
A peasant woman was pregnant, and she dreamed that a young Taoist said that she had a fate with her for 11 years

author:Chia Tai Bright Universe 0xN

Speaking of which, in Nagada in the south, there is a small fishing village with beautiful mountains and rivers, and the people in the village are fishing and living a very nourishing life. There is a daughter-in-law named Ah Hua in the village, who is very good-looking, diligent in her work, and is praised by everyone. One day, Ah Hua found out that she was pregnant, which made her family's son Ah Qiang happy, grinning all day long, and praising her daughter-in-law for her good fortune when she saw people, and she could add a big fat boy to him.

Ah Hua is also happy in her heart, looking forward to the baby coming soon. But the good times didn't last long, and she began to have strange dreams, and there was always a young Taoist in a green shirt in her dreams, who looked very energetic and had deep eyes. Every time he appeared, he said to Ah Hua: "Ah Hua, we have eleven years of fate." After saying that, he turned into smoke and disappeared. Ah Hua woke up, confused in her heart, and didn't know what this dream meant. As soon as she told Ah Qiang, Ah Qiang was also confused, so he could only comfort her: "Don't think too much, take care of it." ”

As the days passed, Ah Hua's belly became bigger and bigger, and the Dao person became clearer and clearer in her dreams. She began to panic, thinking that this was not easy. One day, Ah Hua was strolling along the seashore and suddenly saw the man again. It's not a dream, it's real! The Taoist smiled and said to her, "Ah Hua, our fate has begun." Ah Hua was stunned and asked, "Who are you?" Why do you keep pestering me? The Taoist sighed and said, "I am a fish in the sea, I have practiced for thousands of years, and I saved your life, so we are destined." When Ah Hua heard this, she was shocked, she didn't expect that she had such a deep fate with a fish.

A peasant woman was pregnant, and she dreamed that a young Taoist said that she had a fate with her for 11 years

She asked, "Why do you always appear in my dreams?" What's the matter with our fate? The Taoist explained, "After eleven years, you will have a big choice. At that time, I will come to help you, but you have to keep your mind calm and don't let the outside world get distracted. After saying that, it turned into smoke again, and it was gone. Ah Hua stood on the seashore, her heart was up and down, she didn't know whether the words of the Taoist were true or false, and she didn't know what she would do in the future. But she knew that this matter had nothing to do with that wonderful fate.

In other words, Ah Hua, this girl, is more and more stable in her heart, like the pine trees in our northeast, she can't move in the wind and rain. Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, eleven years are like flowing water, and they pass with a bang. Ah Hua not only gave birth to a big fat boy, but also lived a sweet and sweet life with her husband Ah Qiang, and her small life was called a nourishment. But just when she thought that the strange dream and the man's affairs were almost forgotten, suddenly, something came, which was really unexpected......

Let's break it down next time, you just wait and see, and see how Ah Hua copes with this sudden test and wonderful fate. In the past eleven years, although Ah Hua's days are as calm as water, there is always such a stone in her heart, which is heavy. In the dead of night, she couldn't help but think of the young Taoist, his eleven-year covenant and the decision between life and death. She didn't know what this choice was, and she didn't know if she could withstand it. But time doesn't care about you, it goes forward by itself, and the day of the eleventh year covenant is approaching day by day.

On the day of Ah Hua's fortieth birthday, something strange happened in the village. In a broken fishing net by the sea, a humanoid monster covered in scales was fished out. The monster had its eyes closed, its breath was like that of a kitten, and it had a faint fishy smell on its body. There was a lot of discussion in the village, some said that the monsters in the sea had landed, and some said that it was a bad omen, and the whole fishing village was in a state of panic.

Ah Hua looked at this monster, but there was an indescribable feeling in her heart. She always felt that this monster had something to do with her, as if it was "a fish in the sea" in the mouth of the Tao. She mustered up her courage and stepped forward to take a closer look. When she saw a cyan bracelet on the monster's wrist, the stone in her heart fell to the ground with a "clang"—the bracelet was exactly the same as the wrist of the man in her dream!

A peasant woman was pregnant, and she dreamed that a young Taoist said that she had a fate with her for 11 years

Ah Hua took a deep breath and said loudly: "Don't panic, everyone, this monster is not a monster, it is my friend!" When everyone heard this, they were all stunned, and they didn't know what Ah Hua meant. Ah Hua didn't explain much, she gently picked up the monster and took it back to her own home. Ah Hua bathed the monster with seawater and healed it with herbs. Under her careful care, the monster slowly woke up. It opened its eyes and looked at Ah Hua, its eyes full of gratitude. Ah Hua looked at it, and her heart was also warm. She finally understood that this monster was what the Dao called "a fish in the sea", that it was her friend, her fate.

The monster told Ah Hua that it had become like this because of something wrong with her cultivation and she had gone mad. It says it has been looking for someone to save it until it meets Ah Hua. After hearing this, Ah Hua had mixed feelings in her heart, she didn't expect that she would have such a deep fate with a fish. She asked the monster, "What do you mean by your life-and-death choice?" What should I do? The monster was silent for a moment, and then said slowly, "Your choice of life and death is to decide whether to save me or not." "Oh, that's a tough thing to do. If you decide to save me, then you have to live your little life well and jump into the sea with me to practice. In this case, it will be difficult for you to go back to the crowd. If you don't care about me, then I'll be a calf, and you have to say goodbye to this magical fate. When Ah Hua heard this, she was entangled in her heart, she looked at the old man and son beside her, and then at the monster in front of her. The one in her heart who turned the river and the sea upside down, she didn't know what to do, and she didn't know what this choice would bring her.

