
The First Emperor of the Ages - Qin Shi Huang (67)

author:Dongyue pine

He, Luo, Yi and Qishan (Qishan) are in Longnan

According to the Records of the Zhou Dynasty, in the forty-sixth year (782 BC), King Xuan died, and his son Youwang Gong 湦 (shēng, born). and "Nirvana") succeeded to the throne. In the second year of Youwang (780 BC), earthquakes occurred in the capital of the Western Zhou Dynasty and the areas of the nearby Jingshui, Weishui, and Luoshui rivers. Bo Yangfu said: "Zhou is about to perish. The yin and yang qi between heaven and earth should not be without order; If it disrupts the order, someone else makes it chaotic. The yang energy sinks down and cannot come out, and the yin energy oppresses it so that it cannot rise, so there will be earthquakes. Nowadays, there is an earthquake in the Sanchuan area because the yang energy has left its original position and is pressed down by the yin energy. If the yang energy is not above but is below the yin energy, the water source will be blocked, and if the water source is blocked, the country will perish. Only by aerating the soil and water can the people engage in production. If the land is not nourished, the people will be starved of money, and if it reaches this point, what awaits the country if it does not perish! Once upon a time, Yishui and Luoshui dried up and the Xia Dynasty perished; When the Yellow River dried up, the Shang Dynasty perished. Now the qi of Zhou is also the same as that of the last two dynasties of Shang and Zhou, and the flow of the river source is blocked again, the water source is blocked, and the river must be exhausted. The survival of a country must depend on mountains and rivers, and the collapse of mountains and the drying up of rivers are signs of the collapse of a country. When the rivers dry up, the mountains will collapse. In this way, it will not take ten years for the state to perish, because ten happens to be a cycle of numbers. What Heaven will abandon will not exceed ten years. "This year, sure enough, the three rivers dried up and Qishan collapsed.

According to the "Historical Records": "The three dynasties (Xia, Shang, and Zhou) were all in Heluo (雒)". All of them prospered and died because of the river, including Qin, of course. It's all a black bird. are blessed by the god of the Buddha (Fuxi's daughter). They are all related to Ru, Di, Di, Zhai, and Inuqiu, and they are all descendants of Fuxi and descendants of China. Hetu and Luo Shu started the journey of Chinese civilization. The water of the Western Han Dynasty is the water of the sky, the river, and the water of the sky. It is the Luo River, Luo Gu Shui, Luo Shui, Han Shui, and Yangshui. The Western Han River Basin is one of the birthplaces of Chinese civilization, and Fuxi, the ancestor of Chinese humanities, was born in Qiuchi Mountain. Qiuchi Mountain is Kunlun Mountain, Dayu controls the water and guides the West Han Dynasty water, and the West Han Dynasty water gave birth to the river map and Luoshu.

Xia, Shang, Zhou, and Qin all flourished in He, Luo, and Han

(1) Luoyi, the ancestral capital of Qin

Wudu is Luo (Luo) Yi. Now Luoyu Town, Xihe County, Longnan City, was called Luoyu in ancient times, Luogu, and the Yangshui that flows through it is called Luogu Water, also known as Luoshui or Luoshui, Luohe. In the Qin period, Xi County was first set up in the "west" of the birthplace of the Qin people. And set up Wudu Road, rule Longnan City Xihe County Luoyu, Han Yuan Ding three years (111 BC) set up Wudu County, Longnan City Xihe County Luoyu. In Xu Shen's "Shuowen Jie Zi" in the Eastern Han Dynasty, "west", the pictogram is, which means "the bird is on the nest also" and "雒 (Luo)" luò bird name, taboo, that is, "鵋鶀" 雒, 鵋鶀also. Strange owls. - "Sayings". Now it is called the owl, also called the striated small bird, and also through the "Luo". A white-maned black horse.

