
From "CCTV celebrity" to being scolded for "getting out of the hosting world", what did Dong Qian do wrong?

author:Eddie Literary Society

In an ordinary Chinese family, Dong Qian came into the world as an only daughter. However, this seemingly ordinary beginning gave birth to an extraordinary soul. When she was a child, Dong Qian was a "naughty troublemaker" in the eyes of her parents.

She doesn't like to study, she only knows how to play all day long, which makes her parents break their hearts for her, and her hair is gray.

From "CCTV celebrity" to being scolded for "getting out of the hosting world", what did Dong Qian do wrong?

In school, Dong Qian is a "thorn" who gives her classmates and teachers a headache. Her mischievous mischievous behavior not only did not relent, but became more and more serious. Her classmates pointed at her nose and scolded, and the teachers shook their heads and sighed at her.

At that time, Dong Qian was like an unpolished diamond, rough and full of edges and corners, but it also contained infinite potential.

However, luck always favors those who have a ray of hope in their hearts. During Dong Qian's most confused and helpless period, an honest and outspoken teacher came into her life. Although the name of this teacher has been passed by time, her teachings are like the starlight that ignites the fire of Dong Qian's life.

Through an in-depth conversation, the teacher gave Dong Qian a book called "Ordinary World".

From "CCTV celebrity" to being scolded for "getting out of the hosting world", what did Dong Qian do wrong?

The power of this book is like opening Dong Qian's heart, not only changing the trajectory of her life, but also affecting the whole of China to some extent. Since then, Dong Qian seems to have been injected with a new soul, and she began to study seriously, her eyes flashing with a thirst for knowledge.

Working hard to study, Dong Qian was finally admitted to Peking University to study history. In fact, although this choice may seem unrelated to her hosting career, it has laid a solid foundation of knowledge for her career.

During her college years, Dong Qian's horizons continued to broaden and she began to think about her life direction.

From "CCTV celebrity" to being scolded for "getting out of the hosting world", what did Dong Qian do wrong?

With the dream of changing the world, Dong Qian decisively applied for the recruitment examination of CCTV hosts. In the fierce competition, her eyes are full of love for journalism, and this enthusiasm makes her stand out among many candidates and successfully enter the door of CCTV.

From that naughty and innocent girl to a rookie on CCTV, Dong Qian's transformation is like a butterfly breaking out of its cocoon and flying high.

The moment Dong Qian stepped into the door of CCTV, she was both excited and uneasy. However, God played a joke on her. It's not a greenhouse, it's a new world full of challenges.

From "CCTV celebrity" to being scolded for "getting out of the hosting world", what did Dong Qian do wrong?

Instead of welcoming her like family, she was often criticized by her colleagues for being unprepared or in poor shape.

When Dong Qian faced the camera, she felt like a rabbit who had just stepped into the jungle, surrounded by hunters who were eyeing her. Every time she stood in front of the camera, her palms would sweat and her voice would tremble involuntarily.

Sometimes she even questions her suitability for the role.

From "CCTV celebrity" to being scolded for "getting out of the hosting world", what did Dong Qian do wrong?

However, in the face of these setbacks, Dong Qian was not discouraged. She persevered in her work and study with tenacious perseverance. Every morning, she comes to the office early and is the last to leave. She carefully observes the working methods of each excellent colleague, humbly asks for advice, and constantly improves her own shortcomings.

Dong Qian's life schedule is full, and in addition to daily work, she also arranges a large number of study tasks. She reads news reports, studies different interview techniques, and even practises pronunciation and expression management during breaks.

Her efforts, like a sharp knife, are always carving herself.

From "CCTV celebrity" to being scolded for "getting out of the hosting world", what did Dong Qian do wrong?

Over time, Dong Qian gradually adapted to this extremely competitive environment. Her diligence and talent gradually came to the fore, and her performance grew better day by day. From the initial nervousness and crampedness, to the later calm and self-confidence, Dong Qian completed a gorgeous transformation.

During this period of experience, Dong Qian deeply realized that success requires hard work, not overnight. She began to work hard to create a unique hosting style, which laid the foundation for her to become a "CCTV celebrity" in the future.

Looking back on these difficult years, Dong Qian's eyes revealed a resolute light. She knows that it is these hardships that have shaped her today. The experience of joining CCTV for the first time has become the most valuable asset in her career.

