
Abandoning the original partner and controlling the second wife, in Li Chengru's body, it reflects that good and evil will be rewarded in the end!

author:Silk Academy
Abandoning the original partner and controlling the second wife, in Li Chengru's body, it reflects that good and evil will be rewarded in the end!
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and take a walk, get rich forever, pay attention to the like, it is difficult to get rich if you don't want to
Abandoning the original partner and controlling the second wife, in Li Chengru's body, it reflects that good and evil will be rewarded in the end!

In the bustling area of Beijing, there is a courtyard house worth hundreds of millions of yuan. There are countless treasures in the courtyard, showing the extraordinary collection taste of the owner. However, at this moment, the owner Li Chengru was lying alone on the sickbed, his eyes revealing deep exhaustion and remorse.

This celebrity, who once dominated the film and television industry, is now only looking forward to the company of one person - his own son who has been neglected for nearly 30 years. The baptism of the years made Li Chengru finally realize that no amount of wealth could fill the emptiness in his heart.

Li Chengru's life is like a heart-wrenching legend, with the brilliance of his career contrasting sharply with his emotional frustration. His story is a realistic portrayal of "good and evil will be rewarded in the end", which is embarrassing.

Li Chengru's starting point in life is not high. He lost his father at the age of two, and his mother depended on him, and the hardships of life were engraved in his bones early. The twist of fate came at the moment when he met Li Shirong.

Abandoning the original partner and controlling the second wife, in Li Chengru's body, it reflects that good and evil will be rewarded in the end!

Li Shirong was the best in the factory, and despite his mediocre appearance, he attracted the young Li Chengru.

In the face of strong opposition from his family, Li Shirong resolutely chose this young man who seemed to have little future. On the occasion of the wedding, the family of three is crammed into a small courtyard house of only 18 square meters in Beijing's hutongs, living a poor but warm life.

Li Chengru has an unwilling ordinary energy in his bones. By chance, he joined the crew of "Journey to the West" and served as a field manager. This experience gave him a taste of the charm of film and television art, and also pointed out the direction for his future career development.

However, the meager salary was difficult to support the family, and Li Chengru began to plan for greater development.

Abandoning the original partner and controlling the second wife, in Li Chengru's body, it reflects that good and evil will be rewarded in the end!

The wave of reform and opening up has brought opportunities to Li Chengru. He was keenly aware that there were no self-service laundry clothing stores in Beijing, so he opened a clothing store called "Special Special" in the bustling Xidan Commercial Street.

This innovation filled a gap in the market, won Li Chengru's first pot of gold, and thus launched his business empire.

From an obscure poor boy to a business tycoon, Li Chengru's success has not come easily. The history of his struggle confirms the old saying: "One minute on stage, ten years off the stage".

However, the aura of success has also quietly changed Li Chengru's nature. He began to dislike his wife Li Shirong, who had shared weal and butter, thinking that her work and appearance were no longer worthy of him today.

Abandoning the original partner and controlling the second wife, in Li Chengru's body, it reflects that good and evil will be rewarded in the end!

Li Chengru's horizons expanded as his wealth grew, and he began to pursue a more luxurious life. Luxury cars and mansions have become his capital to show off his success, but his wife and children who once supported him and accompanied him were ruthlessly thrown into an 18-square-meter cottage.

The history of Li Chengru's struggle is a legend of an ordinary person achieving class leapfrogging, but it is also a warning for successful people to lose themselves. He used his ingenuity and perseverance to achieve commercial success, but exposed his selfishness and vanity in the face of the test of human nature.

This experience laid the groundwork for his future emotional disputes, and it also became a major regret in his life.

Li Chengru's love life is like a drama of ups and downs, full of embarrassing twists. As his career took off, his horizons and ambitions continued to expand.

Abandoning the original partner and controlling the second wife, in Li Chengru's body, it reflects that good and evil will be rewarded in the end!

Li Shirong, his wife who once spent difficult years together, gradually lost her luster in his eyes. Li Chengru began to dislike his wife's ordinary work and ordinary appearance, thinking that she could no longer match with a successful person.

