
Liao Fan: The right decision in my life was to marry Huo Xin, who was 5 years older, as my wife

author:Science on the past and the present
Liao Fan: The right decision in my life was to marry Huo Xin, who was 5 years older, as my wife
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Liao Fan: The right decision in my life was to marry Huo Xin, who was 5 years older, as my wife

On an ordinary night in Changsha, Hunan, actor Liao Fan attended an ordinary party. He casually looked around and was suddenly attracted by an elegant figure.

That's Huo Xin, a talented screenwriter who is five years older than him. When their eyes met, Liao Fan felt his heart beat faster, as if something had been touched deep inside.

Although his friends were skeptical about this relationship with a large age gap, Liao Fan was firm in his heart. He frequently asked Huo Xin to dinner, and every time he met, he was more convinced that this woman was his destined other half.

Liao Fan: The right decision in my life was to marry Huo Xin, who was 5 years older, as my wife

On a warm date, Liao Fan gently put his coat on Huo Xin's shoulder, and at that moment, he knew that he was hopelessly in love with her.

This seemingly accidental encounter became an important turning point in Liao Fan's life, and it was also the beginning of what he later called "the most correct decision in this life".

Xiao Liao Fan's childhood was very different from other children. The theater became his second home, where he enjoyed himself while his father was busy with rehearsals. Once, the young Liao Fan sat in front of the makeup mirror, picked up the eyebrow pencil, and put on makeup for himself with great interest.

He drew two thick eyebrows, which were not symmetrical to the left and right, and looked ridiculous. But this did not discourage him, but only made him more fascinated by this magical world.

Liao Fan: The right decision in my life was to marry Huo Xin, who was 5 years older, as my wife

Under the influence and support of his father, Liao Fan developed a strong interest in performing arts. After graduating from high school, he was successfully admitted to the Shanghai Theater Academy and began his professional acting studies.

Although he is introverted and not good at words on weekdays, once he stands on the stage, Liao Fan is like a different person, and his acting talent has been unanimously recognized by teachers and classmates.

During college, Liao Fan began to get involved in the film and television industry. In order to create a middle-aged male character, he even did not hesitate to shave his hair in a "Mediterranean" style. When he returned to school with his hat on, his classmates were surprised to call him "the new Mediterranean teacher in the class".

This experience not only shows Liao Fan's dedication to acting, but also indicates his future development potential in the film and television industry. Growing up in an artistic atmosphere since childhood, and then to professional learning and practice, Liao Fan's acting career can be said to be a matter of course.

Liao Fan: The right decision in my life was to marry Huo Xin, who was 5 years older, as my wife

He knows that it is this family full of art and his father's words and deeds that have shaped him today. This artistic influence from his family has become his most valuable asset on the road of acting.

Liao Fan's acting career is not smooth sailing, but full of hardships and perseverance. After graduating, he was fortunate to meet the famous director Meng Jinghui and returned to the drama stage he was familiar with.

Although his life is not rich, Liao Fan's love for acting has not diminished in the slightest. Every morning, he was always the first to arrive at the rehearsal site and devoted himself to the rehearsal of "Rhino in Love".

Even though he could only share a simple vegetarian hot pot with his companions after the rehearsal, he felt extremely satisfied and happy.

Liao Fan: The right decision in my life was to marry Huo Xin, who was 5 years older, as my wife

By chance, Meng Jinghui invited Liao Fan to participate in the movie "Fly Like Chicken Feathers". This experience opened the door to the film industry for him, and also marked his gradual transition from an unknown newcomer to the public eye.

Subsequently, he starred in many well-known films such as "Love to the End", "Evil Does Not Prevail", "Fireworks in the Day" and so on, and gradually gained a firm foothold in the film industry.

Liao Fan's success is not accidental, but stems from his dedication and professionalism to acting. On the filming site of "Fireworks in the Day", there was a scene that asked him to bite the tip of his tongue.

Liao Fan did so without hesitation, and the scene of blood running down the corners of his mouth shocked everyone present. The crew members handed over tissues in horror, but he was calm, as if he was not hurting.

Liao Fan: The right decision in my life was to marry Huo Xin, who was 5 years older, as my wife

In order to better shape the character, he was even unable to eat normally for several days, but he never complained.

This kind of professionalism not only won the favor of directors, but also won him the title of "actor". However, behind the success is hard work. During the filming of a horse riding scene, Liao Fan accidentally fell off his horse.

Even though he felt severe pain, he insisted on getting up and continuing filming. The director asks with concern if he needs to take a break, but he firmly says to continue. Unfortunately, he fell again, this time so badly that he had to have 12 steel nails implanted.

From the drama stage to the big screen, from obscurity to winning the best actor, Liao Fan's acting career is a process of constantly breaking through himself and pursuing excellence. He used his practical actions to explain what true professionalism is, and also proved that as long as you stick to your dreams, there will be a day when they will come true.

Liao Fan: The right decision in my life was to marry Huo Xin, who was 5 years older, as my wife

Today's Liao Fan has become a powerful actor familiar to the audience, but he still maintains his love and rigorous attitude towards acting, and continues to move forward on the road of acting.

Huo Xin's appearance, like a clear stream, quietly changed the trajectory of Liao Fan's life. This woman, who is five years older than him, has not only become his lover, but also a guide in life.

Liao Fan used to be an out-and-out "spicy lover". Every time he goes out to eat, he always orders a large table of spicy dishes and enjoys the stimulation of the tip of his tongue.

