
Intercepted Hu Shayi twice, "pentagonal love" made Hu Ke sad, Nie Yuan was not as simple as you thought

author:The boy said the classics
Intercepted Hu Shayi twice, "pentagonal love" made Hu Ke sad, Nie Yuan was not as simple as you thought

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Intercepted Hu Shayi twice, "pentagonal love" made Hu Ke sad, Nie Yuan was not as simple as you thought

In 2021, the "Ace vs. Ace" program is in full swing. When "Marrying the Right Man in the Wrong Sedan Chair" became the focus of heated discussions, Sha Yi, who has always been active, remained unusually silent.

Why is this actor, who is known for his sunny image, so low-key on this topic? With the passage of time, a showbiz secret that has been sealed for many years gradually emerges.

This secret not only involves Sha Yi, but also implicates many celebrities such as Nie Yuan and Hu Ke. It reveals the inside story of the unknown role change in the entertainment industry, showing the little-known struggles of the actors under the spotlight.

Sha Yi's silence seems to tell a sad journey that has lasted for more than ten years, the ups and downs of an actor's career, and the price behind success in this highly competitive circle.

Intercepted Hu Shayi twice, "pentagonal love" made Hu Ke sad, Nie Yuan was not as simple as you thought

In Sha Yi's acting career, there are two key moments that he still can't let go, and these two experiences are closely related to Nie Yuan.

In 2001, during the preparation of "Marrying the Right Man in the Wrong Sedan Car", the director threw an olive branch to Sha Yi and invited him to play the actor Qi Tianlei. For this rare opportunity, Sha Yi poured all his enthusiasm into it.

He achieved an astonishing 20 pounds of weight loss in just over 20 days, and did his best for character building. However, just when everything was ready, fate played a joke.

Huang Yi accepted the heroine's invitation, and then she highly recommended Nie Yuan to the director. Although the director initially only planned for Nie Yuan to play a supporting role, at Huang Yi's insistence, the situation was reversed.

Intercepted Hu Shayi twice, "pentagonal love" made Hu Ke sad, Nie Yuan was not as simple as you thought

In the end, Nie Yuan won the position of the leading actor, while Sha Yi had to take a back seat and be demoted to a supporting role. This sudden change undoubtedly gave Sha Yi a blow to the head.

History, however, always seems to like to repeat itself. In the preparation stage of "New Three Kingdoms", Sha Yi once again got the opportunity to play an important role, this time playing Zhao Zilong.

Having learned the lesson of the last time, Sha Yi worked harder to prepare for the role. He has once again gone through a painstaking process of losing weight and has even taken makeup photos.

However, fate played a joke on him again, and the character eventually fell into the hands of Nie Yuan.

Intercepted Hu Shayi twice, "pentagonal love" made Hu Ke sad, Nie Yuan was not as simple as you thought

The experience of being "cut off" twice can be imagined as a blow to Sha Yi. In "The New Three Kingdoms", he had to settle for the next best thing and accepted the relatively minor role of Sun Ce.

These experiences made Sha Yi deeply realize that in the entertainment industry, strength is important, but the role of resources and background cannot be ignored. He also realized how unstable the actor's situation was before the role was finalized.

This experience also explains why Sha Yi chose to avoid the topic of "Marrying the Right Man in the Wrong Sedan Chair" in "Ace vs. Ace". More than ten years of silence is not only his silent narration of this past, but also a deep scar in his heart that is difficult to heal.

Despite this, Sha Yi did not give up his acting career because of these setbacks. On the contrary, these experiences have made him stronger and more mature. He continued to work hard and showed his talent in other works, winning the love of the audience and recognition in the industry.

Intercepted Hu Shayi twice, "pentagonal love" made Hu Ke sad, Nie Yuan was not as simple as you thought

Sha Yi's experience reflects the cruel reality of the entertainment industry to some extent. In this glamorous world, opportunities and challenges coexist, and success and failure are reincarnated.

