
Zhang Lan is "crazy"! Post a Japanese travel video! Ten-year-old Xiao Yue'er is exactly the same as Big S

author:Fish Music Ambassador

【Entertainment Headlines】Zhang Lan is on fire! The Japanese travelogue video detonated the Internet, and Xiao Yue'er is like a mini version of Big S, which has aroused heated discussions!


Zhang Lan is here to work again! It's really a traffic password! took Da S and Wang Xiaofei's baby children to Japan!

I posted a video of them playing with their children directly on the Internet! After watching ten-year-old Xiao Yue'er and her younger brother! The comment area was directly flooded by Big S!

Let's take a look at their family of five's trip to Japan!

Zhang Lan is "crazy"! Post a Japanese travel video! Ten-year-old Xiao Yue'er is exactly the same as Big S

In the video, their family of five sits at a large table and eats! I saw Wang Xiaofei talking seriously and a pair of babies!

In an instant, he changed from a domineering president to a kind old father! In order to take care of this pair of children, Wang Xiaofei also brought the child's nanny and Aunt Xiao Yang with her!

Zhang Lan is "crazy"! Post a Japanese travel video! Ten-year-old Xiao Yue'er is exactly the same as Big S

Grandma Zhang Lan hasn't seen her grandchildren for a long time, and after seeing them, she keeps shooting even when she eats, for fear of missing the beautiful moment!

may be the reason why she hasn't seen her child for too long, Zhang Lan keeps praising Xiaoyueer in the video! Say that the girl has grown up! Look at this long thick hair!!

Zhang Lan is "crazy"! Post a Japanese travel video! Ten-year-old Xiao Yue'er is exactly the same as Big S

After seeing the ten-year-old Xiao Yue'er, netizens are not calm!

Ten-year-old Xiao Yue'er, this young girl, not only inherited the amazing beauty of her mother Da S, but also had the same temperament.

Zhang Lan is "crazy"! Post a Japanese travel video! Ten-year-old Xiao Yue'er is exactly the same as Big S

With soft long hair and fresh and refined dress, Xiao Yue'er stood in the picturesque Japan Sea Baina, like a mini version of Shancai coming out of "Meteor Garden", which made netizens exclaim: "It's just a copy and paste of Big S!" ”

Zhang Lan is "crazy"! Post a Japanese travel video! Ten-year-old Xiao Yue'er is exactly the same as Big S
Zhang Lan is "crazy"! Post a Japanese travel video! Ten-year-old Xiao Yue'er is exactly the same as Big S

Looking at this moment of retrospect, is it very similar?

Zhang Lan is "crazy"! Post a Japanese travel video! Ten-year-old Xiao Yue'er is exactly the same as Big S
Zhang Lan is "crazy"! Post a Japanese travel video! Ten-year-old Xiao Yue'er is exactly the same as Big S

Under the camera, Xiao Yue's children are sometimes lively and jumping, sometimes smiling quietly, and every movement reveals elegance and confidence beyond age, which makes people have to sigh that the excellent genes of Big S have been perfectly inherited in the next generation.

Zhang Lan is "crazy"! Post a Japanese travel video! Ten-year-old Xiao Yue'er is exactly the same as Big S

Zhang Lan, as the family's "baby maniac", makes no secret of her pride and love for her granddaughter, and the frequently switched pictures in the video are a record and praise of Xiao Yueer's growth.

See what netizens have to say!

Netizens couldn't help but comment, this is exactly the same as the big curve!

Zhang Lan is "crazy"! Post a Japanese travel video! Ten-year-old Xiao Yue'er is exactly the same as Big S

The back, hair, walking posture, temperament, and even slightly dark skin are very similar!

Zhang Lan is "crazy"! Post a Japanese travel video! Ten-year-old Xiao Yue'er is exactly the same as Big S

Some netizens also questioned: How many people in Beijing dream of a place! I can't figure out how Big Curve doesn't let the child go back!

Zhang Lan is "crazy"! Post a Japanese travel video! Ten-year-old Xiao Yue'er is exactly the same as Big S

As early as the beginning, Wang Xiaofei posted the reason to prevent her mother-in-law Zhang Lan from seeing the child! The next generation! Zhang Lan, as an entrepreneur, can't go anywhere! It's a bit of a underestimation of this strong woman!

Zhang Lan is "crazy"! Post a Japanese travel video! Ten-year-old Xiao Yue'er is exactly the same as Big S

There are also netizens who point out that you can enrich your children! After all, she is a girl, and her temperament has to go up, just like Wang Shiling!

Zhang Lan is "crazy"! Post a Japanese travel video! Ten-year-old Xiao Yue'er is exactly the same as Big S

All in all, Zhang Lan's wave of "baby operation" has undoubtedly dropped a sweet bomb in the entertainment industry!

Xiao Yue'er's charm with Da S has become a hot topic, making this trip to Japan a beautiful conversation after dinner, and also adding a bit of different coolness and fun to this summer.

Zhang Lan is "crazy"! Post a Japanese travel video! Ten-year-old Xiao Yue'er is exactly the same as Big S


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