From "CCTV celebrity" to being scolded for "getting out of the hosting world", what did Dong Qian do wrong?

Dong Qian's interview style is known for being direct, sharp and sharp, and she likes to hit social hot spots directly, leaving no room for the interviewee. With the improvement of experience and ability, Dong Qian's position in CCTV has become more and more stable, and she is no longer the trembling newcomer at the beginning, but has begun to show her unique charm.

In Dong Qian's view, the interview is a contest about the truth. Her eyes are always bright, as if she can penetrate people's hearts, and she is not afraid of any power, so that she can reveal the truth and the deeper problems.

This uncompromising attitude made Dong Qian quickly become one of CCTV's most watched hosts.

From "CCTV celebrity" to being scolded for "getting out of the hosting world", what did Dong Qian do wrong?

However, Dong Qian's interview style has sparked controversy to some extent. There are those who praise her courage and professionalism, arguing that she is a breath of fresh air in the press; However, there are also those who criticize her lack of empathy and think that her questions are too stinging.

The interview with the legendary coach of the Chinese women's volleyball team, Lang Ping, became a turning point in Dong Qian's career development. Dong Qian bluntly asked Lang Ping on the show if he regretted not having children, and whether he was worried about being forgotten by the world.

These questions touched the pain points in people's hearts, and Lang Ping couldn't help but shed tears.

From "CCTV celebrity" to being scolded for "getting out of the hosting world", what did Dong Qian do wrong?

Dong Qian has been subject to a lot of controversy, and the public has criticized and blamed her. Under such circumstances, Dong Qian did not flinch. She insists on her duty as a journalist, which is to reveal the truth, even if it may be uncomfortable.

Dong Qian's interview style is quite controversial, which not only makes her a "CCTV celebrity", but also brings her a lot of trouble. But she always sticks to her principles, and her eyes are always fixed on the truth, even if the truth is cruel.

In the interviews, Dong Qian showed extraordinary courage and wisdom, her questions caught the interviewees off guard, but they were able to guide them to think deeply and reveal the essence of the problem.

From "CCTV celebrity" to being scolded for "getting out of the hosting world", what did Dong Qian do wrong?

Despite the controversy around her, Dong Qian is still steadfast in her beliefs, believing that only by constantly asking questions can she make the world a better place.

Dong Qian stands out among many hosts with her sharp interview style, so she is known as "CCTV celebrity". Her story has become a hot story in the press.

As her fame continues to grow, so do the challenges facing Dong Qian. She has covered many disasters and is often the first to interview frontline workers and those affected.

From "CCTV celebrity" to being scolded for "getting out of the hosting world", what did Dong Qian do wrong?

However, the way she interviewed has sparked numerous controversies.

Dong Qian was accused of lacking empathy and was seen as being too calm in the face of suffering. However, Dong Qian is not a news anchor who can shed tears easily, and she always faces her work with a professional attitude, even in the most difficult moments.

Dong Qian's eyes are always locked on the truth, even if the truth is often cruel.

From "CCTV celebrity" to being scolded for "getting out of the hosting world", what did Dong Qian do wrong?

During the outbreak of the new crown epidemic, Dong Qian went to Wuhan for interviews. Her reports have always elicited strong emotional responses. Some accused her of being impersonal, cold, and completely incomprehensible to the pain of people during the pandemic.

Others, however, see her as a professional journalist who sticks to principles in her interviews, is free from emotional distractions, and consistently pursues the truth.

In the face of these controversies, Dong Qian was once shaken. She often thinks alone in the middle of the night, questioning herself: Is she really doing something wrong? Should you change your interview style? But every time she reaffirmed her original intention as a journalist, she warned herself not to give up.

From "CCTV celebrity" to being scolded for "getting out of the hosting world", what did Dong Qian do wrong?

Dong Qian's interview style may not be soft and friendly, but she firmly believes that this is the best way to reveal the truth. She uses sharp questions to force the parties to dig deeper into the answers, in the hope of giving the audience a deeper understanding of the complexity of the world.

Despite the controversy, Dong Qian has always adhered to professional ethics. Her eyes are filled with an unwavering quest for the truth, and she is willing to give whatever it takes to reveal the truth, even if it may expose her to misunderstanding or criticism.

