
Yuxiang Peach: Xiaoya bluntly said that her boyfriend's video is just a cameo, and she is the main thing, blessings!

author:Words and deeds

Since Yu Xiaoya generously told everyone that she already had a new relationship, many friends who have been paying attention to the two are also looking forward to the good news of the two. Because before Xiaoya sent a video to tell everyone that after the child is on vacation, she will take the child to Anhui to play together, and at the same time, she will also drive her boyfriend's car back to Chongqing to use, when she just shared this joy with everyone, Xiaoya's video is almost all about getting along with her boyfriend and son, judging from the video shared, they get along with each other happily, and Xiaoya also bluntly said: The new boyfriend is also very intimate to his son Zhonglin, and he gave the company of "father". In daily life, the other party has helped me a lot, so I can have more time to shoot videos and share them with everyone. When everyone asked why her boyfriend didn't have her own job, Xiaoya bluntly said: She left her boyfriend to help with things, but why did the two choose to separate after many days, what happened?

Yuxiang Peach: Xiaoya bluntly said that her boyfriend's video is just a cameo, and she is the main thing, blessings!

After Yu Xiaoya and her ex-husband separated for half a year, she generously told everyone that she already had a new relationship, the other party was born in 01, a native of Anhui, and after getting along with each other, they firmly chose each other.

After everyone learned that Xiaoya had a new relationship, there were all kinds of sayings, most of them still blessed Xiaoya and met their happiness again, of course, some friends bluntly said: I think it is a little inappropriate and so on.

Yuxiang Peach: Xiaoya bluntly said that her boyfriend's video is just a cameo, and she is the main thing, blessings!

In fact, Xiaoya has also responded to everyone's questions and statements before, but after all, everyone's thoughts are different, so there is no need for people to explain too much, just do your best, after all, life knows itself.

From Xiaoya to share herself with everyone, she has a boyfriend to now, nearly ten days have passed, and at the beginning, Xiaoya's updated video screen is almost all the time when several people get along together, and there is more time to update, but for some reason, Xiaoya's video is the same as before, and it is updated less and less.

Yuxiang Peach: Xiaoya bluntly said that her boyfriend's video is just a cameo, and she is the main thing, blessings!

It has been nearly 3 days since Xiaoya last updated the video, until today, Xiaoya finally updated the video again, and in the video, many friends found that there was no picture of her boyfriend friend in the video, so some friends asked this question.

In the face of everyone's questions, Xiaoya also responded publicly, Xiaoya bluntly said: The shooting video is mainly based on herself, and the two were also discussed at the beginning, after meeting each other's parents, the boyfriend went to work by himself, therefore, judging from Xiaoya's response, he has already met the other party's parents, so at present, her boyfriend has gone to work.

Yuxiang Peach: Xiaoya bluntly said that her boyfriend's video is just a cameo, and she is the main thing, blessings!

The reason why everyone talked about this problem is because some netizens asked Xiaoya about her boyfriend's work before, and Xiaoya responded: It was because she chose to keep her boyfriend by her side to help, so she didn't go out to work.

Yuxiang Peach: Xiaoya bluntly said that her boyfriend's video is just a cameo, and she is the main thing, blessings!

Therefore, after watching today's video, everyone will ask this question one after another, of course, we can also know from Xiaoya's response that the noodle factory is not particularly busy at present, because the weather is hot, it belongs to the off-season, so it is also appropriate to let your boyfriend go out to work.

Yuxiang Peach: Xiaoya bluntly said that her boyfriend's video is just a cameo, and she is the main thing, blessings!

So, no matter what, I still hope that everyone will look at it more rationally, after all, life is Xiaoya's own, and the same is true for boyfriends, respect their own choices, bless the two!

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