With a desire for a better life, Li Chengru resolutely abandoned his wife and young son Li Dahai. He moved into a luxurious home alone and began a life of luxury.

However, the feeling of emptiness in his heart became more and more intense, prompting him to find new emotional sustenance.

The gears of fate turned again, and Li Chengru met the famous "Mei Opera Master" Shi Yihong. The glorious Tsing Yi on the stage immediately caught his eye.

Abandoning the original partner and controlling the second wife, in Li Chengru's body, it reflects that good and evil will be rewarded in the end!

However, the introverted Shi Yihong was not interested in Li Chengru's enthusiastic pursuit, which instead aroused Li Chengru's competitiveness.

Over the next four years, Li Chengru embarked on a protracted quest. With careful and considerate actions and a generous attitude, he strives to get close to Shi Yihong's inner world.

Finally, under Li Chengru's persistence, Shi Yihong was moved, and the two entered the palace of marriage hand in hand.

However, life after marriage is like a demon mirror, exposing the dark side of Li Chengru's character. He showed an almost pathological desire to control Shi Yihong, demanding that she report her whereabouts at any time, and frequently questioning her loyalty.

Abandoning the original partner and controlling the second wife, in Li Chengru's body, it reflects that good and evil will be rewarded in the end!

Li Chengru even forced Shi Yihong to give up his beloved stage career many times, and pressured her to give birth as soon as possible.

This suffocating love made Shi Yihong feel deeply painful and depressed. She discovers that she is not married to a considerate husband, but a selfish control freak.

In the end, Shi Yihong, who couldn't stand this bondage, chose to divorce and ended this suffocating marriage.

The failure of the two marriages not only made Li Chengru live up to the trust and expectations of the two women, but also made his relationship with his biological son Li Dahai more and more estranged. In his son's adolescence, when he needed his father's love the most, Li Chengru chose to be indifferent, which caused an unhealable wound to Li Dahai's soul.

Abandoning the original partner and controlling the second wife, in Li Chengru's body, it reflects that good and evil will be rewarded in the end!

Li Chengru's emotional experience reflects many flaws in his character: selfishness, arrogance and a strong desire for control. He sees marriage as an embellishment of his success, but ignores the true meaning of love and affection.

This distorted view of emotions is destined to make him repeatedly hit a wall in the emotional world.

Looking back on Li Chengru's two marriages, we can't help but sigh: money and status can't buy sincere feelings. He can't fill the barrenness of emotions with material abundance, and he can't exchange control for sincere giving.

Li Chengru's experience warns us: while pursuing career success, we must also learn to cherish the people around us and maintain family affection and love. True fulfillment can only be achieved by striking a balance between career and emotion.

Abandoning the original partner and controlling the second wife, in Li Chengru's body, it reflects that good and evil will be rewarded in the end!

The relationship between Li Chengru and his son Li Dahai is like a family concerto with ups and downs. In the years when Li Chengru was chasing career success, the young Li Dahai and his mother depended on each other and lived in a small courtyard house in Beijing.

The burden of life is on Li Shirong's thin shoulders, and his meager salary is difficult to maintain the family's basic livelihood.

At the age of 17, it should be the age to look forward to the future, but Li Dahai had to drop out of school to work and take on the responsibility of supporting his family. In order to survive, he worked in various low-income jobs in Beijing: bar singer, hotel waiter, lobby security guard...... Sometimes the monthly income is only 800 yuan.

The hardships of life sharpened Li Dahai's will, and also allowed him to learn to be independent early. Despite the hardships of life, Li Dahai always maintained his self-esteem and never reached out to his father for help.

Abandoning the original partner and controlling the second wife, in Li Chengru's body, it reflects that good and evil will be rewarded in the end!

With the dream of becoming a singer, Li Dahai seized the opportunity to participate in a variety show for the children of celebrities. In the show, friends from the star's parents need to be invited to help, and Li Dahai had to bite the bullet to contact his father, who he hadn't seen for a long time.

However, Li Chengru's indifferent response was like a basin of cold water, dousing the only remaining expectation in Li Dahai's heart.