After many challenges, Dong Qian has shown outstanding qualities of courage and resilience, and she has never been knocked down by criticism, but on the contrary, these controversies have inspired her love of journalism.

From "CCTV celebrity" to being scolded for "getting out of the hosting world", what did Dong Qian do wrong?

Dong Qian's persistence is like sailing in a raging storm and encountering many obstacles, but she has always maintained the course of progress. In her own way, she adheres to her journalistic responsibilities to reveal more truths for us and provoke deeper thinking.

This challenging experience did not defeat Dong Qian, but strengthened her professional belief in journalism. Her story has become a symbol of the positive energy of journalism.

Dong Qian is a controversial figure, but she has always stuck to her journalistic ideals. She believes that journalism is not only about stating facts, but also about the pursuit of truth and the exploration of deep-seated issues.

From "CCTV celebrity" to being scolded for "getting out of the hosting world", what did Dong Qian do wrong?

Every time she faces the camera, Dong Qian reminds herself that she is not only making a show, but practicing the sacred duty of a journalist. Each of her questions is intended to reveal the truth, and each of her inquiries is intended to provoke thought.

Dong Qian's eyes always flashed with a desire for the truth, and she was fearless in the face of the most difficult interview subjects, and never flinched. She is convinced that only by facing the problem head-on can the problem be truly solved.

Her interview style is sharp and direct, but she has always adhered to her journalistic responsibilities and is a woman who is not afraid of storms, controversies and challenges.

From "CCTV celebrity" to being scolded for "getting out of the hosting world", what did Dong Qian do wrong?

However, this insistence also cost Dong Qian a huge price. She is often criticized for her interview style and even asked to "get out of the hosting world". But every time she hears such a voice, she takes a deep breath and moves forward with confidence.

Dong Qian understands that she may not be the most popular host, but she wants to be the most responsible journalist. In her own way, she brings more insight into the world to the audience and makes people realize that the role of a journalist is not just to report, but to reveal the truth and provoke thought.

Dong Qian has shown extraordinary courage and wisdom in interviews again and again, and her questions can always catch the interviewee off guard and reveal the real problem of the question. Despite the controversy, Dong Qian has always adhered to her own philosophy, and she firmly believes that only by constantly asking questions can she make the world a better place.

From "CCTV celebrity" to being scolded for "getting out of the hosting world", what did Dong Qian do wrong?

Dong Qian's story tells us that journalism is not only a statement of facts, but also the pursuit of truth and the exploration of deep-seated issues. In her own way, she has provided us with more knowledge about the world and made us understand that the role of a journalist is not only to report, but also to reveal the truth and provoke thought.

Dong Qian's career has gone through ups and downs, from being a CCTV celebrity to being reprimanded by everyone for "getting out of the hosting world". She has never changed her original intention to explore the truth, but she has also had to face doubts and criticism from all sides.

Reflecting on her career journey, Dong Qian fell into deep thought: Did she do something wrong? Is the question really too acute to be accepted by everyone? Or is her aloof attitude unapproachable? But she soon realized that the controversy had proven her worth as a journalist.

From "CCTV celebrity" to being scolded for "getting out of the hosting world", what did Dong Qian do wrong?

Dong Qian knows that the duty of a journalist is to reveal the truth, even if it may make people feel uncomfortable. Her interview style may be sharp, or she may be direct, but that's exactly what she does with her journalistic duties.

She's not the kind of host who sheds tears, and she always keeps her eyes on the truth, even if it's sometimes brutal.

Despite Dong Qian's controversy, she has always adhered to her beliefs. She firmly believes that the world can only be a better place if she keeps asking questions. Her story shows us that the path of a journalist is full of challenges, but as long as you stick to your original intention, you can go further on this path.

From "CCTV celebrity" to being scolded for "getting out of the hosting world", what did Dong Qian do wrong?

Dong Qian's adventurous career has been a brave journey of exploration and pursuit of truth. In this journey, Dong Qian reveals deeper issues for us in her own unique way, thus allowing us to understand more about the world.

Neither praise nor criticism can hide Dong Qian's determination to uphold her journalistic duties and her power to reveal the truth with sharp questions.