
Sino-German Susie: Xiaoxue's mother publicly exposed her true relationship with Andy, and her attitude towards each other is clear!

author:Words and deeds

Sino-German Susie, is a single mother, after giving birth to Susie, most of the time, is alone with her daughter to live, originally before the mother and daughter have been living in Germany, after various considerations, then chose to return to their hometown Hubei development, in the three years after returning to China, Xiaoxue through efforts to develop the development of short videos from the media, at the same time, daughter Susie also graduated from kindergarten in Hubei.

Sino-German Susie: Xiaoxue's mother publicly exposed her true relationship with Andy, and her attitude towards each other is clear!

Friends who pay attention to Xiaoxue know that Xiaoxue has lived in Germany for a long time before, her daughter was also born in Germany, and her first two boyfriends are also Germans, but in the end they both chose to separate for some reason.

Later, Xiaoxue took her daughter back to her hometown to develop, during which Xiaoxue has been working hard and trying her best to live a good life for her daughter.

At the same time, judging from the video footage that Xiaoxue usually shares, her daughter Susie is also very obedient and sensible, and will always help Xiaoxue do what she can, I have to say that Xiaoxue takes care of her daughter really well.

Sino-German Susie: Xiaoxue's mother publicly exposed her true relationship with Andy, and her attitude towards each other is clear!

When Xiaoxue made everything better and better, she also reaped her own happiness again, and met her current boyfriend Andy, Andy is also currently living in Germany, and her parents have stable jobs at home, so they are also very intimate to Xiaoxue.

Although, at the beginning, when everyone learned that Xiaoxue had a new relationship, and like before, he was also a German boyfriend, many friends who had been paying attention to Xiaoxue had different opinions, and even felt that the two were a little inappropriate.

After watching the video behind Xiaoxue, many friends are also thinking about Xiaoxue, after all, it is not appropriate to leave her parents to go to a foreign country, too far away from her relatives, and feel that it would be better for Xiaoxue to develop near home.

Sino-German Susie: Xiaoxue's mother publicly exposed her true relationship with Andy, and her attitude towards each other is clear!

Of course, this is just everyone's thoughts and suggestions, after all, life is still Xiaoxue's own, so everyone looks at it rationally and respects Xiaoxue's own choice.

However, judging from the picture shared by Xiaoxue and Andy, many friends said bluntly: Xiaoxue's choice is correct, because Andy not only has a good personality, but also loves Susie very much, giving him the love of "father", and when several people are together, the picture is particularly warm and happy.

Therefore, after Xiaoxue and Andy firmly chose each other, the two decided to hold a wedding in Yichang, Hubei, around August, and at the same time, Xiaoxue also told everyone in advance that after the wedding, she would take Susie Su to live in Germany, and it happened that Susie was in the first grade of primary school.

Sino-German Susie: Xiaoxue's mother publicly exposed her true relationship with Andy, and her attitude towards each other is clear!

After Xiaoxue shared this joy with everyone, many friends are also paying attention to Xiaoxue's parents' thoughts and attitudes towards their daughter's distant marriage.

Previously, Xiaoxue also took her mother to send a video to respond to everyone, and at the same time, Xiaoxue's mother also publicly expressed her thoughts, bluntly saying: She is very satisfied with Andy, and I wish Xiaoxue and Andy happiness.

In addition, during Xiaoxue's last live broadcast, she also revealed the relationship between her mother and Andy again, and also explained the chat records between Andy and her mother.

Sino-German Susie: Xiaoxue's mother publicly exposed her true relationship with Andy, and her attitude towards each other is clear!

Xiaoxue made public the content of the conversation between Andy and his mother during the live broadcast

Xiaoxue said: A few days ago, I took Susie back to my hometown to see my parents, and then I was busy, so I didn't see Andy's message in time, so Andy sent a message directly to Xiaoxue's mother, and also told Xiaoxue's mother that she was already preparing to bring her parents to China.

Sino-German Susie: Xiaoxue's mother publicly exposed her true relationship with Andy, and her attitude towards each other is clear!

Therefore, judging from the dialogue between Xiaoxue's mother and Andy, the relationship between each other is very good, and at the same time, he and Xiaoxue's father also support the choice of the two to be together.

Finally, I wish Xiaoxue Andy, I hope that the two of them will have a noble son as soon as possible, and I also wish the two of them a happy marriage and a hundred years of happiness!

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