
Li Chengru: Worth hundreds of millions of dollars, he lives in a luxurious courtyard next to the Forbidden City, but his son has only lived in an 18-square-meter rental house for 28 years

author:The blue sea chats about the world
Li Chengru: Worth hundreds of millions of dollars, he lives in a luxurious courtyard next to the Forbidden City, but his son has only lived in an 18-square-meter rental house for 28 years
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and take a walk, get rich forever, pay attention to the like, it is difficult to get rich if you don't want to
Li Chengru: Worth hundreds of millions of dollars, he lives in a luxurious courtyard next to the Forbidden City, but his son has only lived in an 18-square-meter rental house for 28 years

In the heart of Beijing, next to the Forbidden City, stands a breathtakingly luxurious courtyard house. This is the residence of Li Chengru, a billionaire worth as much as 20 billion.

Inside the courtyard, 500 cherry trees are lush and blooming in a sea of pink in spring, making it a unique sight in the ancient city.

However, just a short distance from this luxurious manor lies a poignant secret. In an ordinary residential building, in a small rental house of only 18 square meters, there are two people who have a close relationship with Li Chengru - his ex-wife and son Li Dahai.

Li Chengru: Worth hundreds of millions of dollars, he lives in a luxurious courtyard next to the Forbidden City, but his son has only lived in an 18-square-meter rental house for 28 years

Their living environment is very different from that of Li Chengru: in a crowded space, even the most basic kitchen and bathroom need to be shared with others.

Between father and son, there is a seemingly insurmountable chasm. Under the same blue sky, on the one hand, there is fine clothes and fine food, luxury and luxury, but on the other hand, it is barely making ends meet and struggling to survive.

Let's step into this dramatic family, uncover their story, and explore the complex relationship between money, affection and humanity.

From scratch: Li Chengru's legendary entrepreneurial road

Li Chengru: Worth hundreds of millions of dollars, he lives in a luxurious courtyard next to the Forbidden City, but his son has only lived in an 18-square-meter rental house for 28 years

In 1985, a young man with a dream came to Beijing. He is Li Chengru, an ordinary person who is about to change his fate. In the bustling Xidan business district, Li Chengru rented a shop with an area of more than 1,000 square meters and created a clothing brand called "Special Special".

This decision became a turning point in his life.

Li Chengru has a unique vision, and he has a good eye on the clothing market in the fledgling stage of the fashion department. He came up with a unique business philosophy: only one piece of clothing should be produced, regardless of size.

This "one-of-a-kind" concept quickly attracted a large number of customers, making "Special Special" stand out from its competitors.

Li Chengru: Worth hundreds of millions of dollars, he lives in a luxurious courtyard next to the Forbidden City, but his son has only lived in an 18-square-meter rental house for 28 years

Business is booming, the store is bustling every day, and there is an endless stream of customers. Sales are rising, and the single-day turnover can even reach an astonishing 500,000 yuan. This was an absolute astronomical amount at the time.

Li Chengru's success not only benefits himself, but also allows employees to share the dividends. In the era when the monthly income of ordinary workers was only 200 yuan, the monthly salary of his employees easily exceeded 5,000 yuan, becoming an enviable high-wage group.

With the accumulation of wealth, Li Chengru's lifestyle has also undergone earth-shaking changes. He began to wear brand-name clothes worth 70,000 yuan or 80,000 yuan, and a tie worth tens of thousands of yuan.

In the era when bicycles were still the mainstream means of transportation, he had driven a luxury car worth 5 million yuan to shuttle between cities. When he eats, he casually tips the waiter with 100 yuan, and this luxurious lifestyle is jaw-dropping.

Li Chengru: Worth hundreds of millions of dollars, he lives in a luxurious courtyard next to the Forbidden City, but his son has only lived in an 18-square-meter rental house for 28 years

Li Chengru's business tentacles are not limited to the apparel industry. He was one of the first people in China to get involved in stock investment. By 1991, he had amassed a whopping $13 million in foreign exchange assets.

Soon after, he began to buy land and luxury homes in Beijing, extending his investment tentacles to all walks of life.

Li Chengru's entrepreneurial story is legendary. With his keen business sense and bold business strategy, he has achieved a rapid accumulation of wealth in just a few years. However, the rapid growth of wealth has also laid hidden dangers for his family relationships.

How money changes a person's life and how it affects the fate of a family, Li Chengru's story leaves us with room for deep thought.

With the rapid accumulation of wealth, Li Chengru's life focus gradually shifted away from his family. What was once a bland but warm family life has become boring under the lure of money.

The world of drunkenness and money outside is full of attraction for him, and the responsibilities of family have become the shackles of his pursuit of pleasure.

After a heated argument, Li Chengru made a decision that changed the fate of the family: he ruthlessly kicked his wife and young son Li Dahai out of the house. This decision was like a bolt of lightning, tearing apart this originally harmonious family in an instant.

