
749 Bureau File Story: A 9-year-old boy has strange sores on his face, which resembles a human face and has facial features

author:Here comes the pipe

[This content is a fictional story, please read it rationally, do not sit in the right seat]

I don't know what kind of strange disease everyone has seen in ordinary times?

Hello everyone, I am your old friend Li Yan, an investigator of the 749 Bureau, and the story I want to tell you today is not a case that I have personally investigated, but a strange case that I have personally experienced and treated from an old-timer in the bureau.

Within our 749 Bureau, we are divided into several departments, and in addition to teams like me that specialize in investigating all kinds of missing and unusual cases, there are also other departments that specialize in investigating strange diseases, geoarchaeology, or rare creatures, and the various departments of the 749 Bureau often coordinate their actions if necessary.

749 Bureau File Story: A 9-year-old boy has strange sores on his face, which resembles a human face and has facial features

Among them, Lao Wang's seniors in the disease control department are often responsible for participating in and coordinating joint operations with our department, so we, the juniors of the supernatural investigation team, are more familiar with Lao Wang's predecessors, and we usually eat and drink together during breaks, and always pester him to tell us what cases he has handled back then.

Among them, the case of strange sores on the human face is, according to Lao Wang's words, a case that is not very shocking but quite strange.

It was in the 80s of the last century, and the strange disease that happened to the 9-year-old son of a leader in a big city in Shandong Province.

When it comes to sores, it is actually quite unfamiliar to most people now, after all, because the current sanitary conditions are worlds different from the last century.

Ordinary people at most because of smoking, drinking or staying up late and other irregular behaviors, resulting in pimples or acne on the face, really to say that the kind of body size of the body is large and rotten pus pus or even serious abscess can threaten life, now in daily life is extremely rare.

But it can be traced back to around the 80s of the last century, and there are still many people in the vast rural areas of the mainland who are affected by sanitary conditions, and there will indeed be sores on their bodies somewhere. Therefore, health centers and hospitals in rural areas also have experience in treating such diseases and antibiotic drugs, and of course, there are many strange home remedies that are circulated among the people.

But the condition of the boy mentioned by Lao Wang's predecessors is not as simple as ordinary sores. As we said earlier, the boy's parents are leaders of a big city in Shandong, not only live in a city with very developed and mature health and medical conditions, but their own family environment was definitely at the upper middle level back then.

Therefore, when the boy's parents were surprised to find that their child's cheeks were bulging with a rather obvious red spot, they also felt a little puzzled and surprised, and couldn't understand how their beloved baby son began to have acne on his face at a young age.

After all, the child's illness came and went quickly, and after going to the hospital to diagnose it and found that there was nothing special, they prescribed some detoxification and anti-inflammatory ointment and took the child home.

749 Bureau File Story: A 9-year-old boy has strange sores on his face, which resembles a human face and has facial features

However, to the boy's parents' surprise, the red spots on the child's face not only did not improve after applying the ointment, but worsened at an alarming rate. At first, it was just a small erythema, at best the size of a ballpoint pen, but in just a week's work, it grew to the size of a dollar coin, and there were several obvious round holes on it, which looked like a rapidly decorated sore.

Seeing this situation, the boy's parents couldn't help but panic, and led the child to the local central hospital for a detailed examination, but unfortunately, on the one hand, limited by the medical level at that time, on the other hand, the doctors had not seen a similar situation, and still only treated the lesions on the child's face as ordinary acne.

In addition, the child reported that in addition to feeling a little itchy and a slight foreign body sensation in the sore area on his face, he did not feel particularly uncomfortable, and the surface of this strange sore looked very smooth and smooth.

Therefore, the second examination and treatment will not be over, and the doctor's advice here is to apply antibiotics and other ointments normally to wait for the strange sores to get better naturally. Although the child's parents were dissatisfied and worried, they could only follow the doctor's advice and lead the child home.

But what was very different from the doctor's diagnosis was that the strange sores on the boy's face became worse in the following days, and the growth rate became even more rapid, and after another half a month, the coin-sized sores had spread to the size of the child's palm. At the same time, what is even more shocking is that the surface of this strange sore clearly looks like a shrunken human face!

