
The husband was killed by gangsters, but the wife remarried a blind man, leading to a homicide

author:Kind Coffee S

Oh, our world is really weird. Today, let's talk about a puzzling thing that happened in the south. It is said that a husband was poisoned by gangsters, and as a result, his daughter-in-law remarried a blind man who couldn't see anything. This incident makes people's hearts furious when they say it, and it also involves a murder case.

That place, called Cuihu Town, has beautiful mountains and rivers, and the people are also smart. There is a girl in the town, named Xiulian, who looks like a water spirit, like a flower, and has a kind heart. She married Ah Qiang, a carpenter in the town, and the two of them lived a sweet life, and their little life was prosperous. Ah Qiang has good craftsmanship and is also diligent, Xiulian takes care of the house in good order, and the two of them are affectionate and loving.

But the good times don't last long, there are unpredictable storms in the sky, and people have good and bad luck. One night, Cuong was returning home from work and met a group of gangsters on the way. These people saw that Ah Qiang was a carpenter, and estimated that he had a little silver on him, so they became ill-willed. Ah Qiang resisted desperately, but after all, two fists were invincible to four hands, and in the end, he died tragically under the gangster's knife.

The husband was killed by gangsters, but the wife remarried a blind man, leading to a homicide

When Xiulian heard the bad news, she cried so much that she washed her face with tears all day long. The people in the town also felt sorry for her, this good home, it was scattered. But no one expected that it didn't take long for Xiulian to announce that she would remarry Ah Ming, a blind man in the town. As soon as word of this spread, the townspeople blew up. Although the blind Ah Ming is honest, he is blind after all, why did Xiulian fall in love with such a young and beautiful girl? Some people even suspect that the relationship between Xiulian and Ah Ming has long been unclear, and as soon as Ah Qiang died, she just pushed the boat down the river and married Ah Ming.

Xiulian turned a deaf ear to these gossips, and just silently prepared for the wedding. On the day of the wedding, everyone from the town came, but everyone's faces were full of doubts and puzzles. Only the blind man Ah Ming had a happy smile on his face. After the wedding, Xiulian and Ah Ming started a small life. Although Amin can't see, his hands are skillful and he can touch all kinds of wood carvings. Xiulian is responsible for cooking and laundry at home, and the two respect each other like guests and love each other.

But at this moment, things in the town made waves again. One night, the town's night watchmen find the body of one of the same gangsters who killed Cuong before. This corpse died very strangely, there was not a single scar on the body, but the person just lost his breath. As soon as the news spread, the people of the town became even more confused. Xiulian is so coincidental, as soon as her husband died, she got married, and this gangster died inexplicably. Why are these two things so coincidental?

The husband was killed by gangsters, but the wife remarried a blind man, leading to a homicide

The people in the town began to talk about it, some people said that Xiulian was changed by a monster, and some people said that she used some evil magic in order to take revenge. These gossips, like growing legs, spread all over the city. Xiulian heard these rumors, and her heart was also mixed. She knew she was innocent, but she didn't know how to explain it. At this moment, the blind man Amin stood up, and he wanted to say a word of justice for Xiulian. Ah Ming's buddy shouted vigorously in the town: "Our family Xiulian, that's a good person, she married me, that's sincere, either she likes me, or she likes me as a person." As for the gangster's business, although I can't see it with my eyes, my heart is clear, and Xiulian will never do that. She's innocent, don't wronged her. When Amin said this, although the people in the town were still skeptical, their voices were much quieter.

At this moment, Xiulian stood up with a firm voice: "I know you have a pimple in your heart, but I have to say that the gangster's affairs have nothing to do with me." If you really want to know the truth, then give me a chance, and I have to prove my innocence. As soon as Xiulian said this, the people in the town became more curious, and they all wanted to know what was hidden behind this.

So, with Amin's support, Xiulian began to investigate this bizarre case. After a few days, she finally found some clues. It turned out that the gangster had been drunk in the tavern before he did bad things. The tavern owner said that someone gave him money that night to harm Cuong. That person's appearance and voice are carved out of the same mold as Xiulian!

