
Mengge's marriage is incomprehensible, why did she marry a 51-year-old at the age of 24, and what is she pursuing?

author:Silk Academy
Mengge's marriage is incomprehensible, why did she marry a 51-year-old at the age of 24, and what is she pursuing?
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Mengge's marriage is incomprehensible, why did she marry a 51-year-old at the age of 24, and what is she pursuing?

In Beijing in 1990, a sensational wedding was held at the Friendship Hotel. The bride Dream Pigeon, a 24-year-old young and beautiful singer, smiled like a flower and held the groom's arm.

However, when people's eyes fell on the groom Li Shuangjiang, they couldn't help but gasp - the famous singer is over half a hundred years old, and the difference between the bride and the bride is 27 years old.

The news spread, and there was a lot of discussion. Some people praise this as a year-old love, and some people question the ulterior motives of the dream pigeon. Is she for sincere love, or is she for soaring with the help of Li Shuangjiang's fame? Perhaps, the answer lies in the sparkling eyes of the dream pigeon.

Let's go back in time, step into the inner world of Dream Pigeon, and uncover the truth behind this unusual marriage.

Mengge's marriage is incomprehensible, why did she marry a 51-year-old at the age of 24, and what is she pursuing?

In 1966, in an ordinary family in Shashi, Hubei, the dream pigeon fell to the ground. Although her mother was an ordinary worker, she loved to sing and won awards in unit competitions.

This love for music seems to have been passed on to the young dream pigeon through blood.

The dream pigeon of his childhood reveals an extraordinary talent for music. At the age of 8, she was able to stand on the stage and sing confidently, and her immature singing voice won the admiration of her teachers. These encouragements became the nectar that nourished Dream Pigeon's artistic dreams and made her look forward to the future.

In 1979, the opportunity came. The Shashi Art Troupe openly recruited singing actors, and the 13-year-old Mengge did not hesitate to sign up. Among the many contestants, Mengge stood out with his outstanding talent and successfully joined the art troupe.

Mengge's marriage is incomprehensible, why did she marry a 51-year-old at the age of 24, and what is she pursuing?

Despite being the youngest, her optimistic and cheerful personality and conscientious and responsible attitude quickly won the affection of her colleagues.

When he first joined the art troupe, Dream Pigeon could only play some inconspicuous roles. However, she did not let this slack off. Mengge's attitude towards learning professional knowledge is extremely rigorous, and he always carefully observes the performance skills of the old actors and strives to improve himself.

The speed of her progress was amazing, and she quickly made a name for herself in the regiment.

However, as time went by, Dream Pigeon gradually realized that the development space of the art troupe was limited. She longs for a bigger stage and is eager to display her talents in a broader world.

Mengge's marriage is incomprehensible, why did she marry a 51-year-old at the age of 24, and what is she pursuing?

So, with a love for music and a vision for the future, the young dream pigeon made a bold decision - to go north to chase his dream.

When he first arrived in Beijing, Mengge faced unprecedented challenges. In the cold winter, in order to save money, she had to wrap the water pipes with straw ropes to prevent them from freezing and cracking. Every day, when I get home from class, it's late at night, and I have to take care of my own food and daily life.

Such a hard life made Mengge deeply understand the difficulty on the road to chasing dreams.

However, the difficulties did not break this stubborn girl. She gritted her teeth and persevered, studying hard while actively looking for opportunities. The hard work paid off, and Mengge finally found a foothold through the Shougang Art Troupe.

Mengge's marriage is incomprehensible, why did she marry a 51-year-old at the age of 24, and what is she pursuing?

Although she is only a contract worker, this job not only solves her Beijing hukou problem, but also opens the door to a bigger stage for her.

During these difficult years, Dream Pigeon's eyes always flashed with love for music and anticipation for the future. She firmly believes that with unremitting efforts, she will one day be able to gain a foothold in this highly competitive city and realize her dreams.

This perseverance has become the driving force to support Mengge all the way, and it has also laid a solid foundation for her future success.

