
The woman's 160,000 yuan purchase and demolition got 4.19 million, and the seller repented and said that the contract was invalid, how did the court decide?

author:Nine Celestial Microreading
The woman's 160,000 yuan purchase and demolition got 4.19 million, and the seller repented and said that the contract was invalid, how did the court decide?
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and take a walk, get rich forever, pay attention to the like, it is difficult to get rich if you don't want to
The woman's 160,000 yuan purchase and demolition got 4.19 million, and the seller repented and said that the contract was invalid, how did the court decide?

In the summer of 2003, 33-year-old Wei Sili bought a property in Dasan Village, Xicheng Office, Hongshan District, Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia, full of hope. She used up her life savings and paid 160,000 yuan to buy this courtyard covering an area of more than 500 square meters.

At that time, she just wanted to find a place for herself and her family, and create some extra income by the way.

However, the twist of fate is often unexpected. Fifteen years later, in 2018, the seemingly ordinary house was included in the local shantytown renovation plan. Wei Sili was pleasantly surprised to find that her investment that year would receive up to 4.19 million yuan in demolition compensation.

Just as she is ecstatic about this windfall, an unexpected person suddenly appears and shatters her dream.

The woman's 160,000 yuan purchase and demolition got 4.19 million, and the seller repented and said that the contract was invalid, how did the court decide?

The original owner, Liu Yayun, came to the door and asked to share the huge compensation. Wei Sili's smile suddenly froze, and a legal dispute spanning 15 years began.

What was once a well-intentioned home purchase has turned into a long tug-of-war. This dispute not only touched the nerves of the parties involved, but also triggered a deep reflection on integrity and the rule of law in society.

In the summer of 2003, 33-year-old Wei Sili was at a low point in her life. The haze of unemployment loomed over her, and the question of livelihood weighed on her like a heavy stone.

At this moment, an inconspicuous advertisement for the sale of a house broke into her sight, like a glimmer of hope in the darkness.

The woman's 160,000 yuan purchase and demolition got 4.19 million, and the seller repented and said that the contract was invalid, how did the court decide?

With apprehension, Wei Sili came to Dasan Village, Xicheng Office, Hongshan District. Here, she met the seller, Liu Yayun, a middle-aged woman with a tired face.

Liu Yayun's experience made Wei Sili sympathize: not long ago, Liu Yayun's husband Tian Zhonglin unfortunately passed away, leaving her and her two sons to live a difficult life. In order to pay off the high medical bills, Liu Yayun had to sell the only property in his family.

Wei Sili took a closer look at the property: a spacious courtyard, two one-story bungalows, and an area of 557 square meters. 8 sq.m. Although the home is in disrepair, it is in a great location with great potential.

Liu Yayun offered more than 150,000 yuan, a figure that made Wei Sili hesitate. However, when she listened to Liu Yayun's story, she couldn't help but be touched in her heart. Not only did she not make a counteroffer, but took the initiative to increase the price by 5,000 yuan, and finally sold it for 160,000 yuan.

The woman's 160,000 yuan purchase and demolition got 4.19 million, and the seller repented and said that the contract was invalid, how did the court decide?

On August 1, the two parties officially signed the sales contract. Since the house was registered in the name of the late Tian Zhonglin, Liu Yayun signed on behalf of her husband, and the eldest son, Tian Jun, signed the relevant documents on behalf of her younger brother Tian Hao.

Five days later, Wei Sili paid the full amount of the room in one go.

Liu Yayun's family is grateful and sincerely thanks Wei Sili for her kindness. The two families seem to have formed a good bond because of this deal, and neither of them expected that this deal would become a fuse for disputes in the future.

At that time, Wei Sili was looking forward to the future with hope, while Liu Yayun's family was relieved and ready to start a new life.

The woman's 160,000 yuan purchase and demolition got 4.19 million, and the seller repented and said that the contract was invalid, how did the court decide?

In this way, in the summer of 2003, two families who had never known each other crossed paths because of a housing transaction. This seemingly ordinary transaction laid the groundwork for an amazing change in the future.

After the house changed hands, Liu Yayun's family quickly moved out of the home that carried too many memories for them. After paying off the debt with the sale proceeds, Liu Yayun relied on the remaining 20,000 yuan to build a simple shelter for a family of three.

In the face of the hardships of life, this strong woman resolutely devoted herself to the operation of the vegetable greenhouse. With unremitting efforts, she gradually got out of the predicament and gradually improved her quality of life.

