor
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The 75-year-old uncle lives in an abandoned pigsty, and wants to eat meat before he dies, but his daughter lives in a small western-style building on the second floor

In May 2016, heartbreaking cries rang out from an abandoned pigsty in Houchao Village, Guanyin Township, Yibin County, Sichuan Province. The 75-year-old Uncle Yang huddled in the corner, his thin body and pale face telling of endless suffering.

Uncle Yang trembled and stretched out his dry hand, pointed to the luxurious small western-style building not far away, and shouted in a choked voice: "Daughter, I just want to eat a bite of meat before I die!" However, he was answered only by a biting silence.

In that small two-story western-style building lived his only daughter, Yang Rong's family, but they turned a deaf ear to her father's pleas.

Uncle Yang was a glorious retired soldier when he was young. Although his family is not wealthy, he is hardworking and willing to work hard, and supports his family with one acre and three points of land.

The 75-year-old uncle lives in an abandoned pigsty, and wants to eat meat before he dies, but his daughter lives in a small western-style building on the second floor

When his wife gave birth to his daughter Yang Rong for him, Uncle Yang was not disappointed in the slightest because of the patriarchal concept that prevailed at that time. On the contrary, he welcomed the arrival of this little life with joy, and regarded his daughter as a treasure from heaven.

However, as the years passed, Uncle Yang's physical condition deteriorated. At first, his vision gradually blurred, and then his lower body was paralyzed, making it difficult to take care of himself. His industrious hands could no longer plow, and his once tall body could now rest on the head of the bed.

Soon after, his wife died of overwork, leaving him alone to face the harsh reality.

In such a difficult situation, Uncle Yang pinned all his hopes on his only daughter Yang Rong. He hopes that his daughter will remember her years of dedication and lend a helping hand when she needs it most.

The 75-year-old uncle lives in an abandoned pigsty, and wants to eat meat before he dies, but his daughter lives in a small western-style building on the second floor

However, the reality is far more brutal than he imagined.

Uncle Yang's story is not only the tragic experience of an ordinary old man, but also a moving chapter about father's love. He spent his life watering his daughter's growth, but he encountered such a cold reception in his twilight years.

After Yang Rong got married, it seemed that the emotional bond with her father was severed. She went home to visit her parents very few times, and every time she came and went, only Uncle Yang's more lonely back was left.

When she learned the news of her father's illness, Yang Rong only paid a hasty visit, left a few perfunctory words and left in a hurry, as if she had completed a task that had to be done.

The 75-year-old uncle lives in an abandoned pigsty, and wants to eat meat before he dies, but his daughter lives in a small western-style building on the second floor

After the death of his wife, Uncle Yang faced unprecedented loneliness and helplessness. He tried to seek his daughter's help, but Yang Rong always shirked and avoided it for various reasons.

Uncle Yang's situation became more and more difficult, and finally with the help of his neighbors, he came to Yang Rong's house. However, what awaits him is not a warm embrace, but a chilling arrangement.

Yang Rong's mother-in-law resolutely objected to letting him live in the house on the grounds that she couldn't stand Uncle Yang's peculiar smell. And Yang Rong, the daughter who was once regarded as a treasure by her father, acquiesced to this cruel arrangement.

She placed her biological father in a crumbling abandoned pigsty next to the house, giving him only a thin blanket to protect him from the cold.

The 75-year-old uncle lives in an abandoned pigsty, and wants to eat meat before he dies, but his daughter lives in a small western-style building on the second floor

At first, Yang Rong would regularly deliver meals to her father, but as time went by, even this meager care gradually disappeared. Uncle Yang was abandoned in a foul-smelling environment, hungry and cold, and his life was in danger.

His hoarse cry of exhaustion, "I just want to eat a bite of meat!" He expressed his last, humble wish. This simple request has become an insurmountable gap between father and daughter.

Yang Rong's indifferent attitude is not only a betrayal of her father, but also a distortion of human nature. She seems to have forgotten how meticulously her father wiped her diapers and cleaned up her feces as a child.

Now, when her father needs her care, she chooses the most cruel way to "reciprocate".

The 75-year-old uncle lives in an abandoned pigsty, and wants to eat meat before he dies, but his daughter lives in a small western-style building on the second floor

This distortion of family affection not only plunged Uncle Yang into the darkest period of his life, but also caused strong dissatisfaction among the neighbors. The villagers were shocked and angry by Yang Rong's behavior and accused her of being unfilial.

However, in the face of these accusations, Yang Rong seemed to have become numb, and she continued to live her comfortable life, as if the old man in the pigsty had nothing to do with her.

Uncle Yang's experience can't help but make people think deeply: what is family affection? Is it the bond of blood relationship, or is it the responsibility to support each other? When we enjoy the love we receive from our parents, should we also think about one day reciprocating that love? Yang Rong's behavior is not only a betrayal of her father, but also a challenge to the moral bottom line of the entire society.

In the darkness of Uncle Yang's deep despair, a faint but warm light quietly emerged. This light comes from his nine-year-old granddaughter, this little girl's kindness and understanding, like fireflies in the night, bring a touch of comfort to Uncle Yang's life.

The 75-year-old uncle lives in an abandoned pigsty, and wants to eat meat before he dies, but his daughter lives in a small western-style building on the second floor

Every day after school, the little girl would quietly come to the pigsty and bring a bowl of water to her grandfather. She carefully helped Uncle Yang up and fed him water herself, her immature little hands gently wiping her grandfather's chapped lips.

