
My sister is far away in the United States, my parents have also passed away, and now Ge You, who is 66 years old and has no children, is doing well

author:Nickelodeon Institute
My sister is far away in the United States, my parents have also passed away, and now Ge You, who is 66 years old and has no children, is doing well
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My sister is far away in the United States, my parents have also passed away, and now Ge You, who is 66 years old and has no children, is doing well

In the Chinese film and television industry, Ge You is a well-known name. His acting skills are brilliant, not only winning the Best Actor Award at the Cannes International Film Festival and the Best Actor Award at the Chinese Film Golden Rooster Awards, but also highly praised by industry celebrities such as Feng Xiaogang, Jiang Wen and Stephen Chow.

However, when the spotlight went out and the 66-year-old returned home, he was greeted by silence. His parents have passed away, his only sister is far away in the United States, and he has chosen to live without children and daughters.

What is the king of comedy who has made countless audiences laugh in his later years? Let's uncover the mystery of Ge You's life and explore the little-known side of this acting superstar.

When Ge You was 28 years old, he was at the beginning of his career, but his parents were heartbroken about his life's events. With the enthusiasm of relatives and friends, he met the destined other half - He Cong.

My sister is far away in the United States, my parents have also passed away, and now Ge You, who is 66 years old and has no children, is doing well

On the first date, Ge You, who usually talks eloquently in front of the camera, actually looked extremely restrained. His witty and humorous image seems to have disappeared, replaced by a shy big boy.

The two met at the art museum, most of the time He Cong took the initiative to talk, and Ge You was silent, just peeking at the beauties around him from time to time.

However, as the contact deepened, He Cong gradually discovered a little-known side of Ge You. He is not the flamboyant tongue of media reports, but a hard-working, low-key doer.

This contrasting real character made He Cong have a strong interest in Ge You.

My sister is far away in the United States, my parents have also passed away, and now Ge You, who is 66 years old and has no children, is doing well

The two hearts gradually get closer and eventually fall in love. However, it wasn't all smooth sailing. Ge You's parents were full of praise for He Cong, admiring her gentle and kind personality and professionalism as a teacher.

But He Cong's parents, especially her father, have doubts about Ge You's identity in the entertainment industry. They are worried that their daughter may face many temptations and challenges after marrying into this complex circle, and may even encounter the pain of marriage change.

Faced with this problem, Ge You did not flinch. He visited his future father-in-law and mother-in-law many times, and with a sincere attitude and firm determination, he slowly resolved their concerns.

Ge You's sincerity and persistence finally touched He Cong's father.

My sister is far away in the United States, my parents have also passed away, and now Ge You, who is 66 years old and has no children, is doing well

With the blessing of both families, Ge You and He Cong tied the knot. This marriage has witnessed Ge You grow from a fledgling young actor to a top star in the Chinese film and television industry.

And He Cong always stood silently behind Ge You, giving him infinite support and understanding.

Over the years, despite the constant peachy news in the entertainment industry, Ge You has always maintained his loyalty to He Cong. Their relationship has grown deeper and deeper over the years. This love, which spans the entertainment industry and the education world, has become a rare story in the entertainment industry, and it has also added a touch of warmth to Ge You's life.

After marriage, Ge You's acting career is booming, but he has always maintained his original intention and is loyal to He Cong's love. However, when the parents began to look forward to holding their grandchildren, Ge You and He Cong made a shocking decision: they chose to become Dinks and did not plan to have children.

My sister is far away in the United States, my parents have also passed away, and now Ge You, who is 66 years old and has no children, is doing well

This decision was undoubtedly shocking in the social context of the time. In the eighties and nineties of the last century, when the traditional concept was deeply rooted, having more children and more blessings was still a symbol of happiness in the hearts of most people.

Ge You and his wife's decision was like a bolt from the blue, making it difficult for both parents to accept.

Faced with the doubts and pressure of their families, Ge You and He Cong calmly explained their considerations. They are worried that having children will affect their careers, but they also cherish the precious time they have in their world.

This decision is the result of their deliberation and reflects their pursuit of quality of life and the importance they place on their relationship with each other.