Huo Xin's addition has quietly changed this habit. She always gently but firmly reminded Liao Fan to pay attention to a healthy diet, and guided him to reduce the intake of spicy food.

Liao Fan: The right decision in my life was to marry Huo Xin, who was 5 years older, as my wife

Gradually, Liao Fan began to learn to restrain his appetite in front of Huo Xin. Interestingly, when Huo Xin was not around, he would occasionally secretly eat a few more bites of chili peppers, feeling both a trace of guilt and a sweet happiness in his heart.

What touched Liao Fan the most was the process of Huo Xin helping him quit drinking. As an actor, Liao Fan often needs to stay up late to film, and his schedule is disordered. To relieve stress, he developed a habit of drinking heavily.

Huo Xin saw it in his eyes and was anxious in his heart. One day, she made a decision that shocked Liao Fan: she gave all the precious wines he had treasured for many years to relatives and friends.

Watching those beloved wines being removed from the bottles one by one, Liao Fan's heart was like a knife. He clung to the last bottle and pleaded, "Please keep this bottle, it is a treasure that I have treasured for a long time."

Liao Fan: The right decision in my life was to marry Huo Xin, who was 5 years older, as my wife

However, Huo Xin just smiled slightly, and took the bottle of wine away without hesitation. Facing the empty wine cabinet, Liao Fan felt both heartache and emotion.

At first, Liao Fan was a little uncomfortable with such life changes. But seeing Huo Xin so attentive to his health, his dissatisfaction quickly turned into gratitude. With Huo Xin's encouragement and support, he slowly quit the bad habit of alcoholism, and even developed a good habit of going to bed early and getting up early.

Huo Xin's care is meticulous. She cooks by herself every day, prepares healthy and delicious meals for Liao Fan, and strictly controls his diet. Sometimes they would take him out to exercise together, and the two would jog side by side, breathe in the fresh air, and enjoy the good times of life.

Under the influence of Huo Xin, Liao Fan's physical condition has not only improved significantly, but also become more sunny and cheerful. At work, he is able to focus more on his role; In life, he learned to better balance his career and health.

Liao Fan: The right decision in my life was to marry Huo Xin, who was 5 years older, as my wife

Sometimes, when a friend comes to visit with wine, Huo Xin will skillfully hide the wine to prevent Liao Fan from having a desire to drink. These subtle actions made Liao Fan feel warm and happy.

Liao Fan deeply felt how happy it was to have a partner who cared so much about him. Huo Xin is not only his lover, but also the guardian of his life.

It is precisely because of her existence that Liao Fan's life has become healthier, more fulfilling and better. This positive influence born of love made Liao Fan more firmly believe that marrying Huo Xin was indeed the most correct decision in his life.

Time flies, and Liao Fan and Huo Xin's marriage has gone through twenty springs and autumns. However, the passage of time did not dilute the relationship between them, but made their love more mellow and deeper.

Liao Fan: The right decision in my life was to marry Huo Xin, who was 5 years older, as my wife

Every year Huo Xin's birthday is a special moment for Liao Fan to show his love. He is always planning a surprise, whether it's a bouquet of her favorite flowers, a unique gift, or sometimes a romantic trip.

Every time he saw the smile on Huo Xin's face, Liao Fan felt extremely satisfied. These seemingly insignificant actions are an important bond to maintain their relationship.

Even though both have their busy careers, they always find ways to support each other. Liao Fan is still active in the entertainment industry, constantly challenging new roles; And Huo Xin, as a talented screenwriter, has also made good achievements in his field.

Whenever Liao Fan has a new work released, Huo Xin always rushes to the theater to support it as soon as possible. And when Huo Xin completes the new script, Liao Fan will also seriously give his own suggestions and encouragement.

Liao Fan: The right decision in my life was to marry Huo Xin, who was 5 years older, as my wife

There will inevitably be friction and disputes in married life, but they can always resolve conflicts with understanding and tolerance. Once, because of too much work pressure, Liao Fan lost his temper with Huo Xin.

Afterwards, he felt deeply guilty and took the initiative to apologize to Huo Xin. And Huo Xin not only didn't care, but also comforted him thoughtfully and encouraged him to be strong in the face of pressure. It is this attitude of mutual understanding and mutual support that makes their relationship deeper and deeper.

Now, Liao Fan has entered the year of knowing the destiny of heaven. Whenever he looks back on the past, he will always be filled with emotion. He often said to his friends: "Marrying Huo Xin is the most correct decision in my life."

He said this countless times, but he never got tired of it. Because he knows that it is with Huo Xin's company that his life is so complete.

Liao Fan: The right decision in my life was to marry Huo Xin, who was 5 years older, as my wife

Outside of their busy schedules, they like to go out on vacation together. Or stroll along the tranquil beach and feel the sea breeze; Or wander through the old towns and discover the traces of history.

In these warm moments, they seem to return to the throbbing of their first acquaintance, looking at each other and smiling, their eyes full of happiness.

In this fast-paced era, Liao Fan and Huo Xin's married life is undoubtedly a warm epitome, showing the power of love and the true meaning of marriage. Their stories have also brought many people longing and confidence for a good marriage.

The story of Liao Fan and Huo Xin interprets a sincere love that transcends age. After 20 years of mutual understanding, they have proved the importance of mutual understanding and support.

Liao Fan: The right decision in my life was to marry Huo Xin, who was 5 years older, as my wife

From the throbbing when they first met to the deep relationship they have now, they continue to grow in each other's company. This marriage not only changed Liao Fan's life, but also made their careers more colorful.

Their stories teach us that true love can transcend age, and that working together is invincible.

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