
The old man of Holly spoke about the three poets of Jiawu: Mao Guangsheng must have also been a guest of Sai Jinhua

author:Reading is interesting and forgets old age

In the year of the First Wu Dynasty, there were many people, among whom there were three people, and the poems were the most published, which can be said to be the last generation of poets in the old Chinese style. Because in Qian Zhongshu's generation, there is some new flavor in the poems anyway. Among the many Jiawuju people, these three people also lived a long life, and they all lived in Shanghai in their later years. A person named Mao Guangsheng, the word Heting, Rugao people, and the descendants of Mao Bijiang. Among the three, he was the oldest, born in the twelfth year of Tongzhi (1873), and his poetry collection is called "Little Sanwu Pavilion Poems". One is Xia Jingguan, a native of Jiangxi, the word Jiancheng, born in the first year of Guangxu (1875), and the poetry collection is "Ninja Gulou Poems". The other is Li Xuangong, a native of Fujian, whose character is Bake, and his poetry collection is "Shuoguoting Poems". He was the youngest, born in the second year of Guangxu (1876).

The relationship between the three poets is delicate. From the end of the Qing Dynasty to the Republic of China, it is generally recognized that there were actually three major schools or three major forces in Chinese old style poetry, one was the Fujian school or the Min school led by Zheng Xiaoxu and Chen Yan, and Li Bake was one of the generals; One is the Jiangxi faction headed by Chen Sanli, and Xia Jingguan is one of the generals; These two factions were the most powerful, and they both made Song poems, which were called Tongguang at that time. The characteristic of Tongguangti is to make Song poems, flaunting "learning as poetry". Mao Guangsheng does not belong to these two factions, but to the sect of the Tang Dynasty, he studied Li Yishan, and a poem written for me is Li Yishan's way. This faction is another kind of force other than Fujian and Jiangxi Tongguangti, among which there are more people from Jiangsu, such as the famous Fan Fanshan. Coincidentally, these "Three Poets of the First Wu Dynasty" just represent the three major schools of old-style poetry from the late Qing Dynasty to the Republic of China. Of course, the relationship between the three is very good, but they do not belong to the same faction.

Wang Pijiang did "Guangxuan Poetry Altar Point General Record", Chao Gai is Wang Renqiu (Min Yun), two important figures Song Jiang and Lu Junyi are Chen Sanli and Zheng Xiaoxu respectively, and Chen Yan was placed in the category of Earth Evil Star and was belittled. Chen Yan was very dissatisfied with this, and it was inconvenient for him to say it clearly, so he had to express himself by attacking Wang Minyun, thinking that Wang Minyun was inappropriate to Chao Gai, and should be replaced by Zhang Zhidong. Li Bake once wrote a poem about this. Chen Yan is not satisfied with "Guangxuan Poetry Altar Point General Record", which does not mean that Wang Pijiang is not doing well, because Wang Pijiang himself belongs to the Jiangxi faction, so he exalts Jiangxi poets. Mao Guangsheng's ranking in "Guangxuan Poetry Altar Point General" is also very low, compared to Xue Yong. Others also have grievances for Mao Guangsheng, such as Qian Zhonglian, because Qian Zhonglian does not belong to the two factions of Fujian and Jiangxi, but the faction of the Zongtang and Tang Dynasties. This shows that literary criticism is the opinion of the benevolent and the wise, appreciation and research are two different things, and if the research is wrong, it is wrong, and you will not be able to turn over if you catch your handle; Appreciation is what you say yours and I say mine, whether Chen Sanli's poems are good or Zheng Xiaoxu's poems are good, it is really difficult to say.

