
Ex-husband Ge He Ziming remarried and showed happiness, and blew up He Jie's "backstab" Li Yuchun, what the hell is going on

author:Flag chasing drama
Ex-husband Ge He Ziming remarried and showed happiness, and blew up He Jie's "backstab" Li Yuchun, what the hell is going on

In February last year, He Jie was eager to participate in "Sister Riding the Wind and Waves", but she was repeatedly uninvited. After many applications, she finally successfully stood on the stage of "Sister Riding the Wind and Waves", showed an excellent performance, and won the unanimous recognition of the audience.

When He Jie performed well on the stage of "Sister Riding the Wind and Waves", the news of her ex-husband He Ziming's sudden remarriage stirred the entire entertainment industry. He Ziming publicly announced his remarriage on social media, and did not hesitate to praise his current wife, saying that she was his support to get out of the trough. This sudden news quickly sparked widespread attention and controversy.

Netizens began to discuss He Ziming's motives on major forums and social platforms. Some people believe that the reason why He Ziming chose to announce his remarriage when He Jie gained attention on Sister Lang's show was to use her popularity to increase his popularity. A netizen commented on Weibo: "He Ziming's remarriage this time is obviously taking advantage of the fire to rob, He Jie's performance on Sister Lang is booming, he suddenly came like this, isn't it obvious that he wants to gain popularity?" However, He Ziming denied this, and he responded on social platforms: "I just want to share my life status, and there is absolutely no such thing as taking advantage of He Jie's popularity." ”

Ex-husband Ge He Ziming remarried and showed happiness, and blew up He Jie's "backstab" Li Yuchun, what the hell is going on

Looking back on the marriage of He Jie and He Ziming, the two tied the knot in 2013, which attracted much attention at that time. Their combination is considered to be a pair of golden boys and girls in the entertainment industry, which has aroused the blessings and envy of many fans. However, three years later, they shocked the public with an unexpected announcement of their divorce. According to media reports, the reason for the divorce was that the two had incompatible personalities and different living habits, and it was ultimately difficult to maintain the relationship between husband and wife. They had a son and a daughter, and they thought they would grow old happily, but they had to break up because of relationship problems.

Only seven months after the divorce, He Jie quickly remarried and ushered in the birth of three children, a series of changes that sparked widespread discussion and controversy. Some netizens expressed their puzzlement on social media: "He Jie's emotional ups and downs are really ups and downs, she remarried after only seven months of divorce, and gave birth to three children, it's too fast, right?" Some people also expressed their blessings for her newlywed life: "Maybe He Jie has found someone who is really suitable for her and can start again, which is a good thing." ”

Ex-husband Ge He Ziming remarried and showed happiness, and blew up He Jie's "backstab" Li Yuchun, what the hell is going on

However, there are still some netizens who are skeptical of He Jie's behavior. They believe that He Jie's behavior may have a negative impact on her image and even her career: "As a public figure, He Jie's every move will be noticed, and this kind of frequent change in her love life is not conducive to her public image and career development." Some fans expressed their understanding and support: "He Jie is just an ordinary person, she also has the right to pursue her own happiness, and I hope she can find someone who is really good to her." ”

At He Jie's wedding, Li Yuchun and Zhang Liangying's failure to attend became a hot topic among the media and netizens at that time, triggering a lot of discussion and speculation. These two have participated in the show with He Jie, and their relationship was once considered very good, so whether their absence from the show means that the relationship has changed has become the focus of attention of many fans. The media also reported on the incident in an attempt to uncover the truth behind it.

Ex-husband Ge He Ziming remarried and showed happiness, and blew up He Jie's "backstab" Li Yuchun, what the hell is going on

When it comes to Li Yuchun, she is not only a pioneer in leading the trend, but also an important promoter of innovative music styles. As can be seen from her musical compositions, she has always maintained her own style in constant innovation and breakthroughs. Netizens also have a variety of evaluations of her, some people think that her music is very individual, in line with the aesthetics of modern young people, and some people think that her music is very literary and artistic, with a depth and connotation, not just a pop singer.

Some netizens commented: "Li Yuchun's songs are always so attitude, they sound very emotional, and they can really capture the hearts of young people now!" This perception reflects the strong personality and distinctiveness in her music. In addition, some people think: "Her music always seems to be exploring unknown territory, and every time a new song is released, she can bring surprises to people, and she is eclectic, she is really a musical pioneer in my mind!" This recognition of her innovative spirit shows her unique vision and courage in music creation.

Ex-husband Ge He Ziming remarried and showed happiness, and blew up He Jie's "backstab" Li Yuchun, what the hell is going on

In addition to appreciating her musical style, netizens sometimes discuss her place in the popular aesthetic. Someone said: "Li Yuchun's music has always found a balance between fashion and literary style, and her songs are not only good, but also have depth, which few people can do." This perception underscores the unique blend of pop and depth in her musical work, which makes her unique in the music scene.

However, some netizens have different opinions on her music style, they think: "Although Li Yuchun's music has a sense of trendiness, it may sometimes be a bit challenging for the public's acceptance, after all, everyone's aesthetics are different. This perspective shows the challenge she faces as an artist of balancing her personal creative style with popular tastes.

Ex-husband Ge He Ziming remarried and showed happiness, and blew up He Jie's "backstab" Li Yuchun, what the hell is going on

When Zhang Liangying and Li Yuchun successively clarified that it was because He Jie sent the wrong text message, which caused them to fail to attend the wedding, this explanation seemed simple but did not completely calm the heat of public opinion. Some netizens expressed their understanding: "The wedding is a big event, and it is very embarrassing to send the wrong text message and not be able to attend, it may be a misunderstanding." Others are skeptical: "The explanation of sending the wrong text message is too coincidental, and it cannot be ruled out that there are other inside stories." Some people on the Internet even speculated: "Maybe there is a problem with the relationship, otherwise why don't you even go to the wedding?" ”

Ex-husband Ge He Ziming remarried and showed happiness, and blew up He Jie's "backstab" Li Yuchun, what the hell is going on

However, He Jie's response to the matter has sparked more controversy. Not only did she deny Li Yuchun's statement, but she also said that she would not ignore important people. The remarks immediately sparked a lot of discussion and heated discussions online. Someone supported her attitude: "It may indeed be a misunderstanding, and He Jie is not easy, I hope everyone understands." But there are also people who have a different view: "Her response is too tough, not quite like an ordinary misunderstanding." Some people even bluntly said: "It seems that her relationship with Li Yuchun may not be so good." ”

This scene of He Jie at the wedding not only aroused speculation about the changes in her relationship with Li Yuchun and Zhang Liangying, but also made her response the focus of public attention. This incident reflects the complex interpersonal relationships between celebrities and the public's infinite curiosity about the private lives of celebrities.

These incidents not only had a negative impact on He Jie's personal image, but also caused further public opinion and discussion about the failure of her marriage with He Ziming.

Ex-husband Ge He Ziming remarried and showed happiness, and blew up He Jie's "backstab" Li Yuchun, what the hell is going on

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