
My sister-in-law is 23 years older than me, and I raised me and helped take care of the baby, and I came back to see my sister-in-law's current situation and end the marriage

author:Exceptional sailboat R

My name is Xiaogang, there are five Chinese New Year's Eve today, and I married a daughter-in-law in the city, named Xiaofang. Xiaofang is not only young and beautiful, but the family conditions are also very good, after we got married, we have been living in the building given by her parents, and the life is very moist, and outsiders are blushing when they look at it. But in my heart, there is always something I can't let go, that is, my sister-in-law, who is 23 years older than me, not only pulled me up, but also helped me bring a baby.

I remember when I was a child, my family was so poor that my parents left early, leaving my brother and I to depend on each other. My brother dropped out of school early to work in order for me to go to school. Later, my brother married a daughter-in-law, who was my sister-in-law. My sister-in-law is really a kind-hearted person, not only did she not dislike our poor family, but she also treated me like a brother. In those years, she got up early and worked greedily at night, saving money for me to go to school, just so that I could have a good future.

Finally, I was admitted to the university, walked out of the mountains, and stayed in the city. I got a good job, married a daughter-in-law, and lived the life of a city person. But I always felt that I owed too much to my brother and sister-in-law. Every time I go back to my hometown, I try to bring as much money and things as possible, hoping to help them lighten their burden. But when I went back last year, I found that my sister-in-law's health was getting worse and worse, and she was exhausted in order to provide for me to go to school and help me take care of the children. Looking at her haggard face and thin body, I felt uncomfortable in my heart.

My sister-in-law is 23 years older than me, and I raised me and helped take care of the baby, and I came back to see my sister-in-law's current situation and end the marriage

I discussed with Xiaofang and wanted to take my sister-in-law to the city to take care of her, but Xiaofang disagreed. She said that life in the city is stressful and expensive, and we can't afford to support idlers. I knew she had a point, but I just couldn't bear to watch my sister-in-law suffer. During that time, I was preoccupied all day long, and I was not in a state of work. Xiao Fang looked at me like this and began to quarrel with me. She said that I only had people from my hometown in my heart, and I didn't consider her feelings at all. He also said that if I continue like this, the two of us will not be able to get by.

I was in a hurry at the time, why didn't Xiaofang understand me? Didn't I do this to repay my brother and sister-in-law for raising me? The two of us quarreled more and more fiercely, and finally even mentioned divorce. Xiaofang cried and said that I had no conscience, and that I had forgotten how she had worked hard with me in the first place. Listening to her words, I have mixed feelings in my heart. We're really panicked, although she said it in anger, but why did I listen to it so uncomfortable. We just froze like this, for days. Every day after work, I squatted on the balcony alone, lit a cigarette, looked at the bright lights outside, and thought about my sister-in-law. Thinking about it, I can't stop crying, we blame ourselves in our hearts, I feel that I am really an unfilial son, and I can't even take care of my own family.

My sister-in-law is 23 years older than me, and I raised me and helped take care of the baby, and I came back to see my sister-in-law's current situation and end the marriage

One night, I came home to see why Xiaofang wasn't there? I didn't answer the phone, I was so panicked in my heart, I felt that something bad was happening, so I quickly ran to her mother's house. Her parents told me that Xiaofang had gone back to her parents' house and said that they wanted to divorce me. As soon as I heard this, my heart was half cold, and I hurriedly drove to her mother's house. Along the way, the chaos in my heart, thinking about the bits and pieces of our two over the years, thinking about her kindness to me, thinking about her dedication, and the tangled in my heart, I really don't know what to do.

When I arrived at her mother's house, I saw Xiaofang, who was sitting on the sofa with tears in her eyes, and told me that she had enough and didn't want to live this kind of fearful life anymore. I looked at her pear blossom and rainy face, and suddenly understood in my heart that we can't ignore Xiaofang's feelings and dedication in order to repay my brother and sister-in-law for their nurturing kindness. I walked over to her, hugged her, and told her I was sorry. I told her that I knew I was wrong, and I shouldn't have let her suffer so much. I told her that I was willing to work with her to improve our living conditions so that my sister-in-law could live a good life. I also told her that we are a family, and we should understand and support each other, not complain about each other, not quarrel.

Xiaofang listened to my words and cried even harder, she said that she also knew I was wrong, but she just couldn't control herself. She said that she was actually worried about her sister-in-law's health, but she just couldn't get over that hurdle in her heart. I told her that I would find a way to fix this and tell her not to worry. I told her that I would communicate well with my brother and sister-in-law to let them know our intentions and plans. I also told her that we will definitely find a way to take care of my sister-in-law without affecting our lives.

My sister-in-law is 23 years older than me, and I raised me and helped take care of the baby, and I came back to see my sister-in-law's current situation and end the marriage

Xiaofang listened to my words and slowly stopped crying, she said that she believed that I could do it and would work with me to make our family better and happier. Since then, we have begun to re-examine our lives and values, and we have begun to cherish each other's feelings and dedication more. We are determined to work together to make our little life more nourishing, so that our sister-in-law can also enjoy a good life, and our family can be more harmonious and happier. Although this thing looks simple and not easy to do, we can trust it, as long as we think in one place and work hard in one place, we can smooth out any difficulties and realize our dreams.

