
Economic Driver Theory (Chapter 1, Section 1) The origin of the narrow wharf economy and its role and importance

author:Majestic novelty
Economic Driver Theory (Chapter 1, Section 1) The origin of the narrow wharf economy and its role and importance

Today, I began to publish my first book, "The Theory of Economic Drive"

Economic Driver Theory

Tang Weihe

First published in this author's headline number Weihe novelty

Other platforms did not publish it

Chapter 1: The Origin and Development of the Wharf Economy

Section 1: The Origins of the Narrow Dock Economy, Its Role and Importance

In the course of human historical development, human single action is not easy, life is extremely difficult, and it is not conducive to the reproduction of future generations, survival is difficult to guarantee, can not resist all kinds of dangers, in order to resist all kinds of natural disasters, foreign invasion and injury, as well as to meet the needs of material and spiritual life, to ensure the reproduction of offspring, improve the ability to survive, will eventually choose to live in groups, cooperate with each other and divide labor, improve people's life and survival ability, moreover, people can not do without water, The production of various materials is also inseparable from the water source, the place where the water source is abundant is often the plain, the living environment is much better than the mountain, people naturally leave the mountain jungle, will choose the nearest mountain river from the water source to live, at the same time the river is easier to carry and inherit human civilization and development, and even the river is called the "mother river", so the city construction is built according to the river.

In the production and life of human beings, in order to improve the ability to survive and live, each person or each system will exert their own initiative, do their best to improve material and spiritual needs, in primitive societies, material needs are particularly important, with the progress of society, spiritual needs can not be less, or even more important, so that each person or each system must strive to increase the output of material and spiritual needs, because of the efforts of each person or each system, resulting in an increase in material and spiritual production, in Adam Smith's "The Wealth of Nations" In the discussion of the division of labor, the importance of the division of labor is demonstrated in detail, so that the production of materials is more abundant, and each person, each system or each region produces surplus living materials and spiritual materials.

Each person, each system or each region due to the different division of labor, the production of surplus living materials and spiritual substances is also different, each person, each system or each region will be relative to other systems or regions of living materials and spiritual substances resulting in shortages or surpluses, in order to form a material balance between regions, enrich human needs, transportation and logistics industry will slowly form and develop and grow, in the initial budding transportation and logistics industry, which means of transportation has a large volume and low transportation cost, Human beings will quickly choose this means of transportation, such as porters, rickshaws, horses, all kinds of animal vehicles, etc., in various attempts, the city is built according to the river, in order to cross the river and walk on the river, human beings have invented and built various ships, and the volume of ships greatly exceeds other means of transportation and the transportation cost is low, the shipping industry and traffic between cities have developed rapidly, in order to concentrate on loading and unloading goods and the convenience and speed of personnel, the wharf has been formed.

On the wharf, a variety of materials have been formed centralized transportation, procurement and personnel passenger transport, the flow of people, material trade, consumption, investment continues to increase, the rapid growth of economic strength and market size, so that the system or the total GDP of the region continues to increase, the system or the regional wharf economy has been formed, this wharf-driven economy, called the wharf economy.

At present, our textbooks do not explain the well-established theory of why the proverb "if you want to get rich, you must first build roads". Everyone's understanding is only on the surface, and they only feel that this is the right thing to do, and even the United States abroad has not realized the importance of road construction, and has not theoretically elaborated on this sentence, but the basic wharf theory and wharf economy in this book expound this point of view very well.

Whether it is from macroeconomic planning to choosing a storefront shop at the entrance of the community, the terminal economy is applicable to our decision-making.

Let's take an example from the macro level of the country, the United States is finally about to build its first real high-speed rail. In April 2024, construction began on the Brightline West high-speed rail connecting Las Vegas to Los Angeles. It will be a privately operated, all-electric high-speed rail with a total length of 218 miles (350 kilometers) and a speed of more than 300 kilometers per hour, which means that it can travel from the Grand Port of Los Angeles to Las Vegas in less than an hour, and is expected to take four years to build.

By comparison, the total length of high-speed rail in China has reached 45,000 kilometers by the end of 2023. Some shallow Americans may argue that they don't need a massive high-speed rail system, but the powerful narrative of the infrastructure represented by high-speed rail and the great cause of economic development is not so simple.

Sometimes, people have a whimsical idea that our school political textbooks should tell our children with examples, that they know from an early age that there are different social systems in the world, that they also know what is a developed country and what is a developing country, and that they also know how China rose from a developing country to a productive force that is almost equal to the United States, the most developed country.

