
My sister-in-law always said that my mother was partial to me, but in fact, she was the most favored one

author:Exceptional sailboat R

Let's Zhang Ergou, don't laugh, this name sounds kind. Our family, our sister-in-law, always likes to mumble to our mother, saying that our mother is partial to us. To be honest, we sometimes wonder, why is our mother biased towards us? Our mother is a typical old lady in the Northeast, who speaks loudly and does things in a hurry.

Our brother is three years older than me, and he married a daughter-in-law in the city, who is our sister-in-law. My sister-in-law looks very fair, but her heart is a little smaller, and she always likes to care about something. Our mother is actually very good to her, but my sister-in-law always thinks that our mother is not as good as us.

Let's talk about ourselves, we have been a naughty master since we were children, going to the house to uncover the tiles, going down to the river to fish, why haven't we done it? But our mother never scolded us, at most she chased us twice with a broom, and then said with a smile: "Ergou, if you are not honest, I will give you to human traffickers!" "We know, it's all angry talk, how can our mother be willing.

My sister-in-law always said that my mother was partial to me, but in fact, she was the most favored one

As for our brother, he has been honest since he was a child, studied well, was admitted to university, and stayed in the city. When my mother mentions our brother, she is always full of pride, but she is not less worried. Our brother is busy with work and often doesn't go home, so my mother often says: "Your brother doesn't know what's going on, he's so busy at work, can his body stand it?" ”

After my sister-in-law got married, she was quite polite at first, but after a long time, she began to nag with our mother. She felt that our mother's cooking was not to her taste, that the clothes our mother bought were not fashionable enough, and that our mother did not care enough about her. Our mother always smiles and doesn't speak, trying to accommodate her.

My sister-in-law always said that my mother was partial to me, but in fact, she was the most favored one

Once, we remember it very clearly. At that time, we had just started working, and after the first month's salary, we bought a down jacket for our mother. Our mother was so happy that she couldn't close her mouth, and she praised everyone she met: "Look at our second dog, how filial piety is, buy me new clothes as soon as you work." My sister-in-law was not happy when she heard this, and muttered to my brother at night: "Your mother knows how to praise your brother, why doesn't she praise the clothes I bought for her?" Our brother persuaded her: "Mom is old, let her be happy if she likes anything." But my sister-in-law just wasn't reconciled. She thinks that our mother is good to us, just because we were naughty when we were young, and our mother has to spend more time on us. She thinks that our mother is free-range to our brother, and she doesn't care about anything.

We are talking about this messy thing, and it's all tears. Our mother is partial to us, our sister-in-law has a pimple in her heart, our brother is busy like something, and our family has a mixed life these days. But we know that in our mother's heart, our brother and we are all her heart, and the palms and backs of our hands are all meat, why is our mother partial? This is what we do, we have to understand, we have to tolerate. It's really hard to talk about this in our family. Our mother is a hundred reassuring to our brother, and always feels that he can take good care of himself. I remember one time, my mother was sick and lived in the hospital. My brother and I hurriedly ran back to visit. Let's peel apples for our mother, feed them, and chat with her. As for our sister-in-law, she just swiped her mobile phone next to her and occasionally made a noise. Our mother looked at us, her eyes were red, and she said, "Ergou, my mother didn't hurt you in vain." Hearing this, our hearts were also sour, and we felt that our mother's life was really not easy. Our sister-in-law looked at our mother like this, and her face became even more ugly. She felt that our mother was deliberately snubbing her, as if her daughter-in-law was not as close as our son. In fact, we know in our hearts that our mother is the same to everyone, but the way of expression is different.

The days went by like this, and our mother was as good to us and our sister-in-law as ever. But the hurdle in our sister-in-law's heart just can't get over, and I always feel that our mother is partial to us. But in our eyes, our sister-in-law is our mother's favorite one. She has our mother's tolerance, our brother's love, and our unconscious brother to add some fun to her from time to time. Hey, our family's affection is like a stew in our Northeast, you have to stew it slowly and taste it slowly to taste it. Our mother is good to us, just like the soup base in the pot, rich and mellow; Our brothers are those ingredients, each with its own taste, but when they are put together, they can make a good pot of stew; Our sister-in-law is the last handful of green onions sprinkled on it, which enhances the flavor and color. It's a pity that our sister-in-law just didn't understand this truth, and always felt that our mother was partial to us.

