
The 57-year-old uncle died of high blood sugar, and the doctor reminded that sugar friends should eat as little as possible about these 2 kinds of vegetarian food

author:The old history says
The 57-year-old uncle died of high blood sugar, and the doctor reminded that sugar friends should eat as little as possible about these 2 kinds of vegetarian food

A 57-year-old uncle was diagnosed with diabetes a few years ago and has been relying on drugs to lower blood sugar in the early stage. Later, I heard that taking medicine for a long time will have side effects, but in fact, eating a vegetarian diet can control blood sugar.

After a period of verification, it did have some effect, so the hypoglycemic drugs were stopped. But I never expected the accident to come so suddenly.

The 57-year-old uncle died of high blood sugar, and the doctor reminded that sugar friends should eat as little as possible about these 2 kinds of vegetarian food

One day, the uncle felt weak, dizzy, nauseous, and unconscious, and his family immediately took him to the hospital. After a period of rescue, he was still weak and failed to save his life.

Through communication with the doctor, I realized that blindly eating vegetarian food could not lower blood sugar, and some vegetarian foods were not suitable for diabetics.

1. The dangers of diabetes

Diabetes is one of the most common and torturous diseases in our lives, although it is not fatal, it is very harmful to the body and may cause a series of complications.

Therefore, everyone must pay attention to it, it is a problem that can be cured, but it is a pity that it is because of my own temporary inattention that it has caused an irreparable ending.

The 57-year-old uncle died of high blood sugar, and the doctor reminded that sugar friends should eat as little as possible about these 2 kinds of vegetarian food

If the blood sugar of diabetic patients remains high, high blood pressure and hyperlipidemia may follow.

The relationship between these three can be said to be very close, and what they have in common is the destruction of human blood quality. Therefore, if any one of the values is abnormal, the entire system may be damaged, and other aspects will be affected.

If your blood sugar is too high for a long time, it can also lead to kidney disease. In patients with diabetes, the renal tubules will be greatly affected, and once there is a blockage, it will cause nephritis. In the long run, there is a risk of inducing uremia.

The 57-year-old uncle died of high blood sugar, and the doctor reminded that sugar friends should eat as little as possible about these 2 kinds of vegetarian food

In addition, diabetes can also cause vision loss and fundus diseases. There are a lot of capillaries in our eyes, and diabetes will have a great impact on the blood vessels, once there is blockage, insufficient blood supply, vision will decline, and even cause some diseases.

In the same way, no matter which organ in the body, it needs blood to function properly. Once there is a problem with the blood vessels in a certain part, it will cause lesions in this organ, which is why diabetes is a very "troublesome" disease.

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2. Sugar friends stay away from two vegetarian foods

In most people's cognition, eating a vegetarian diet is good for physical health, especially for those with three highs. But in fact, Uncle Li's death is related to the following two vegetarian foods. So what kind of food is it that diabetics must pay attention to?

The 57-year-old uncle died of high blood sugar, and the doctor reminded that sugar friends should eat as little as possible about these 2 kinds of vegetarian food

One is foods with a higher starch content, such as rice, noodles, potatoes, etc. The main component of these foods is carbohydrates, although they can provide some nutrients and energy for the human body, but for diabetics, they must be consumed with caution.

After starch enters the human body, some of it will be converted into sugar, and high-starch foods are undoubtedly a lot of pressure for diabetics. Eating too much starch can cause blood sugar instability and aggravate the condition.

In addition, high-starch foods often lack nutrients such as protein and fat, and long-term starchy vegetarian diets may lead to malnutrition.

The 57-year-old uncle died of high blood sugar, and the doctor reminded that sugar friends should eat as little as possible about these 2 kinds of vegetarian food

But it doesn't mean that diabetics can't eat starchy foods, there is a food that contains complex carbohydrates and can be consumed appropriately.

These foods take longer to break down and digest, which can ensure that blood sugar is in a relatively stable state. On the contrary, simple carbohydrates can easily cause a rapid rise in blood sugar and aggravate the condition.

Another vegetarian diet is pickles, which I believe many people like to eat. Many families have the habit of pickling pickles, especially in winter, cabbage, radishes, etc. will be pickled into pickles.

The salty and refreshing pickled dishes, accompanied by a bowl of hot porridge, can be said to be a very delicious breakfast.

The 57-year-old uncle died of high blood sugar, and the doctor reminded that sugar friends should eat as little as possible about these 2 kinds of vegetarian food

But pickles are a food that diabetics must stay away from, in fact, there is no problem with the ingredients themselves, they are all vitamin-rich vegetables. The problem arises in the curing process, where a lot of salt needs to be added, and edible salt is known to be high in sodium.

Although sodium is also one of the elements needed by the human body, too much sodium enters the blood vessels, which will lock in the water in the body, resulting in an increase in the pressure inside the blood vessels.

Maintaining this state for a long time can lead to high blood pressure and, in severe cases, hardening of the arteries, which can be fatal to diabetics.

Therefore, doctors suggest that sugar friends must also be cautious when choosing a vegetarian diet. In addition, we should also pay more attention to the cooking method, try to choose less oil and less salt, and try to avoid frying, grilling, etc.

3. How to choose a vegetarian diet for diabetics

Diabetics need to consider many aspects of choosing a vegetarian diet that is right for them, including the type of food and the nutrients contained in each food.

In fact, many people have some misunderstandings, and only by getting out of these misunderstandings can we know how to choose.

