
Li Jianqun: I fell in love with the director for 27 years without a name, unfortunately passed away, and my boyfriend left after 2 years

author:Science on the past and the present
Li Jianqun: I fell in love with the director for 27 years without a name, unfortunately passed away, and my boyfriend left after 2 years
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Li Jianqun: I fell in love with the director for 27 years without a name, unfortunately passed away, and my boyfriend left after 2 years

Among the bright stars of the entertainment industry, there is a story of a pair of lovers who is particularly eye-catching. She is the unforgettable "Concubine Rong" Li Jianqun in "Kangxi Dynasty", he is the talented director Chen Jialin.

They have been in love for 27 years, but they have never stepped into the palace of marriage, nor have they left the crystallization of love. This unusual relationship has been baptized by the years, like a moving concerto, playing a unique note in the hustle and bustle.

What kind of emotional bond makes them stick to this nameless love? Facing the end of their lives, will they regret their original choice? Let's unravel the mystery of this love story that spans nearly three decades and explore the true meaning together.

Li Jianqun: I fell in love with the director for 27 years without a name, unfortunately passed away, and my boyfriend left after 2 years

In the 1980s, a grand historical drama "Tang Ming Huang" was in preparation, and no one knew that this crew would become the starting point of a legendary love. Li Jianqun, who had just experienced a setback in his marriage, and Chen Jialin, a budding director, met here unexpectedly, and the gears of fate quietly turned.

With his outstanding acting skills and alluring appearance, Li Jianqun perfectly interpreted the role of Concubine Wu Hui. Her performance not only won praise from the audience, but also attracted the attention of Chen Jialin.

When the two repeatedly discussed the plot and scrutinized the characters' personalities, they gradually developed subtle feelings.

Chen Jialin was impressed by Li Jianqun's professionalism and artistic attainments. Her deep understanding of the characters, as well as her attention to detail in the costumes, impressed the young director.

Li Jianqun: I fell in love with the director for 27 years without a name, unfortunately passed away, and my boyfriend left after 2 years

Li Jianqun, on the other hand, was attracted by Chen Jialin's talent and meticulous work attitude.

However, the elder Chen Jialin inevitably felt a little inferior in his heart, and he did not dare to show his feelings rashly. On the contrary, it was Li Jianqun, who was frank, and after confirming his feelings, he did not hesitate to confide his sincerity to Chen Jialin.

This courage touched Chen Jialin, and the relationship between the two entered a new stage.

In this way, they embarked on a decades-long love journey. Although there is no formal marriage relationship, the tacit understanding and trust between them are better than ordinary couples.

Li Jianqun: I fell in love with the director for 27 years without a name, unfortunately passed away, and my boyfriend left after 2 years

This love, which began at work and became a sincere relationship, added a unique color to their artistic career.

In the years that followed, Li Jianqun and Chen Jialin worked together to create many popular film and television works. Their feelings are also constantly sublimated in cooperation, supporting each other and growing together.

Although there is a lot of speculation about their relationship, they have always kept a low profile and interpreted their love with practical actions.

This budding relationship in the crew of "Tang Minghuang" is like a cluster of sparks, which has gradually become a prairie fire in the long river of years. It not only witnessed the growth of the two artists, but also became a good story in the entertainment industry.

Li Jianqun: I fell in love with the director for 27 years without a name, unfortunately passed away, and my boyfriend left after 2 years

The story of Li Jianqun and Chen Jialin shows the world a kind of love that transcends the world's vision, pure and profound, and timeless.

Li Jianqun's life is like a gorgeous picture, full of dramatic turns. In 1957, she was born in an ordinary family, but she was destined to embark on an extraordinary path.

Since childhood, Li Jianqun has shown an infinite love for dance. She dances gracefully and lightly, as if she was born to stand on stage. Whenever she danced in the yard, the neighbors would stop to admire and admire.

This little girl's talent quickly attracted the attention of her parents.

Li Jianqun: I fell in love with the director for 27 years without a name, unfortunately passed away, and my boyfriend left after 2 years

With the support of her family, Li Jianqun stepped into the door of the dance school and started her ballet dream. She studied hungrily and watered her dreams with sweat.

At the age of 13, Li Jianqun was successfully admitted to the Wuhan Song and Dance Troupe with his excellent dancing skills and officially became a professional dancer.

However, fate always likes to play jokes with people. Just when Li Jianqun was immersed in the sea of dance and bloomed herself, an accidental injury shattered her ballet dream.

During a rehearsal, she tragically tore the meniscus in her knee, a blow that was undoubtedly devastating for a dancer.

Li Jianqun: I fell in love with the director for 27 years without a name, unfortunately passed away, and my boyfriend left after 2 years

After being injured, Li Jianqun fell into a trough for a while, and he couldn't even look directly at himself in the mirror. However, this strong girl was not crushed by fate. She soon realized that the stage of life was much wider than the ballet stage.

So, she resolutely turned to the field of art and design, and interpreted her love of art in another way.

With a keen intuition for beauty and unremitting efforts, Li Jianqun has shown extraordinary talent in the field of stage design. She was successfully admitted to the Department of Stage Art of Shanghai Theater Academy, and performed well during her schooling.

After graduating, she was assigned to work in the art troupe of the military region and began a new artistic career.

Li Jianqun: I fell in love with the director for 27 years without a name, unfortunately passed away, and my boyfriend left after 2 years

Not satisfied with the status quo, Li Jianqun began to try to create dance costumes independently. She brings a deep understanding of dance to her designs, creating stage costumes that are both beautiful and functional.