According to the "Historical Records of the Qin Dynasty", it is recorded that the Qin people are based in Longnan. During the period of King Xiao of Zhou (897 BC - 888 BC), the concubine of Da Luo, the great-grandson of the Miao descendant of Zhongwei, was named "Qinyi" by King Xiao of Zhou for his meritorious work in raising horses, and raised horses in Huangshui (diving in Huixian County, between Liangdang, the hometown of the Jialing River) and Weishui (Weiyuan to Tianshui section), and continued to win the family worship, and inherited the surname of Win, called Qin Win. He also became the heir of Da Luo's wife, Shen Hounu, and became the heir of Da Luo, Dabaozi Mountain (Qi Mountain, Zhuge Liang Liu's Qi Mountain is here), which is Qin Feizi's fiefdom Qin. The great-grandson of the father-in-law, Da Luo, the fief of the son of the son of the wife of the Marquis of Shen, should be in Cheng (Cheng County), and the city was built here, which should be Luo Yu (雒峪)

(2), the capital of Xia, Shang and Zhou is in Luoyu

First, the summer capital is in Luoyi.

"雒" through "Luo". A white-maned black horse. Also called Hakuba. According to the record of "The Classic of Mountains and Seas, the Classic of the Sea": "The Yellow Emperor gave birth to Luo Ming, Luo Ming gave birth to a white horse, and the white horse was a cang." It means that the Yellow Emperor gave birth to Luo Ming, Luo Ming gave birth to a white horse, and the white horse is Kun. According to the record of "Historical Records of Xia Benji": "The father of Yu is called Kun, the father of Kun is called Emperor Zhuan, the father of Zhuan is called Changyi, and the father of Changyi is called the Yellow Emperor." "Guangliang Qu Zhi": "During the Five Emperors, Luo Ming, the father of Cang, sealed Ganluo and was the country of Luo. "Chinese • Zhou Yuxia": "Father Qiang Ming sealed in the country of Yao. Shang Xing, Hao Cun, Luo Waste". According to the record of "Huayang Guozhi Shu Zhi": in the sixth year of the Han Yuan Dynasty (111 BC), Baima in the western part of Guanghan was the Wudu County (the predecessor of Longnan City), and the Di people called themselves "Yuzhi", which was the same as the name of the matrilineal clan of the Suiren clan. Because Di and Qiang are adjacent to each other, the pre-Qin people regarded it as the Qiang of Di Land, and felt that it was different from Qiang, because it was called Di Qiang, or simply called Di Qiang. Di people are good at raising horses, so they worship the horse god very much, and in the early days, the white horse was used as a totem, and their white horse god and horse prince were mostly three eyes. The legend of Yang Erlang is quite popular in Longnan, and it is also three-eyed. There is also a longitudinal eye on the Sanxingdui mask, but the other eye of the ornament should have peeled off. Wudu County is located in Luoyu Town, Xihe County. Dayu in Qiuchi Mountain (嶓墢山) under Luoyu to guide Yang for the Han. The above description: Yu alias Bei Ryu (Awu Township), Yu's father said Kun, the white horse is for Kun, the white horse is Wudu County, Wudu County is in Luoyu Town, Xihe County. Luogu out of Luoshui, Luohe, Hanshui.

Luoyu and Luoyi sound similar, King Wu built the Zhou Dynasty, built the capital city by the Luoshui River, called Luoyi, so it is called Wudu, or the capital of King Tang Wu and King Wu of Zhou, Luoyi is called Wudu. Later, after Wudu County moved from Luoyu Town, Xihe County to Hongchuan Town, Chengxian County, the white water flowing through Hongchuan Town, Chengxian County was renamed Luoshui and Luohe.

"Yuanhe County Atlas": Bailongjiang was called Qiangshui in ancient times, and Yuan was governed by Fujin County. Wudu County was originally governed in Xiabian County north of Baishui (in Hongchuan Town, Chengxian County, there is Baishui, also known as turbidity, Luoshui, Luojiang, now called Luohe, and there is Baishuijiang Town, Luoyang County, Shaanxi Province downstream), moved to Shimen County next to Qiangshui (now Jiaogong Township, Wudu District, Longnan City), moved with the name of the county, and changed Qiangshui to Baishui, also known as Baijiang, Baihe, and called Bailongjiang after the Ming Dynasty.

According to the Historical Records of Xia Benji, it is recorded that after the death of Emperor Qi of Xiahou, his son Emperor Taikang succeeded to the throne. Di Taikang played and hunted all day long, regardless of civil affairs, and was exiled by Yi and lost the country, and his five younger brothers waited for him on the north bank of Luoshui without waiting, and composed "The Song of the Five Sons". This shows that the capital of Xia is in Luoshui.