Many years later, she not only organized the wedding for her eldest son Tian Jun, but also fully supported her youngest son Tian Hao to complete his graduate studies.

The woman's 160,000 yuan purchase and demolition got 4.19 million, and the seller repented and said that the contract was invalid, how did the court decide?

On the other side, Wei Sili started her investment plan. She completely renovated two dilapidated old houses and rebuilt two brand new residential buildings on the site.

In this process, she invested more than 510,000 yuan. In order to raise this huge amount of money, she had to borrow money from her sister. At that time, the house price per square meter in Chifeng City was only about 1,000 yuan, and 510,000 yuan could almost buy more than 500 square meters of real estate.

Wei Sili's investment was undoubtedly a huge venture at the time.

Subsequently, Wei Sili rented out one of the houses and began to earn a steady rental income. Her living situation gradually improved, and the decisions she made seemed to be beginning to show their value.

The woman's 160,000 yuan purchase and demolition got 4.19 million, and the seller repented and said that the contract was invalid, how did the court decide?

In the past 15 years, housing prices in Chifeng City have risen rapidly like a rocket. At the beginning, the house was only about 1,000 yuan per square meter, but now it is worth double. Wei Sili's investment vision has been confirmed, and her quality of life has improved as a result.

She never expected that she and Liu Yayun's family would intersect again.

However, the gears of fate are always quietly turning in the dark. In October 2017, news spread in Dasan Village that the shantytown was going to be renovated.

The news caused an uproar in the village like a bombshell.

The woman's 160,000 yuan purchase and demolition got 4.19 million, and the seller repented and said that the contract was invalid, how did the court decide?

Wei Sili was shocked to learn that the property she bought for 160,000 yuan 15 years ago can now be compensated as much as 4.19 million yuan. This figure made her overjoyed, as if she had achieved financial freedom overnight.

However, just as she is basking in the imminent immense fortune, an unexpected visitor breaks up her peaceful life, adding a dramatic twist to this seemingly satisfying story.

One day in late 2017, Wei Sili's home suddenly welcomed two unexpected visitors, Liu Yayun and her eldest son Tian Jun. After not seeing each other for 15 years, the former seller suddenly visited, which surprised Wei Sili.

What surprised her even more, however, was the purpose of the visitor.

The woman's 160,000 yuan purchase and demolition got 4.19 million, and the seller repented and said that the contract was invalid, how did the court decide?

Liu Yayun said straight to the point that they want to get more than half of the compensation for the demolition. This request was like a hammer, shattering Wei Sili's peaceful life.

She was furious and flatly rejected this unreasonable request. Seeing this, Liu Yayun immediately changed his strategy and began to appeal to emotion, mentioning the "deep friendship" between the two families.

However, Wei Sili still insisted on her opinion and refused to budge.

Seeing that the softening strategy was ineffective, Liu Yayun retreated and demanded 1.5 million yuan in compensation. But Wei Sili was still unmoved, and the two sides parted unhappily. Beneath the surface calm, the undercurrent is turbulent.

The woman's 160,000 yuan purchase and demolition got 4.19 million, and the seller repented and said that the contract was invalid, how did the court decide?

Tian Jun began to look through various legal documents, trying to find a legal basis for overturning the sales contract of that year. The effort paid off, and they found a key message: under the 1999 regulations, city dwellers were not allowed to buy rural homes.

And Wei Sili is precisely the city hukou! This discovery gave hope to Liu Yayun's family.

On March 12, 2018, Liu Yayun, Tian Jun and Tian Hao formally filed a lawsuit with the court and took Wei Sili to court. They filed two claims: first, asking the court to invalidate the 2003 contract for the sale and purchase of the house; Secondly, Wei Sili was required to return the house or divide the compensation for demolition.

Their bottom line is 2 million yuan, and if Wei Sili does not agree, they will demand the repossession of the original house.

The woman's 160,000 yuan purchase and demolition got 4.19 million, and the seller repented and said that the contract was invalid, how did the court decide?

This sudden lawsuit made Wei Sili feel both angry and helpless. She believes that Liu Yayun's family's behavior is "insatiable" and a typical "unloading the mill and killing the donkey".

However, when she calmed down, she also realized that there were indeed legal risks in the transaction that year. Still, she insisted that if she was to be held responsible, it was Ms. Liu who sold the house illegally first, and that she was just an unwitting buyer.

The dispute quickly attracted widespread attention in the local area. Many villagers accused Liu Yayun's family of "lacking a moral bottom line", believing that since they had been sold, they should not go back.