Mao is of Mongolian descent, and the appearance of Mao Guangsheng's family is to pick out their eyes and have a high nose. It has been hundreds of years since the Yuan Dynasty, and it is still so. Mao Guangsheng has five sons, and I know three of them: the second son, Mao Jingyu, whose name is Zhongzhou, and I are colleagues. The third son, Mao Xiaolu, is the uncle of the word, he is Mao Guangsheng's favorite, can make poems, and has a good relationship with Qian Zhongshu. In Qian Zhongshu's "Huaiju Poems", there are the most poems that are sung and harmonized with Mao Xiaolu. The fifth son, Mao Shuyan, is also my colleague, who once wrote the drama "Dong Xiaowan" and can also make old poems, but he is not famous for old poems, but for new literature. There is also a story in the past that Mao Shuyan wrote "Dong Xiaowan", there was a saying in the past that Dong Xiaowan was not dead, but was taken captive by the Qing soldiers and became the concubine of Shunzhi, called Concubine Dong; Concubine Dong died, and Emperor Shunzhi became a monk. This is a legend, and it is actually not true. But this legend is very influential, so Monson and they all wrote articles to refute it. Chen Yinke probably has such an opinion: Dong Xiaowan is not dead, the tomb is fake, and the Qing soldiers were taken away when they went south, but they did not necessarily become Shunzhi's concubine. But the impostor refused to admit it, because in the past it was a dishonorable thing. When "Dong Xiaowan" was performed, Huang Kan went to watch it, and when he came back, he said in a speech at Central University that Dong Xiaowan went to the Qing Palace because of Gu Tinglin's strategy, and it was to learn the story of Xi Shi's entry into Wu. He also said that he had a secret book, but he could not announce it. Of course, this was all made up by Huang Kan, he was to commend Gu Tinglin's anti-Qing Dynasty. So at that time, people said that Huang Kan was a thick slander against the ancients. Huang Kan is a very knowledgeable person, but sometimes he speaks absurdly.

Mao Guangsheng's friend, I will cite one person, Wang Zengwu, a native of Taicang, and almost no one knows him now. He and Mao Guangsheng were raised in the same year, of course, in the same year as Li Bake and Xia Jingguan, but they were not as famous as them, and later worked under Zhang Zhidong. Wang Youfang printed "Emperor Jing's Heavenly Language: Courage and Knowledge", and in that year, Jiawu raised people to "write on the bus", and more than 1,000 people were listed, including Mao Guangsheng and Wang Zengwu. Mao Guangsheng thinks that this is Wang's self-promotion, whether Guangxu has seen the book on the bus and still has doubts, even if he sees it, he may not have said this; Even if he said this, he said it to more than 1,000 people, how could Wang Zengwu be a person who could deserve it, and he also carved it into a seal.

Mao Guangsheng did not do much in the Qing Dynasty, and he was the Langzhong of the Criminal Department and the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, and the title was Sipin Jingqing. When he arrived in the Republic of China, he has been a customs supervisor, and has served in Huai'an Customs and Wenzhou Customs. Customs inspectors are very wealthy officials. After all, he was a literati, so he carved a lot of books when he was in Huai'an Pass, such as the "Chuzhou Series", and Huai'an was Chuzhou in the Tang Dynasty. When he went to Wenzhou to do customs supervision, he engraved the "Ouhai Series", and a lot of documents were preserved. Later, he worked as a professor at Sun Yat-sen University, and in his later years, he worked as a compiler at the National History Museum. The situation of the three poets in the first day was very different in their later years, Mao Guangsheng represented the kind of old people who had not been transformed, and became the category of old people. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Chen Yi respected him very much, because Chen Yi was a Confucian general. Later, Chairman Mao also met him in Beijing, and Zhou Enlai also visited his youngest son's residence and talked for two hours.