"According to the Historical Records of Xia Benji" records: After the death of Taikang, his younger brother Zhongkang succeeded to the throne, this is the Zhongkang Emperor, when the Zhongkang Emperor was in power, the ministers in charge of the four seasons of heaven and earth, Xi and He, were addicted to wine, and the four seasons of the year, the days of A and B were confused. Yin was ordered to go to him and made "Yin Zheng".

"Shangshu Yaodian" records: "Naima and Zhong, the west of the house, said the valley." The "valley" here, according to the "Historical Records" [collection of explanations] Xu Guang said: "One said" willow valley "case: Kong Anguo said: The sun enters the valley and the world is underworld, so it is called the valley. "Juxi Tu", Xu Guang commented: "There is no soil word, I think the western, today's water of the west county also." "The west county of Tianshui is Xihe County, Longnan City, Xihe County is the first place in China to set up a county in Qin, the earliest called Xixian, and later because of the meteorological officer of Emperor Yao" and "lived here, renamed "Xihe".

"According to the Historical Records of Xia Benji" records: Emperor Yu immediately raised Gao Tao to recommend it, and granted the government, and Gao Tao died. After sealing Gao Tao, Yu Ying, Six, or in Xu. And then the benefits, let the government. Liuxiang Town, Xihe County, Longnan City, was Shanglu (six) County in the Qin and Han dynasties.

The second is that the business capital is in Luoyi.

According to the "Historical Records of Yin Benji", Yin Qi, whose mother is called Jian Di, is the daughter of the Lu family and the second concubine of the emperor. The three of them took a bath, saw the Xuanniao fall its eggs, Jian Di swallowed it, because of the pregnancy contract. The contract is long and Zuo Yu has merit in controlling the water. Emperor Shun is the order deed said: "The people are not close, the five products are not trained, and you respect the five religions for Situ." The five teachings are wide. "Sealed in business, given the surname. On the occasion of Tang, Yu and Dayu, the merit was written by the people, and the people were peaceful. Fan Ye in "The Book of the Later Han Dynasty: The Praise of Xiqiang" Mingyun: "Jin Xing is strong, sowing Xiqiang." Di Hao was divided, and then Yin Qiang was used" "Historical Records of Qin Benji" recorded: "Qin Zhixian, the grandson of the Miao descendant of the emperor is called a daughter. The female weaves, the eggs of the birds, the women swallow them, and give birth to children. The great cause takes the son of Shaodian, called Nuhua. The Di people call themselves "Pheasant", "Zhai" (Di and Di homonym): long-tailed pheasants. "Di Qiang is born of Luan Bird" Di Qiang Luan Bird. Shang and Qin are both born of Xuanniao (Di Bird, Owl Bird), Dayu is a Qiang person, Di Qiang calls himself Zhu Zhi (read swallow), Xuan Bird is a swallow. Qiuchi Mountain is Kuan Rong Mountain. There are three swallow rivers in Longnan. According to the "Fang and Minutes" [Duyi Examination] in the ninth year of Zhao, King Jing made Zhan Huan resign from Jin and said: I have been in Ji since Xia, and Wei and Xiao are Tai. Hou Ji Shi Feng, Rui, Qi, Bi, I West Tu also. and Wuwang Keshang, Pugu, Shang, and Xiang.

According to the record of "Historical Records of Yin Benji": into a soup, from the deed to the soup eight moves. Tang Shi Ju Bo, the first king's residence, as "The Emperor". It means to say: the first king: refers to the ancestor of Yin, Emperor Yu. Emperor Yu once set his capital in Bo, and then migrated and returned to Bo when he became a soup. The "Pedigree" in the "Historical Records: Three Generations of the World Table" records: "When the first cause of Shu was born in the human emperor, the Yellow Emperor and Zi Changyi married the daughter of the Shushan clan, gave birth to the emperor, and established. Seal its branch in Shu Li, Liyu, Xia, Shang. Zhou declined, first called the king of silkworms. "The king of Shu opened the silkworm from the rule in Qu (read di) pile, Qu pile is Qiu Chi Mountain. At the foot of Qiuchi Mountain is Luoyu.

