
The ugly girl gave birth out of wedlock, and 5 men competed to recognize the child, but the child knelt down to a wolf

author:Kind Coffee S

In the small town by the Gobi Desert, there is a girl named Ah Lian, who is not handsome, but she has a good heart and good work, and everyone in the town is very rare about her. But it was this appearance that made Ah Lian unable to get married, and it became a pimple in her heart. When she was thirty years old, Ah Lian suddenly hugged a baby called Little Wolf. As soon as this matter spread, the town was lively, and everyone wondered, Ah Lian didn't even have a partner, why did a son pop up? Gossip flies like snowflakes.

At this time, five big men came to the town, and they all said that they were the little wolf and his father. These five people, some say that Ah Lian is a distant relative, some say that it is her former fiancé, and some say that they drank too much wine and had such a leg with Ah Lian. They quarreled so much, and Ah Lian was so entangled in her heart. She knew that none of these five were the fathers of the little wolf. But seeing them fighting for the custody of the little wolf, Ah Lian felt quite uncomfortable.

Ah Lian came up with a trick to get the five men to show their fatherly love for the little wolf and see who could impress her. The first was a rich merchant who brought a pile of gold and silver treasures, and said that he would give the little wolf the best life. Ah Lian looked at the gold, silver and jewelry, and her heart was not moved at all, knowing that these things could not represent father's love.

The ugly girl gave birth out of wedlock, and 5 men competed to recognize the child, but the child knelt down to a wolf

The second is a scholar who writes a long letter, and between the lines is the expectation and concern for the little wolf. Ah Lian read the letter and felt a little touched in her heart, but she always felt that there was something missing.

The third was a farmer who brought his own fruits and vegetables, and said that he would take care of the little wolf's food, drink, and Lazar. Ah Lian looked at his rough hands and beads of sweat on his face, and was a little moved, but she still shook her head.

The fourth was a hunter, who brought a bow and arrows of his own making, and said that he would teach the wolf cub to hunt. Ah Lian looked at the pair of delicate bows and arrows, and was a little hesitant, but she still didn't agree.

The ugly girl gave birth out of wedlock, and 5 men competed to recognize the child, but the child knelt down to a wolf

The last one was a shepherd, he didn't bring anything, he just stood quietly in front of Ah Lian, his eyes were full of love and warmth, as if the little wolf was his lifeblood. Ah Lian looked at him, and an inexplicable feeling suddenly surged in her heart.

Just then, the little wolf ran out of the house, ran up to the man, threw himself on his knees, and then hugged his legs tightly. Ah Lian looked at the scene in front of her, and the little thing in her heart was like a mirror. She stepped forward, pulled the little wolf up, then turned around, bowed deeply at the man, and muttered, "Thank you, you are the little wolf's father." When the man heard this, tears fell down like beads of broken thread. He picked up the little wolf and whispered to Ah Lian's ear, "Thank you, Ah Lian." In the days to come, I have to compensate you and your mother. Since then, the man has made his home in the town, pulling the wolf wolf with Ah Lian. They lived a sweet life, and those gossips slowly faded as time went on. As for why the little wolf knelt down to the shepherd, it had to start from a long time. Legend has it that at that time, there was a divine wolf on the Gobi Desert, which guarded the land and people. The little wolf is the descendant of the divine wolf. As soon as he felt the familiar aura of the shepherd, he knew that this man was his own father, so he knelt down without hesitation.

What we want to talk about today is the story of this Gorou fight. I hope everyone can feel the power of deep fatherly love and family affection from inside. Speaking of why the little wolf knelt down to the shepherd, there is a more mysterious story behind this. The shepherd, called Zhao Tiezhu, a man from the northwest, has shiny black skin, a sturdy body, and a loud voice that can shake the sky, revealing a sense of boldness. In the early years, when Zhao Tiezhu was herding sheep, he accidentally saved an injured she-wolf. The she-wolf was snow-white, and her eyes were full of spirituality, as if she could communicate with people. Zhao Tiezhu saw that it was pitiful, so he took it home and took care of it. Unexpectedly, the she-wolf was healed, so she stayed at Zhao Tiezhu's house, followed him to graze every day, and went back to his house to rest at night. After a long time, Zhao Tiezhu and this she-wolf have a deep relationship. When the people in the village saw it, they all joked that Zhao Tiezhu had raised a "wolf daughter-in-law".