I began to know that Mao Guangsheng was not because of poetry. When I was about 20 years old, there was a publication in Nanjing called "Ancient and Modern", which was very famous and very good. At that time, there was a famous novel called "The Flower of the Sea of Evil", which took the honor and disgrace of the prostitute Sai Jinhua's life as a clue, and hooked up many political things at that time. There are many people involved, such as Weng Tongsu and Lu Runzhen, there are many, I will only give these two examples. Mao Guangsheng has always been a Beijing official, and he is famous, and he knows all these people. So he wrote something, he said that my little grandson came back from the bookstore with a copy of "The Flower of the Sea of Evil", and I had a lot of fun watching it. This is an introduction, and then he pointed out what he knew, who was on "The Flower of the Sea of Evil", one by one. This was the first time I knew about his little grandson, and it was later my colleague Mao Huaixin. What Mao Guangsheng said is reliable, because these people Mao Guangsheng knows, and he can tell some reason, some things and some things. For example, Zhang San alluded to Weng Tongsui, and Li Si alluded to Lu Runzhen. He not only talked about these, but he also said his opinion, that is, the evaluation of these people in "Flowers of the Sea of Evil" is fair and unfair. Who originally wanted to do this "Flower of the Sea of Evil", it was what the famous literati Jin Songcen wanted to do, Jin Songcen's pen name was "Love Freedom", and the signature was "Love Freedom Jin Songcen Created Intentions", which reflected the people's ideological pursuit of liberation in the last years of the Qing Dynasty. Jin Songcen did it four times, his mother died, he wanted Ding to worry, he couldn't do it, the manuscript was given to Zeng Mengpu, this Zeng Mengpu ran a bookstore called the Novel Lin Book Society at that time, Zeng Mengpu continued to write it, signed as "East Asian Sick Man", this signature is also very interesting, this is ironic, because foreigners don't scold us Chinese East Asian sick man? I'll admit that I'm the sick man of East Asia. If Jin Songcen had written, he might not have been able to write so well, because Jin Songcen was an old-fashioned literati after all, and he made old poems and ancient texts. Zeng Mengpu studied abroad, so it was better to do this, and later he wrote this novel called "The Flower of the Sea of Evil". Mao Guangsheng's articles have been published in "Ancient and Modern" in a row, and have been published for about several issues, which doesn't matter to Mao Guangsheng's gadgets, it is used as a pastime when he is older and lives in Shanghai, but it is very useful for us to understand "The Flower of the Sea of Evil", and he has something to refer to. I watched it when I was about twenty years old, and I'm eighty-three years old this year, and it's been more than sixty years. There are two things that impress me the most, the first thing is about Lu Runzhen, Lu Runzhen is a native of Suzhou, and finally became a bachelor of the Qing Dynasty, which is equivalent to the prime minister. There are a lot of ridicule words on this "Sea of Evil Flowers", which probably means that he is useless, Sai Jinhua refutes him dumbfounded, and so on. Mao Guangsheng said that this is unfair, Lu Runzhen can't make any big political contributions, but this person is loyal to the Qing Dynasty. These things are not seen in the notes, nor are they on the epitaph, although the epitaph is useful, but the epitaph is official. Lu Runzhen is a doctor, and the Lu family is a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner for generations, so some people in the Lu family don't see a doctor when they are sick, and they are all prescribed by Lu Runzhen. Later, once Lu Runzhen did not suffer from a serious illness, he had a minor illness, so he prescribed his own medicine to take medicine, everyone did not know, the more he ate, the more serious the illness, so he quickly invited the famous doctor Wang Fengchun, one of the four famous doctors in Beijing at that time, a native of Jiangsu. Wang Fengchun came to see him, and as soon as he came, he found that Lu Runzhen was simply suicidal, the hot medicine prescribed on the first day, the extremely hot medicine, the cold medicine prescribed on the second day, the extremely cool medicine, and the repeated hot medicine and cold medicine, can the body of a person in his seventies be able to bear it? ! So Wang Fengchun told his family about the situation. At this time, President Xu Shichang went to see him, they were all former officials of the Qing Dynasty, and he arched his hand with Xu Shichang before he died: I have nothing else to do, just entrust you with one thing, the government of the Republic of China should not praise me, this kind of practice will harm me. This shows that he is very loyal to the Qing family, and Xu Shichang should be ashamed of him as the president of the Republic of China. So I think this passage from Mao Guangsheng is very useful, he said that Lu Runzhen was so loyal to the Qing Dynasty. Lu Runzhen can't talk about any big political contributions, and he is not a bad person, but this thing is very desirable in his later years. I forgot everything else, I didn't have a magazine in my hand, and I still remember it, which means that these things are useful. Inscriptions and other materials are necessary for the study of a person, but they are not enough, and these things must also be available. Some of these things are reliable, some are unreliable, like Mao Guangsheng, which is reliable, is to correct the incorrect things in the novel. Mao Guangsheng also wrote a few poems in front of him, and he was very old at that time. There is also an anecdote in the magazine "Ancient and Modern", the person who compiled this magazine at that time met Liang Hongzhi's daughter because of the relationship between running this magazine. Liang Hongzhi was very running away at that time, and like Wang Jingwei later, he was the head of the puppet government at that time. His daughter liked to read the magazine, so she married its editor-in-chief. As soon as he got married, he announced that the magazine was out of business.

The second thing is about Sai Jinhua. The novel is based on Sai Jinhua, and Mao Guangsheng mentioned one point: Sai Jinhua's life is both lowly and noble. She worked as a prostitute and later married the champion Hong Jun. Hong Jun was the ambassador of the Qing Dynasty to Britain, and it should have been Hong Jun's wife, but she was an old-fashioned woman, and it was not okay to shake hands with foreigners, so she insisted that Sai Jinhua go and was willing to lend her her clothes. Sai Jinhua is very famous in England, and the Queen of England also took a photo with her, and later she became a prostitute and hung this photo at home, and the Queen of England had to spend money to redeem it, how embarrassing it is! Sai Jinhua first became a prostitute, then married the champion to be the champion wife, and later became a prostitute. Mao Guangsheng recorded one of her things: Sai Jinhua has a skill, for example, when several customers come a day, she can make every prostitute in the audience feel that she cares about them, which is her unique ability. This is what Mao Guangsheng said, and he must have been her guest at the table.