It is also recorded: Yi Yin went to Tang Shixia. Both ugly and summer, return to Bo. Entering from the north gate, meet the female dove, the female room, as "female dove", "female room". According to the record of "Water Jing Note, Yangshui": Turbid water (Luohe) and southeast and Qiu Jiu water, water hair Jiuxi, Nanjing Hechi County (Hui County, Longnan City) west of the ancient city, Wang Mang's Leping Pavilion also.

It is also recorded: Tang out, seeing the four sides of the wild net, Zhu said: "From all over the world into my net." Tang said: "Hey, it's all over!" It was to go to the three sides, and Zhu said: "I want to be left, left." Want right, right. Don't die, but into my net. When the princes heard this, they said: "Tang Dezhi is the best, and the beasts." It shows that "Bo" is in Qiu Chi, by the river pool, and Yuyu. It is also recorded: In order to tell the teacher, make the "soup oath" (. So Tang said, "I am very martial", and he was called King Wu. It shows that the capital of King Wu of Chengtang is Wudu, which is Luoyu, and there is also King Wu of "Bo" Zhou, also called Chengzhou. Qin Xianda Luo's eldest son Cheng.

It is also recorded: "Gu Yu and Gao Tao have worked hard for a long time, and their merits are due to the people, and the people are safe." The east is the river, the north is the Ji, the west is the river, the south is the Huai, and the four desecrations have been repaired and all the people have a dwelling. After the millet is sown, the hundred grains are cultivated. Jiangyuan is in Danchang County.

It is also recorded: When the emperor Pangeng was in Hebei, Yin had already been in Hebei, Pangeng crossed Henan, and resettled in the former residence of Chengtang, which was involved in Henan, governed Bo, and carried out the politics of Tang, and then the people were revived by Ning and Yindao. Explain that Luoyi is on the south side of the Luohe River. Henan is yin. Luoyin is "Bo".

It is also recorded: Emperor Wu Dingli. Emperor Wuding ascended the throne and thought of reviving Yin, but did not get his support. Silent for three years, the political affairs were decided by Tsukasa to observe the national style. Dayu "mounds guide Yang, and the east flows for the Han." "The mound guide is Mt. Kuang and Mount Kunlun.

It is also recorded: Emperor Wu Ding sacrificed into soup, and tomorrow, there will be a flying pheasant on the top of the ear, and Wu Ding is afraid. Zu has said: "Don't worry, don't worry, first fix political affairs." "Emperor Wu Ding collapsed, and the son of Emperor Zu Gengli. Zuji Jiawu Ding took the auspicious pheasant as the virtue and established its temple as Gaozong, so he made "Gaozong Wei Day" and "Training"

Pheasant: Pheasant. 呴 (gòu, enough): the same as "雊", pheasant crows. "Pheasant", "Zhai" (氐, Di homonym): long-tailed pheasant. "雒 (Luo)" luò bird name, taboo, that is, "鵋鶀" 雒, 鵋鶀also. Strange owls. "Gao Zongwei (róng, Rong) Day": "Shangshu" has this article, the content of which is the ancestor has trained the king. "Wei", the sacrifice is called "Wei". Qing Sun Yirang thought that "Wei" was a mistake for the word "Yi", "Yi Day, still say more day." ”

It is also recorded: "Emperor Wuyi has no way, is a puppet, and is called a god." With Bo, let people do it. The gods are invincible, but disgraced. For the leather sac, the blood, and the shoot it, the fate is called "shoot the sky". Wu Yi hunted between the river and Wei, thundered, and Wu Yi was shocked to death. "Between the hunting in the river and Weishui, the river is the West Han River and the Wei River, and the Wei water originates in the Weiyuan of Longxi.

It is also recorded: Therefore, the punishment is heavy, and there is a method of cannon grid. Xibochang, Jiuhou, and Ehou are the three dukes. Jiuhou has a good woman, enter it. The Nine Marquis Girls are not promiscuous, angry, and killed, and the Nine Marquis. The Hou of Hubei competes for the strength, distinguishes the disease, and contributes to the Hou of Hubei. Xi Bochang heard it and sighed. Chonghou Hu knew about it, so he told him and imprisoned Xibejinli. The minister of Xibo, the disciple of Hongxiao, begged for beautiful women and strange things and good horses to offer him, and he forgave Xibo. Siber went out and offered the land of Lotsi, so that he could be punished by the cannon. He gave him a bow and an axe, and made the expedition for Sib. And use the cost of the policy. Fei Zhong is good, profitable, and kind. and evil again. Evil comes from good and slanders, and the princes benefit from this.

