
My father-in-law's birthday banquet invited five tables but no one paid the bill, he gave me a look, and I got up and left silently

author:Exceptional sailboat R

Our father-in-law's birthday banquet is really not a joke, but our family has been busy early, so I think we have to make this matter lively and lively, so that the old man can be happy. Our father-in-law, who has been honest all his life, has not enjoyed much of a good life, this time we have to let him have a good time. We started working a few days in advance, looking for restaurants, booking tables, and choosing menus, and we were very busy.

My father-in-law said, don't be too expensive, you can get the meaning, but how can we listen to him? We have to make his birthday a good one. We booked five tables of banquets, and invited our seven aunts and eight aunts, planning to have a family reunion. On the day of the birthday banquet, the hotel was lit up with lights and beaming. Our father-in-law wore a new set of clothes, and he couldn't keep his mouth shut. Relatives and friends also arrived one after another, and everyone sat down around the table, pushing cups and changing lamps, so lively.

We looked at my father-in-law's happy appearance, and our hearts were also happy. But who would have thought that this good thing could go wrong. After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, everyone was having a good meal, and the waiter came over and whispered to us: "Sir, the list of your table has not yet been settled." "We were stunned for a moment, thinking that this is wrong, didn't we pay the hotel a long time ago? Why haven't you checked out yet? Let's hurry up and find my father-in-law and ask him what's going on.

My father-in-law's birthday banquet invited five tables but no one paid the bill, he gave me a look, and I got up and left silently

When my father-in-law heard this, he was also anxious, saying that he hadn't figured it out either, thinking that we had already settled the account. Together, something must have gone wrong. We went to the hotel manager again, and the manager was also at a loss, saying that the bill was delivered, but no one came to settle it. At this time, the scene is a little awkward. Everyone had eaten almost enough, waiting to settle the bill and leave, but the bill was not claimed. My father-in-law's face was red for a while and white for a while, obviously I didn't feel faceless.

We are also aggrieved in our hearts, why did this happen to this such a good birthday banquet? At this moment, my father-in-law suddenly glanced at us. As soon as we looked at his eyes, we understood in our hearts - he wanted us to settle the account first, and not let the big guys see the jokes. Although we are aggrieved in our hearts, we can't let our father-in-law lose face in front of so many people. So, let's bite the bullet and get up and settle the account. When we checked out, we were so angry in our hearts, we really couldn't say it, this thing was neat, and we were blocked in our hearts. The birthday banquet we held for my father-in-law this time was really troublesome. The little banquet money we worked so hard to save was spent like this, and in our hearts, it was more bitter than eating Coptis chinensis. When we checked out, our mood was like losing our souls, and we didn't even have the mind to stay for a second longer. After saying hello to my father-in-law, we quickly slipped away, and my father-in-law didn't say much, just nodded, we know that he also has mixed feelings in his heart.

My father-in-law's birthday banquet invited five tables but no one paid the bill, he gave me a look, and I got up and left silently

As soon as we walked out of the hotel, the feeling in our hearts was really indescribable. This birthday banquet is so bad that we can't laugh or cry. Our father-in-law, who has been honest all his life, has never enjoyed a good life, we wanted to surprise him this time, let him be happy, who thinks, the matter is messed up. The breath in our hearts is really panicking.

When we got home, we told my daughter-in-law about this, and she was so angry that she stomped her feet. The two of us discussed and discussed, but we didn't discuss why. This money, just like that, the grievance in our hearts is really impossible to say. Although this matter has passed, we can't get over the hurdle in our hearts. Although our father-in-law didn't say it explicitly, we could see that he didn't feel good in his heart. This birthday banquet is really laughable. The breath in our hearts is really panicking.

Although we are aggrieved, we still have to live our lives, don't we? We Northeast people have never seen any strong winds and waves, this little thing, let's take it as a lesson. But this matter is in our family, and it really caused a lot of waves. The daughter-in-law talked about the money spent unjustly every day, and the father-in-law sighed all day long, feeling that he had caused us trouble. It's not a good feeling to look at them like this.

