
Ten years after breaking up with the article, Yao Di ushered in a new identity!

author:Mr. Luo Yi

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Ten years after breaking up with the article, Yao Di ushered in a new identity!

Copywriter|Mr. Luo Yi

Editor|Mr. Luo Yi


"If you want to live a decent life, you have to have some green on your head!"

Ten years ago, Yao Di and the article came together, which made Ma Yili, who was still breastfeeding, feel painful.

What Yao Di didn't expect was that one day he would become the "second Ma Yili"!

Ten years after breaking up with the article, Yao Di ushered in a new identity!

Recently, Yao Di has a new identity!

She actually became a director, judging from the pictures flowing from the scene, the name of the movie is "Grandma's Spring", if nothing else, it should be an ancient language drama.

But the most eye-catching thing is the other eight words: start up, share more than 100 million!

Boy! What a big breath!

Is Yao Di now out of the eyes of money?

Ten years after breaking up with the article, Yao Di ushered in a new identity!

In fact, if you take a closer look, you will find that Yao Di had a very aggrieved life in the past few years!

If you add the first half of her life, it can be said that this is a large-scale bloody drama.

Especially the two men and a woman he met, turning her originally starry life script into a bloody plot.

This first man is the article.

Ten years after breaking up with the article, Yao Di ushered in a new identity!

Unbridled love

In 2011, Yao Di became completely popular all over the country with "The Age of Naked Marriage".

And the male protagonist of this drama is the article, in a sense, this is the love work of the two of them.

But in fact, Yao Di was able to enter the entertainment industry and meet the article, relying on really not luck!

Ten years after breaking up with the article, Yao Di ushered in a new identity!

In 1982, Yao Di was born in a well-off family in Tongxiang, Zhejiang.

At that time, families with privileged economic conditions wanted their children to learn an art, and Yao Di's parents were no exception.

Due to Yao Di's beautiful body proportions, it is very suitable for Yue Opera performances.

So, her parents sent Yao Di to Hangzhou Art School, where she studied Yue Opera for several years and has been playing Lin Daiyu.

Ten years after breaking up with the article, Yao Di ushered in a new identity!

Friends who know Yue Opera know that although it is the second largest opera genre in China, it is the highest in terms of difficulty and artistic component.

In the eighties and nineties of the last century, the teacher was very strict, it was a trivial matter to be beaten if you didn't sing well, and the most fearful thing was to deprive you of your role.

But Yao Di has been able to play Lin Daiyu all the time, which shows that her talent and hard work are excellent.

In 2001, Yao Di was admitted to the Performance Department of Beijing Film Academy.

Ten years after breaking up with the article, Yao Di ushered in a new identity!

However, because he went to an art school before, Yao Di could only attend the performance department of the higher vocational class.

But she still didn't complain at all, and still worked hard to train her acting skills.

After graduation, Yao Di also looked for a crew to film, but the huge entertainment industry can stun four or five beauties with a brick.

Yao Di's beautiful appearance is not useful at all.

At this time, the Yue Opera from elementary school to adulthood brought her hope!

Ten years after breaking up with the article, Yao Di ushered in a new identity!

In 2007, director Li Shaohong has been preparing for five years in order to remake "Dream of Red Mansions".

For this shooting, she can be said to have worked hard, and even went to the Shanghai Theater Academy to "poach" Li Qin.

You must know that at that time, Li Qin was praised by many people as the successor of Yue Opera, and it was very difficult to take her away.

What people didn't expect was that Li Shaohong really succeeded.

And the reason why Yao Di became popular is also related to the casting of "Dream of New Red Mansions".

Ten years after breaking up with the article, Yao Di ushered in a new identity!

In 2007, Yao Di heard that "Dream of Red Mansions" was selecting roles, so he took the initiative to sign up.

This selection can be described as a single-plank bridge crossed by thousands of troops!

However, in the end, Yao Di still came out of thousands of people and became the first place in the Baochai group.

In the end, after Li Shaohong's discussion, Yao Di got the role of Wang Xifeng.

Ten years after breaking up with the article, Yao Di ushered in a new identity!

Although Yao Di did not become popular after the broadcast of "A Dream of Red Mansions", with Li Shaohong and "A Dream of Red Mansions", she no longer has to worry about filming!

So, she met the article in "The Age of Naked Marriage"!

Perhaps it is really a coincidence, in "The Age of Naked Marriage", Yao Di and the article chose to get married despite all external pressure.

