
13 years ago, Liu Xiuxiang, who went to school with his mother on his back, gave up his annual salary of 550,000 yuan, what happened now?

author:Su Su micro reading
13 years ago, Liu Xiuxiang, who went to school with his mother on his back, gave up his annual salary of 550,000 yuan, what happened now?
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13 years ago, Liu Xiuxiang, who went to school with his mother on his back, gave up his annual salary of 550,000 yuan, what happened now?

In 2008, a piece of news shook the whole of China like a thunderbolt. Liu Xiuxiang, a college student in Guizhou Province, traveled to Linyi University in Shandong Province to study at Linyi University with his mentally ill mother on his back.

The young man not only bravely took on the burden of caring for his mother, but also excelled in his studies.

However, just on the occasion of graduation, fate gave Liu Xiuxiang a difficult problem. A Beijing company threw an olive branch to him and offered him an annual salary of 550,000 yuan. Faced with this tempting invitation that was enough to change the trajectory of his life, Liu Xiuxiang made an unexpected decision.

Liu Xiuxiang's childhood is a poignant history of survival struggle. Born in 1988 in a remote mountainous area of Guizhou Province, he was supposed to grow up carefree under the care of his parents.

13 years ago, Liu Xiuxiang, who went to school with his mother on his back, gave up his annual salary of 550,000 yuan, what happened now?

However, fate has dealt a series of heavy blows to the family.

When he was four years old, Liu Xiuxiang's father died of illness, casting a shadow on this already poor family. Soon after, even greater misfortune followed: my sister mysteriously disappeared in the mountains, and her whereabouts are still unknown; The mother could not bear the successive blows, had a nervous breakdown, and fell into a state of madness; In order to make a living, the elder brother left the country alone, and has not been heard from since.

In this way, Liu Xiuxiang, who was only 11 years old, became the pillar of the family overnight. In the face of this sudden change, he did not choose to escape at a young age, but resolutely shouldered the burden of taking care of his mother and making ends meet.

Every day, Liu Xiuxiang lives an extremely busy life. During the day, he would go to school and try to acquire knowledge; After school, he rushed home non-stop and worked the fields; In the evening, he had to go deep into the mountains to collect herbs; In the early morning, he had to get up early to go to the market to sell herbs.

13 years ago, Liu Xiuxiang, who went to school with his mother on his back, gave up his annual salary of 550,000 yuan, what happened now?

In this way, his hands were already calloused, but he persevered.

The most touching thing is that whenever his mother is ill, Liu Xiuxiang always rushes home as soon as possible. He would hug his emotionally uncontrollable mother tightly, and use his immature arms and warm body temperature to try to calm his mother's emotions.

In order to take better care of his mother, he even came up with a bold idea - to take his mother to school with him.

Since then, Liu Xiuxiang has had a special "companion" on his way to study. They set up a rudimentary tent on the hill next to the school, where Liu Xiuxiang went to school during the day and picked up garbage at night to make ends meet.

13 years ago, Liu Xiuxiang, who went to school with his mother on his back, gave up his annual salary of 550,000 yuan, what happened now?

Such a hard day is unimaginable to others, but Liu Xiuxiang has no regrets.

It was this difficult period that sharpened Liu Xiuxiang's indomitable character. He understands that it is only through his own hands that he can change his fate. This perseverance in life and thirst for knowledge made him grow in the face of adversity, and also made him cherish the hard-won learning opportunities even more.

In 2008, Liu Xiuxiang was admitted to Linyi University as he wished, opening a new chapter in his life. The moment he stepped into the campus with his mother on his back, countless surprised eyes were focused.

However, Liu Xiuxiang did not back down because of this, but firmly moved towards a new life that belongs to them.

13 years ago, Liu Xiuxiang, who went to school with his mother on his back, gave up his annual salary of 550,000 yuan, what happened now?

Liu Xiuxiang's special situation quickly attracted the attention of the school leaders. After learning about the situation, the school decided to provide all-round support for the unusual mother and son: Liu Xiuxiang was exempted from tuition and accommodation fees, arranged comfortable accommodation for his mother, and provided Liu Xiuxiang with a stable job in the canteen and a fixed monthly salary.

These help have undoubtedly reduced a lot of burden for Liu Xiuxiang.

As Liu Xiuxiang's story was reported by the media, attention from all walks of life followed. "People's Daily" and many other well-known media rushed to report his deeds, touching countless readers.

Honors such as "New China's Twenty-four Filial Piety" and "China's Filial Piety Ambassador" came one after another, and Liu Xiuxiang became the focus of national attention for a while. However, for these honors, Liu Xiuxiang has always maintained a peaceful mind.