What's even more chilling is that when the program team asked Li Chengru what he thought of his son, he publicly belittled Li Dahai, saying that if it weren't for his influence, Li Dahai would be as unknown as air.

He mercilessly criticized his son for his lack of tenacity and courage, and this piercing remark was undoubtedly another heavy blow to Li Dahai's soul.

Abandoning the original partner and controlling the second wife, in Li Chengru's body, it reflects that good and evil will be rewarded in the end!

However, in the face of his father's ruthless criticism, Li Dahai showed extraordinary strength on stage. He held back tears and proved his worth with practical actions, and his tenacity and unyielding spirit were touching.

As he grew older, Li Chengru, who was bleak in the evening, finally realized the preciousness of family affection. He tried to make up for his relationship with his son with material things and bought a luxury car for Li Dahai.

However, Li Dahai, who has long been accustomed to independent life, was not moved by these vain substances. He chose an ordinary scooter and showed with practical actions that he had come out of the haze and that his future life would be dominated by himself.

This father-son relationship, which spans 30 years, reflects the complexity of human nature and the preciousness of family affection. Li Chengru's awakening seems to be too late, but his experience brings us a profound enlightenment: no amount of wealth and achievements can make up for the loss of family affection.

Abandoning the original partner and controlling the second wife, in Li Chengru's body, it reflects that good and evil will be rewarded in the end!

Sincere family affection needs to be managed with heart, not with money.

Li Dahai's strength and independence are not only a silent accusation against his father for many years, but also the best proof of his self-growth. This child, who was once forgotten by his father, proved with his own efforts that the value of life does not lie in his background, but in his personal struggle and perseverance.

Li Chengru's life trajectory is like a mirror, reflecting the light and darkness in his character. In his career, he has shown extraordinary intellect and perseverance.

From a poor teenager to the pinnacle of business, Li Chengru's history of struggle is legendary. Keen to seize market opportunities, he opened a "special special" clothing store in Xidan Commercial Street, filling the gap in Beijing's self-service laundry service, thus laying the cornerstone of his business empire.

Abandoning the original partner and controlling the second wife, in Li Chengru's body, it reflects that good and evil will be rewarded in the end!

However, in his private life, Li Chengru exposes negative traits such as arrogance, selfishness, and a strong desire for control. He ruthlessly abandoned his wife Li Shirong and young son Li Dahai who had shared weal and woe with him in pursuit of a brighter life.

In his second marriage to Shi Yihong, his desire for control reached the extreme, and he even asked his wife to give up his beloved stage career.

This contradiction in character stems from Li Chengru's narrow understanding of success. He equates career success with the full value of life, but ignores the importance of emotion and family affection.

This led him to constantly hurt the people around him while pursuing career success, and finally ended up in a lonely situation in his later years.

Abandoning the original partner and controlling the second wife, in Li Chengru's body, it reflects that good and evil will be rewarded in the end!

Li Chengru's experience teaches us that true success is not only about material wealth, but also about a healthy emotional life and harmonious family relationships. Only by striking a balance between career and emotion can you be called a true winner in life.

His story is a profound lesson on how not to lose oneself on the road to success.

Li Chengru's life story is like a mirror, reflecting the practical significance of the ancient wisdom that "good and evil will be rewarded in the end". His brilliant achievements in his career cannot make up for the huge debt in feelings and family affection.

This tragic and joyful life trajectory has brought us profound enlightenment: the definition of success should not be limited to the material level, but should also include emotional enrichment and personality perfection.

Abandoning the original partner and controlling the second wife, in Li Chengru's body, it reflects that good and evil will be rewarded in the end!

Cherishing family affection and being kind to the people around you is the true meaning of a happy life. Li Chengru's story warns us: don't wait until you lose to know how to cherish it, because some regrets cannot be made up once they are caused.

On the road to success, we must always remember our original intention and protect those most precious emotions and family affection. Only in this way can we look back at the end of our lives without feeling ashamed and truly taste the taste of happiness.

The purpose of this article is to advocate positive social energy, without vulgarity and other bad guidance. If you are involved in copyright or character infringement, please contact us in time

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