In reality, Yao Di and the article even ignored morality and embraced each other passionately!

Ten years after breaking up with the article, Yao Di ushered in a new identity!

However, the article is already married!

At that time, Ma Yili had just given birth to her second child, and even though her body had not recovered, she still worked tirelessly to take care of the child.

Therefore, people still don't understand, how hard was the heart of the article back then?

Leaving his wife so sensible and responsible at home alone, he is tired of being crooked with Yao Di outside!

On March 29, 2014, Yao Di, Article, Ma Yili, they will never forget this day!

Ten years after breaking up with the article, Yao Di ushered in a new identity!

That day, when Tencent Entertainment released a photo of Yao Di and the article hugging each other on the street, I believe the three of them were shocked!

At 0:04 a.m. on March 31, 2014, the article was published, admitting that he had cheated!

He said that to this day, I am to blame, and my fault is my fault, and it has nothing to do with anyone.

Not only that, but he also said that he is willing to bear all the consequences.

Ten years after breaking up with the article, Yao Di ushered in a new identity!

And just three minutes later, Ma Yili also spoke out on social media.

Ma Yili's words are very concise: Although it is easy to fall in love, it is not easy to get married, but do it and cherish it.

Ten years after breaking up with the article, Yao Di ushered in a new identity!

If you use four words to describe the article and Ma Yili's words, it is: frank and lenient.

But as the article says, a mistake is a mistake, and no matter how sincere he is, it can't make up for the damage he and Yao Di caused to Ma Yili.

However, Yao Di is not like an article, her mouth is hard!

Ten years after breaking up with the article, Yao Di ushered in a new identity!

Heaven is a good reincarnation

After the incident, it stands to reason that Yao Di, as a woman who destroys other people's marriages, even if you don't admit your mistakes, at least you should shut up.

But Yao Di is not!

She said unceremoniously: I, Yao Di, have never done anything that is ashamed of my conscience!

Ten years after breaking up with the article, Yao Di ushered in a new identity!

As soon as this statement came out, public opinion was in an uproar!

The articles are all admitted!

Photo evidence is also there!

How dare you speak out?

Maybe Yao Di has forgotten that she is an actress, and the audience is like her parents.

An actor who has lost his reputation is like selling baked cakes mixed with sand, and the end can only be bankrupt!

And the result is not surprising!

Ten years after breaking up with the article, Yao Di ushered in a new identity!

In the next two years, Yao Di is still a new drama, but every time she is promoted, netizens ridicule her in the comment area.

Finally, after September 2016, Yao Di disappeared from the TV screen.

It wasn't until 2018 that the second man who influenced Yao Di appeared!

He is Gao Jie.

Ten years after breaking up with the article, Yao Di ushered in a new identity!

In 2018, Yao Di suddenly posted eight words on social media: This peace of mind is happiness.

Underneath the text is a photo full of purity.

In fact, this is exactly what Gao Jie is proposing to Yao Di.

And their matchmaker is none other than Ma Su.

What Yao Di didn't expect was that after getting married, he would become the "second Ma Yili"!

Ten years after breaking up with the article, Yao Di ushered in a new identity!

It turned out that soon after getting married, someone photographed Gao Jie having intimate encounters with many different women.

There are even photos of the two holding arms.

Ten years after breaking up with the article, Yao Di ushered in a new identity!

Just when everyone thought that the drama of "tearing up the marriage destroyer" was about to be staged, Yao Di suddenly said: If you want to live a good life, you must have some green on your head!


It's really not amazing!

Ten years after breaking up with the article, Yao Di ushered in a new identity!

Perhaps it is Yao Di's "turning a blind eye", she and her rich husband have not divorced so far.

But is such a marriage really happy?

Maybe Yao Di knows it himself!

Ten years after breaking up with the article, Yao Di ushered in a new identity!


Looking back on the first half of Yao Di's life, if she hadn't chosen to come together with the article at the beginning, with her appearance and acting skills, even if she was not a first-line actor, at least she would be a well-known actor.

But she was carried away by desire and made the most wrong choice.

So much so that the two have not been forgiven by the audience until now, one can't act, and the other is scolded as soon as he appears.

Ten years after breaking up with the article, Yao Di ushered in a new identity!

Remember the two men and a woman mentioned at the beginning?

In fact, that woman is Yao Di herself.

If she could abide by the moral bottom line, maybe her fate would not be so tragic!

Ten years after breaking up with the article, Yao Di ushered in a new identity!

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