1988 was a turning point in fate for Dream Pigeon. This year, she met the famous singer Li Shuangjiang at the China Conservatory of Music. This encounter, like a pebble thrown into a calm lake, caused ripples in the life of the dream pigeon.

Mengge's marriage is incomprehensible, why did she marry a 51-year-old at the age of 24, and what is she pursuing?

On that day, Mengge came to Li Shuangjiang's class with apprehension and anticipation. The classroom was packed, and Li Shuangjiang was listening intently to the students' singing. When it was Mengge's turn, she took a deep breath and chose a characteristic Northeast folk song.

The singing sounded, and the classroom fell silent instantly. Mengge's unique voice and deep emotional expression attracted everyone's attention, especially Li Shuangjiang. When the dream pigeon finished singing, Li Shuangjiang said in surprise: "Your voice is so beautiful and beautiful!" Why not make a name for yourself? This compliment is like a shot in the arm, allowing Dream Pigeon to see the possibility of his potential being recognized.

Mengge excitedly expressed her desire to study with Li Shuangjiang, and although she was politely rejected at the time, this encounter planted the seeds of hope in her heart. She secretly made up her mind that she must work hard to improve herself and strive for more opportunities to learn from Li Shuangjiang.

The opportunity was not long in coming. In the same year, when Li Shuangjiang was planning the CCTV Spring Festival Gala, he remembered the unique voice of Mengge. He invited Mengge to cooperate with Wei Jindong and sing "Greeting the New Year" together.

Mengge's marriage is incomprehensible, why did she marry a 51-year-old at the age of 24, and what is she pursuing?

This is not only Mengge's first appearance on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, but also marks an important milestone in her artistic career.

Standing on the stage that countless people dream of, Dream Pigeon is both excited and nervous in his heart. When the song sounded, she seemed to forget everything around her and threw herself into the performance.

This successful appearance not only made Dream Pigeon gain self-confidence, but also made people in the industry begin to pay attention to this potential newcomer.

Subsequently, Mengge participated in the 3rd National Young Singer TV Grand Prix. Although she didn't win the grand prize in the end, her performance caught the attention of the judges and the audience, and she won the honor of the Excellence Award.

Mengge's marriage is incomprehensible, why did she marry a 51-year-old at the age of 24, and what is she pursuing?

This experience made Dream Pigeon more aware of her strengths and weaknesses, and inspired her to continue to work hard.

In the subsequent national tour, Li Shuangjiang and Mengge had more opportunities to get in touch. Li Shuangjiang's meticulous care for Dream Pigeon is not only reflected in the art direction, but also in the bits and pieces of life.

His patient guidance and encouragement have made Mengge make rapid progress on the road of art. And Li Shuangjiang's talent, charm and dedication to music also deeply attracted Mengge.

During these days of getting along day and night, the relationship between the two quietly warmed up. Dream Pigeon's eyes flashed with a vision of the future, and she felt that she was getting closer and closer to her dream.

Mengge's marriage is incomprehensible, why did she marry a 51-year-old at the age of 24, and what is she pursuing?

And the appearance of Li Shuangjiang seems to have opened a door to a broader stage for her.

However, as the relationship deepens, Dream Pigeon also begins to face inner struggles. She couldn't help but think: Is this relationship pure love, or is it mixed with career considerations? This problem has become the biggest trouble and challenge for Mengge on the road of life in the future.

With the deepening of the relationship with Li Shuangjiang, Mengge's heart began a fierce ideological struggle. She developed sincere feelings for Li Shuangjiang, but at the same time, she was also soberly aware that this relationship could bring a huge boost to her career.

This complicated mood made the young dream pigeon fall into deep confusion.

Mengge's marriage is incomprehensible, why did she marry a 51-year-old at the age of 24, and what is she pursuing?

In 1989, a trip to Qingdao became a turning point in the relationship between the two. Standing on the top of the mountain, facing the blue sky and blue sea, 51-year-old Li Shuangjiang excitedly swore to the sky that he would marry a dream pigeon.

At this moment, Mengge's heart was both moved and worried. Faced with the true confession of this man who was 27 years older, she couldn't help but start thinking seriously about her life path.