The ugly girl gave birth out of wedlock, and 5 men competed to recognize the child, but the child knelt down to a wolf

One winter, the Gobi Desert was windy and snowy. Zhao Tiezhu was afraid that the sheep would freeze, so he didn't sleep all night and stayed on the edge of the sheepfold. In the middle of the night, he heard a low roar outside the sheepfold, and he hurried to grab a torch to look. I saw that the she-wolf was confronting a fierce wolf, her eyes were fierce, as if she was about to pounce at any moment. Zhao Tiezhu was anxious and shouted loudly, trying to scare away the wild wolf. But when the wolf saw that people were coming, he became even more ferocious. Zhao Tiezhu was in a hurry, picked up a wooden stick and did it with the wolf. After a struggle, Zhao Tiezhu beat the wolf down, but he was also seriously injured and couldn't move in the snow. At this time, the she-wolf slowly walked to Zhao Tiezhu's side and gently licked his wound with her tongue. The warm current in Zhao Tiezhu's heart is like a hot kang in the northeast, warm. The feeling in my heart was as if I had drunk two pots of head, and I was on my head. He sat up with great difficulty, touched the head of the she-wolf with his hand unconsciously, and muttered, "Thank you, my wolf daughter-in-law." Since then, the relationship between Zhao Tiezhu and the she-wolf is more sticky than the sauerkraut stewed vermicelli in the northeast.

But the good times didn't last long, just like the winter in the northeast, it came as soon as it was said, and the she-wolf suddenly disappeared. Zhao Tiezhu turned the Gobi Desert upside down, but he didn't find it. The uncomfortable energy in his heart was colder than the ice and snow in the northeast, and he was in tears every day.

Just when Zhao Tiezhu was about to be disheartened, Ah Lian suddenly came to the door and said that she was pregnant with Zhao Tiezhu's child. When Zhao Tiezhu heard this, the taste in his heart was more sour than eating sour dates, he was surprised and delighted, and his mind was full of question marks. He couldn't think of when he had such a show with Ah Lian, let alone why she came to the door at this time.

The ugly girl gave birth out of wedlock, and 5 men competed to recognize the child, but the child knelt down to a wolf

But when Ah Lian spread things out one by one, Zhao Tiezhu suddenly realized. It turned out that before the she-wolf disappeared, she found Ah Lian and entrusted her cub to her. Ah Lian saw that the she-wolf trusted herself so much, so she agreed. Since then, Ah Lian has been the mother of the little wolf, treating him as if he were her own.

When the little wolf was three years old, he suddenly became restless and clamored all day long to find his father. As soon as Ah Lian saw the situation, she knew that she couldn't hide it, so she took the little wolf to find Zhao Tiezhu. As soon as Zhao Tiezhu saw the little wolf, the mystery in his heart melted like the snow in the northeast. He picked up the wolf cub and held it tightly in his arms, as if to melt him. The little wolf also found his long-lost relatives, snuggled in Zhao Tiezhu's arms, and refused to let go.

Since then, Zhao Tiezhu has taken the little wolf and Ah Lian to live together. They are like a family of three in the northeast, relying on each other for their lives, and they live happily. Those rumors have slowly dissipated with time.

