
Guo Xianni, a mixed-race Hong Kong sister, married her husband in the countryside and bought 3 suites by herself, husband: I don't eat soft rice

author:Science on the past and the present
Guo Xianni, a mixed-race Hong Kong sister, married her husband in the countryside and bought 3 suites by herself, husband: I don't eat soft rice
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Guo Xianni, a mixed-race Hong Kong sister, married her husband in the countryside and bought 3 suites by herself, husband: I don't eat soft rice

In the bright entertainment industry, Guo Xianni was like a dazzling star. In 1999, this mixed-race child won the Miss Hong Kong crown with her unique charm, and then won the Miss International Chinese Contest, becoming the second double champion after Li Jiaxin.

Her beauty is amazing, and Myolie Wu has to admit that she is only here to compete for the runner-up.

However, fate is always full of drama. Who would have thought that this high-profile double champion, after a series of vigorous romances, would finally choose to marry an unknown rural guy in Henan?

What's even more surprising is that she not only posted three properties upside down, but also devoted herself to the lives of ordinary people.

Guo Xianni, a mixed-race Hong Kong sister, married her husband in the countryside and bought 3 suites by herself, husband: I don't eat soft rice

What is the story behind this seemingly incredible choice? What made this former "Merry Queen" willing to let go of her former aura and choose a life completely different from her? From a rookie praised by TVB to a rural daughter-in-law, Guo Xianni's transformation not only subverted the public's imagination, but also wrote an unexpected chapter in her life.

Let's unveil the mystery of this legendary marriage and explore the true choices in Guo Xianni's heart.

Guo Xianni's acting career can be described as smooth sailing. With the double titles of Sister Hong Kong and Sister Hua, she quickly became a rookie praised by TVB. The first work "Looking for Qin" partnered with the popular actor Louis Koo, and the weight of the role even exceeded that of the veteran actor Xuan Xuan, which shows how much TVB attaches importance to her.

However, with the rise of fame, Guo Xianni's scandals have also sprung up. The ambiguous relationship with Louis Koo sparked heated discussions, and the two were revealed to have been alone on the set for 16 hours.

Guo Xianni, a mixed-race Hong Kong sister, married her husband in the countryside and bought 3 suites by herself, husband: I don't eat soft rice

Although this scandal has not received a clear response, it has caused an uproar inside and outside the circle. Immediately afterwards, she had an affair with director Gu Dezhao, and the news that the two talked for 3 hours in Guo Xianni's boudoir made Gu Dezhao's girlfriend propose to break up.

Guo Xianni doesn't seem to be criticized by the unexpected world, but is more bold in pursuing the feelings she wants. She intervened in the relationship between Huang Zihua and his girlfriend Liu Wanjun, and publicly stated that "age is not a problem", although the age difference between the two is 14 years.

This series of behaviors not only made her bear the notoriety of "little three", but also made her a "fox of expression" in Yuan Qiongdan's mouth.

In this Vanity Fair, Guo Xianni seems to have lost herself and become one of the legendary "Four Swinging Flowers". Her love life has become the focus of the entertainment industry, and every new relationship will trigger a frenzy of media fanatics.

Guo Xianni, a mixed-race Hong Kong sister, married her husband in the countryside and bought 3 suites by herself, husband: I don't eat soft rice

However, behind these glamorous scenes, is there a loneliness and confusion in Guo Xianni's heart? Is her behavior just to get more attention in this competitive circle? These questions may only be answered by Guo Xianni herself.

Guo Xianni's love life is like a merry-go-round, constantly circling between different men. After breaking up with Huang Zihua, she soon fell into a complicated four-cornered romance.

The protagonists of this emotional whirlpool include Cai Shaofen, Guo Xianni, Ma Junwei and Chen Hao, which has attracted widespread attention from the outside world.

On the set, Guo Xianni's intimate interaction with Ma Junwei attracted everyone's attention. The two not only practiced Latin dance together publicly to prepare for the finals of Miss Hong Kong, but also did not shy away from showing their intimacy in front of the media.

