
After 5 years with my grandson, I thought it would be a family fun, but in fact, it was just self-comforting

author:Exceptional sailboat R

has been with my grandson for five years, and the taste in my heart is really sweet, sour, bitter, spicy and salty, with all five flavors. We are old mouths, we thought about it beautifully, our son got married and gave birth to a baby, we can enjoy the joy of our grandchildren, tease our grandchildren, take a walk, how pleasant. But realistically, it's harder than working in the fields when we were young. Our son Xiao Zhang has been clever since he was a child, and he has been singing all the way in his studies, and finally he was admitted to a big city, found a good job, and married a daughter-in-law in the city. The two of us are old, and when we see our son having a future, our hearts are happy.

But before the fun was hot, the problem followed. The daughter-in-law gave birth to a baby, and both of them had to go to work, so they were busy like something, and the burden of bringing grandchildren naturally fell on our old bones. At first, we thought, take a child, we farmers have never seen any strong winds and waves. But when I entered the city, I found that this with children is not the same routine as our farming at all. Grandson Xiaoyu, that kid, is naughty and mischievous, and he doesn't stop all day long, either the toy is lost, or the thing is dropped. The two of us are old, one is busy cooking, the other is busy watching the children, and they turn like spinning tops.

Let's talk about getting along with my daughter-in-law, it's a real headache. She is a city person, and she is very particular, and she doesn't like anything. Let's feed the child, she thinks we are feeding it wrong, and she is afraid that the child will choke; Let's dress the child, she thinks we wear too much, for fear that the child will catch a cold. We, old farmers, don't know any of this, we all come from the same way that we raise our own children. The daughter-in-law doesn't give up, she nagged every day, and we are so annoyed in our hearts. The son is caught in the middle, and he is not easy to behave, on one side is our old couple, and on the other side is the daughter-in-law, and he is not easy to say anything. Sometimes seeing him secretly wipe his tears, we don't feel good in our hearts.

After 5 years with my grandson, I thought it would be a family fun, but in fact, it was just self-comforting

Thinking about how hard we worked to raise our son and provide him with education, now that he is married, we are old, but we can't get a good word, it's really chilling. In the past five years, we have never slept a good night's sleep when we are old. Xiaoyu cries at night, we have to get up and coax; During the day, he is mischievous, so we have to run along. Sometimes I am so tired that my back hurts, and I have to hold on to my smiling face, for fear that my daughter-in-law will be unhappy. This is the joy of enjoying family, it is simply a sin. Hey, in our Northeast Gada, sometimes I think about it myself, or I just leave it alone and let my son and daughter-in-law take the baby by themselves. But when I think about it, my son's work is so busy like something, and my daughter-in-law's ability to take care of children is almost hot, and my heart softens. If we are parents, we have to worry about snacks for the children. Just stay up day by day, hoping that my grandson can grow up quickly and be sensible, so that we can have a better life. But when is this day a head, it's really confusing.

Sometimes when I look in the mirror, I have white hair and folds on my face, and my heart is sour. Think about our life, for the sake of our children and grandchildren, we have paid a lot, and in the end we can't even get a good word, which is really a bit of a loss. However, although it is very tiring to bring grandchildren, I am still very happy to watch Xiaoyu grow up day by day. He is the root of our old Zhang family, don't we have to worry about it? I hope that Xiaoyu will grow up and understand our hard work, don't be like his mother, treat us as free nannies.

After 5 years with my grandson, I thought it would be a family fun, but in fact, it was just self-comforting

We have to continue to live this day, let's be parents, isn't it just for the sake of the children. I hope that the future life can be better, and don't live so aggrieved like the past five years. Seeing that Xiaoyu went to kindergarten, our old couple was also relieved. I thought I could take a break and enjoy the blessings, but this day is like a donkey on the millstone, turning endlessly.

The daughter-in-law began to mumble about the high cost of kindergarten, saying that our pension is not much, why can't we help the family? When I heard this, the taste in my heart was really mixed. Didn't all the pension money we have saved over the years be spent on our grandchildren? What is food, clothing, and use, which one is not something we don't worry about? It's good now, but it's not ours. My wife persuaded me not to take it to heart, my daughter-in-law just talked about it, and she didn't really let us pay for it. But I know in my heart that sooner or later we will have to pay for it. Thinking about the little pension money we have worked hard to save over the years, it has been hollowed out little by little, and my heart is like being cut by a knife.