The above shows that the three dukes of the king of Zhou, Xibochang is the king of Zhou Wen, and the west of Xibo is not the direction, but the place, referring to the west county of Longxi County, near Dabao Mountain, Inuqiuli County, west of the Qin Mausoleum. Prisoner Xibo Jinli, Jinli is in Wen County, also called Tianjiao Mountain, the Tang Dynasty built a Confucian Temple in Wen County, set up a literary altar, and sacrificed to King Wen. Siber's dedication to the land of Losi shows that King Wen owned the land of Losi and offered Losi to the king. The land of the King is in Lotsi. The nine marquis is the enemy, the marquis of the nine places, and the birthplace of Fuxi in Qiu Chi Mountain. Ehou, now Hubei is referred to as Hubei

The third is Zhoudu Luoyi.

The inscription on He Bottle unearthed in June 1963 records: Only the king of Chu Yan (moved) the house in Chengzhou, and restored the blessing of King Wu. In April Bingxu, Wang Hezong's son Yu Jing's room said: "In the past, in the Erkao Gong clan, King Ke (Qiu) Wen, King Wen was ordered by Zi. When the king of Weiwu conquered the merchants of Dayi, he sued the heavens and said: "Yu Qi's house is in the middle or (country), and he is the people." 'Woohoo, you have only the knowledge of the death of the boy, depending on the Gong's family, there is mediocrity in the sky, and you will enjoy it completely! Help Wang Gongde wants to be heavenly, and I am not sensitive. "Wang Xianhe, He Cibei Peng, used as a □ Gongbao Zun Yi. Only the king's five rituals.

The inscription is to the effect that in April of the fifth year of King Cheng, King Zhou began to build the capital in Chengzhou and sacrificed blessings to King Wu. King Cheng of Zhou reprimanded the clan boy He in the palace room on Bingxu Day, saying that He's ancestor followed King Wen, and King Wen was ordered by God to rule the world. After King Wu destroyed the Shang Dynasty, he sued Yu Tian, and this capital was China, ruling the people. King Zhou Cheng rewarded He Bei with thirty friends, and he was honored as a commemoration. This is an important exhortation and encouragement of King Zhou Cheng.

He Zun's inscription is very consistent with a record in the "Yi Zhou Shu Du Yi Jie". After King Wu conquered the business, there was still anxiety, sleepless all night, Zhou Gongdan got the report and rushed over to ask the reason, King Wu said: I inherited the mandate of heaven to destroy the Shang, but has not yet set the capital, that means that I am not sure to bear the mandate of heaven, how can I sleep peacefully?

King Wu of Zhou said to Dan again: If you want to be sure to inherit the mandate of heaven and destroy Yin Shang, you must follow the Heavenly Room (the capital of heaven), where there is a decree of heaven; Where is the place in the Heavenly Chamber? There is no need to look far away, it is Lodi; Heaven has been repeatedly explored, will help us, Luodi is not far from the capital of God, and the capital will be set in Yuzi in the future, so this place will be called Duyi (see Huang Huaixin's "Yi Zhou Shuhui School Collection Notes"). After King Wu died of illness, "became the king, the Duke of Zhou rebelled against the government and became the king, and the north was the position of the ministers." King Cheng is in Feng, so that the prince is called to return to Luoyi, as the king of Wu intended. Zhou Gong Fu Bu Shen Shi, the camp was built, and he lived in Jiudingyan. He said: 'In this world, the four sides are all in the tribute. ("Historical Records: Zhou Benji")

"Naturalist" said: China's domain, the left coast, the right through the quicksand, in a square way, 15,000 miles, 2,500 miles, east to Penglai Mountain, west to Longright, back across the north of the thistle, front and Hengyue, if a total of 40,000 there are more than 300 million. Descend to the Minshan Mountain of North Korea, the east can be the west also, the south of Longchuan and the country of the North Sea, this is Yao Shun, the soil and ten thousand miles, the soup is seven thousand miles, and then it is also impermanent, with the virtue of the good and the bad.