Li Chengru: Worth hundreds of millions of dollars, he lives in a luxurious courtyard next to the Forbidden City, but his son has only lived in an 18-square-meter rental house for 28 years

The mother and son who were kicked out of the house suddenly fell into trouble. They live in a small rental house of only 18 square meters, and even the most basic kitchen and bathroom need to be shared with others.

The hardships of life forced Li Dahai, who was only 14 years old, to drop out of school to work, and in order to maintain the basic livelihood of the mother and son, he did various hard jobs such as washing dishes and delivering couriers.

However, Li Chengru did not feel the slightest guilt towards his son because of this. When Li Dahai's mother fell ill and needed medical expenses, Li Dahai had to ask his father for help.

But Li Chengru not only did not lend a hand, but spoke viciously: "How dare you pay for her medical expenses?" These cold and ruthless words, like a sharp blade, deeply pierced the young Li Dahai's heart.

Li Chengru: Worth hundreds of millions of dollars, he lives in a luxurious courtyard next to the Forbidden City, but his son has only lived in an 18-square-meter rental house for 28 years

Even after Li Dahai grew up, the relationship between father and son still did not improve in the slightest. When Li Dahai needed to borrow his father's idle piano in order to start a business, Li Chengru ruthlessly refused again: "My items have nothing to do with you, don't try to take them away!" Such rhetoric exacerbates the estrangement between father and son, and makes the already fragile family relationship even worse.

Li Dahai worked hard and finally saved enough for the down payment to buy a house, wanting to build a warm home for his mother. However, when he asked his father for help again, he was treated even more roughly.

Li Chengru scolded on the phone, saying that buying a house had nothing to do with him and would never provide any help. At this moment, the rift between father and son seemed to be irreparable.

Li Chengru's behavior can't help but make people think deeply: what does money bring to this family? How does it distort a person's values, and how does it destroy the precious bonds of kinship? In the pursuit of wealth, is the price paid by Li Chengru worth it? Is it possible for this once happy family to be reunited? These questions may take time to be answered.

Li Chengru: Worth hundreds of millions of dollars, he lives in a luxurious courtyard next to the Forbidden City, but his son has only lived in an 18-square-meter rental house for 28 years

A twist of fate: the trough of his career and the rebirth of acting

In 1993, the god of fate played a cruel joke on Li Chengru. His investment career was devastated, and his former business empire collapsed. Overnight, Li Chengru went from a rich man who called for wind and rain to a poor man with nothing.

This blow was like a blow to the head, forcing Li Chengru to re-examine his life path.

At this darkest moment in his life, Li Chengru's thoughts returned to the dream of his youth. He remembered his love for the performing arts, a dream he had long held.

Li Chengru: Worth hundreds of millions of dollars, he lives in a luxurious courtyard next to the Forbidden City, but his son has only lived in an 18-square-meter rental house for 28 years

After many years of ups and downs in the business world, this dream has now rekindled his inner passion.

Li Chengru recalled his youthful persistence. At that time, he waited outside the residence of the famous performer Dong Xingji many times, just to get a chance to ask for advice.

This dedication finally moved Dong Xingji and opened the door to the road of acting for Li Chengru.

With his love for acting, 26-year-old Li Chengru was successfully admitted to the acting advanced class of Beijing Film Academy. There, he studied with Li Qinqin, who later became a star, and others, laying a solid foundation for his future acting career.

Li Chengru: Worth hundreds of millions of dollars, he lives in a luxurious courtyard next to the Forbidden City, but his son has only lived in an 18-square-meter rental house for 28 years

In 1981, by chance, Li Chengru participated in the filming of the classic TV series "Journey to the West". Although he only worked as a field assistant for director Yang Jie, this experience gave him an in-depth understanding of all aspects of film and television production.

What's more worth mentioning is that the actor of the white dragon horse in the play was personally selected by Li Chengru, which gave him a deeper understanding of actor casting.

These valuable experiences paved the way for Li Chengru to return to the entertainment industry. He began to devote himself to his acting career, studying his acting skills diligently and striving to improve his professional level.

The hard work paid off, and the opportunity finally came. In the hit drama "Six Groups of Serious Cases", Li Chengru played the role of Zeng Keqiang, who became famous in one fell swoop with his superb acting skills and regained the recognition of the audience.

Li Chengru: Worth hundreds of millions of dollars, he lives in a luxurious courtyard next to the Forbidden City, but his son has only lived in an 18-square-meter rental house for 28 years

Li Chengru's story tells us that the ups and downs of life are unpredictable. But it was in the trough that he rediscovered the direction of his life and opened a new chapter in his acting career.

This experience not only demonstrated Li Chengru's resilience and adaptability, but also interpreted the profound meaning of "not forgetting the original intention". After many years of ups and downs in the business world, he finally returned to his original dream and broke a new world in the entertainment industry with his hard work and talent.

The pinnacle of his acting career: from a supporting actor to a powerful faction

After returning to the entertainment industry, Li Chengru devoted himself to his acting career with hunger. His diligence and talent soon paid off, and he gradually gained a foothold in the film and television industry.