My sister-in-law always said that my mother was partial to me, but in fact, she was the most favored one

Let's move on to this little bit of our family. One day, our sister-in-law suddenly fell ill, and the doctor said that she would have to be hospitalized for a few days. My brother was busy with work, so he could only take a day off to accompany him, and then hurried back to the company. Now, the responsibility of taking care of our sister-in-law falls on our mother and us. Our mother was not in good health for a while, but as soon as she heard that her daughter-in-law was sick, she immediately became energetic. She got up early every day to stew soup and cook for our sister-in-law, and also wiped her face and combed her hair with her own hands. Let's see it in our eyes, and it's really not a taste in our hearts. Our mother is more attentive to our sister-in-law than to our brother! Our sister-in-law was lying on the hospital bed, looking at our mother's busy figure, and her eyes began to have a different brilliance. We Northeast people speak straight and don't beat around the bush, so I'll change this passage for you to make it more down-to-earth and more flavorful of our Northeast Nagada.

She may have also pondered that our mother's kindness to her has never changed, but she didn't see it herself. One night, I walked with my sister-in-law in the corridors of the hospital. My sister-in-law suddenly said to me: "Ergouzi, I always thought that our mother was partial to you, but now I understand that in fact, my mother spoils me the most." I grinned and didn't say anything, but my heart was happy. It seems that my sister-in-law finally understands our mother's hard work. Since then, my sister-in-law's attitude towards our mother has been very good. She began to take the initiative to help our mother with housework, chatting with her, and buying her new clothes. Our mother watched the changes in her sister-in-law, and her heart blossomed. She said to me: "Ergouzi, you see how sensible your sister-in-law is now, my mother and I don't love her in vain." "Time just passed day by day, and our mother's body was not as good as day by day. One night, she called me to me, took my hand and said, "Ergouzi, the most reassuring thing for our mother in this life is your brother and your sister-in-law." You'll have to help them later. I nodded, tears rolling in my eyes. I know, our mother is explaining what happened. It didn't take long for our mom to leave. I walked very peacefully, as if I was asleep. Our family gathered around her bedside and cried heartbreakingly. Especially my sister-in-law, she cried more than anyone else. She said, "Mom, why did you just leave?" I haven't had time to honor you yet! "After our mother left, my sister-in-law seemed to be a different person. She is no longer as stingy as before, but has begun to take the initiative to carry the burden of the family. She gets up early every day and works greedily to earn money to support her family; I also helped my brother with the children, cooking, and doing laundry; Sometimes I take the time to come back and see my little brother-in-law. I watched the changes in my sister-in-law, and I felt very uncomfortable. I used to think that my mother was partial to me, but in fact, it wasn't like that, she was the most favored one, but she didn't find it herself. Now that our mother is gone, she really understands our mother's kindness and dedication to her. One night, my sister-in-law and I were sitting in the yard chatting. My sister-in-law suddenly said to me: "Ergouzi, in fact, I have always been jealous of you, because our mother is so good to you. But now I understand that our mother is so good to you because you are her son, and she wants you to live happily. ”

My sister-in-law always said that my mother was partial to me, but in fact, she was the most favored one

To rewrite this passage, I try to make it closer to the speaking habits of our Northeast people, simple and direct, without losing the sincerity of emotions. I hope you enjoy it. Oh, my sister-in-law's words really went to my heart. Listening to her unpretentious words, my heart was warm, as if I had drunk a bowl of hot porridge from the Northeast. I said to her, "Sister-in-law, our mother has always regarded you as her own daughter, and she hopes that we can live a good life with your brother, so she is so good to you." The sister-in-law listened, nodded, and continued: "Ergou, we have to live well in the future, but we can't let our mother worry about us in the sky." I nodded like pounding garlic, and then we looked up at the stars together, the starry sky, just like the winter in our northeast, cold, but the stars are shining, which makes people's hearts warm.

Time, just like the snow in our northeast, is quietly piled up. A few years have passed in the blink of an eye, and under the leadership of my sister-in-law, our family's life has become more and more prosperous. She works well, and her home is well organized, just like the kang head in our northeast, warm and comfortable. Every time I go home and see the warmth of my home, I think of my mother's expectations and instructions before her death. I myself am working hard and living, and I hope my mother can be proud of me. Although she is gone, her love, like the sauerkraut in our northeast, becomes more fragrant the older it gets, and it will always remain in our hearts and become the driving force for us to move forward.

Now, every time I think back to the old days, my heart warms. Because I know that no matter what ups and downs we encounter, as long as our family thinks in one place and works hard in one place, nothing can stand in our way. This is all thanks to our mother's nurturing grace and teaching. It was she who made us understand what love is, what responsibility is, and what is the power of family. Although she is gone, the spiritual wealth she left us is like the heavy snow in our northeast, covering the earth, but it also nourishes the heart, and will always accompany us through every stage of life.

My sister-in-law always said that my mother was partial to me, but in fact, she was the most favored one