
The woman fell in love with Taishou at first sight, but the Taoist priest said to her: You will have a catastrophe in 4 years

author:It's your cannon brother

Let's just say that in the old years, there was a place called Splendid City, which was not built, this city, located in a strange land, all year round like spring, the flowers bloomed so lively, like a painting hanging on the wall, never able to fall color. The lives of the people in the city are so comfortable and beautiful.

The head of the city, surnamed Li, named Haoran, is young and promising, handsome, and the common people are rare to him. Li Touer is not only good at managing things, but also likes to write poems, paint, play the piano, play chess, and do everything. One day, when the sun was shining in spring, Li Touer took the little scholar to wander around the peach blossom forest in the city, feeling the energy of spring.

In the peach blossom forest, there is a girl who is enjoying the flowers, her name is Lin Wan'er, she is a talented girl in the city, she is beautiful and has a good temperament. Lin Wan'er has read more than 10,000 books since she was a child, is proficient in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and has excellent medical skills, she is really a rare good girl. That day, she wore a pale pink dress and danced in the peach blossom forest, like a fairy coming down from the sky, so beautiful that people couldn't take their eyes off it.

The woman fell in love with Taishou at first sight, but the Taoist priest said to her: You will have a catastrophe in 4 years

Li Tou'er saw Lin Wan'er from a distance and was immediately fascinated by her beauty and talent. He stepped forward and chatted with Lin Wan'er. The two of them chatted, hey, that's called a match, and they chatted happily. From poetry and songs, to piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, to medical skills and health, everything is discussed. Li Tou'er was completely conquered by Lin Wan'er's talent, and Lin Wan'er also fell in love with Li Tou'er's handsomeness and talent. The two hit it off, fell in love at first sight, and decided to get married and live the rest of their lives together.

But the good times didn't last long, and one day, a Taoist priest came to the city, claiming to be able to calculate the past and the future. When Li Tou'er heard about it, he invited the Taoist priest to his home and calculated a hexagram for himself and Lin Wan'er. The Taoist priest looked at the two of them for a long time, sighed, and said to Lin Wan'er: "Girl, you have a great calamity in your life, and you will come in four years." This catastrophe is not small, if you can't avoid it, I'm afraid it will be difficult to protect your life. When Lin Wan'er heard this, her heart tightened, and she hurriedly asked the Taoist priest if there was any way to dodge. The Taoist priest shook his head and said, "This is destined by heaven, and people can't change it." However, girl, if you do more good deeds and accumulate some virtue, you may be able to alleviate a little. After speaking, the Taoist priest left, leaving Lin Wan'er in her heart.

Lin Wan'er returned to the house and told Li Tou'er what the Taoist priest said. Although Li Tou'er was also a little panicked, he knew that Lin Wan'er was a good person, and he usually liked to help people and accumulated a lot of virtue. He comforted Lin Wan'er and said, "Wan'er, don't worry too much. Four years is not a long time, but it is not a short time. In the past four years, we have done more good deeds and accumulated more virtues, and maybe we can really escape this catastrophe. Lin Wan'er listened to Li Tou'er's words, and her heart was a little more steady. She decided to spend the next four years working harder to do good deeds, hoping to avoid this catastrophe. Not only does she continue to treat the sick and save people, but she also actively participates in public welfare projects in the city to help those in need. Her kindness, that really makes our people give us a thumbs up, and everyone praises her as a "living Bodhisattva". But this good thing didn't last long, in the spring of the fourth year, when the peach blossoms were blooming, Lin Wan'er suddenly fell ill. The illness came like a torrent, and even the best doctor in the city shook his head and said that it was okay. Mrs. Li guarded that heart, as if he had been cut by a knife, he stayed by Lin Wan'er's bedside day and night, hoping that God would open her eyes and let her get through this difficulty.

