
The official announcement of the General Administration of Sports! The Chinese women's volleyball team Olympic roster passed, and the suspense of Wang Yunlu's selection ended

author:Wei Xue loves sports
The official announcement of the General Administration of Sports! The Chinese women's volleyball team Olympic roster passed, and the suspense of Wang Yunlu's selection ended

The official website of the Chinese Olympic Committee recently announced the 13-member list of the Chinese women's volleyball team participating in the Paris Olympics, after the Chinese Volleyball Association released a similar list on the official website. The list of players includes the main attack, secondary attack, setter, receiver and free man, among which Zhu Ting, Zhang Changning and other players are experienced veterans of the Olympic Games.

Wang Yunlu was the main player of the Chinese women's volleyball team, and she took on heavy responsibilities during Zhu Ting's absence, and has shown consistent performance in many international competitions. However, with the return of Zhu Ting and the rise of a new generation of young players, her position is gradually being challenged. Over the past few years, her playing time has started to dwindle and competition has intensified for the main attacking position.

Wang Yunlu took to social media to express her disappointment and confusion at not being selected for the Paris Olympics. In a long article, she wrote: "Every competition and training I have experienced is a testimony to my unremitting efforts. Although I am disappointed, I do not regret every minute and every second of it. These words sparked widespread discussion and support among fans. Some netizens said: "Wang Yunlu is not only a scoring machine on the court, but also the embodiment of team spirit. Her withdrawal was heart-wrenching. Other netizens believed: "Although I regret it, her retirement is probably an inevitable choice." ”

The official announcement of the General Administration of Sports! The Chinese women's volleyball team Olympic roster passed, and the suspense of Wang Yunlu's selection ended

On the Internet, many people have also expressed their opinions. A netizen commented: "This is a new round of replacement of the Chinese women's volleyball team, young players are emerging, and although Wang Yunlu is famous, she can't keep pace with the times." Someone else pointed out: "In sports competition, winning and losing are the norm. Although Wang Yunlu did not make it to Paris, her legend will not fade because of this. ”

Wang Yunlu's future direction has also become the focus of attention. Some analysts believe that she may consider development opportunities in domestic leagues or overseas leagues to continue her career in volleyball. At the same time, some fans are eagerly looking forward to her being able to compete for the Chinese women's volleyball team again at the future Los Angeles Olympics.

Zhuang Yushan's performance as a young player in the Chinese women's volleyball team did not attract widespread attention until the final match when she was selected for the Paris Olympics roster, a news that quickly sparked heated discussions on social media.

The official announcement of the General Administration of Sports! The Chinese women's volleyball team Olympic roster passed, and the suspense of Wang Yunlu's selection ended

Among the public and fans, there are mixed opinions on Zhuang Yushan's selection. Some fans believe that although Zhuang Yushan is a young player, she performed well in the final match, showing great potential and strength, so she should be given a chance. A netizen wrote on social media: "Zhuang Yushan's selection proves the vision of the coaching staff, she has shown stability and maturity in a short period of time, and is the hope star of the Chinese women's volleyball team in the future." ”

There are also people who are skeptical about Zhuang Yushan's selection. Some fans believe that her career has not been stable and mature enough to be able to take on the heavy lifting of the load. A netizen commented: "Zhuang Yushan is a potential player, but I think her selection is a bit hasty, and she still needs more experience and experience." ”

The official announcement of the General Administration of Sports! The Chinese women's volleyball team Olympic roster passed, and the suspense of Wang Yunlu's selection ended

Zhuang Yushan's selection has also sparked discussions about the selection of young players and veterans. Some fans who support Zhuang Yushan believe that young players should have more opportunities to show themselves and take more responsibilities to promote the renewal of the Chinese women's volleyball team. One fan said: "We need fresh blood, Zhuang Yushan represents the strength of the younger generation, and we should support her growth and progress." ”

After the final confirmation of the General Administration of Sports, the list of the Chinese women's volleyball team to participate in the Paris Olympics was determined, which also means the end of Wang Yunlu's Olympic road. The decision sparked a lot of discussion and reaction among fans and social media.