My father-in-law's birthday banquet invited five tables but no one paid the bill, he gave me a look, and I got up and left silently

One night, we sat on the kang with my daughter-in-law and talked about it again. We said: "Let's not keep worrying about this, the money will be spent, and it will be spent as if it was for our father." Besides, we can't afford to spend this money, or we feel aggrieved in our hearts. When the daughter-in-law heard this, she sighed and said, "It's not that I feel sorry for that money, but I just think it's a mess." ”

We were chatting when my father-in-law pushed the door open and came in. He saw that we both looked bad, so he asked, "What's wrong?" What are you two doing here? Let's quickly divert the topic and ask him, "Dad, how are you doing these days?" Is your body okay? The father-in-law said, "I'm fine, it's fine." "What a taste in our hearts, it's really ...... Hey, we Northeast people, we haven't experienced any winds and waves, this little thing, let's take a long memory. Oh, look at this, our family is really troublesome these days. "That's you, don't be upset about me for this." Listening to this, the taste in our hearts is really mixed. Let's quickly say: "Dad, don't take it to heart, this matter has nothing to do with you." We just feel a little aggrieved. ”

My father-in-law's birthday banquet invited five tables but no one paid the bill, he gave me a look, and I got up and left silently

The father-in-law sighed, as if there was a stone in his heart: "I know you are uncomfortable. I'll find a way to pay you back this money in the future. As soon as we heard this, we hurriedly waved our hands: "Dad, what are you talking about?" We don't plan to let you pay back this money. I just don't think it's going well. ”

The father-in-law nodded, with a look of self-reproach: "I know." I'm also responsible for this. I didn't expect such a thing to happen. "Let's look at my father-in-law's self-blame, and I feel quite uncomfortable. We said, "Dad, don't say that. No one thought of this. Let's let it pass. ”

The father-in-law nodded and said, "Okay, let's let it pass." Do not go to your hearts. "Since that day, the atmosphere in our house has gradually improved. The father-in-law no longer sighs all day long, and the daughter-in-law no longer talks about the unjust money. Although we are still a little aggrieved in our hearts, we are no longer as entangled as before.

My father-in-law's birthday banquet invited five tables but no one paid the bill, he gave me a look, and I got up and left silently

Time flies, and it's winter in the blink of an eye. One night, we came home from work and found my father-in-law busy in the kitchen. Let's walk in and take a look, it turns out that he is stewing sauerkraut. We said, "Dad, what are you doing here?" Why did you cook it yourself? The father-in-law smiled and said, "I'm thinking of stewing some sauerkraut for you." This sauerkraut is pickled by myself, and it tastes good. ”

As soon as we heard this, our hearts warmed. Let's say, "That's good, I'm hungry for sauerkraut." The father-in-law said, "Then you can wait and eat, and it will be fine in a while." That night, our family sat together, eating sauerkraut stewed by my father-in-law, and chatting. Our daughter-in-law also joked: "This sauerkraut is much better than what I cooked." When my father-in-law heard this, he laughed and said, "Then you will learn more from me in the future." ”

My father-in-law's birthday banquet invited five tables but no one paid the bill, he gave me a look, and I got up and left silently

In this way, the atmosphere of our house is becoming more and more harmonious. The unjust money was gradually forgotten by us. We understand a truth: as a family, we must be considerate and tolerant of each other. Only in this way can life be peaceful and beautiful. Oh, that's the matter, our father-in-law suddenly dragged us over one night, holding a bulging envelope in his hand, and mysteriously handed it to us. We looked at the envelope and thought it was a lot of silver. Let's ask, "Dad, what do you mean by that?" The father-in-law said solemnly, "This is to pay you back." As soon as we heard this, we were anxious: "Dad, what are you doing here?" We didn't plan on asking you to pay it back! The father-in-law's head shook like a rattle: "No, no, I have to pay back this money, otherwise I will not be sure." "Let's look at my father-in-law's resoluteness, and my heart is also mixed. We had to say, "Okay, Dad, I'll keep this money for you first, and then you can tell me if there is anything you can use in the future." The father-in-law breathed a sigh of relief and nodded: "Okay, then you have to keep it for me." Since then, my father-in-law has never mentioned the money.

Our family's life is still so harmonious and beautiful, although there are occasionally a little friction and contradictions, but we all know that this is life, it is inevitable. As long as everyone understands each other and tolerates each other, any hurdle can be passed. Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, my father-in-law's birthday has come again. This time, we didn't do a big deal like before, but sat around as a family for a reunion dinner. Our daughter-in-law also made a big cake to celebrate her father-in-law's birthday. The father-in-law looked at all this, his eyes were red, and he said, "I am content to have children like you in this life." Listening to my father-in-law's words, we also had mixed feelings in our hearts. Let's think, this is life, there are bitter and sweet, laughter and tears, but as long as our family can love each other and support each other, then nothing can stop us from moving forward.