My sister is far away in the United States, my parents have also passed away, and now Ge You, who is 66 years old and has no children, is doing well

However, this decision put a lot of pressure on Ge You. During holidays and family gatherings, parents will always talk about their children on the side. Ge You could only smile bitterly, but he inevitably felt a trace of guilt and helplessness in his heart.

He and He Cong insisted on their choice, but they also understood their parents' desire to hold their grandson.

In stark contrast to Ge You is his sister Ge Jia. After completing her studies in Germany, she found her true love in a foreign country and soon had a son and a daughter.

Every time they see their lovely grandchildren, the regrets in the hearts of Ge You's parents are comforted.

My sister is far away in the United States, my parents have also passed away, and now Ge You, who is 66 years old and has no children, is doing well

Ge You loves his nephews and nieces very much, and every time they meet, he will warmly hug and give carefully selected gifts. However, when he looked at the innocent children, he couldn't help but feel a wave in his heart.

Did he and He Cong make the right decision? Will they regret it someday in the future? These questions often linger in Ge You's mind.

Despite this, Ge You and He Cong always insisted on their choice. They believe that true happiness lies not in the number of children, but in the companionship and understanding of each other.

This decision made their married life more focused and deeper, and also allowed them to devote more energy to their respective careers.

My sister is far away in the United States, my parents have also passed away, and now Ge You, who is 66 years old and has no children, is doing well

Over time, Ge You and He Cong gradually adapted to life without children. They enjoy the tranquility of their world, and they have also achieved great things in their respective fields.

Ge You continues to create brilliance in the film and television industry, while He Cong is working silently in education.

However, when they enter old age and watch their friends enjoy the joy of family, they will inevitably feel a little lonely in their hearts. But Ge You and He Cong do not regret their choice, they interpret the meaning of happiness in their own way and interpret their own life script.

This unexpected decision not only shaped Ge You's unique life trajectory, but also provided more possibilities for his acting career. It allows us to see a Ge You who is different from the screen image, a real person with his own firm beliefs.

My sister is far away in the United States, my parents have also passed away, and now Ge You, who is 66 years old and has no children, is doing well

Although he chose to live a life of Dink, fate arranged the role of "father" for Ge You in another way. This story starts with the deep friendship between Ge You and his best friend Fu Biao.

Ge You and Fu Biao's friendship began on the filming site of "The Story of the Editorial Department". The two met on the set and soon became friends because of their shared sense of humor and love of acting.

Since then, they have collaborated on many works, and their friendship has grown deeper and deeper, becoming indispensable in each other's lives.

However, in 2005, a bad news came like a thunderbolt from the blue, Fu Biao, who was only 40 years old, died of liver cancer. This news made Ge You grief, he lost a close friend, and felt even more sorry for Fu Biao's 14-year-old son Fu Zien.

My sister is far away in the United States, my parents have also passed away, and now Ge You, who is 66 years old and has no children, is doing well

Looking at Fu Zien, who lost his father before he became an adult, Ge You felt a strong sense of responsibility in his heart. He recalled the bits and pieces of his time with Fu Biao, as if he heard his friend's entrustment.

So, Ge You made an important decision: to accept Fu Zien as his adopted son and give him the care of a father.

This decision is not only a promise to his best friend, but also a natural expression of Ge You's inner feelings. Although he chose not to have his own children, he could not stand idly by in the face of Fu Zien, who lost his father.

Ge You secretly vowed to do his best to fill the void of fatherly love in Fu Zien's life.

My sister is far away in the United States, my parents have also passed away, and now Ge You, who is 66 years old and has no children, is doing well

Since then, Ge You has played an important role in Fu Zien's growth. He used his rich life experience and wisdom to provide guidance and advice to Fu Zien.

In terms of career choices, Ge You did not impose his own wishes, but encouraged Fu Zien to follow his inner voice. He often chats with Fu Zien about life, sharing his experience and insights in the entertainment industry, so that this young man can better understand this complex world.