The husband was killed by gangsters, but the wife remarried a blind man, leading to a homicide

When Xiulian heard this, she understood in her heart that she was cheated by someone, and this person still wanted her life. She decided to find out who was behind this and clear herself. After some twists and turns, Xiulian finally found the man, who turned out to be Ah Qiang's apprentice Xiao Li. Xiao Li has always been jealous of Ah Qiang's craftsmanship and status, and wants to replace him. He knew the relationship between Xiulian and Ah Ming, so he used his crooked brain, wanting to separate them by harming Xiulian, so that he could put himself in the position.

Xiulian found Xiao Li and confronted him face to face with a gong. Xiao Li saw that the matter was revealed, so he had to admit his guilt, saying that he was confused for a while, so he would do this. Although Xiulian forgave him, she also let him receive the punishment he deserved. As soon as this incident passed, Xiulian's innocence was cleared, and the people in the town also got to know her again, knowing that she was a strong, smart and kind girl, marrying Ah Ming, that was true love, nothing else.

Xiao Li was sent to the government and received the punishment he deserved. Xiulian and Ah Ming lived a peaceful life again. But this matter is not over, Xiulian knows in her heart that there may be a bigger cat behind this. She remembered the "exactly the same" person she had heard in the tavern that night, who was that person? Why is it so clear about her and Cuong? And deliberately came to harm her? Xiulian decided to dig deeper, and she had to dig out the secret behind it. Xiulian, this girl, is really a brave and knowledgeable Northeast woman. She is not simple, as soon as she hears that something is going on in the town, she quietly asks around, turning all the corners of the town upside down. She talked to the villagers who might know something, and it took a lot of effort for her to finally let her find out a shocking secret.

The husband was killed by gangsters, but the wife remarried a blind man, leading to a homicide

It turned out that it was not Xiao Li who was behind the troublemaker, but a group of big gangsters in the town who were secretly making ghosts! These people are not simple, they have secretly controlled the business and relationships in the town. They use all kinds of means to suppress those who are disobedient and expand their power. Ah Qiang, a young man, has good craftsmanship and good character, so he has become a thorn in their side. They originally planned to assassinate Ah Qiang and give the others a disadvantage, but they didn't expect that Xiulian, the girl, would stand up and expose their conspiracy.

After Xiulian knew this secret, she was so angry in her heart, how could she have thought that there was such a gangster hiding in the town where she had lived for so long. She decides to stand up and seek justice for Cuong and rid the townsfolk of this scourge. So, Xiulian began to secretly collect evidence, preparing to take out this gang of gangsters.

Xiulian, this girl, is smart and brave, and she has turned danger into disaster again and again, and finally collected enough evidence. She found the people from the government and handed over the evidence, and the people from the government saw that it was okay, and immediately organized people to encircle and suppress the gang. After a fierce battle, the gang was completely defeated, and the main members were brought to justice.

The husband was killed by gangsters, but the wife remarried a blind man, leading to a homicide

When the townsfolk heard the news, they were all applauded for Xiulian's bravery and wisdom, and they were also grateful for being able to get rid of this scourge. Xiulian and Ah Ming, a young couple, have also become celebrities in the town, and their love story has also become a good story.

But Xiulian, this girl, was not satisfied. She knew that there were still many people in the town who needed help, so she decided to use her strength to help those in need. Together with Amin, she opened a small shop in the town, specializing in helping poor villagers solve their livelihood problems. Their acts of kindness touched everyone in the town, and everyone reached out to help them improve the life of the town.

In this way, Xiulian and Armin lived happily in the town, and their story spread throughout the south and became a legend. And the gangster who once framed Xiulian has completely disappeared into the long river of history.

The husband was killed by gangsters, but the wife remarried a blind man, leading to a homicide

So, ladies and gentlemen, when we listen to the story, we also have to learn the spirit of it. Whether in life or work, we must have that courage, wisdom and love. Only in this way can we stand firm and live our own wonderful life in this complex and changeable world!

As time passed, Xiulian and Ah Ming's small shop became a beautiful scenery in the town, and their good deeds and love stories also became the topic of conversation among the townspeople after dinner. Our kind-hearted people in Gada, that is a benchmark admired by the people in the town, even tourists from other places come here, our business is getting hotter and hotter, Xiulian and Ah Ming are very busy. But just when they thought that the days were so moist, an uninvited guest broke the peace. That day, a mysterious man dressed in black and wearing a hat walked into the store, his eyes were sharp, as if he could read people's hearts. He sat down in a corner, ordered a pot of tea, and then quietly watched the movement in the shop.