Seeing her grandfather's difficult situation, the little girl even offered to help dispose of her grandfather's excrement, although this proposal was resolutely rejected by Uncle Yang.

The little girl's innocent love and thoughtfulness contrasted sharply with her mother's indifference. She often asked Uncle Yang curiously: "Grandpa, why does your mother want you to live here?" We have a lot of spare rooms in our house.

Faced with his granddaughter's innocent inquiry, Uncle Yang could only hold back tears and make up lies to protect the child's pure heart.

The 75-year-old uncle lives in an abandoned pigsty, and wants to eat meat before he dies, but his daughter lives in a small western-style building on the second floor

Just when Uncle Yang's situation seemed to see no hope, the god of fate arranged an unexpected encounter. Mr. He, from a neighboring village, was attracted by the smell coming from the pigsty when he passed through the Monkey Dynasty Village.

When he found out about Uncle Yang's tragic situation, he was greatly shocked in his heart.

Mr. He is a successful entrepreneur and a devout Buddhist. He knew that "it is more blessed to give than to receive." Seeing Uncle Yang's predicament, Mr. He immediately took out 200 yuan and handed it to Yang Rong, asking her to buy meat for her father, hoping to improve the old man's life a little.

However, when Mr. He visited again a few days later, he found that Uncle Yang's condition had not improved and he was still hungry. This discovery made Mr. He feel both angry and heartbroken.

The 75-year-old uncle lives in an abandoned pigsty, and wants to eat meat before he dies, but his daughter lives in a small western-style building on the second floor

He realized that it was difficult to completely change Uncle Yang's situation by relying on his own strength. So, Mr. He decided to seek the help of the media, hoping to attract widespread attention from the society and bring real change to the poor old man.

The appearance of Mr. He, like a strong light in the darkness, not only illuminates Uncle Yang's life, but also makes this heartbreaking story have the possibility of being noticed and changed.

His acts of kindness, together with the innocent love of his little granddaughter, have become the warmest highlight of this tragic story.

Thanks to Mr. He's tireless efforts, the local media quickly intervened in this heartbreaking incident. The reporters came to the scene with cameras and were deeply shocked by the scene in front of them.

The 75-year-old uncle lives in an abandoned pigsty, and wants to eat meat before he dies, but his daughter lives in a small western-style building on the second floor

They recorded in detail the life of Uncle Yang in the pigsty: the dilapidated walls, the seeping roof, the pungent smell, and the old man's thin body and desperate eyes.

These images are a silent indictment of human indifference.

In the face of reporters' questioning, Yang Rong tried to defend at first, claiming that it was because of the pressure of her in-laws' family that she had to settle her father in this way. However, when the reporter asked why she didn't use the money given by Mr. He to buy meat for her father, she was speechless.

In the face of the iron-clad facts, Yang Rong finally lowered her head and admitted her mistakes.

The 75-year-old uncle lives in an abandoned pigsty, and wants to eat meat before he dies, but his daughter lives in a small western-style building on the second floor

This incident quickly caused an uproar in the local area, and also attracted the attention of government departments. The staff of the civil affairs department quickly rushed to the scene and conducted a detailed investigation and assessment of Uncle Yang's situation.

After the site visit, they came up with a solution to send Uncle Yang to a nursing home.

At this time, Mr. He stepped forward again and generously expressed his willingness to bear the entire cost of Uncle Yang in the nursing home. However, the civil affairs department said that the costs should be borne by the government, and also promised to take Yang Rong's actions seriously.

With the joint efforts of all parties, Uncle Yang was finally taken to a local nursing home. A smile of relief appeared on his face as he lay on his clean and comfortable bed and savored the hot meal he had not seen for a long time.

The 75-year-old uncle lives in an abandoned pigsty, and wants to eat meat before he dies, but his daughter lives in a small western-style building on the second floor

The staff of the nursing home carefully bathed him, changed into clean clothes, and arranged for a doctor to conduct a comprehensive physical examination of him.

Uncle Yang's life in the nursing home has changed dramatically. He no longer has to endure hunger and cold, and is no longer abandoned in a filthy environment. Here he is treated with the care and respect he deserves.

This old man, who was once abandoned by his own daughter, finally found a warm harbor in the twilight of his life. When asked how he felt in the nursing home, Uncle Yang said with tears in his eyes: "I finally feel the warmth of the world again.

Uncle Yang's story has changed from a heartbreaking tragedy to a case of social justice. It not only changed the fate of an elderly person, but also awakened more people's attention to the rights and interests of the elderly, and became a microcosm of promoting social progress.

The 75-year-old uncle lives in an abandoned pigsty, and wants to eat meat before he dies, but his daughter lives in a small western-style building on the second floor

Uncle Yang's story has triggered a deep reflection on filial piety and social responsibility from all walks of life. It reminds us that respecting the elderly and caring for the young is not only a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation, but also a responsibility that everyone should fulfill.

This incident also highlights the importance of the social care system, and only by the joint efforts of the government, society and families can we truly create a warm and dignified living environment for the elderly.

Although Yang Rong's behavior is despicable, it also reflects the difficulties and pressures faced by some families in contemporary society. This prompts us to think about how to better pass on filial piety in modern life, and how to balance the responsibilities of individuals, families and society.

At the same time, the kindness of Mr. He and his little granddaughter, as well as the attention and help from all walks of life, also let us see the kind and righteous side of human nature, giving people hope and strength.

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