Along the way, we also have a deep understanding that family affection is really golden, and we have to cherish it even more. Our determination and belief are also determined to overcome every difficulty together.

My sister-in-law is 23 years older than me, and I raised me and helped take care of the baby, and I came back to see my sister-in-law's current situation and end the marriage

Since that heart-to-heart chat with Xiaofang, my heart is like a big stone has been removed, and I feel much more relaxed. I began to think about how I could take care of my sister-in-law without making Xiaofang feel unbalanced.

I went back to my hometown and chatted with my brother and sister-in-law. I told them all about my life in the city, as well as Xiaofang's worries and concerns. When my sister-in-law heard this, her tears were about to fall, and she said that she didn't want to be a burden to me, and she didn't want me and Xiaofang to have any unpleasantness because of me. My brother also advised me, saying that they would take care of themselves and tell me not to worry too much.

But I know in my heart that my sister-in-law has not paid a little bit for me over the years, and I can't just leave her alone. I consulted with my brother to see if I could find a suitable job for my sister-in-law in the city, or rent a house near her house, so that I could go back and take care of her often.

My sister-in-law is 23 years older than me, and I raised me and helped take care of the baby, and I came back to see my sister-in-law's current situation and end the marriage

My brother was silent for a while when I said this. In the end, he sighed and said that in fact, he had thought about these things too, but his sister-in-law was not in good health, and he was afraid that he would not be able to bear the work; Renting a house in the city is also expensive, and they don't have that much money on hand. As soon as I heard this, my heart became anxious, and I said that I would take care of the money. The elder brother shook his head and said that it was not about money, but because his sister-in-law was unwilling to leave the house.

When I heard this, my heart felt like I was blocked by something, and I couldn't do it. I know that my sister-in-law is a strong person, and she is not willing to cause trouble to others, let alone leave the home where she has lived for most of her life. But how can I watch her suffer?

My sister-in-law is 23 years older than me, and I raised me and helped take care of the baby, and I came back to see my sister-in-law's current situation and end the marriage

That night, I was lying in bed, tossing and turning, and I just couldn't sleep. I think of when my sister-in-law cooked, did laundry, and carried me to school when I was a child; Thinking that she worked day and night to provide for my schooling; Thinking that she was so tired that she couldn't straighten her waist in order to help me take care of the child...... These images replayed over and over again in my mind like a movie, and it made me feel terrible. Heck, it's a long story, and as soon as my brain was hot, an idea came to me. Our old house has been in tatters for a long time, and I am thinking about building a new nest for my brother and sister-in-law so that they can live more comfortably. I mentioned this matter to Xiaofang, and she was a little unsure at first, but after I explained it to her, she nodded. Xiaofang said that she was willing to pay out of her pocket to support us to build a house, and said that she would go back with me to see her sister-in-law. When I heard this, I felt a warmth in my heart, knowing that she really wanted me to be happy and to make our family more harmonious.

We just did what we said, and after months of busy work, the new house finally rose from the ground. This house is spacious and bright, with a separate kitchen and bathroom, and a small yard where you can grow some flowers and plants, and raise some vegetables. When my brother and sister-in-law saw the new house, they were so happy that they never dreamed of living in such a good place. Since then, I have often taken Xiaofang and my children back to our hometown to get together with my brother and sister-in-law. Let's eat, chat, play mahjong, and watch TV together...... Every time I go back, I have a lot of fun. My sister-in-law has also become much more cheerful, and always shares with us the vegetables she grows, the flowers she raises, and the new things in the village. Looking at my sister-in-law's smile and my brother's happiness, I felt that beautiful in my heart, knowing that I had finally done something worthy of them and let them live a good life.

Time just passed day by day, and a few years slipped away in the blink of an eye. My sister-in-law's body is gradually getting stronger, and she can help me take care of the children. Xiaofang gradually accepted her sister-in-law and became a part of our family, and she often went back with me to bring them some delicious food and easy to use. Looking back now, although there were winds and rains during those days, we still reaped a lot of happiness and beauty in the end. I am grateful to my brother and sister-in-law for their nurturing grace to me, and I am grateful to Xiaofang for their understanding and support. We know that we are a blessed person, to have such a warm home, so many people who love me. Oh, look, we're getting older, and the kids are growing up. When I think of the hard days at that time, the taste in my heart is really mixed, warm and sad. In those years, it was really a workout, and my iron-clad man was also a little strong and mature. Let's say that those experiences have made me know how to cherish the people in front of me and cherish the bits and pieces at hand.

My sister-in-law is 23 years older than me, and I raised me and helped take care of the baby, and I came back to see my sister-in-law's current situation and end the marriage

So, we have to think like this: no matter what life has to do for us, we all have to have a grateful heart, cherish the relatives and friends around us, and those things. We have to bravely face the future, whether it is wind or rain, challenge or opportunity, we have to straighten our waists and stride forward. In this way, our life can be enjoyed and colorful.