Xiulian saw this person, and a chill involuntarily rose in her heart. She came closer, trying to see what the man looked like, but the man lifted his hat slightly, revealing a pale, gloomy face. "Miss Xiulian, we haven't seen each other for a while." The man spoke, in a low and hoarse voice, as if he had come out of the ground. Xiulian was stunned, she didn't know this person at all, but the other party seemed to know her well. She became alarmed and asked, "Who are you?" What's the matter here? ”

The husband was killed by gangsters, but the wife remarried a blind man, leading to a homicide

The man smiled slightly, and a hint of cunning flashed in his eyes: "I'm here to find you, Miss Xiulian." I've heard that you've put a lot of effort into getting rid of that gangster. I admire your courage and wisdom, so I would like to ask you to join us. Xiulian frowned, she didn't understand what kind of medicine was sold in this person's gourd. She asked, "What kind of organization are you?" Why should I join you? The man took a sip of tea and said slowly, "We are a larger organization whose goal is to make this world a better place. We need someone as brave and resourceful as you to help. Miss Xiulian, you have extraordinary talents and qualities, and I am sure that you will be an important person in our organization. ”

Xiulian sneered when she heard this, she would not easily believe the words of a stranger. She said, "Thank you for the compliment, but I'm not interested in your organization. I just want to live our little life with my husband Amin. The man did not seem surprised to hear this, and he continued, "Miss Xiulian, I know that you may think that I am lying to you. But trust me, we really need your help. Moreover, when you join us, you will not only be able to realize your dreams, but also make a greater contribution to this world. ”

Xiulian was silent for a while after hearing this, and her heart was a little shaken. She does have bigger dreams and ambitions, but she is also aware of the burden and mission on her shoulders. She didn't want to make the wrong choice on the spur of the moment. At this moment, Amin walked out of the back kitchen. He saw the stranger and felt the tension in the store. He walked up to Xiulian and gently shook her hand and gave her unwavering support. Amin said to the stranger, "No matter who you are, no matter what your purpose is, you are not welcome here. "Listen, Xiulian is my daughter-in-law, she doesn't plan to get involved in any organization. Let's just want to live in peace, live our little life, and don't let outsiders mix blindly. The buddy listened, and his face was a little lost, but his energy was not gone. He stood up and said to Xiulian and Amin, "Okay, if you don't want to join us, I can't deadlift." But you have to remember that what is lacking in this world is righteousness and courage. I believe you will be able to choose the right path sooner or later. As soon as he finished speaking, he turned and walked out of the shop. His shadow grew long in the setting sun, as if something big was about to happen. Xiulian and Ah Ming looked at his back, and their hearts were mixed. They know that this world is not peaceful, black and white, everything. But they also believe that as long as they have light and courage in their hearts, they can overcome any hurdle and their dreams can come true.

The husband was killed by gangsters, but the wife remarried a blind man, leading to a homicide

Since then, Xiulian and Ah Ming have worked harder to maintain their small shop. They use their actions to influence the people around them, conveying warmth and strength. Their good deeds not only won the respect and love of the townspeople, but also attracted more people to join. Fast forward for several years, and Xiulian and Ah Ming's shop has become a sign in the town, and their story has spread to every corner of the south. The stranger who wanted to pull them into the gang never showed up again.

Until one day, a customer from afar walked into the store. He tells Xiulian and Armin the shocking news: the gang has been served, and the stranger is the gang leader. He took a fancy to Xiulian's courage and wisdom and wanted to pull her into the gang. But he also knew that Xiulian was a principled person and would not change her mind easily. So he finally gave up and chose another path. When Xiulian and Ah Ming heard this, they were both shocked and emotional. They didn't expect the story behind the man to be so complicated. But they're also glad they didn't go the wrong way. Because they know that no matter how dark and evil the world is, as long as they have light and courage in their hearts, bright days will always come.

In this way, Xiulian and Armin live happily ever after in the town. Their stories have also become legends and remain in people's mouths forever.