At this moment, Ah Qiang's voice came like thunder: "Ah Hua, no matter what you choose, I will support you." But you have to remember that no matter which path you take, you have to go above board and don't look back and regret it. When Ah Hua heard this, her heart was warm, she knew that the old man was really supporting her. She took a deep breath and was ruthless. Ah Hua said to the monster, "I decided to save you." When the monster heard this, a flash of surprise and gratitude flashed in his eyes. It told Ah Hua that to save it, she had to use her blood to relieve it of the demonic energy. Ah Hua agreed without saying a word. She used her own blood to relieve the monster's demonic energy, and made it change back to its original appearance - a handsome young man. The Taoist looked at Ah Hua gratefully and said, "Ah Hua, in order to save me, you threw away all your days, and I will remember this kindness for a lifetime." From now on, you are my sister, and I will definitely always protect you. When Ah Hua heard this, she felt warm and touched in her heart. She knew that she had chosen the right one, and for this wonderful fate, she paid the price, but she also gained more happiness and touch. From that day on, Ah Hua and the Taoist went back to the sea to practice together. They swim around in the sea every day, have a lot of fun, and live a carefree life. Although they can no longer go back to the pile, they are satisfied and happy in their hearts, because they know that they have found each other's true home and happiness.

A peasant woman was pregnant, and she dreamed that a young Taoist said that she had a fate with her for 11 years

As for Ah Qiang and his son, they go to the beach from time to time, looking into the distance and thinking about Ah Hua. They knew that Ah Hua was doing well, and that was enough. Ah Hua often returns to the fishing village in her dreams, looking at the old man and her son, she knows that she will always be a part of the fishing village and will always love this family. This is the wonderful fate between Ah Hua and the Taoist, a story full of twists and turns and touching. It tells us that fate is a magical thing, it may make us face difficult choices, but as long as we face it bravely and make the right decision, we can reap more happiness and touch. Between the blue of the sea and the sky, Ah Hua and the Taoists lived a peaceful and comfortable life. Whenever the moonlight shines on the sea in the dead of night, Ah Hua always thinks of the fishing village in the distance, and thinks of her old man and son. Although she missed that in her heart, she knew that this was the choice she made for that wonderful fate, and she had no regrets. The days passed quickly, and Ah Hua's kung fu was getting stronger day by day. The Taoist looked at her progress as fast as riding a rocket, and his heart was happy. He understands that although Ah Hua has lost the excitement of the world, his heart is harder and more open-minded. He always said to Ah Hua: "Girl, you are really out of the way for me, but don't worry, I will keep all the good things for you." But just when Ah Hua thought that the days would be like this, a big change disturbed this peace. One day, the sky suddenly darkened, and the waves seemed to go crazy. Ah Hua and the Taoist felt a terrifyingly strong aura coming this way. They knew in their hearts that this was a great demon in the sea who was going to appear in the world, and its power could make the whole sea tremble. As soon as the big demon came out, it must be bloody. Although Ah Hua and the Taoist cultivators are not low, they also understand that this fight cannot be avoided. They looked at each other and smiled, their eyes shining with determination. They knew that no matter what, they had to fight for the peace of the sea.

As soon as the battle began, the sea was like a boiling pot, and the wind and thunder were raging. Ah Hua and Dao Ren turned into two giant fish and got involved with the big demon. They weave through the waves, and every collision sets off a thousand waves. This fight lasted for three days and three nights, and in the end, Ah Hua and the Taoist relied on their strength and superb kung fu to seal the big demon at the bottom of the sea. After the fight, Ah Hua and the Taoist were so tired that they looked like something. They lay on the sea, looking at the stars, and their hearts were mixed. Ah Hua said to the Taoist: "Brother, do you know? Actually, I've never regretted it. Although I lost my days, I got more. I learned to be strong, brave, and cherished. When the Taoist heard this, he smiled slightly and said, "Girl, you are right. This fight made us better understand the value of life. Although we are cultivators, we are also responsible for the peace of this sea. ”

At that moment, a golden light fell from the sky and fell right on them. They felt a surge of power surging into their bodies, and their cultivation swelled. They knew that this was the Heavenly Dao's recognition of their protection of the sea area. Ah Hua and Daoren decide to go back to the fishing village to see Ah Qiang's family. They take human form and walk on the paths of the fishing village, feeling the long-lost atmosphere of their hometown. As soon as they entered the house, Cuong and his son were pleasantly surprised. When they saw Ah Hua come back safely, they were happy in their hearts. Ah Hua looked at the familiar faces of her husband and son, and her heart was both guilty and moved. She knew that she had been absent all these years, and she must have added a lot of suffering and missing to them. But she also understands that she can't stay in this home now, because she is already a cultivator. As soon as Ah Hua entered the door, she said to her family, "We're back, we can't stay longer." We're a cultivator now, and we have to go back to where we practice. When Ah Qiang and his son heard this, they knew in their hearts that Ah Hua was telling the truth and they couldn't stop her. Ah Hua continued: "We have always had this family in our hearts, with you. No matter where we go, you are all in our hearts. With that, she turned to the Taoist and said, "Big brother, let's go." The Taoist nodded, and the two of them shook like green smoke, and disappeared into the air with a whoosh.

A peasant woman was pregnant, and she dreamed that a young Taoist said that she had a fate with her for 11 years

Ah Qiang and his son stood there, looking at the direction in which Ah Hua disappeared, and did not say anything for a long time. They know that Ah Hua is no longer the Ah Hua they knew before, but she will always be the Ah Hua in their hearts. They are proud of Ah Hua and happy for her, because she has found her own home and found true happiness. Since then, people in the fishing village have heard the story of Ah Hua. Everyone said that Ah Hua was a brave and strong woman, she gave up her ordinary life for a wonderful fate, but she also got more happiness and touch. Her story has become a story for the fishing village through the ages, inspiring generations to pursue their dreams and happiness.

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