Mao Guangsheng had a relationship with him, Sai Jinhua later reworked as a prostitute, and was very poor in his later years, so the big word person Guo Huifeng came up with an idea on her behalf, and he caught the knife and wrote a letter to Mao Guangsheng, probably wanting to ask Mao Guangsheng for money. Mao Guangsheng was the supervisor of Ouhai Customs at that time and was very rich. The letter was written in the Chinese script, and I have seen a photocopy, but unfortunately it has not survived. Later, Mao Guangsheng remitted 100 yuan to Sai Jinhua.

Xia Jingguan is a native of Jiangxi and was famous when he was very young. Mao Guangsheng's biggest official is Sipin Jingqing, and Xia Jingguan's biggest official is Jiangsu's envoy. The Jiangsu envoy is equivalent to today's director of the Jiangsu Department of Education, which is not low, and Xia was still very young at that time. It turned out that the school run by Liangjiang was the Sanjiang Normal School, and Zhang Zhidong, the governor of Liangjiang at that time, appointed Xia Jingguan to promote the Sanjiang Normal School. He was the first to be promoted to Sanjiang Normal and this must not be forgotten. Later, there was the Liangjiang Normal School, and there were Li Ruiqing.

After the Republic of China, whether it was Mao Guangsheng or Xia Jingguan, there was nothing too much to do. Mao Guangsheng was a customs supervisor, and Xia Jingguan was the director of the Zhejiang Department of Education. Later, Xia Jingguan worked in the Commercial Press for a long time, following Zhang Jusheng to compile books. Many things in the "Four Serials" were done by Xia Jingguan on behalf of Zhang Yuanji. Xia Jingguan has a deep relationship with the Commercial Press. Chen Yi, a master at NTU, made a "Xia Jingguan Yearbook", which I wrote as a preface. Many of the books mentioned in it are not outside, but I have them; There are many things that people don't know, but I know better.

In his later years, Xia Jingguan also served as the editor of the National History Museum, and wrote a lot of things, including many academic articles. Xia Jingguan's poetry is very good, and his knowledge is also good. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, he suffered a stroke, was paralyzed in bed, and his life was very difficult, so I sold some used books on his behalf. He told me that he had a manuscript that was a continuation of the "Doubtful Yearbook". The so-called "Doubtful Yearbook" is the name founded by Qian Daxin, which is to determine which year someone was born and what year he died, and how old he is. In other words, it is equivalent to today's chronology of celebrity life and death. After Qian Daxin pioneered, the descendants continued one, two, and three. Xia Jingguan once saw a manuscript on the stall, which was a suspicious yearbook before the supplement, but the manuscript was neither signed nor came from nowhere. He bought it back and supplemented it with the title "Six Continuations of the Doubtful Annals". The manuscript was never printed, and at the time he said that if he wanted to sell it, he could sell it. I told Hu Xianxiao about this process, Hu is also from Jiangxi, and he admires Xia Jingguan very much. Hu Xianli said that he wrote a letter to Guo Moruo and asked Guo to recommend this book. Xia Jingguan thought it was inappropriate, and he said that if Guo Mo was a new-school figure, he would definitely not appreciate this book. Xia Jingguan and these old people pay great attention to this aspect. I told Hu Xianxiao that there was no need to do more. I finally came up with a way and sold the manuscript to Qian Jibo. Qian Jibo was a professor at Huazhong University, a church university in Wuhan, and the professor's salary was relatively high at that time, and the old gentleman still had some money in his hand, and he often asked me to buy books, and I also helped him buy a lot. At that time, books were very cheap, and as I mentioned earlier, I only sold 80 copies of "Poetry in the Evening Evening" for 8 yuan. Qian Jibo usually sent me money, and once he seemed to have no money, so he asked his son Qian Zhongshu to pad, so Qian Zhongshu asked Yang Jiang to transfer the money to me. Therefore, I thought that this "Six Continuations of the Doubtful Yearbook" would be sold to Qian Jibo, and the price was twenty yuan. Qian Jibo was very emotional about this, and his "History of Modern Literature" also mentioned Xia Jingguan, but he couldn't imagine that Xia was in such a situation in his later years. It's a pity that there are no letters written to me by Qian Jibo, and I have destroyed many of them in the past campaigns. When I sold it, I made a person with a heart, copied one copy, copied two copies with the exercise book at the time, and kept it all the time. By 1987, I had published it on his behalf in the Journal of Ancient Books in Southwest China. There is no magazine that can publish this kind of thing, and "Research on Ancient Books in Southwest China" is a publication of Yunnan University, and there is an old professor in Yunnan University that I know, so I helped publish it through him.