After returning to Beijing, Mengge began to look deeply into his own heart. She repeatedly weighed the relationship between love and career, and thought about what she really wanted. On the one hand, she can't deny her feelings for Li Shuangjiang; On the other hand, she also knew that this relationship would bring great opportunities to her career.

After a long time of thinking and struggling, Mengge finally made a decision: she wanted to marry Li Shuangjiang. As soon as this decision was announced, it immediately sparked huge controversy. In particular, Mengge's parents strongly opposed the marriage.

Mengge's marriage is incomprehensible, why did she marry a 51-year-old at the age of 24, and what is she pursuing?

In their opinion, the marriage of this huge age difference will not last long.

However, Dream Pigeon stuck to his choice. She believes that this is not only a sincere relationship, but also an important opportunity for her to realize her self-worth. Faced with the opposition of his parents, Dream Pigeon tries to explain his thoughts, but with little success.

In this case, she can only choose to stick to her decision.

On October 20, 1990, in the limelight of everyone, 24-year-old Mengge and 51-year-old Li Shuangjiang held a grand wedding at the Friendship Hotel. At the wedding scene, Mengge's bright smile was a hint of nervousness, while Li Shuangjiang looked calm and joyful.

Mengge's marriage is incomprehensible, why did she marry a 51-year-old at the age of 24, and what is she pursuing?

Life after marriage is not a fairy tale. Dream Pigeon not only has to take care of his family, but also continues to work hard to develop his career. She is well aware that her choices mean greater responsibilities and challenges.

In order to prove that his decision was correct, Dream Pigeon worked harder in his career.

In 1996, their son Li Tianyi was born, which drew a successful end to this much-talked-about marriage. However, as time goes on, Dream Pigeon will face more challenges, including how to balance family and career, and how to deal with external doubts and pressures.

These will become important factors to test this marriage.

Mengge's marriage is incomprehensible, why did she marry a 51-year-old at the age of 24, and what is she pursuing?

After marriage, Mengge's career was like a rocket, soaring into the sky. She has appeared on the stage of CCTV Spring Festival Gala many times and has become the first bright star after the reform and opening up of Shashi.

The song of the dream pigeon spread all over the country, and her name was almost unknown. Such success seems to confirm that her decision to marry Li Shuangjiang was correct.

However, there is also a hidden price behind success. With the development of his career, the connection between Dream Pigeon and his hometown and the past gradually faded. The old colleagues of the Shashi Art Troupe, who used to get along day and night, can rarely hear a word from Mengge.

Even in a program like "Art Life" that looks back on the artist's career, Mengge rarely mentions his early experiences. This attitude made her old friends feel lost and regretful, as if those years of common struggle had been deliberately forgotten.

Mengge's marriage is incomprehensible, why did she marry a 51-year-old at the age of 24, and what is she pursuing?

The outside world began to speculate whether Mengge was too focused on career development and neglected the education of his son. This kind of doubt continues to amplify, which brings huge pressure to Dream Pigeon.

She began to realize that success in her career is not the same as the fulfillment of her life, and how to balance career and family has become a new topic that she has to face.

Mengge's experience is like a mirror, reflecting the dilemma faced by many women who pursue careers. At the peak of her career, she had to re-examine her life choices and think about what really mattered.

Looking back, Dream Pigeon's life is like a drama of ups and downs. The choice made at the age of 24 has not only brought glory to his career, but also buried many challenges.

Mengge's marriage is incomprehensible, why did she marry a 51-year-old at the age of 24, and what is she pursuing?

She stood on the stage of her dreams, but she also faced the trouble of family education. She gained widespread recognition, but alienated her former teammates.

In the face of doubts and judgments from the outside world, Dream Pigeon has always remained silent. Perhaps, in her view, life is a journey of constantly weighing gains and losses. Was her choice worth it? The answer to this question may only be given by the dream pigeon himself who has experienced the baptism of the years.

On this controversial road, Dream Pigeon interprets the meaning of life in its own way. Her story has also become a mirror for many people to think about life choices.

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