
committed suicide at the same time as her parents and robbed other people's husbands, and it was Qiong Yao herself who ruined the three views more than Qiong Yao's drama

author:The boy said the classics
committed suicide at the same time as her parents and robbed other people's husbands, and it was Qiong Yao herself who ruined the three views more than Qiong Yao's drama

It is said that those who read my articles have become big bosses, please use your golden finger to make a fortune, pay attention to it and like it, it is difficult to get rich if you don't want to get rich

Like and walk, love you to eternity, focus on a little, get rich forever, I wish you good luck in spring, summer, autumn and winter, and meet noble people in the southeast and northwest

committed suicide at the same time as her parents and robbed other people's husbands, and it was Qiong Yao herself who ruined the three views more than Qiong Yao's drama

In 2017, 79-year-old Qiong Yao stood at the crossroads of her life. Her beloved husband, Ping Xintao, was mentally handicapped and dying. Will he leave this world peacefully, or will he prolong his life at all costs? This decision is not only a matter of life and death, but also involves complex family relationships.

Qiong Yao looked at Ping Xintao on the hospital bed, her eyes flashing with tears of contradiction. How she wished that her husband's wishes would be respected and that he would be able to complete the last journey of his life with dignity.

However, Ping's three children were adamantly opposed, and they asked to be intubated to keep their father alive.

Faced with the strong attitude of her stepchildren, Qiong Yao felt powerless and painful. This choice is like a mirror, reflecting the ups and downs of her life. Those true stories that are more thrilling than her Qiong Yao drama keep flashing back in her mind at the moment.

committed suicide at the same time as her parents and robbed other people's husbands, and it was Qiong Yao herself who ruined the three views more than Qiong Yao's drama

Qiong Yao's life has been like a thrilling script from the beginning. She was born in 1938 in a turbulent time. His father, Chen Zhiping, was a teacher, and his mother, Yuan Xingshu, was born in a famous family.

However, the war ruthlessly shattered the family's tranquility.

At the age of six, Qiong Yao experienced an unforgettable catastrophe. On the way to escape, the family's luggage and Qiong Yao's younger brother were nowhere to be found. In desperation, his parents came up with the idea of committing suicide with Qiong Yao.

Imagine that the young Qiong Yao is standing by the turbulent river, her little hands tightly clutching the corners of her mother's clothes. The icy water ran down her neck, and fear made her let out a heart-rending cry.

committed suicide at the same time as her parents and robbed other people's husbands, and it was Qiong Yao herself who ruined the three views more than Qiong Yao's drama

It was this cry that woke up parents who were in despair. Yuan Xingshu suddenly woke up and hugged Qiong Yao tightly in his arms.

The experience of the rest of her life after this catastrophe left a permanent shadow in Qiong Yao's heart. Her childhood was spent in exile. From Hengyang in Hunan Province to Chongqing, then to Shanghai, and finally back to Hengyang, the haze of war has always enveloped the family.

However, it is this background that has shaped Qiong Yao's unique outlook on life and love. Her mother, Yuan Xingshu, was born in a prominent family, but she married Chen Zhiping, an ordinary teacher, desperately for love.

This cross-class love has undoubtedly become a source of inspiration for Qiong Yao's future creations.

committed suicide at the same time as her parents and robbed other people's husbands, and it was Qiong Yao herself who ruined the three views more than Qiong Yao's drama

Qiong Yao's mother, Yuan Xingshu, is a legendary woman. Her father was a giant in China's financial industry, Yuan Liheng, the first president of the Bank of Communications. Her uncle was even more prominent, serving as the imperial teacher of the last emperor of the Qing Dynasty.

However, Yuan Xingshu ignored his family's opposition and resolutely married Chen Zhiping, an ordinary teacher.

The beginning of this marriage was not easy. The young Yuan Xingshu was busy with his studies while taking on the responsibility of being a wife and a mother. The pressure of life and the worries of her studies often led her to have heated arguments with her husband.

However, it was this challenging marriage that provided rich material for Qiong Yao's future creations.

committed suicide at the same time as her parents and robbed other people's husbands, and it was Qiong Yao herself who ruined the three views more than Qiong Yao's drama

In Qiong Yao's upbringing, her mother Yuan Xingshu played an extremely important role. She is strict with Qiong Yao and insists that her daughter study hard and be admitted to university.

However, Qiong Yao is naturally more interested in writing and less good at book knowledge. This contradiction has also become one of the common themes in Qiong Yao's later works.

Qiong Yao's literary talent was revealed at a young age. At the age of 16, she published her debut novel "Cloud Shadow" in the magazine "Morning Light" under the pseudonym "Phoenix".