What made me even more uncomfortable was that my son began to change as well. Although he used to be busy, he would always find time to come back to see us and chat with us. Now in this situation, the feeling in our hearts is really indescribable. Oh, look at this situation, the number of times our kid comes back is getting less and less, even if he occasionally shows his face, he is in a hurry, and he leaves again without saying a few words. We understand in our hearts that he is so busy with work, but in this heart, he is just unhappy, and I feel that he is getting more and more separated from our family. One night, I lay on the kang and tossed and turned, but I couldn't sleep, and my mind was full of the events of these years. The more I pondered it, the more I felt that we were like donkeys on a leash, circling around them every day, and in the end we couldn't even get a good word. In my heart, I was so aggrieved that I couldn't help crying. When his wife heard this, he also tossed and turned, he sighed and said, "Old woman, let's not think so much." Children and grandchildren have their own children and grandchildren, so let's live our lives well. This day has to be passed day by day. Hearing him say that, I felt a little more comfortable. Yes, the days have to go by day by day. But we are not happy in our hearts, we have worked hard to bring up our son for him to study, and now that we are old, we can't get the respect and understanding we deserve. The way of the world has really changed.

After 5 years with my grandson, I thought it would be a family fun, but in fact, it was just self-comforting

In the blink of an eye, our grandson Xiaoyu is in elementary school. He is quite competitive in his studies, which makes my wife and I very happy. But as he grew up day by day, we found that he became less and less close to us. He prefers to play with his classmates, chat with his parents, and talk to us less and less. Sometimes I tried to hug him, but he would avoid him and say, "Grandma, you smell so weird." As soon as these words came out, it didn't feel like it in my heart. I'm an old bone, I broke my heart for him, but now I'm disgusted. I know we're old, and we may be a little old-fashioned, but can we be blamed for this? We didn't mean to. What's even more chilling is that once I overheard my daughter-in-law say to my son: "If you look at your parents' dirty appearance, you know that you revolve around your grandson and don't know how to enjoy your own life." We've got to find a chance to get them back to their hometown, and stop letting them get in the way here. "When I heard this, my heart was cold. We worked so hard for them, but in the end, we ended up like this. I wanted to rush in and reason with them, but my wife stopped me and said, "Forget it, let's not be like them." "Hey, this day has to go by day by day, let's just hold on. But I know in my heart that the more these days pass, the more it is not a taste. Our old bones feel like tatters thrown in the corner, and the status and value of the two of us in the family have plummeted. But one day, Xiaoyu came back from school, holding a certificate of award in his hand, his little face smiled like a flower, and ran over to say to the two of us: "Grandma, I won the award, the outstanding student award given by the school!" We looked at his immature appearance, and the warm current in our hearts came up like a hot spring. The two of us looked at each other and smiled, those grievances, dissatisfactions, all gone. At that moment, we understood that we couldn't change others, but we could choose how to live. No matter what difficulties and setbacks we encounter, as long as we have love and hope in our hearts, we can find the joy of life.

So, let's decide to throw away all those grievances and dissatisfactions, and start to enjoy the time with Xiaoyu. Let's no longer think about the cold appearance of our daughter-in-law and the estranged energy of our son, so we concentrate on growing up with Xiaoyu and enjoying the joy and happiness he brings to us. Slowly, we found that the attitude of my daughter-in-law and son had also changed. They began to take the initiative to ask how we were doing and how we were doing. Although they are still busy, every time they come back, they will bring something to us and say a few warm words. This warmed our hearts and made us feel quite satisfied.

After 5 years with my grandson, I thought it would be a family fun, but in fact, it was just self-comforting

Now, let's no longer dwell on the past efforts and grievances, and concentrate on enjoying the present life. We know that life is like a journey, we can't predict the future, but we can choose how to live the present. As long as we remain optimistic and face life's challenges positively, we can find our own happiness and joy.