
IOS17.6beta2: Graphics processing has been further strengthened, all aspects have been improved, can you retire?

author:Over the side of the mountain

Today, Apple pushed the second beta version of IOS17.6, because many netizens want to know how the old device performs in the new system version, so, today, I use iPhone11promax as a test device, just like netizens said, if the old equipment has been improved, let alone the new one? It seems that this is more representative!

IOS17.6beta2: Graphics processing has been further strengthened, all aspects have been improved, can you retire?

i17.6 Beta 2 version number: 21G5061c, IOS17.6 should be the last version of 17, in other words, this version should be able to be used as a pension version of the old model, most of Apple's current economic strength is on IOS18, as for iOS17.6 beta2, it should only fix the vulnerability, improve stability, and there will be no new features added.

IOS17.6beta2: Graphics processing has been further strengthened, all aspects have been improved, can you retire?

After this test,I found that the last small update of each major version,The system will become more and more suitable for the old model,Unreservedly speaking,11PM after upgrading IOS17.6,Fluency has been significantly improved,Especially when playing games,I feel more handy,I don't know if it's my own illusion,I still need friends to experience it themselves。

1. Test environment

  • Weather: Temperature 36°C, indoor actual temperature 28.8°C;
  • Device: iPhone 11 promax, compared with 17.5.1 and beta1, respectively;
  • 评测App:安兔兔、geekbench6、王者荣耀
  • 11PM: 76% battery health (original not disassembled and replaced), except for the evaluation APP, no App is installed.

Second, the test items

1. Antutu and geekbench6 running score test

2. Endurance: Fully charged, run the king for one hour, shoot videos for one hour, edit videos for one hour, and finally look at the remaining power.

3. Heat test: run the Honor of Kings for two hours, and test the temperature every 30 minutes.

3. Test results

1. Antutu runs scores

As expected, IOS17.6beta2 compared with IOS17.5.1 and beta1, the running score data has improved, and the improvement is relatively obvious.

IOS17.6beta2: Graphics processing has been further strengthened, all aspects have been improved, can you retire?


In terms of CPU single-core score, there are changes in the data, and the improvement is very obvious, IOS17.6beta2 test score, more than 100 points higher than beta1.

In terms of CPU multi-core collaboration, the gap is not big.

IOS17.6beta2: Graphics processing has been further strengthened, all aspects have been improved, can you retire?

The GPU's image processing power has decreased numerically, but this does not fully represent a decrease in its graphics processing power.

IOS17.6beta2: Graphics processing has been further strengthened, all aspects have been improved, can you retire?

3. Endurance

It should be the reason for the weather, in order to make the evaluation more convincing and fair, so every test was not carried out in an air-conditioned room, and there was no cooling clip during the test, on the other hand, because it is your old model, the battery health is not good, but the comparison scene is the same, it is a horizontal comparison.

IOS17.6beta2: Graphics processing has been further strengthened, all aspects have been improved, can you retire?

11PM does not have such a battery life, which is very good, and the battery life of 17.6beta2 is about 30 minutes longer than that of 17.5.1 and beta1.

4. Fever test

The test process of playing games is full of twists and turns,I have to say,The old device is still not suitable for playing games,If you add a heat dissipation clip, it's different,The king plays like a quack six。

IOS17.6beta2: Graphics processing has been further strengthened, all aspects have been improved, can you retire?

The test time is two hours,The first hour,It's normal,There is no serious heating,Caton dropped frames,But after an hour,The phone began to heat up significantly,Reduced frequency,The brightness of the screen began to decline,Dimming and bright,The most important thing is that the frame is stuck,It's completely impossible to move during team battles。

【Conclusion】Overall,IOS17.6beta2The performance is definitely improved,The old device runs without pressure,Although it will never be as good as the factory version,But after so many years,How many people's old mobile phones are still in the factory version?

Starting from 11PM, subsequent models can be upgraded without scruples, and IOS17.6beta2 stability is also undoubted, and it is completely negligible to be used as an official version.

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