From the construction of high-speed rail, especially compared with China and the United States, it can be seen that they have completely different national conditions, and each of them builds high-speed rail to achieve different purposes. For example, China has built high-speed railways all over the country, reaching more than 45,000 kilometers, becoming the country with the most high-speed rail journeys in the world, China is a state-funded construction, and recently an article reported that the nine-month high-speed rail operation lost hundreds of billions of yuan. Why build such a huge high-speed rail network? However, our government is calculating the big account rather than the single operating account of the pure high-speed rail, so what is the big account? It is the account of the economic development of the cities and villages along the high-speed railway, and the account of the development of the manufacturing industry in the construction of the high-speed railway.

High-speed rail reflects not only the gap between the United States and China in terms of infrastructure, but also an important reason why Made in China is ahead of Made in the United States in some areas. Since 2024, the ongoing attacks on China's new energy industry "overcapacity" led by current US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen have revealed a typical Western media mindset that sees the Chinese government's heavy investment in green industries, including loans from state-owned banks to companies that may not survive and that these factories are often run with low-cost labor and are difficult for American companies to compete with.

This kind of view that only stays in a shallow consciousness is very common in the West, and it seriously misunderstands China's economic development, especially ignoring China's development in the field of infrastructure construction in recent years, so that Washington's national strategy of so-called competition with China has a cognitive misunderstanding, and it does not understand the underlying logic of China's economic development, does not understand Chinese proverbs, and does not understand the importance of the dock economy.

Although the Biden administration has also said it will prioritize infrastructure development and allocate huge amounts of money for it, progress in infrastructure development remains slow. The Washington Post reported in March 2024 that Congress allocated $7.5 billion, and in the past two years, only seven new charging stations have been built and put into service in four states. Only seven charging stations were built for 7.5 billion, and it took more than two years, which not only reflects the insufficient funds in place, but also reflects how low the efficiency is.

And recently, a bridge collapsed in Baltimore, Maryland, and experts debated that repairs could take two, five, or even ten years. It can be seen that the efficiency of infrastructure construction in the United States is too low, China's infrastructure projects in the United States for at least ten years, and there is a more astonishing speed, Beijing has carried out an overall beam replacement project on the Sanyuan Bridge, from the formal construction to the realization of traffic, it took only 43 hours, people all over the world are exclaiming incredible.

It can be seen that although the United States is currently ahead of the world, its economic development speed is like riding a bicycle, while China's economic development speed is driving a car, and the United States' lead has been further weakened.

In recent years, the United States has realized China's rapid economic development, US President Trump has launched a trade war against China, and even the Biden administration has been emphasizing the need to maintain the United States' dominant position in high-tech, especially in the field of semiconductors, and then take extreme measures to curb China's progress in chip technology, suppress China's development to the high-end of the industrial chain, and force China to only be a manufacturer of low-end products or supporting products.

A key misconception of the U.S. is that they fail to link Made in China to the rapid development of China's infrastructure, fail to understand the importance of building roads before getting rich, and ignore the importance of the terminal economy. The high-speed logistics system throughout China is fast and convenient; Chang'e-6 successfully returned with sampling on the back of the moon; The main product production chain is integrated to generate one industrial center after another; The popularization of 5G network has made mobile payment spread to almost every corner of the country; Charging piles around the country are promoting the progress of new energy vehicles and the large market; There are also ultra-high voltage transmission lines from west to east, which ensure China's energy security and can achieve the goal of carbon neutrality.

"Reindustrialization" cannot be achieved with advanced chips and artificial intelligence technology alone. Another example is that the development of artificial intelligence depends on computing power, and computing power is ultimately inseparable from sufficient electricity.

The "reindustrialization" that Washington hopes to achieve cannot be sustained by high technology alone. In the long run, it may struggle to cope with the breakthroughs in China's manufacturing industry in a number of areas, which in turn are formed on the basis of continuous infrastructure improvements.

We are already at the forefront of lunar exploration, and the moon is the highest commanding height of contemporary warfare, and if a military base is established on it, it will only take 1.3 seconds to immediately destroy all kinds of military strategic facilities on the earth's surface and in the earth's space. There was a famous quote from President Kennedy, who controls space? Who controls the planet? And now the Americans are saying, who controls the moon? Who controls the space around the Earth? So, who controls the planet? This is a global strategy, and the moon is also rich in energy, and according to the results of lunar exploration, the helium-3 content on the moon is estimated to be about 1 million tons or more. 100 tons of helium-3 can provide the total amount of energy used in the world for one year, or helium-3 can solve the energy problem for at least 10,000 years.

It can be seen that everything the Chinese do is for China to continue its own civilization, while Westerners blindly emphasize the importance of high technology, but they are separated from the underlying logic of the importance of infrastructure construction, and we have gone from catching up with the world in a short period of time to keeping pace with the world, and finally achieving the goal of great rejuvenation!

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