On the cliff of the Reclining Buddha Temple in Phoenix Mountain, Chengxian County, there is a huge "medium" hanging. According to research, this is an engraved mark left by the ancients observing celestial phenomena. People often gather to worship heaven and earth, so this symbol is given the sound of the word "zhong". The symbol of "Cheng" first appeared in the period of Emperor Yan (the pre-Qin wooden plank icon has the symbol of 'Yancheng'), which should have been created by the ancients relying on the pictogram of the ridge to protect the property.

"Jin Kui" said: King Wu fell, Duluoyi, cold, rain and snow for more than ten days, deep and deep. Jiazi Pingdan, I don't know how the five doctors rode the carriage from the two horses outside the door, the king made the Taishi Shangfu Xie Wufu Bin lucky, did not hear it first, Fang Xiu Fa clothes, the Taishi Shangfu made people hold a bowl of porridge out, into five cars and two horses and said: "Mr. Doctor is in the Son of Heaven, cold, so into the hot porridge but cold." After the porridge was finished, the messenger told Shang's father, and Shang's father asked King Wu: "You can see it!" Five cars and two rides, the god of the four seas and the ears of the river boyu master! The king said, "I don't know if it's famous?" Said: "The god of the South China Sea is called Zhurong, the god of the East Sea is called Goumang, the North Sea is called Xuanming, and the West Sea is said to be harvested." "Master Hebo Yu, please envoy in the door of His Royal Highness to guide the five gods of Rong, all of them were surprised, looked at each other and sighed.

"The Book of Songs: Daya. King Wen Yousheng said: "Both cutting down in Chong, making Yi in Xu", it is the land of the country. ”

Xia, Shang, Zhou, and Qin all flourished in Qishan

Yu ruled the water from Jizhou, Liang and Qi, the ancient father's father rebuilt Houji, Gong Liu's great cause, led the family to leave the land, crossed the lacquer water, frustrated water, over the Liang Mountain, to live at the foot of Qi Mountain. The Qin people lived in ancient Jizhou, now Li County; Guliang Mountain, now the Qishan Dabaozi Mountain of the West Qinling Mountains (Daliang), that is, the West Dog Hill. Qishan is Qishan (abandoned mountain), which is composed of the south and the north. The nine rivers of Dayu to control the water, namely the West Han River (Tianshui, Hanshui, Luohe, Yishui) originate from Tianshui Yunguang Mountain (belonging to the West Qinling Mountains, Liangshan), flow from east to west through the north and south of Qishan (Qishan), and are the same as the "reverse river". The two mountains are Qi. Qishan Fort in Xianli County is the headquarters built between the two mountains of Qishan when Zhuge Liang came out of Qishan. Wuhou "Table" cloud: Qishan went to frustration for 500 miles, there are thousands of people, looking at its mounds and ruins, and the letter is Yin. There are two ridges in the southwest of the mountain, north and south. Ancient saying: South and north, there are more than 10,000 families. Wuhou went out of Qishan, and 10,000 households in Qishan rented 500 stones for the army, yes.

The water of the Western Han Dynasty is the water of the sky, the river, and the water of the sky

The West Han River, also known as the Rhino River, the turbid water and the Jialing River in the lower reaches, is located between 104°30'~106°04'E longitude and 33°16'~34°31'N latitude, and is a tributary of the Jialing River, a tributary of the Yangtze River, which originates from Qishou Mountain (ancient name Lingzun Mountain) in the West Qinling Mountains in the south of Qinzhou District, Tianshui City, Gansu Province. It flows through Qinzhou District of Tianshui City, Li County, Xihe County, Kang County and Cheng County of Longnan City, and flows into the Jialing River in Luoyang County, Shaanxi Province, with a total length of 212 kilometers and a basin area of 10,107 square kilometers.

The main tributaries are Yangshui River, Yushui River, Yongping River, Taoping River, Qingshui River, Taishi River, Pingluo River, Yaoping River, Shixia River, Luoyu River and so on.