Guo Xianni, a mixed-race Hong Kong sister, married her husband in the countryside and bought 3 suites by herself, husband: I don't eat soft rice

Although this relationship was short-lived, it added more drama to Guo Xianni's love life.

Immediately afterwards, Guo Xianni threw herself into the arms of Wen Zhaolun, the "prodigal son of love". This relationship surprised the outside world, but Wen Zhaolun seemed to be impressed by Guo Xianni's charm, not only quit smoking and drinking, but also cooked food for her.

However, this seemingly sweet relationship only lasted for a few months. Guo Xianni took the initiative to break up, which caught Wen Zhaolun, who was deeply in love, off guard.

Subsequently, Guo Xianni had an affair with married actor Ma Dezhong. The two approached because of an experience of "heroes saving beauty". In 2005, when Guo Xianni encountered an embarrassing incident on the set, it was Ma Dezhong who stepped forward and resolved the crisis.

Guo Xianni, a mixed-race Hong Kong sister, married her husband in the countryside and bought 3 suites by herself, husband: I don't eat soft rice

This experience made the relationship between the two heat up rapidly, and at the press conference of the TV series, Ma Dezhong boldly took Guo Xianni's hand. This move undoubtedly caused an uproar, and also made Guo Xianni fall into the controversy of "Little Three" again.

However, the emotional whirlpool did not stop there. In 2006, when Guo Xianni collaborated with Tao Dayu in "Police Duty", the two sparked love. Tao Dayu even gave up his marriage to his wife Huang Huibao for Guo Xianni.

However, this hard-won relationship soon lost its popularity, and Tao Dayu re-dated his ex-wife frequently, which made Guo Xianni fall into a trough of affection again.

In these ups and downs of emotional experience, Guo Xianni seems to always be looking for true love, but it is always difficult to achieve her wish. Are these romances just a way for her to find a presence in Vanity Fair? Or did these experiences set the stage for her future marriage choices? In any case, this relationship whirlpool has undoubtedly made Guo Xianni more mature in terms of feelings, and it has also had a profound impact on her life.

Guo Xianni, a mixed-race Hong Kong sister, married her husband in the countryside and bought 3 suites by herself, husband: I don't eat soft rice

With the complication of her love life, Guo Xianni's public image gradually went to a low point. The once high-profile Hong Kong sister champion is now labeled as a "little three" and other negative labels.

These controversies not only affected her reputation, but also dealt a heavy blow to her acting career.

In 2005, an accident pushed Guo Xianni to the forefront of public opinion. When filming a movie in the mainland, she was exposed to indecent behavior on the set. As soon as the news broke, it immediately sparked a strong public outcry.

Reporters flocked to Guo Xianni, forcing Guo Xianni into an embarrassing situation. In the face of overwhelming condemnation, Guo Xianni was at a loss for a while, and she could only rely on the help of the same group of actors Ma Dezhong to reluctantly resolve the crisis.

Guo Xianni, a mixed-race Hong Kong sister, married her husband in the countryside and bought 3 suites by herself, husband: I don't eat soft rice

This incident dealt a serious blow to Guo Xianni's career. A number of advertising endorsements were forced to be suspended, and film and television invitations were also significantly reduced. The once glamorous Hong Kong sister champion has now become the laughing stock of the entertainment industry.

Her image plummeted, and she was even alluded to by Yuan Qiongdan as one of the "Four Swinging Flowers" in a certain show.

In this difficult period, Guo Xianni had to face her heart. She began to reflect on what she had done in the past and what she really wanted. Although the crisis has taken a huge toll on her, it has also given her a chance to re-examine the direction of her life.

It was in such a trough that fate gave Guo Xianni an unexpected turn. This turning point not only changed the trajectory of her life, but also opened a new chapter for her.

Guo Xianni, a mixed-race Hong Kong sister, married her husband in the countryside and bought 3 suites by herself, husband: I don't eat soft rice

Perhaps, it was these setbacks and difficulties that allowed Guo Xianni to finally find her true self, and also laid the groundwork for her happy marriage in the future.