Her words are like a clear spring, beautiful and moving, and her poems and songs come easily, as if she was born with a knack for touching the heartstrings of readers.

committed suicide at the same time as her parents and robbed other people's husbands, and it was Qiong Yao herself who ruined the three views more than Qiong Yao's drama

However, what really opened Qiong Yao's creative path was her first love. When she was in high school, the young Qiong Yao had an indescribable affection for a Chinese teacher who was 25 years older than her.

This doomed teacher-student relationship, although it can only become a memory in the end, provides an inexhaustible source of inspiration for Qiong Yao's future creations.

This experience deeply affected Qiong Yao, and she began to pour her understanding and yearning for love into words. Years later, when she wrote this youthful relationship into her autobiographical novel "Outside the Window", it caused a huge sensation.

Readers seem to see the struggle and desire of young Qiong Yao through the words in the book.

committed suicide at the same time as her parents and robbed other people's husbands, and it was Qiong Yao herself who ruined the three views more than Qiong Yao's drama

Qiong Yao's first marriage was with a young writer named Qingyun. The two met through literature and soon fell in love. At the age of 21, Qiong Yao resolutely gave up her studies and married Qingyun.

This decision made her mother heartbroken, but Qiong Yao insisted on her choice, as if she wanted to recreate the romantic love in the novel in reality.

However, the reality is not as beautiful as the love in Qiong Yao's pen. After marriage, Qingyun's career came to a standstill, her temper became more and more irritable, and she even began to indulge in gambling.

Qiong Yao's heart was full of disappointment and pain, but she chose to endure it silently. The failure of this marriage made Qiong Yao even more convinced: only vigorous love is worth pursuing.

committed suicide at the same time as her parents and robbed other people's husbands, and it was Qiong Yao herself who ruined the three views more than Qiong Yao's drama

Despite the difficulties of married life, Qiong Yao turned these experiences into motivation for her creation. Her works such as "Lover's Valley", "Black Cocoon" and "Clover Grass" are all passionate praises of love.

The protagonists of these stories are desperate for love, even at the risk of becoming enemies of the whole world. Qiong Yao's words seem to have magical power, which has fascinated countless readers and established her status in the literary world.

In 1965, Qiong Yao's novels "Cousin Wanjun" and "Outside the Window" were adapted into movies, which set off a movie-watching boom in the Chinese world. The word "Qiong Yao drama" began to be deeply imprinted in the hearts of the audience.

Her characters who are crazy about love and desperate have captured the hearts of countless audiences.

committed suicide at the same time as her parents and robbed other people's husbands, and it was Qiong Yao herself who ruined the three views more than Qiong Yao's drama

However, Qiong Yao's work has also caused a lot of controversy. Some people criticized her for glorifying a third party and undermining family ethics. But Qiong Yao has always adhered to her own creative philosophy, and she believes that love is above everything else.

This notion is not only reflected in her works, but also influences her life choices.

With the booming career, Qiong Yao's life has ushered in a new turn. On her literary path, a key figure is about to appear, and he is Ping Xintao.

Qiong Yao's life took a dramatic turn after meeting Ping Xintao. In 1965, 26-year-old Qiong Yao came to Taipei with her young son, and fate arranged for her to live in the building opposite Ping Xintao's house.

committed suicide at the same time as her parents and robbed other people's husbands, and it was Qiong Yao herself who ruined the three views more than Qiong Yao's drama

This seemingly coincidental encounter completely changed the trajectory of the lives of the two people.

Ping Xintao was the founder of Crown magazine, and at that time he was already a successful publishing tycoon. He has an enviable family, and his wife, Lin Wanzhen, is not only from a famous family, but also a talented artist.

However, fate arranged for him to meet Qiong Yao, starting a complex and controversial relationship.

At first, Ping Xintao's appreciation for Qiong Yao stemmed purely from her talent. He frequently invited Qiong Yao to participate in various literary gatherings, provided her with creative materials, and encouraged her to constantly break through herself.

committed suicide at the same time as her parents and robbed other people's husbands, and it was Qiong Yao herself who ruined the three views more than Qiong Yao's drama

With the support of Ping Xintao, Qiong Yao's creation has entered a new peak. Her work has been frequently published in Crown magazine and has won the love of more and more readers.

However, as the contact between the two increased, a subtle relationship quietly grew. Qiong Yao felt Ping Xintao's special care for her, and her heart was both sweet and apprehensive.

She knew she was heading down a dangerous path, but her heart's desire for love kept her from it. For Qiong Yao, Ping Xintao is not only a bole in her career, but also a confidant who can understand and appreciate her.