13 years ago, Liu Xiuxiang, who went to school with his mother on his back, gave up his annual salary of 550,000 yuan, what happened now?

In his opinion, these honors are just a passing moment, and what really matters is how to study hard and take care of his mother.

During his college years, Liu Xiuxiang showed far beyond ordinary learning ability and leadership skills. He not only ranked among the best in his studies, but also actively participated in student work, successively serving as the minister of the student union and the propaganda minister of the Youth League Committee.

With his outstanding performance, he also successfully joined the Communist Party of China and became an honorable Communist Party member.

However, the most admirable thing is that in the face of all kinds of temptations and praises, Liu Xiuxiang has always maintained his original intention. All the scholarships he received, totaling up to 40,000 yuan, were sent back to his hometown to support other poor students.

13 years ago, Liu Xiuxiang, who went to school with his mother on his back, gave up his annual salary of 550,000 yuan, what happened now?

Not only that, but he also founded the "Love Bursary" project, and actively traveled to schools all over Shandong to raise funds for speeches. Thanks to his unremitting efforts, the project has provided nearly 100,000 yuan of funding to more than 20 poor students.

When asked why he is so obsessed with helping others, Liu Xiuxiang's eyes gleam with determination: "I want to go back and tell them how powerful the power of dreams is!" Life needs dreams, no matter when and where, we should have hopes and dreams! These words not only expressed his original intention to help others, but also showed his positive attitude towards life.

Liu Xiuxiang's dedication and responsibility not only won the respect of the students, but also attracted the favor of many enterprises.

His choice shocked everyone again. What kind of life path is this filial son who once went behind his mother's back to study? How will his decisions affect his future? All this makes people look forward to it and be curious.

13 years ago, Liu Xiuxiang, who went to school with his mother on his back, gave up his annual salary of 550,000 yuan, what happened now?

Liu Xiuxiang's college life is not only a story of struggle, but also a legend about original intention and perseverance. He used practical actions to explain what real success is, and also showed us the sense of social responsibility that a college student should have.

His story will undoubtedly inspire more people to rise up in the face of adversity and work hard for their dreams.

In 2012, when he graduated from university, Liu Xiuxiang stood at the crossroads of his life. On the one hand, there are tempting, high-paying jobs that can easily change your life and that of your mother; On the other hand, there is the arduous cause of hometown education, which is full of challenges but is of great significance.

Faced with this choice, Liu Xiuxiang did not hesitate at all, and resolutely chose the latter.

13 years ago, Liu Xiuxiang, who went to school with his mother on his back, gave up his annual salary of 550,000 yuan, what happened now?

He successfully obtained the position of special post teacher in Guizhou Wangmo County National Middle School, returned to Guizhou with his mother, and began his teaching and educating people. However, Liu Xiuxiang, who returned to his hometown, was not as relaxed as he imagined.

The lack of local education resources and the shortage of teachers meant that he had to take on more responsibilities.

Liu Xiuxiang is also responsible for the teaching of five grades, serving as the head teacher of three classes, and also taking into account the school's moral education, physical education and party building work. In the face of such a heavy workload, he did not complain, but worked harder and devoted himself to teaching in a race against time.

However, what is most admired is his work in home visits. In the mountainous areas of Guizhou, many parents are skeptical about education, believing that reading is useless and want their children to return home to farm as soon as possible.

13 years ago, Liu Xiuxiang, who went to school with his mother on his back, gave up his annual salary of 550,000 yuan, what happened now?

In order to change this perception, Liu Xiuxiang embarked on the arduous road of home visits.

Over the course of six years, he traveled to more than 180 villages in the surrounding area. In order to save money, he even knitted straw sandals by hand and shuttled between the rugged mountain roads.

He broke down eight motorcycles and experienced countless dangers: once his motorcycle broke down in a torrential rain and had to walk five kilometers to find a repair shop; He also escorted distant students home late at night and returned to the dormitory in the early morning; He even almost fell from a height, and his life was in danger.

However, these hardships did not shake Liu Xiuxiang's determination. He uses his personal experience to influence every parent and student. He often said: "I just came out of this environment, as long as I have a dream, I will definitely succeed!" This sentence is not only an encouragement to them, but also a commitment to their original intention.

13 years ago, Liu Xiuxiang, who went to school with his mother on his back, gave up his annual salary of 550,000 yuan, what happened now?

It is this spirit of perseverance that allows children who were originally out of school to return to school and walk out of the mountains. Liu Xiuxiang's efforts not only changed the fate of these children, but also injected new vitality into the education cause in the mountainous areas of Guizhou.