In 2010, in the crew of "Palace", Guo Xianni met a little-known martial artist Zhu Shaojie. Zhu Shaojie is an ordinary guy from rural Henan, who came to the crew to work hard after practicing martial arts in Shaolin Temple for many years.

His unpretentiousness contrasts sharply with Guo Xianni's glamour.

In the filming of the skating scene, Zhu Shaojie was responsible for guiding Guo Xianni's movements. This seemingly ordinary work interaction has become an opportunity for their relationship to sprout. Zhu Shaojie's attitude towards Guo Xianni is very different from the insiders she has been in contact with before.

Guo Xianni, a mixed-race Hong Kong sister, married her husband in the countryside and bought 3 suites by herself, husband: I don't eat soft rice

He was polite, warm, and humble, but never showed any excessive desire. This pure attitude makes Guo Xianni, who has experienced too much sophistication, feel refreshed.

With the deepening of contact, Guo Xianni found that although Zhu Shaojie was born in the countryside, his speech and demeanor were very decent. His inner qualities go far beyond the simplicity of his appearance, which makes Guo Xianni have a strong interest in him.

Zhu Shaojie's sincerity and thoughtfulness gradually touched Guo Xianni's heart and made her see a new possibility.

In 2011, to everyone's surprise, Guo Xianni and Zhu Shaojie entered the palace of marriage. This decision has taken many people by surprise, and some have questioned whether the marriage can last.

Guo Xianni, a mixed-race Hong Kong sister, married her husband in the countryside and bought 3 suites by herself, husband: I don't eat soft rice

After all, one is the world-famous Hong Kong sister champion, and the other is an obscure martial artist, and the backgrounds of the two are so different that it is difficult for the outside world to understand their combination.

However, Guo Xianni seems to have found her inner belonging, and she has devoted herself to a new life without the eyes of the unexpected world. This seemingly incredible marriage has become an important turning point in Guo Xianni's life.

From the champion of Sister Hong Kong to the rural daughter-in-law, Guo Xianni's identity change has caused many speculations and discussions. How will she adapt to this dramatic change? Will this marriage stand the test of time? The answer may only be given in time.

After marriage, Guo Xianni seems to have been reborn, showing surprising adaptability and dedication. , the champion of Hong Kong sisters, who used to be well-dressed and well-fed, not only did not find fault with Zhu Shaojie's rural background, but took the initiative to buy real estate for her in-laws out of her pocket.

Guo Xianni, a mixed-race Hong Kong sister, married her husband in the countryside and bought 3 suites by herself, husband: I don't eat soft rice

Her filial piety and generosity have won the appreciation of the Zhu family, and also let the outside world have a new understanding of her.

In her career, Guo Xianni fully supports her husband Zhu Shaojie's transformation into a director. She not only played the heroine in the TV series "Jin Yuyao" directed by Zhu Shaojie, but also gave a lot of support and encouragement behind the scenes.

Many of Zhu Shaojie's works have shown good directorial talent, proving that he is by no means the "soft rice man" as the outside world says. The couple's mutual support in their careers shows the solid foundation of their marriage.

After marriage, Guo Xianni also gave birth to a lovely daughter for Zhu Shaojie, fully showing the image of a good wife and mother. She devotes most of her energy to the family, taking care of the children and taking care of the housework, just like a gentle and virtuous rural daughter-in-law.

Guo Xianni, a mixed-race Hong Kong sister, married her husband in the countryside and bought 3 suites by herself, husband: I don't eat soft rice

This huge shift has been inconceivable to many. The former "little three" has now become a model wife, and this contrast can't help but make people sigh at the magic of fate.

Guo Xianni's story has enlightened many people: true love and happiness often appear in the most unexpected places. Her transformation is not only a metamorphosis of her personal life, but also a sublimation of values.

From chasing fame and fortune to cherishing the ordinary, Guo Xianni's choice may represent the deep yearning of many people. This former "Merry Queen" finally found true happiness in ordinary life, and her story will undoubtedly become a good story in the entertainment industry.

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