Every actor struggles to find their place, and sometimes, fate is often unexpected. Sha Yi's story is not only his personal struggle, but also the epitome of the entire entertainment industry.

Nie Yuan's acting career can be called smooth sailing. "Marrying the Right Man in the Wrong Sedan Chair" made him famous in one fell swoop and ranked among the "four little students" in the entertainment industry. However, behind the thriving career, his love life is like a soap opera with ups and downs, involving a staggering "pentagonal love".

The story dates back to 2004, when Nie Yuan and Liu Yun sparked a spark of love in the crew of "Sweat and Blood". For the sake of their respective careers, the two chose to hide this relationship from the spotlight.

Intercepted Hu Shayi twice, "pentagonal love" made Hu Ke sad, Nie Yuan was not as simple as you thought

Liu Yun is immersed in this sweet underground relationship, but she doesn't know that this is just the beginning of a series of complicated relationships.

In 2006, when Nie Yuan was filming "Red Flag", he had feelings for Hu Ke again. When the news reached Liu Yun's ears, it sparked a fierce dispute.

Liu Yun originally thought that as long as Nie Yuan was willing to turn back, she would be able to forgive him. However, things are far more complicated than she thought.

On the set of "New Snow Mountain Flying Fox", Nie Yuan and his partner Gillian once again sparked a spark of love. Although Nie Yuan tried his best to cover it up, the keen Liu Yun had already sensed the abnormality.

Intercepted Hu Shayi twice, "pentagonal love" made Hu Ke sad, Nie Yuan was not as simple as you thought

She looked for reasons to visit the crew many times, but was repeatedly rejected by Nie Yuan. Although Nie Yuan was able to avoid his girlfriend's eyes, he couldn't escape the long guns and short cannons of the paparazzi.

When the photos of Nie Yuan's intimate interaction with Gillian were exposed, Liu Yun finally had to face this cruel reality.

This "pentagonal love" not only broke Hu Ke's heart, but also brought huge emotional trauma to other people involved. Although the years have passed, this past is still an incurable scar in Liu Yun's heart.

Even if Nie Yuan and Xie Na chose to avoid talking about this matter, the truth of the facts was still clearly visible.

Intercepted Hu Shayi twice, "pentagonal love" made Hu Ke sad, Nie Yuan was not as simple as you thought

Recently, a group of netizens broke the news of the photo once again sparked heated discussions. In the photo, Xie Na is changing clothes, and Nie Yuan, as a partner, is looking at her with an exploratory look.

This ambiguous look seems to confirm the rumors of the year, and it also arouses people's curiosity about this complicated relationship again.

Nie Yuan's relationship experience shows his "flowery" nature in the love field, and also reveals the intricate interpersonal relationships in the entertainment industry. In this circle of temptations, feelings often become fragile and difficult to control.

Nie Yuan's experience is not only his personal emotional struggle, but also reflects the common phenomenon in the entire entertainment industry.

Intercepted Hu Shayi twice, "pentagonal love" made Hu Ke sad, Nie Yuan was not as simple as you thought

The turmoil of this "pentagonal love" also makes people think: under the spotlight, how do actors balance their careers and relationships? In Vanity Fair, can sincere feelings still exist? Nie Yuan's story may give us an opportunity to peek into the inside story of the entertainment industry and let us see the other side behind the glamorous.

Nie Yuan's acting career is like a roller coaster with ups and downs. After becoming an instant hit with "Marrying the Right Man in the Wrong Sedan Chair", he successfully entered the ranks of the "Four Little Students", and it seems that he has a bright future.

However, a violent incident in 2015 brought his career to a low point.

This incident was like a bolt from the blue, pushing Nie Yuan down from the peak of his career. He was once beautiful, but he became the target of public criticism overnight. The overwhelming negative reports, the disappointment of fans, and the cold eyes of insiders all made Nie Yuan feel unprecedented pressure.

Intercepted Hu Shayi twice, "pentagonal love" made Hu Ke sad, Nie Yuan was not as simple as you thought

His reputation has suffered a heavy blow, his popularity has declined sharply, and he seems to have become an outcast in the entertainment industry for a while.