Li Chengru: Worth hundreds of millions of dollars, he lives in a luxurious courtyard next to the Forbidden City, but his son has only lived in an 18-square-meter rental house for 28 years

From an unknown supporting role to a high-profile powerful actor, Li Chengru's acting career shows the transformation and growth of an actor.

Li Chengru's most praised performance is his wonderful appearance in the movie "Big Shot" directed by Feng Xiaogang. In this film, he creates a breathtaking miracle of acting.

In just 1 minute and 26 seconds, Li Chengru said 328 words in one go, showing amazing eloquence and acting skills. What's even more amazing is that this performance was done in one shot, without any editing or interruptions.

This not only reflects Li Chengru's profound acting skills, but also shows his accurate grasp of the role and deep understanding of the plot.

Li Chengru: Worth hundreds of millions of dollars, he lives in a luxurious courtyard next to the Forbidden City, but his son has only lived in an 18-square-meter rental house for 28 years

In addition to his outstanding performance in film and television works, Li Chengru's performance in variety shows has also attracted much attention. His comments are sharp and profound, often pinpointing the problem.

His comment of "like sitting on pins and needles, like a man on the back" has become a classic quote and has been widely praised by the audience. This not only reflects Li Chengru's keen insight, but also demonstrates his rich life experience and deep understanding of performing arts.

Li Chengru's success proves that as long as he has talent and perseverance, he can create amazing achievements even in the second spring of his life. His acting career is not only the growth history of an actor, but also an inspirational story of a person rediscovering the value of life.

From a business tycoon to a powerful person in the entertainment industry, Li Chengru's transformation has successfully interpreted the concept of "infinite possibilities in life".

Li Chengru: Worth hundreds of millions of dollars, he lives in a luxurious courtyard next to the Forbidden City, but his son has only lived in an 18-square-meter rental house for 28 years

His experience tells us that no matter how old you are, as long as you have dreams and perseverance, it is never too late. Li Chengru proved with his own practical actions that the wonder of life is not how brilliant you have been, but whether you can get back up after falling and create brilliance in a new field.

In 2006, fate played a joke on Li Chengru again. A sudden serious illness pushed him to the brink of his life, and also made him begin to reflect deeply on his life.

In the experience of brushing shoulders with death, Li Chengru finally realized the preciousness of family affection.

Li Chengru: Worth hundreds of millions of dollars, he lives in a luxurious courtyard next to the Forbidden City, but his son has only lived in an 18-square-meter rental house for 28 years

Li Chengru, who was lying on the hospital bed, looked back on his life, and the wealth and achievements he was once proud of seemed so pale and powerless at the moment. He remembered his ex-wife and son, whom he had ruthlessly abandoned, and their years of struggling in poverty.

These past events came flooding back, filling his heart with remorse and guilt.

At the moment of life and death, Li Chengru made a decision. He took the initiative to contact his son Li Dahai and begged them to move back home and live together. This once high and mighty man has now put aside all his pride and sought forgiveness with the most sincere attitude.

In order to make up for his past mistakes, he even promised to buy a luxury car worth 1 million yuan for his son.

Li Chengru: Worth hundreds of millions of dollars, he lives in a luxurious courtyard next to the Forbidden City, but his son has only lived in an 18-square-meter rental house for 28 years

In the face of his father's remorse, Li Dahai's reaction was touching. He chose forgiveness, did not take the opportunity to retaliate or ask for more, but simply asked for an ordinary car of 200,000 yuan in return.

This kind of tolerance and understanding shows Li Dahai's character and mind, and also brings hope for the reunion of this broken family.

At this moment, Li Chengru finally understood that money and fame could not replace the warmth of family affection after all. His experience teaches us that no matter how successful we are, we should never ignore the feelings and needs of our families.

True happiness does not lie in the luxury house and beautiful car, but in the companionship and understanding of relatives.

Li Chengru: Worth hundreds of millions of dollars, he lives in a luxurious courtyard next to the Forbidden City, but his son has only lived in an 18-square-meter rental house for 28 years

Li Chengru's story is a profound reflection on wealth, family affection and human nature. It reminds us not to forget our original intentions and not to lose sight of what really matters in our pursuit of success.

Because in the end, it is always those closest to us who can give us warmth and comfort.

This story also shows the complexity of human nature and the impermanence of life. Li Chengru went from a rich man to a poor man, to a successful person in the entertainment industry, and finally reflected on his life in front of the sickbed, this experience of ups and downs is not only a person's destiny trajectory, but also a profound test of human nature and values.

In the end, Li Chengru's redemption came from his renewed appreciation of family affection and his son's tolerance. This reconciliation not only bridged the rift in the family, but also brought new meaning and direction to Li Chengru's life.

Li Chengru: Worth hundreds of millions of dollars, he lives in a luxurious courtyard next to the Forbidden City, but his son has only lived in an 18-square-meter rental house for 28 years

It teaches us that no matter how big a mistake you make, there is always a chance to start over if you truly repent.

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