However, Liu Yayun's family does not seem to be evaluated by the unexpected world, and they firmly believe that they are safeguarding their legitimate rights and interests.

The woman's 160,000 yuan purchase and demolition got 4.19 million, and the seller repented and said that the contract was invalid, how did the court decide?

In this way, a fierce battle over law, morality and interests began.

On May 30, 2018, the Hongshan District Intermediate People's Court issued its first judgment, a result that surprised both parties. The court upheld the first claim of Liu Yayun et al., that is, to invalidate the 2003 sales contract.

This decision undoubtedly gave Liu Yayun's family great encouragement. However, the court also rejected their second claim on the grounds that the demolition compensation agreement had not yet been signed and therefore could not be divided.

The verdict left Wei Sili deeply dismayed. She realized that under the current law, there was a real problem with buying rural property as a city dweller. Although she had the heart to appeal, after much deliberation, she realized that the chances of winning the case were extremely low.

The woman's 160,000 yuan purchase and demolition got 4.19 million, and the seller repented and said that the contract was invalid, how did the court decide?

The lawsuit seems to have lost hope.

However, Wei Sili did not give up. She began to look for other possible legal avenues to protect her rights. Fate seems to favor her efforts, too.

In October 2018, the local government finally announced a specific compensation plan for the demolition, and Wei Sili saw new hope.

Seizing this opportunity, Wei Sili immediately appointed a lawyer to file a lawsuit with the court. This time, she asked the court to award the full amount of compensation to her. Her reasoning was that while the initial sale and purchase contract was ruled null and void, her years of investment and maintenance of the home should not be overlooked.

The woman's 160,000 yuan purchase and demolition got 4.19 million, and the seller repented and said that the contract was invalid, how did the court decide?

On December 18, 2018, the Hongshan District People's Court issued a final judgment, which can be said to be a relatively fair compromise:

1。 284, which was expanded by Wei Sili on its own. The compensation corresponding to the area of 8 square meters belongs to her.

2。 The compensation for the original two old houses was owned by Wei Sili and Liu Yayun's family in the proportion of 70% and 30% respectively.

3。 Before distributing the compensation, it is necessary to repay Wei Sili's 160,000 yuan for the purchase of the house that year.

The woman's 160,000 yuan purchase and demolition got 4.19 million, and the seller repented and said that the contract was invalid, how did the court decide?

The final result was that out of a total of more than 4.19 million yuan in compensation, Wei Sili received more than 3.82 million yuan, while Liu Yayun's family received 37. More than 20,000 yuan.

While this verdict did not completely satisfy either party, it did not completely disappoint either party. In the process of adjudication, the court not only considered the provisions of the law, but also weighed factors such as social fairness and justice.

This result also reflects the wisdom and flexibility of the law in dealing with complex disputes.

In this way, this dispute, which lasted for nearly two years and spanned 15 years of time and space, finally came to an end. Both sides have paid a huge amount of energy and emotional cost in this contest, and both have learned profound lessons from it.

The woman's 160,000 yuan purchase and demolition got 4.19 million, and the seller repented and said that the contract was invalid, how did the court decide?

The dispute between Wei Sili and Liu Yayun's family has aroused widespread concern in the society, reflecting the universality of similar contradictions in the tide of demolition. This case is not only a contest of personal interests, but also a profound test of social integrity and the spirit of the rule of law.

The court showed a high degree of wisdom in its decision, not only strictly following the letter of the law, but also fully considering factors such as social fairness and justice, honesty and trustworthiness. This balance provides a valuable reference for resolving similar disputes.

This case is a wake-up call: in real estate transactions, it is necessary to strictly comply with the relevant laws and regulations and act with caution to avoid potential risks. At the same time, it also warns us not to be blinded by immediate interests and behave in a way that is contrary to integrity.

Honesty and trustworthiness are the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation and the cornerstone of modern society. Each of us should cherish credit and maintain the foundation of social integrity. Only in this way can we build a fair, just and orderly social environment.

The woman's 160,000 yuan purchase and demolition got 4.19 million, and the seller repented and said that the contract was invalid, how did the court decide?

This case has left a profound inspiration for us: while pursuing personal interests, we must respect the law and abide by the spirit of the contract. Only in this way can we find a balance in the complex social relations and realize the harmony and unity of individual interests and social morality.

The purpose of this article is to advocate positive social energy, without vulgarity and other bad guidance. If you are involved in copyright or character infringement, please contact us in time

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