Xia Jingguan still has many manuscripts that have not been published. For example, he specialized in the study of Mei Yaochen and wrote a note on Mei Wanling's poems, to which Lu Zhenbai once wrote to me, saying that the original manuscript had been destroyed, but fortunately, he also copied a copy like me and gave it to his son, but later there was no whereabouts. Lu Zhenbai's own poetry collection was also published in Taiwan, China. So among the three people, Xia Jingguan's old age was the most difficult, and I sympathized with him the most. Mao Guangsheng can still walk, but he is paralyzed in bed, isolated from the world, and his livelihood is difficult. They were officials in the Qing Dynasty, and after the Republic of China to the founding of the People's Republic of China, there were some old books, and there was no money left.

I think Xia Jingguan and Nanjing University, if there are more materials, they can write things, but unfortunately there are not many materials. But it is a fact that he once did the promotion of Sanjiang Normal School. "Encyclopedia of China" has Xia Jingguan, which is not easy, this article was written by Qian Zhonglian, Qian Zhonglian has a good relationship with him, and Qian Zhonglian also mentioned the matter of the promotion of Sanjiang Normal School.

Li Xuangong, the word can be pulled. He was not a big official, and in the Qing Dynasty, he was a certain magistrate of Jiangsu, Taoyuan in northern Jiangsu, probably in the area of Yancheng. At that time, Fan Fan Shan was a political envoy in Jiangsu, and the political envoy was equivalent to today's director of the Department of Civil Affairs. Fan Fanshan said that he was a "strong county order", but Li Bake was very happy, so he asked Chen Sanli's son and Chen Yinke's brother Chen Hengke to engrave a stamp of "strong county order". Later, he had a better relationship with Zhang Jian's brothers, Zhang Jian's brother was called Zhang Guan, Xingsan, called "Mr. Zhang San", Zhang Jian was called "Mr. Zhang Si", together called "Mr. Zhang Qi", at that time in Nantong mentioned "Mr. Zhang Qi", no one did not know, in fact, the two brothers. Zhang Yu's epitaph was made by Li Bake. In the past, when a person died, there were no more than two kinds of people who made epitaphs, one was his subordinates, the other was his students, in short, the so-called protégés and former officials, otherwise they didn't understand. Li Bake also turned to industry, engaged in cement in Nanjing, and founded the Commercial Press in Shanghai. Everyone only knows Zhang Jusheng of the Commercial Press, but in fact, the Fujian people are the most powerful in the Commercial Press, and Li Xuangong is one of them. In many of the books published by the Commercial Press, the publisher is Li Xuangong.

Li Ba is good because he stopped being an official and engaged in industry. After this transformation, it is different from Mao and Xia. He is very rich and lives in a garden house in Shanghai. Qian Zhonglian and they all know that Li Bake often treats guests, sits on the bed, and watches everyone eat, and he is very happy. So after the Republic of China, he had the foundation of the Commercial Press, and he didn't have to do anything. It is very important for people to be converted. Mao Guangsheng and Xia Jingguan had to come out to do things in their later years, not because they came up with it themselves, but because it was really difficult financially, and there was no way to maintain their lives. Therefore, it is not right to say that they coveted profit in their old age. Mao Guangsheng often said that the family only had a few yuan, and his son couldn't get the money he wanted, etc. In the old days, people who were officials were not necessarily rich, and some were indeed very poor. There are a lot of seniors I know, who support themselves by making poems and writing things for others.

Li Bake has a lot of paintings, and all of them are Song paintings, and Han Fenlou printed them for him.

Qian Zhongshu is a good character, but there are two people who never scold, one is Chen Yan and Chen Shiyi, and the other is Li Bake, who is called "Bakezhang". Qian Zhongshu did not scold Xia Jingguan, the relationship was very good, Qian Zhongshu and Mao Xiaolu often visited Li Bake and Xia Jingguan together, and their poetry collections are recorded. However, there are no poems in Qian Zhongshu's poetry collection that correspond with Xia Jingguan, not that there are actually none, but that they are not received. There are many poems in Qian Zhongshu's poetry collection that correspond with Li Bake, and of course Chen Shiyi's also has them.

