
It's ridiculous! Japanese executives have become leaders of central enterprises, I am Haohao China, are talents so scarce?

author:Shan Fur

Recently, it was reported that a central enterprise introduced a Japanese to serve as a department head at the senior level, and this news instantly aroused heated discussions among netizens. In the context of globalization, cross-border talent exchange has become a trend, but the presence of foreigners in senior management still feels novel. As a big country in China, is it not enough for our talents to support the development of state-owned enterprises? Is there a hidden concern that this move will "lead the wolf into the house"? The author will make an in-depth analysis of this matter.

It's ridiculous! Japanese executives have become leaders of central enterprises, I am Haohao China, are talents so scarce?

Lack of talent? Or is it a sign of openness?

In recent years, with the development of the economy and the increase in the degree of internationalization, mainland talents have indeed flowed together, and it is more and more common for foreign personnel from all walks of life, whether it is management or front-line staff. However, it is the first time that the senior management of a central enterprise has been appointed by a foreigner, which will inevitably raise questions from all parties - is talent really so in short supply?

This is not the case. As an important state-owned enterprise, central enterprises have always been committed to cultivating excellent domestic managers, and a large number of leaders have emerged in the past few decades. But in the new era, we need to look at this with a more open and inclusive mind. The addition of a Japanese executive may bring a global vision and unique management philosophy to the central enterprises, which will definitely play a good role in promoting the expansion of the international market and cultural export of the central enterprises.

It's ridiculous! Japanese executives have become leaders of central enterprises, I am Haohao China, are talents so scarce?

Is the selection process rigorous or is there a "back door"?

Secondly, netizens will also wonder whether the Japanese executive was selected through the "back door". As a state-owned enterprise, the selection criteria for staff have always been high, and there are doubts about whether foreign executives will be among the first to be examined through the normal process. In this regard, we should give enough respect and trust to enterprises.

Strictly speaking, the selection of the person in charge of a major state-owned enterprise will definitely go through layers of evaluation, from management level, industry background to language and cultural literacy and other indicators will be carefully controlled, and it is impossible to rashly recommend foreign candidates. It is believed that the central enterprises will adopt international practices and will conduct a thoughtful selection of this Japanese executive to prevent concerns from the surface.

It's ridiculous! Japanese executives have become leaders of central enterprises, I am Haohao China, are talents so scarce?

Information security is the biggest challenge

Finally, information security is perhaps the most worrying point for the public. Japan is an important partner, but competition between the two countries in certain sensitive areas also occurs from time to time, and the leakage of corporate secrets may lead to irreparable consequences.

It's ridiculous! Japanese executives have become leaders of central enterprises, I am Haohao China, are talents so scarce?

Here, central enterprises need to take adequate regulatory measures. The first is to conduct strict background checks on foreign executives to eliminate potential safety hazards; the second is to restrict access to certain core information databases and supervise data calls at any time; The third is to strengthen the construction of internal compliance awareness and explicitly prohibit the illegal leakage of company data. Only by establishing an adequate line of defense can central enterprises and the state protect their core interests in the process of opening up.

It's ridiculous! Japanese executives have become leaders of central enterprises, I am Haohao China, are talents so scarce?

In short, the entry of foreign executives is an exploration, and we should look at it with an open and rational attitude. What matters is the appropriateness of the process of selecting and using people and supervising them will determine whether companies can independently navigate the wave of internationalization, and whether the state can protect its core interests under external influence. It is believed that only by breaking the situation with a prudent attitude can central enterprises and state-owned enterprises finally find a balance.

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