Ping Xintao's wife, Lin Wanzhen, did not notice the change in her husband at first. She devoted herself to her family and career, and contributed greatly to the development of Ping Xintao's career.

committed suicide at the same time as her parents and robbed other people's husbands, and it was Qiong Yao herself who ruined the three views more than Qiong Yao's drama

However, as time passed, Lin Wanzhen began to feel alienated from her husband.

Finally one day, Lin Wanzhen could no longer stand her husband's neglect, and she mustered up the courage to call Qiong Yao for help. However, Qiong Yao's cold response made Lin Wanzhen completely collapse.

She realizes that her marriage is irretrievable.

In 1974, Lin Wanzhen and Ping Xintao's marriage came to an end. This result is both a relief for Qiong Yao, but also full of contradictions and guilt. She knows that she is playing the role of a "third party", but she firmly believes that it is destined love.

committed suicide at the same time as her parents and robbed other people's husbands, and it was Qiong Yao herself who ruined the three views more than Qiong Yao's drama

Five years later, 41-year-old Qiong Yao resolutely married Ping Xintao. Although the outside world has a lot of complaints about her "junior superior" behavior, Qiong Yao believes that this is true love.

She uses her actions to interpret the point she has always advocated in the novel: love is supreme and worth fighting for.

However, Qiong Yao's choice also brought new challenges to her. As a stepmother, she has to deal with Ping Xintao's three children. This complicated family relationship also became the source of conflict between her and her stepchildren in the future.

Despite this, Qiong Yao still insisted on her choice. She regards this relationship as the most precious gift in her life and an inexhaustible motivation for her creation. In the following years, Qiong Yao and Xintao went hand in hand, not only supporting each other emotionally, but also jointly building a cultural empire of their own in their careers.

committed suicide at the same time as her parents and robbed other people's husbands, and it was Qiong Yao herself who ruined the three views more than Qiong Yao's drama

The combination with Ping Xintao not only brought Qiong Yao the satisfaction of love, but also promoted her career to a new height. In 1965, Qiong Yao's novels "Cousin Wanjun" and "Outside the Window" were adapted into films, which sparked a movie-watching boom in the Chinese world.

The word "Qiong Yao Opera" began to be deeply imprinted in the hearts of the audience and became a cultural symbol of the times.

The keen Ping Xintao and Qiong Yao saw this business opportunity, and they decided to start a business together and set up their own film and television production company. The talented couple took it upon themselves to adapt the script and lead the filming process, creating a cultural empire of their own.

Qiong Yao's works have been continuously put on the screen, and her characters who are crazy about love and desperate have captured the hearts of countless audiences.

committed suicide at the same time as her parents and robbed other people's husbands, and it was Qiong Yao herself who ruined the three views more than Qiong Yao's drama

The success of Qiong Yao drama is not only reflected in the box office, but also in its influence on the entire Chinese society. Her works have created classic characters, the "amorous but not abusive" male protagonist, the "gentle, kind but strong" heroine, these images are deeply imprinted in the hearts of the audience and have influenced the concept of love for generations.

However, the plots in Qiong Yao's drama that subvert traditional moral concepts have also caused a lot of controversy. Some people criticized her for glorifying a third party and undermining family ethics. Some episodes, such as the husband's wife falling in love with another person, or acting desperately for love, often cause heated discussions in society.

In the face of these doubts, Qiong Yao has always adhered to her own creative concept. She believes that love is above everything else and is worth fighting for. This concept is not only fully reflected in her works, but also has influenced the concept of love for several generations.

Qiong Yao's success is not only a personal achievement, but also a cultural phenomenon. Her works transcend the boundaries of geography and era, and have become an indispensable part of Chinese-speaking culture.

committed suicide at the same time as her parents and robbed other people's husbands, and it was Qiong Yao herself who ruined the three views more than Qiong Yao's drama

Even today, "Qiong Yao Drama" is still a topic that many people talk about, and its influence can be seen.

In 2019, Ping Xintao, the most important partner in Qiong Yao's life, passed away, which brought her a huge blow. The writer, who had never stopped writing, decided to put down his pen and end his decades-long creative career.

In 2022, Qiong Yao, who is already in her old age, bids farewell to Keyuan, where she has lived with Ping Xintao for more than 40 years. This place, which carries countless memories, now looks dilapidated, as if telling the ruthlessness of the years.

However, even though she is over eighty years old, Qiong Yao still has not stopped moving forward. She plans to transform Keyuan into a modern building, which will also include a memorial hall for the story of Qiong Yao.

committed suicide at the same time as her parents and robbed other people's husbands, and it was Qiong Yao herself who ruined the three views more than Qiong Yao's drama

This decision is not only a farewell to the past, but also an expectation for the future. This legendary writer, in her own way, continues to write a new chapter in her life, interpreting her indelible passion for love and life.

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