Her talent was quickly recognized, winning numerous awards in the field of fashion design.

The gears of fate turned again, and Li Jianqun's talent and beauty attracted the attention of the film and television industry. She was photographed by the director and stepped into the showbiz full of opportunities and challenges.

Since then, she has bloomed on the screen, created unforgettable roles, and become a powerful actor loved by the audience.

Li Jianqun: I fell in love with the director for 27 years without a name, unfortunately passed away, and my boyfriend left after 2 years

Li Jianqun's life trajectory, from dancer to designer, to actor, every transformation shows her perseverance and persistent pursuit of art. She uses her own experience to illustrate what is the true spirit of an artist – to find a way to express oneself no matter what situation you find yourself in, and never stop on the road of art.

The relationship between Li Jianqun and Chen Jialin is like a beautiful symphony, which perfectly integrates art and love. They have worked together to create many popular historical dramas, such as "Yang Guifei", "Wang Zhaojun", "Wu Zetian", etc., leaving a strong mark in the film and television industry.

In these works, Li Jianqun not only contributed superb acting skills, but also took on the heavy responsibility of costume design. Her love of history and attention to detail made her extra attentive in preparing for the role.

In order to restore the historical truth, she often stayed up late to read a large number of historical materials and draw the design drawings of exquisite clothes by herself. Her dedication has been highly recognized by the audience and industry insiders, and she has won various awards many times.

Li Jianqun: I fell in love with the director for 27 years without a name, unfortunately passed away, and my boyfriend left after 2 years

Chen Jialin, on the other hand, brings the stories of these historical figures to life with his unique directorial perspective. He is adept at capturing the subtle changes in the hearts of his characters, translating complex historical events into compelling film and television works.

The tacit cooperation between the two at work is undoubtedly the best testimony of their relationship.

However, behind the success is inevitably accompanied by doubts. Some people maliciously speculate that Li Jianqun can get a good role entirely because she is Chen Jialin's girlfriend.

In the face of such doubts, Li Jianqun has always maintained a professional attitude. She responded calmly: "It is precisely because of the high fit between my own image and the characteristics of the role that I have this valuable opportunity for cooperation.

Li Jianqun: I fell in love with the director for 27 years without a name, unfortunately passed away, and my boyfriend left after 2 years

The golden boy and girl proved with practical actions that their feelings and career achievements are based on mutual respect and joint efforts. At work, they are each other's strictest critics and the most solid backing.

Li Jianqun's acting skills and Chen Jialin's directing talent complement each other, creating one masterpiece after another.

Their story is not only a legendary love, but also a model of the perfect combination of art and life. In their world, love nourishes art, and art sublimates love.

Each work they work with their hard work carries their understanding and support for each other.

Li Jianqun: I fell in love with the director for 27 years without a name, unfortunately passed away, and my boyfriend left after 2 years

The relationship between Li Jianqun and Chen Jialin has broken people's inherent impression of feelings in the entertainment industry. They proved that even without the constraints of marriage, two people who love each other can walk through the long years hand in hand and create a brilliant artistic life together.

Their story has become a good story in the film and television industry, and has also set an example for many art workers.

In the nearly 30 years of love between Li Jianqun and Chen Jialin, there is a regret that always haunts them - they failed to conceive a child together. This decision seemed inconsequential in their youth, but as the years passed, especially in the twilight of life, the regret became more and more acute.

When he was sick, Li Jianqun once confided in Chen Jialin with tears in his eyes: "Jialin, the biggest regret in my life is that I couldn't conceive a child with you.

Li Jianqun: I fell in love with the director for 27 years without a name, unfortunately passed away, and my boyfriend left after 2 years

This sentence not only expresses her deep desire in her heart, but also reflects her deep attachment to this relationship. Although their love has long gone beyond the realm of blood relationship, it is still an unspeakable flaw for a woman to not be able to create a new life with her beloved.

This regret may reflect Li Jianqun's desire for the continuation of life and his eternal expectations for this relationship. In her opinion, a child is not only the crystallization of love, but also the common future and bond of two people.

With no children, she is worried that after she dies, Chen Jialin will die alone.

In 2020, Li Jianqun passed away due to illness, pushing Chen Jialin into endless thoughts. Her departure is not only a farewell to her life, but also the final interpretation of this special relationship.

Li Jianqun: I fell in love with the director for 27 years without a name, unfortunately passed away, and my boyfriend left after 2 years

In the last moments of her life, this unfulfilled wish became her deepest regret.

In 2022, Chen Jialin followed Li Jianqun and wrote the final chapter of this love with his life. Their story, like a poignant elegy, has left a deep imprint on the hearts of the world.

Looking back on their 27 years of cohabitation, although they have no status of marriage and no children, they have interpreted what sincere love is with their actions. Their choice shows the world another possibility of love - not confined to the constraints of the world, but based on the fit of the heart.

What they left to the world is not only many classic film and television works, but also an unforgettable love legend. This affection transcends the world's vision, crosses the boundary of life and death, and becomes an eternal legend.

Li Jianqun: I fell in love with the director for 27 years without a name, unfortunately passed away, and my boyfriend left after 2 years

The story of Li Jianqun and Chen Jialin has triggered people's thinking about the nature of love: what is the most important thing in a relationship? Is it a formal constraint, or is it a communion of hearts? Is it the continuation of the bloodline, or is it the fit of the spirit? The answers to these questions may lie in their 27 years together.

Their love is like a beautiful movement across time and space, even if their lives are over, the notes still echo in heaven and earth. This touching story will forever be engraved in the history of Chinese film and television and love, and become an eternal classic that people remember and yearn for.

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