749 Bureau File Story: A 9-year-old boy has strange sores on his face, which resembles a human face and has facial features

The "human face" mentioned here is not an exaggeration at all, and it does not mean that the surface of this strange sore has formed a pattern similar to a human face, but that the strange sore surrounds the previous few inconspicuous holes, and the facial features including the mouth, nose and even eyes grow very clearly! Not only is the "bridge of the nose" at the nose straight and the "nostrils" distinct, but the mouth is also visible to the naked eye with full upper and lower lips, not to mention two thin eyebrows above the closed eyes, and even a little sparse and yellow hair grows on the top.

If you ignore the fact that this is a strange sore on the boy's face, and just stare at the surface, then there is no doubt that this is the face of a baby with his eyes closed, and from a distance, the boy looks like a new face on the side of his head that is difficult to distinguish between men and women, and it looks so mad and so mad.

At this point, anyone can see that the "human facial sores" on the boy's face are extremely abnormal, and the child's parents have to suspend the child from school, and even have no intention of continuing their work, and take the child to major hospitals for examination all day long, hoping to find a suitable treatment plan.

To the couple's despair, no hospital had ever received and treated such a strange and bizarre case of "facial sores", and from the results of in-depth examination, it was found that this facial sores were deeply rooted in the boy's skin from the beginning, and a large number of blood vessels and important nerves had completely grown together.

In other words, the "facial sores" on the boy's face have been a part of the boy's body since they appeared, and if you want to remove it by surgery or other methods, it is equivalent to directly cutting off half of the boy's face. And not only is the operation extremely difficult and the success rate is extremely low, even if the operation is successful to remove all the sores on the face, the boy will be completely disfigured, and he will have to live with the missing half of his face for the rest of his life.

In order to cure the child's illness, the couple can be described as painstaking, in addition to running back and forth in the major famous skin hospitals in China, they also inquired about a lot of folk remedies, and bought poisonous insects and decoction medicines, and used all the methods that could be found on the child's body, but in the end, the facial sores on the child's face still grew as usual, and there was no way to take it in either a regular hospital or a folk remedies.

Just when the boy's parents were having a headache over the unclear sore on their son's face, something even more unbelievable happened, as the sores on the human face grew bigger and bigger, and the hairs on the facial features became clearer and clearer, until one morning the strange sores on the boy's face suddenly spoke in front of everyone, and as soon as he spoke, he continued to make people feel uncomfortable with vulgar swearing.

This change not only frightened the boy's parents, but even the attending physician of the hospital was stunned, who would have thought that the facial sores on the boy's face not only looked the same as a human face, but also could really speak and even swear words! Even though the vocalizations still sound very indistinct due to the structural influence of the facial sores themselves, they can still be heard on closer inspection, almost without exception, the content is all swearing.

Things have developed to this point, the child's parents have completely broken the defense, thinking that they are just such a precious son, and the family education is very strict on weekdays, and the child has grown so big that he almost doesn't dare to say a dirty word. But now not only does he have such a grotesque facial sore on his face, but he also learns to speak and speak with all swearing, which makes the husband and wife, who have been leaders for half their lives, feel embarrassed, and recall the difficult process of treating their children in the past six months, and feel physically and mentally exhausted.

Because the incident was so bizarre, the bureau soon received relevant information and notices, and after research, several elite investigators from the disease control department, including Lao Wang's predecessors, were dispatched to a famous hospital in Beijing where the boy was located at the time under the banner of senior dermatology experts, and contacted his biological parents.

749 Bureau File Story: A 9-year-old boy has strange sores on his face, which resembles a human face and has facial features

After obtaining the trust and permission of the boy's parents, Lao Wang and the others immediately began to carry out a detailed investigation of the boy's situation, mainly to determine what this piece of facial sores was, and how it grew to this point on the boy's face, and even spoke and cursed.

In the early stage of the investigation of the facial sores, Lao Wang and the others were also taken aback, because they found that this strange human facial sores were not completely scolding, but had a rudimentary thinking ability and intelligence level, and were even able to have very basic and simple conversations with the people around them.