On social media, Wang Yunlu's supporters expressed their regret and support for her. One fan wrote on Weibo: "Wang Yunlu is a legend of the Chinese women's volleyball team, and every game she plays is memorable. Although we couldn't make it to Paris, we won't forget her wonderful chapter. This support and emotion reflects her important position and influence in the hearts of fans.

The official announcement of the General Administration of Sports! The Chinese women's volleyball team Olympic roster passed, and the suspense of Wang Yunlu's selection ended

Some people also expressed their understanding and support for Wang Yunlu's failure to be selected. Some netizens believe that the cruelty of sports competition determines that only the most suitable people can go to a higher stage. A netizen commented: "Wang Yunlu's retirement is not the end, but a new starting point. She will continue her basketball dreams in another way. ”

Speculation about Wang's future career and possible participation in the Los Angeles Olympics has also become a hot topic. Some analysts pointed out that she may continue to play a role in the domestic league, or choose to go to the overseas league to seek new challenges and development opportunities. One fan said: "Although she will be missed on the international stage, we will support her every choice no matter where she is. ”

Wang Yunlu was not selected for the Paris Olympics, and the return of Zhu Ting and Zhang Changning sparked widespread discussion. On social media, fans expressed a variety of opinions and emotions about the changes.

The official announcement of the General Administration of Sports! The Chinese women's volleyball team Olympic roster passed, and the suspense of Wang Yunlu's selection ended

Some fans regretted and puzzled Wang Yunlu's failure to be selected. A netizen wrote on Weibo: "Wang Yunlu is the goddess of the women's volleyball team in my heart, and her every action on the court is memorable. Although disappointed, I am confident that she will make the best choice for her career. Another fan commented: "The return of Zhu Ting and Zhang Changning has challenged Wang Yunlu's position, which is also the cruelty of sports competition." ”

For the return of Zhu Ting and Zhang Changning, many fans welcomed and looked forward to it. A fan posted on the forum: "The addition of Zhu Ting and Zhang Changning will bring greater strength and depth to the Chinese women's volleyball team. They have Olympic experience and will be the mainstay of the team. Another netizen said: "Zhu Ting's return to the team is the gospel of the Chinese women's volleyball team, and her existence can lead the team further." ”

The official announcement of the General Administration of Sports! The Chinese women's volleyball team Olympic roster passed, and the suspense of Wang Yunlu's selection ended

There are also some fans who maintain a rational view of Zhu Ting and Zhang Changning's return to the team. A commentator analyzed in the program: "The return of Zhu Ting and Zhang Changning has certainly strengthened the team, but it also takes time to adapt to the overall cooperation of the team. The key is how to find the best tactical arrangement in a short period of time. ”

The discussion about Wang's failure to make the cut has also sparked reflections about sports and the turnover of veterans. Some fans believe that although Wang Yunlu was not selected, her contribution on the international stage cannot be ignored. A fan shared on Moments: "Wang Yunlu's exit is a farewell to a legend, and every game she plays is worth remembering. Another netizen posted a long post, saying: "In every one of her games, we see her unremitting efforts, which is a spirit that cannot be described in words." ”

The official announcement of the General Administration of Sports! The Chinese women's volleyball team Olympic roster passed, and the suspense of Wang Yunlu's selection ended

The changes of Wang Yunlu, Zhu Ting and Zhang Changning not only affected the lineup of the Chinese women's volleyball team, but also reflected the normalization of the replacement of the old and the new in sports competitions.

Overall, Wang Yunlu's retirement and failure to be selected for the Paris Olympics list marked an important point in her international volleyball arena. Although her career has come to an end, her spirit and influence will continue to inspire the new generation of the Chinese women's volleyball team. For fans, Wang Yunlu will always be an irreplaceable legend, and her legacy will influence and inspire more volleyball lovers and athletes.

The official announcement of the General Administration of Sports! The Chinese women's volleyball team Olympic roster passed, and the suspense of Wang Yunlu's selection ended

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