The 57-year-old uncle died of high blood sugar, and the doctor reminded that sugar friends should eat as little as possible about these 2 kinds of vegetarian food

The first misconception is that eating whole grains can lower blood sugar. Whole grains are a food with a high content of dietary fiber, which does help to slow down the rate of blood sugar rise.

However, this can only keep blood sugar in a relatively stable state, and it is not correct to say that it can play a role in lowering blood sugar.

The second misconception is that you only need to control your blood sugar by not eating sweets. In fact, many foods around us can be converted into blood sugar after entering the body, so it is not only sweet things that are sweet.

The third misconception is that eating as little as possible is to control your diet. Obviously, this is a misconception that our bodies need energy to function, and the main source of this energy is our daily diet.

Eating too little can easily cause malnutrition, which is not helpful for diabetics and can only be counterproductive.

The 57-year-old uncle died of high blood sugar, and the doctor reminded that sugar friends should eat as little as possible about these 2 kinds of vegetarian food

Therefore, diabetics must take into account the nutrients it contains when choosing a vegetarian diet. For diabetic patients, protein, fat, vitamins, minerals, etc., which are necessary to ensure adequate nutritionist, are indispensable.

Regarding starchy foods, it is not completely impossible to eat, but the intake must be strictly controlled. The most important thing is to pair it with some greens, fruits, etc., to ensure balanced nutrition.

In addition, diabetics can also choose some foods with high protein content, such as fish, nuts, grains, etc.

It is worth noting that diabetics should avoid those high-fat foods, and try not to choose high-calorie, high-fat cooking methods when processing. We often find that some people are very accustomed to vegetarian dishes.

The 57-year-old uncle died of high blood sugar, and the doctor reminded that sugar friends should eat as little as possible about these 2 kinds of vegetarian food

Vegetarian food is usually light and tasteless for some people with heavy tastes. Therefore, when cooking, heavy oil and salt, let alone eating, the officer smells good, but this can easily cause blood sugar to rise.

Eating a vegetarian diet is of course very good, but eating only a vegetarian diet for a long time may have more harm than harm to the human body.

Diabetic patients, especially the elderly, if they only eat a vegetarian diet, the intake of calcium, iron, zinc and other substances in the body is insufficient, which is easy to cause hair loss, anemia, malnutrition, osteoporosis, etc.

The 57-year-old uncle died of high blood sugar, and the doctor reminded that sugar friends should eat as little as possible about these 2 kinds of vegetarian food

In addition, if a vegetarian diet leads to a lack of protein in the body, it may cause the condition to worsen. Therefore, it is still necessary to consume some meat appropriately to ensure that the supply of nutrients required by the body is sufficient.

Fourth, how to effectively fight sugar

Diabetes is really a difficult disease, and the fight against it needs to start by improving lifestyle habits. Reasonable diet is the top priority, it is said that disease starts from the mouth, and controlling blood sugar starts with eating food.

The first thing is to eat a balanced diet and not eat it alone. It is not difficult to find that most families eat three meals a day based on carbohydrates, and this eating habit should be paid more attention.

Carbs are indeed one of the essential energies for our body to function, but elements such as fats, vitamins, dietary fiber, and protein are equally important. These five elements must be combined with intake, not only to eat well but also to eat well.

The 57-year-old uncle died of high blood sugar, and the doctor reminded that sugar friends should eat as little as possible about these 2 kinds of vegetarian food

Here is an important reminder about vitamin intake. I believe everyone knows the importance of vitamin supplementation, and one of the main sources of vitamins is the fruits we consume, but we must eat selectively and avoid high-sugar fruits.

I recommend a few low-sugar fruits, such as blueberries, prunes, raspberries, grapefruits, etc., which are also rich in anthocyanins, which are also important nutrients needed by the human body.

In addition, diabetics should not overeat. Eating too much food at one time will lead to a large increase in blood sugar, and experts recommend that eating only seven or eight minutes full is the best state.

It is not enough to improve your diet, it is also important to develop a good lifestyle habit.

Sugar friends must stay away from tobacco and alcohol, which is very harmful to the human body and can easily induce cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

The 57-year-old uncle died of high blood sugar, and the doctor reminded that sugar friends should eat as little as possible about these 2 kinds of vegetarian food

For diabetic patients, proper exercise is also beneficial in relieving the condition. As the saying goes, life is about exercise, and you may not feel much effect at first, but stick with it, and your blood sugar level will give you the answer.

The most important thing is to have regular medical check-ups, especially for those who are older, and their body functions are not as good as they used to be, and they are prone to problems. It is necessary to have regular check-ups, early detection and early treatment, and a physical examination of the whole body once a year.


How can a person not get sick if he eats whole grains? It's not terrible to be sick, it's terrible to be sick because of our negligence, which causes the condition to worsen and we have no strength to recover. Therefore, when we have physical problems, we must seek medical attention in time and follow the doctor's professional advice.

The 57-year-old uncle died of high blood sugar, and the doctor reminded that sugar friends should eat as little as possible about these 2 kinds of vegetarian food

The accident of the 57-year-old uncle also sounded a wake-up call for us. We must pay attention to diabetes, and diet control is one of the key links.

Sugar friends can gradually control the condition and reduce the possibility of complications through a reasonable diet, and I really hope that the tragedy of this uncle will not be repeated.

Finally, I would like to ask everyone, do you have diabetes patients around you, and how do they control their diet?

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