Looking back on this decision, Liu Xiuxiang has never regretted it. He said: "Walking out of the mountains is not to escape the mountains, but to better build the mountains and repay the mountains!" This sentence expresses his original intention of returning to his hometown to teach, and also shows his deep feelings for his hometown and education.

Liu Xiuxiang's choice illustrates what true success is. He told us with practical actions that money and status are not the only criteria for measuring the value of life, and the real value lies in how much change it can bring to others and society.

His story will undoubtedly inspire more people to devote themselves to education and cultivate talents for the future of the motherland.

13 years ago, Liu Xiuxiang, who went to school with his mother on his back, gave up his annual salary of 550,000 yuan, what happened now?

While his career was booming, Liu Xiuxiang's personal life also ushered in a turning point. On the education front, he met Luo Lanjin, a female teacher who was also committed to education in mountainous areas.

The two were like-minded, knew each other, and finally entered the palace of marriage hand in hand.

The addition of Luo Lanjin has brought great changes to Liu Xiuxiang's life. She has not only become Liu Xiuxiang's strong backing, but also a virtuous helper for the family. Luo Lanjin's careful housework has greatly improved the family environment and allowed Liu Xiuxiang to focus more on education.

However, the most touching thing is Luo Lanjin's attitude towards Liu Xiuxiang's mother. She took care of her mentally ill mother-in-law with great love and patience, as if she were her own mother.

13 years ago, Liu Xiuxiang, who went to school with his mother on his back, gave up his annual salary of 550,000 yuan, what happened now?

Under Luo Lanjin's careful care, Liu Xiuxiang's mother's condition has improved significantly, and she is no longer as manic as in the past. This change has undoubtedly brought more warmth and hope to the family.

This warm little family gave Liu Xiuxiang more strength and courage. With the support of his wife, he was able to devote himself more fully to education. Even during his wife's childbirth, Liu Xiuxiang continued to visit her home and bring all the children who had dropped out of school back to school.

This dedication to the cause has been understood and supported by Luo Lanjin.

Watching his wife's meticulous care of his mother, Liu Xiuxiang's heart was full of gratitude and guilt. He loved his wife deeply and cherished this hard-won happiness even more.

13 years ago, Liu Xiuxiang, who went to school with his mother on his back, gave up his annual salary of 550,000 yuan, what happened now?

This happiness has become the driving force for him to continue to struggle, inspiring him to go further in his education career.

Liu Xiuxiang's story tells us that career and family are not opposites. With the understanding and support of his family, his career can be taken to the next level; And the success of the career can also bring more happiness to the family.

The love between Liu Xiuxiang and Luo Lanjin is not only the combination of two people, but also the combination of two swords in education, which has injected new vitality into the mountainous education of Guizhou.

More than ten years of persistence and dedication have allowed Liu Xiuxiang to reap fruitful results. During his educational career, he has trained more than 2,000 students, many of whom have been successfully admitted to major universities and realized their dreams of changing their lives.

13 years ago, Liu Xiuxiang, who went to school with his mother on his back, gave up his annual salary of 550,000 yuan, what happened now?

What's even more gratifying is that many students return from their studies and choose to return to their hometowns for construction. Among the 86 teachers in Wangmo Middle School, 36 are former students of Liu Xiuxiang, who continue to contribute to the education of their hometown by adhering to the concept of their mentor.

Today, Liu Xiuxiang has become the vice principal of Wangmo County Experimental High School, but he still maintains a diligent and dedicated work attitude. He continues to innovate educational methods, put forward the concept of "differentiated teaching", and focuses on cultivating the all-round development of students.

Under his leadership, the quality of teaching at the school has been continuously improved and has become a benchmark for local education.

Liu Xiuxiang's dedication has been affirmed by all walks of life, and has won many honors such as "China's Good Teacher" and "National May Day Labor Medal". In 2021, he was nominated for the National Moral Model Award, which is the highest recognition for his dedication to education over the years.

13 years ago, Liu Xiuxiang, who went to school with his mother on his back, gave up his annual salary of 550,000 yuan, what happened now?

However, in the face of these honors, Liu Xiuxiang still maintains a humble attitude: "No matter what position I am in, what kind of work I am engaged in, I am always just a student, an educator, and a servant!" This unpretentious mentality is the key to his continuous improvement.

Liu Xiuxiang's story is inspiring more people to devote themselves to education and cultivate talents for the future of the motherland. He used practical actions to interpret the true meaning of the sentence "Suffering cannot bind our souls, only firmly believe in the power of struggle", and became an example in the hearts of countless people.

From a filial son who studied behind his mother's back to an educator who is full of peach and plums, Liu Xiuxiang's life trajectory shows the power of education and what true success is.

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