The woman fell in love with Taishou at first sight, but the Taoist priest said to her: You will have a catastrophe in 4 years

Just when Lin Wan'er was about to die, the Taoist priest appeared in Splendid City again. When he heard about Lin Wan'er's illness, he sighed and said, "Alas, this matter depends on the will of God." However, I may have a way to save her life. When Li Taishou heard this, he was as happy as if he was something, and hurriedly asked the Taoist priest what good ideas he had. The Taoist priest pointed to the mountain outside the city and said, "There is a kind of sacred grass called 'fairy grass' growing on that mountain, which can bring people back to life and cure any disease." But the mountain was very dangerous, and there were many wild beasts, and ordinary people did not dare to go at all. If you can get that fairy grass, maybe you can save your daughter-in-law's life. Li Taishou heard this, and without saying a word, he decided to go up the mountain to find fairy grass. He said goodbye to the Taoist priest, and with a few good guards, he set out on the road to find the fairy grass.

A few of them went up to the treacherous mountain and began their journey to find fairy grass. The mountain road is difficult to walk, sometimes as steep as a wall, and then as muddy as a swamp. Not only do they have to fight against the harsh natural environment, but they also have to be on the lookout for wild animals in the mountains. Li Taishou had a thought in his heart, that is, he must find the fairy grass and rescue Lin Wan'er. He led the guards, fearing nothing and moving forward bravely. They climbed over the cliffs, waded through the rapids, and finally came to the place where the fairy grass grew in legend.

But when they saw the fairy grass, they were all stunned. The fairy grass grew in a bottomless hole, and the entrance of the cave was covered by a thick fog, and nothing could be seen. Li Taishou knew that if he wanted to get the fairy grass, he had to venture into the cave. He took a deep breath and said to the guards, "Brothers, this journey is very dangerous, but I have to go in to save Wan'er." If you would like to join me, I would appreciate it; If you don't want to, just wait here. When the guards heard this, they all said they were willing to follow him. So, they went into the cave together.

The woman fell in love with Taishou at first sight, but the Taoist priest said to her: You will have a catastrophe in 4 years

That fight was really thrilling, he just subdued the beast, holding the fairy grass in his hand, and the beauty in his heart was like eating honey. Mrs. Li guarded this old brother, took the fairy grass home and fed it to Lin Wan'er personally. Lin Wan'er ate the fairy grass, and her illness improved immediately, and it didn't take long for her illness to be cured. Lin Wan'er was grateful to Li Taishou, and the relationship between the two was warmer than the winter in the Northeast.

But the words of the Taoist priest are like the cold wind in the northeast, which has been blowing and blowing in Lin Wan'er's heart. She knows that this catastrophe has passed, but life is a long way, and there are still many hurdles waiting for her. So, she decided to continue to do good deeds, accumulate virtue and do good, and save some blessings for herself and her family. As the days passed, Lin Wan'er not only cured diseases and saved people, but also was enthusiastic about public welfare, her medical skills and kindness won everyone's respect, and people called her "Living Bodhisattva" and regarded her as the pride of Splendid City.

A few years have passed in the blink of an eye, and Li Taishou and Lin Wan'er are both gray-haired, but the relationship between the two is still so deep. They have been through ups and downs together, always shoulder to shoulder, hand in hand. Their love story has become a beautiful talk in Splendid City.

The woman fell in love with Taishou at first sight, but the Taoist priest said to her: You will have a catastrophe in 4 years

One day, Lin Wan'er suddenly felt that her body was not good, she knew that she was old and her body was not as good as before. She said to Li Taishou: "Haoran, I feel like I'm dying, you have to take care of yourself." When Li Taishou heard this, tears burst into tears, he held Lin Wan'er's hand tightly and said, "Wan'er, how can I live if you leave?" If you leave, this splendid city will be missing a scenery! ”

But no one can change fate. Soon, Lin Wan'er left peacefully, still with a smile on her face. Li Taishou was grief-stricken, he couldn't accept this fact, and he was immersed in grief all day long, unable to extricate himself. At this moment, the Taoist priest appeared again and said to Li Taishou: "Li Taishou, people are inherently dead, either heavier than Mount Tai or lighter than Hongmao. Wan'er completed her mission and walked peacefully. You have to let go of your grief and move on. Li Taishou listened to the words of the Taoist priest and suddenly realized. He understood that he could not remain immersed in grief and that he had to continue to serve the people of Splendid City.