The ugly girl gave birth out of wedlock, and 5 men competed to recognize the child, but the child knelt down to a wolf

Just when Zhao Tiezhu was at a loss, the little wolf suddenly rushed out, pounced on the wild wolf, and bit the wild wolf's neck. The wolf howled in pain, but the little wolf clung to it. After some fighting, the wolf cub finally subdued the wolf. Zhao Tiezhu hurriedly ran over and saw that the little wolf was covered in injuries, but his eyes were firm. He patted the little wolf on the head and boasted, "Well done, son! You have inherited all your mother's bravery and strength! ”

Since then, the little wolf has become the little hero of the town. His actions proved his identity and worth, and those who once looked down on him were also impressed by him. Since that heroic subduing of the wolf, the reputation of the little wolf in the town has been as overwhelming as the heavy snow in the northeast. Hey, look at this little wolf cub, although it was not raised by us, but that momentum is really admirable. Zhao Tiezhu's old brother is as happy as something, and when he sees people, he praises him for how capable that kid is. Ah Lian watched the little wolf grow day by day, and called a beautiful woman in her heart, although she looked average, but raising such a good son, this life was not in vain.

But the good times didn't last long, and one day, a group of uninvited guests suddenly appeared on the Gobi Desert - a group of fierce and vicious horse thieves. These people are really bad at home, burning, killing, looting, and doing all kinds of bad things. As soon as they entered the town, they began to loot things everywhere, which frightened people a lot. Zhao Tiezhu, this buddy, as a tough guy in the town, how can he just watch it. As soon as he beckoned, a few bold townsfolk followed him, ready to fight the horse thief. When the little wolf heard about it, he also clamored to go. Zhao Tiezhu looked at his eyes, his heart softened, and he nodded in agreement.

The ugly girl gave birth out of wedlock, and 5 men competed to recognize the child, but the child knelt down to a wolf

That night, it was as dark as the bottom of a pot, and Zhao Tiezhu and the little wolf secretly ambushed outside the horse thief's camp. When the horse thieves were so drunk that they slept like dead pigs, they suddenly went into action. For a while, the sword light and sword shadows, and the sound of shouting and killing shook the sky. Although the little wolf is young, he is nimble with his hands and feet, and he rushes around with Zhao Tiezhu, just like playing. The horse thieves were caught off guard and were quickly beaten to pieces.

But just as they were about to win, there was a sudden sound of horses' hooves in the distance. It turned out that the leader of the horse thieves was coming with a group of elite soldiers. There were many of them, and they were violent, and Zhao Tiezhu and they were soon surrounded. The situation was critical, Zhao Tiezhu was in a hurry, and yelled: "You guys retreat!" I'm here to get in the way! So saying, he swung his sword and charged at the horse-thief's cavalry. Seeing this, the little wolf did not hesitate to follow.

Father and son rushed through the cavalry of the horse thieves and followed the no-man's land. But the horse thieves were outnumbered, and they were soon surrounded by water. Although Zhao Tiezhu and the little wolf are brave, they can't stand the many families. There are more and more injuries on his body, and his physical strength is gradually exhausted. At this moment, the little wolf suddenly shouted: "Mother! Come help me! As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a white shadow rushing from a distance. The white shadow was incredibly fast, and in the blink of an eye, it rushed into the cavalry of the horse thieves. It slammed left and right, knocking the horse thieves on their backs.

The ugly girl gave birth out of wedlock, and 5 men competed to recognize the child, but the child knelt down to a wolf

Since then, the she-wolf has never left them, playing with the wolf, hunting, and guarding the land. Zhao Tiezhu and Ah Lian's days are so harmonious and beautiful, peaceful and quiet. You say it's strange or not, since the fight, there have been no horse thieves and wild beasts on the Gobi Desert. Everyone in the village said that it was the result of Zhao Tiezhu's family and the she-wolf's protection. That stele is a testimony to their protection of this land. Now, the stele is still standing in the courtyard of Zhao Tiezhu's house, and in the dead of night, there is still a ghostly light on the stele. Some people say that it is the she-wolf who silently guards the land and the people here.

This is the story we want to tell today-Gorou Zhengzi. I hope that after listening to it, you can experience the deep fatherly love, the power of family affection, and the deep affection between us humans and animals. You have to understand a truth: in this world, nothing is absolutely difficult, and nothing is impossible. As long as we have the courage, brains, and love, we can create our own legends! We Northeast people, when were we afraid of difficulties? When were you afraid of the impossible? We're the hard guys, and we're not afraid of anything!