The West Han River, in geological age, used to be the source of the Han River, but due to the erosion of the water system in the Sichuan Basin, the watershed between the West Han River and the Sichuan River was cut, and the West Han River in the upper reaches of the Han River was attacked and seized as the upper reaches of the Jialing River. Hanzhong got its name from the fact that it lived in the upper reaches of the Han River.

The West Han River originates from Panzuka Mountain (now known as Qishou Mountain) in Qishou Township, Qincheng District, 70 kilometers southwest of Tianshui City, Gansu Province, passing through Yanguan Township, Qishan Township, Yongxing Township, Yanhe Township, Chengguan Township, Shiqiao Township, Jiangkou Township, Longlin Township, Leiba Township and other townships and towns in Lixian County, and enters the territory of Xihe County in Xiaoliang Township, *Houhui Jialing River, with a total length of 177.2 kilometers. The upper reaches of the West Han River refer to the river sections and river basins above Jiangkou Township in Lixian County. The West Han River crosses Tianshui, Lixian, Xihe and three counties, of which the length of Lixian is about 1 04.1 kilometers. It flows from northeast to southwest, and the tributaries received along the way, the largest of which are the Yushui River (also known as the Red River) on the north bank (or west bank), the Yongping River with a total length of 42.8 kilometers, the Yanzi River with a total length of 77.5 kilometers, the Guyu River with a total length of 28.3 kilometers, and the Taoping River with a total length of 65 kilometers. On the south bank is the Yangshui River, with a total length of 52.3 km (Figure 1). These tributaries have basins of more than 1,000 square kilometres, and they provide abundant water for the main stream and are natural channels between the north and the south. In the Northern Wei Dynasty, Li Daoyuan's Shuijing Note Yangshui described in detail the source of the Western Han Dynasty, the area through which it flowed, the tributaries it contained, the geomorphological features along the coast, and some related places and events.

In terms of geological and geomorphological aspects, the Xili Basin through which the main stream passes belongs to the Qinling Mountain Inter-Fault Basin in the Longnan Mountains, with Dongliang in the north, Da and Xiaojinchang Mountains in the south, Sun Mountain and Yunguang Mountain in the east, and Minshan Piedmont in the west. In the Lower Paleozoic, the basin was dominated by lacustrine sediments. During the Mesozoic era, the lake folds and rose to form land; After the Jurassic and Cretaceous, a large number of purplish-red conglomerates appeared here. In the late Pleistocene period of the Quaternary of the Cenozoic Era, in the formation process of the Loess Plateau in Longzhong, the aeolian loess from other places in the Hakka was covered on the tertiary laterite layer, and the loess layer gradually thickened from south to north, with a thickness of dozens of centimeters and a thickness of more than 100 meters. Since the Holocene, a large number of secondary loess has been deposited on both sides of the river valley through river water transport. Due to the weak downcutting and strong sedimentation of the river at the bottom of the basin, the upper reaches of the West Han River form a relatively wide Chuanba plain, the width of which is generally greater than 500 meters.

The West Han River is an important tributary of the upper reaches of the Jialing River, and it is also the river with the largest sediment content in the Jialing River and even the entire Yangtze River basin. The upper reaches of the Western Han Dynasty are the birthplace of the Qin people. The Guxi Inuqiu area in the Honghe and Yanguan areas of Lixian County was once the capital of the early Qin people. According to research, the water of the Western Han Dynasty is the heavenly river, the river water, and the heavenly water.

Archaeological discoveries have confirmed that China's ancestors lived in the Western Han River basin more than 6,000 years ago and created a rich and colorful culture. In 2004, a joint archaeological team of Peking University, the National Museum, Northwest University, the Gansu Institute of Archaeology, and the Shaanxi Institute of Archaeology conducted an archaeological survey on the upper reaches of the Western Han River. It was discovered that 98 sites in the upper reaches of the Western Han River contain cultures from various eras. Among them, there are 61 cultural sites in the Yangshao era, 51 cultural sites in the Longshan era, 37 cultural sites in the Zhou and Qin dynasties, 25 cultural sites in the Siwa era, and 18 cultural sites in the Changshan era.

The First Emperor of the Ages - Qin Shi Huang (67)

Schematic map of the distribution of archaeological sites in the Western Han River Basin

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