So, he reinvigorated himself and used his wisdom and talent to build the splendid city into a more prosperous and prosperous city. Lin Wan'er's story has also been praised through the ages and has become a good story. After Lin Wan'er passed away, although his heart was like a knife, he finally listened to the persuasion of the Taoist priest and slowly walked out of the shadow of sadness. He knew that as the Taishou of Splendid City, he could not always immerse himself in personal grief, he had to continue to move forward for the sake of the people of Splendid City. Our Li Taishou is an iron-blooded tough guy, and since he took over Splendid City, this city has taken on a new look. He not only listened to the bitterness of the people, but also helped them solve their problems hand in hand. He encouraged everyone to farm and engage in handicrafts, so that the economy of our city became more and more prosperous day by day. He also built a school so that the children in the city could read and write, and cultivated batches of talents. Splendid City is in the hands of Li Taishou, it is becoming more and more prosperous, the people live and work in peace and contentment, and life is prosperous. Mrs. Li guarded himself, and in the process, he regained his own fun and confidence.

The woman fell in love with Taishou at first sight, but the Taoist priest said to her: You will have a catastrophe in 4 years

But the good times didn't last long, one day, a group of uninvited guests suddenly came to our splendid city, claiming to be the messengers of neighboring countries, but in fact they were a group of local snakes. They ran rampant and domineering in the city, bullied the people, and made the splendid city a miasma. When Li Taishou heard about this, he was furious. He personally led the soldiers in the city and fought the bullies. After a bloody battle, Li Taishou finally drove the bullies out of the city. With his own courage and wisdom, he protected the people and won their deeper respect.

In this battle, Li Taishou unexpectedly found a familiar figure - the Taoist priest who had predicted Lin Wan'er's calamity. The Taoist priest told Li Taishou that he had been secretly observing Splendid City, and when he saw what Li Taishou had done for the people, his heart blossomed. He told Li Taishou that although Lin Wan'er was gone, her spirit had been guarding Splendid City and guarding Li Taishou. After hearing this, Mrs. Li burst into tears. He understood that although Lin Wan'er was gone, her love and spirit were always in his heart, and in every corner of Splendid City. He strengthened his determination to serve the people and decided to continue to guard this beautiful city for the rest of his life.

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, Li Taishou is already a gray-haired old man. He passed on his position to talented young men, and he himself took a back seat and lived an ordinary life. However, in Li Taishou's heart, there is always an unsolved mystery - what does the Taoist priest's prophecy of "you have a catastrophe in four years" mean? Although Lin Wan'er passed away, did she really have a catastrophe?

The woman fell in love with Taishou at first sight, but the Taoist priest said to her: You will have a catastrophe in 4 years

One day, while wandering around the city, Lee Taishou overheard several old men talking about a legend. They say that on a hill in Splendid City, there is a mysterious cave that hides a treasure capable of predicting the future. As long as you pray sincerely, you will be guided by the treasure. After hearing this, Mrs. Li's heart moved. He decided to go to the mountain to find the mysterious treasure and solve the doubts in his heart.

The catastrophe mentioned in the prophecy is not Lin Wan'er's departure at all, but a catastrophe that our Splendid City is going to do. But the two of us, Lin Wan'er, have saved a lot of good things for our Splendid City, and our little love and kindness have touched God, but the disaster didn't come to the door. When Li Taishou heard this, his heart suddenly brightened. Only then did he understand the true meaning of the Taoist priest's prophecy, as well as the things he and Lin Wan'er did for Splendid City, how important and weighty they were. As soon as he got home, he told his family and friends about it. When they heard this, they were all shocked and moved, and they all said that they should cherish the present days and continue to contribute to the splendid city. Since then, Li Taishou's life has been more stable and happier. From time to time, he remembered the good times with Lin Wan'er, the gratitude and happiness in his heart. He knew that although Lin Wan'er was no longer there, her love and spirit would always be by his side forever. With the concerted efforts of Li Taishou and everyone, Splendid City is becoming more and more prosperous and beautiful. People have a good life, and they are grateful and in awe. They know that all this is inseparable from the dedication and contribution of Li Taishou and Lin Wan'er, and they will always remember it in their hearts. This is the story of Lee Taishou and Lin Wan'er, a story full of love and kindness, but also a story of courage and wisdom. It tells us that only by loving and giving with sincerity can we get true happiness and success.

The woman fell in love with Taishou at first sight, but the Taoist priest said to her: You will have a catastrophe in 4 years