However, the god of fate does not seem to have abandoned him completely. In 2018, the opportunity came again. The broadcast of the TV series "Yanxi Raiders" became a turning point for Nie Yuan's re-rise.

In the play, the role of Fu Heng played by him has been widely praised by the audience. This role not only saved his reputation, but also regained the love of the audience.

From the peak to the rebirth, Nie Yuan's experience can be called dramatic. This experience not only proved his excellent acting skills, but also showed his tenacity in the face of adversity.

Intercepted Hu Shayi twice, "pentagonal love" made Hu Ke sad, Nie Yuan was not as simple as you thought

His story undoubtedly brings hope to many actors who are at a low ebb.

Nie Yuan's ups and downs reflect the cruel reality of the entire entertainment industry to a certain extent. In this rapidly changing industry, it is gratifying to become famous overnight, but how to redeem yourself in a difficult situation and how to stand up again in a trough is the time to really test an actor.

Nie Yuan's experience is not only his personal struggle, but also a portrayal of many people in the entertainment industry.

After experiencing complex emotional entanglements, Nie Yuan and Qin Ziyue finally entered the marriage hall. However, their married life is not as happy and harmonious as outsiders think.

Intercepted Hu Shayi twice, "pentagonal love" made Hu Ke sad, Nie Yuan was not as simple as you thought

In 2021, the reality show "The Man Who Does Housework" unveiled Nie Yuan's family life, but it sparked heated discussions among the audience. In the show, the housework that should have been undertaken by men has become an unbearable burden here for Nie Yuan.

Qin Ziyue, on the other hand, is more like a conscientious personal nanny, carefully taking care of Nie Yuan's daily life, and his words and deeds are extremely cautious.

What's even more eye-popping is that Nie Yuan's dominance in the family is extremely obvious. From the details of life to major decisions, almost everything is decided by him. Even in public, he does not shy away from expressing his dominance, an act that makes many viewers uncomfortable.

One detail was particularly eye-catching: when Qin Ziyue had carefully prepared dinner, she needed to patiently wake up Nie Yuan, who was sleeping. If Nie Yuan didn't wake up for a long time, Qin Ziyue would have to reheat the food over and over again.

Intercepted Hu Shayi twice, "pentagonal love" made Hu Ke sad, Nie Yuan was not as simple as you thought

In addition, Qin Ziyue also needed to choose Nie Yuan's daily clothes, and if Nie Yuan was not satisfied with the clothes, he would even blame Qin Ziyue.

However, for Qin Ziyue, none of this seems to be a problem. She chose to give up her acting career and devote herself to family life. What seems to be an unequal relationship in the eyes of outsiders is a deep expression of love in her eyes.

The display of this marital life has provoked the public to think about modern marital relationships. How do you balance your family life while pursuing career success? How should equality and mutual respect be reflected in marriage? The story of Nie Yuan and Qin Ziyue may provide us with a unique perspective on another possibility in married life, although this possibility may be controversial.

Nie Yuan's story reflects the epitome of the entire entertainment industry to a certain extent. In this glamorous world, success and cost often go hand in hand.

Intercepted Hu Shayi twice, "pentagonal love" made Hu Ke sad, Nie Yuan was not as simple as you thought

Behind the role change, there is a fierce competition for resources and backgrounds. Sha Yi's experience of being "cut off" twice is a portrayal of this cruel reality. The complexity of love life seems to have become the norm in Vanity Fair.

Nie Yuan's "pentagonal love" turmoil shows the intricate interpersonal relationships in the entertainment industry.

The choice of married life reflects everyone's different understanding of life. Nie Yuan and Qin Ziyue's marriage model, although it caused controversy, was also their personal choice.

Nie Yuan's experience tells us that in the entertainment industry, nothing is set in stone. Opportunities and challenges coexist, and successes and failures alternate. Everyone is interpreting their own life in their own way.

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