These three people have given me poems, Li Bake, Xia Jingguan's poetry collections, Mao Guangsheng could not engrave poetry collections in his later years, but there are records in the annals compiled by his grandson. Those who have read it agree that Li Bake's poems are the best, because Li Pake's poems have a characteristic, he is the most workmany, singing and sighing, "How can you be literate to be able to poetry, and teaching is both benevolent." The bitter festival is rare today, and there are really a few people who know about it. The out-of-time color clothes still entertain the mother, and the camplights are not included in the poem. Good at describing the root blood of the article, how can it be the same as the hope of the stream". When Zhang Shizhao read the sentence "How many people know about deep grace", he deliberately recited it again and again in his Hunan dialect. All three poems were shown to him, and he admired this poem the most, saying one word: "True." Xia Jingguan's poem is good, he is the number of the Yellow Valley faction: "Learning to recite hard work is more difficult than painting." The words recall the past with tears, and the kindness is boundless, including the lungs and liver. Tired eyes are still embroidered at night, hungry and enduring. That is, the rest of the lines are mediocre, and dare to say that the similarity is not enough. "The most common thing about Mao Guangsheng, because of what kind of reason, is superficial.

I think that among the "Three Poets of Jiawu", the most learned is a scholar and a poet, Xia Jingguan. Li Xuangong is characterized by a large number of collections. The three of them want to say that the one who is low is Mao Guangsheng, so he was scolded by others, and of course the person who scolded him was not necessarily right. Xia Jingguan's poems, in the Jiangxi faction, except for Chen Sanyuan, are him. In addition, he is very knowledgeable, and Mao Guangsheng is looked down upon by Chen Shiyi, because he thinks he is uneducated. Li Xuangong didn't have much knowledge, so he wrote poems and Tibetan paintings, but he had a good character, unlike Mao Guangsheng, and there were no people who said that Li Xuangong was bad. But Xia Jingguan is knowledgeable, poetic, and literary, especially people. I have published two books, one is "The Biography of Xinhai Characters" and the other is "The Biography of the Characters of the Republic of China". I think back in the past few days, many of these manuscripts were provided by Xia Jingguan, there are two ways: the first is published by Xia Jingguan, I feel that there is a typo, I cut out this manuscript from the magazine and send it to him, and he personally proofreads it; The second is unpublished, cut out the manuscript in his anthology and send it to me, I will send it to him when I am finished, there is no photocopy in the past, and he can't ask him to recopy it when he is old. His anthology was later missing, and the poetry collection was published in Taiwan, China, and the anthology was gone, so I objectively preserved it for him. This is something that Mao Guangsheng can't do, and there is also a tablet biography made by Mao Guangsheng for others on my "Collection of Tablet Biography", but it was not provided to me by Mao Guangsheng, and I don't dare to ask him. Because the inscription is not owned by him alone, but also by the party's family, I took it out from the party's family. Qian Zhongshu's father, Qian Jibo, is different, he copied it to me, and I have a bunch of manuscripts he copied to me, so old, take the paper and copy it to me! He is younger than Xia Jingguan, and he can still copy, but Xia Jingguan can't copy anymore.

The old man of Holly spoke about the three poets of Jiawu: Mao Guangsheng must have also been a guest of Sai Jinhua

[Bian Xiaoxuan (1924-2009), a native of Yangzhou, Jiangsu. Self-named "Holly Old Man", the room name "Holly Book House". After graduating from secondary school, he worked in a bank, studied at Lixin Accounting College, and studied literature and history on his own. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, he served in the People's Bank of China and the China Democratic Construction Association, and was still engaged in literary and historical research in his spare time. In 1956, he worked at the Institute of Modern History of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, in 1976 he taught at Yangzhou Normal University, and in 1984 he taught at the Department of Chinese at Nanjing University. He has written more than 30 kinds of works, such as "Liu Yuxi's Annals", "Yuanzhi Annals", "Tang Dynasty Literary and Historical Treatises", "Liu Yuxi's Cong Examination", "Holly Books' Notes", "Tang Legend New Exploration", "Tang Novels and Politics", "Zheng Banqiao Cong Kao", etc., published more than 200 papers, and edited "Chinese Canon, Literary Dictionary, Sui and Tang Five Dynasties Literary Dictionary", etc. 】