Under Ge You's careful care, Fu Zien gradually grew into a charismatic director, showing extraordinary talent and strength. Whenever he saw Fu Zien's works, Ge You's eyes would flash with pride, as if he saw the shadow of his friend Fu Biao.

This experience made Ge You realize the responsibility and happiness of being a father. Although Fu Zien is not his biological flesh and blood, Ge You's love and concern for him is no less than that of his biological father.

My sister is far away in the United States, my parents have also passed away, and now Ge You, who is 66 years old and has no children, is doing well

This special father-son relationship also fills the deep regret in Ge You's heart to some extent.

By taking care of Fu Zien, Ge You realized the value of his life and continued his deep friendship with Fu Biao. This experience not only enriched Ge You's life, but also let us see the warm and responsible side of the actor.

As the years passed, Ge You gradually faded out of public view and chose a "semi-retired" lifestyle. He used to smile brightly and make witty remarks on the screen, but now he is more immersed in a quiet life and enjoys a comfortable time away from the hustle and bustle.

However, there is also a bit of loneliness in this tranquility. During the festive season, Ge You's home seems a little deserted. There is no laughter and laughter of children, and there is no innocence of grandchildren.

My sister is far away in the United States, my parents have also passed away, and now Ge You, who is 66 years old and has no children, is doing well

But Ge You did not regret his choice, he cherished the warm moments with his wife He Cong. The two accompany each other and savor the bits and pieces of life together, and this tacit understanding and intimacy is the crystallization of their years of marriage.

Although he has no biological children, Fu Zien's existence has added a lot of color to Ge You's life. Every time Fu Zien visited, Ge You's eyes would shine with love.

The communication between them is not only the guidance between the tutor and the student, but also the intimate interaction between father and son. Ge You would listen carefully to Fu Zien's creative ideas and give pertinent suggestions, and the two often discussed a script or a scene until late at night.

In such a life, Ge You has found his own balance. He no longer pursues the brilliance in the spotlight, but cherishes the bits and pieces of life more. Occasionally, he will take on some roles that he is interested in, interpret life with acting skills, and satisfy his love for acting.

My sister is far away in the United States, my parents have also passed away, and now Ge You, who is 66 years old and has no children, is doing well

Ge You also began to have more time to devote to his hobbies. He loves to read and often immerses himself in books to absorb knowledge and wisdom. Sometimes, he will plant some flowers and plants in the small yard of his home, enjoying the fun of being close to nature.

This way of life made Ge You's mood more and more peaceful, and the wrinkles on his face also gave him a little more calmness.

Despite the slowdown in the pace of life, Ge You still maintains his love for life and the pursuit of art. In his later years, although he did not have children and grandchildren around his knees, he was full of inner wealth and satisfaction.

Looking back on Ge You's life, it is like a script with ups and downs. In his acting career, he has created brilliant achievements, created countless roles that are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and won the love of the audience and the respect of his peers.

My sister is far away in the United States, my parents have also passed away, and now Ge You, who is 66 years old and has no children, is doing well

Feng Xiaogang, Jiang Wen, Stephen Chow and other industry celebrities praised him, confirming his status in the entertainment industry. However, in real life, he chose an unusual path.

Ge You's life choices may not be understood by everyone, but he always adheres to his beliefs. There are no children under Chenghuan's knees, his parents have passed away, and his sister is far away in the United States, but Ge You is not alone.

He has his wife He Cong, his godson Fu Zien, who regards him as his own, and countless fans who care about him. This special family structure is a unique footnote to Ge You's life.

Today's Ge You, although he has gradually faded out of the public eye, still maintains his love for life and the pursuit of art. He interprets the meaning of happiness in his own way and interprets his own life script.

My sister is far away in the United States, my parents have also passed away, and now Ge You, who is 66 years old and has no children, is doing well

Ge You's story tells us that there is no fixed script in life, and everyone can be the director of their own life stage.

We wish this evergreen in the entertainment industry can continue to shine and enjoy his own wonderful life in the years to come. Ge You's story is not only a legend of an actor, but also an ordinary person's thinking and choice of life, which is worth pondering for each of us.

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