After testing the most advanced nuclear magnetic resonance and other medical devices imported from China at that time, it was found that the facial sores were only very closely integrated with the boy's subcutaneous tissue, and did not develop a structure that could think and talk even like a brain. As for why facial sores can make sounds, it is because the mouth structure on the surface of the sores is very similar to that of normal people, extending inward to the inside of the boy's mouth to form an opening, and using the air flow in the boy's mouth to impact the mouth of the facial sores and then make sounds.

After carefully studying the details of the facial sores, Lao Wang, who was accustomed to all kinds of strange diseases, boldly put forward a hypothesis, that is, the boy's face was not a strange sore, a tumor, or some other skin disease. The reason why this human face sore is highly similar to the human face in appearance and structure is because it was originally a person!

According to Lao Wang's inference, the boy's parents were probably not the only ones who were bad when they were pregnant, but they were pregnant with a pair of dragon and phoenix fetuses. It's just that during the development of the fertilized egg, the younger sister was deformed and stagnant due to unexpected factors, and then fused and absorbed by the brother's fertilized egg, becoming a hidden foreign body on the face.

When the boy was 9 years old, with the secretion of various growth hormones in the body, the foreign body that was originally absorbed by the boy also woke up and developed, and then grew into this strange sore that looked like a human face. Because it was not a disease caused by a viral or bacterial infection in the first place, the traditional treatment for sores and tumors was no longer effective, and the foreign body that was originally the younger sister used and absorbed the nutrients provided by the boy and grew bigger and bigger, and finally became what it is now.

However, although this facial sore was originally a baby that failed to develop, it did not give birth to its own brain, but shared the same brain with the boy through the nerves of the face, in other words, it was the boy himself who made this "facial sore" have thinking and language skills from beginning to end.

The reason why facial sores will swear at the people around them is that the boy's family education is very strict on weekdays, and the parents prohibit the boy from swearing under any circumstances. But when playing with other classmates at school or meeting other adults outside, boys will inevitably be exposed to all kinds of swear words, and naturally there will be times when they want to scold those who anger them.

749 Bureau File Story: A 9-year-old boy has strange sores on his face, which resembles a human face and has facial features

These suppressed emotions continue to accumulate in the boy's heart, and gradually form a subconscious that is eager to vent through swearing, and the facial sores connected to the boy's brain through the facial nerves have naturally become a channel for the boy's negative emotions to vent in this case.

Because the boy didn't realize that in fact, facial sores were controlled by his own thinking, so naturally he would not control facial sores as he usually suppressed his desire to swear, and the result was that the latter would go crazy swearing whenever he had the opportunity.

After this conjecture was raised, all the doubts surrounding the boy's facial sores were justified and immediately agreed. After finalizing the true face of the facial sores on the boy's face, the relevant treatment plan was also formulated.

Since it was clear that this was not some kind of poisonous sore or malignant tumor, and there was no need to worry about it continuing to deteriorate in a short period of time, the hospital gave a conservative treatment plan under the advice of Lao Wang and others, first cutting off the hormone and nutrient supply of human facial sores through drugs and radiotherapy, and then gradually stripping off the blood vessels and nerves that combine human facial sores and boys through multiple minor surgeries.

After giving the treatment plan and recommendations, the 749 Bureau ended the investigation of the incident, and the follow-up also learned that after two and a half years of treatment, the boy's facial sores were completely cured, and there were basically no other sequelae except for some scars left by the operation.

It's just that the boy's parents were really sad for a long time after learning that the facial sores on their son's face were their unborn daughter. Fortunately, this incident has a fairly good ending, which is somewhat consolation for the old Wang seniors who have experienced too many cruel cases.

[This work is a fictional novel, the plot is purely fictional, if there is any similarity, it is purely coincidental.] All people, places, and events are artistic and are not intended to offend or disparage any individual, group, or organization. 】

[This content is a fictional short story, and any name, place name, or other aspects involved in the text have nothing to do with reality (without any implications). If there is any similarity, it is purely a coincidence, please read it rationally. 】