
What is the difference between drinking "liquor" and "beer"? Which liquor has less effect on the body

author:Nine rivers on the clouds

If you want to say that the two most common buddies at the wine table, it is none other than liquor and beer. Baijiu is a treasure handed down by our Chinese ancestors, with thousands of years of inheritance, pure grain essence, high-end quality and invincible taste, so that a vote of wine friends love to die and come alive.

As for beer, relying on its refreshing taste and affordable price, it has become a daily ration wine in the hearts of many people. Some people drink beer as if they are drinking water, as if they are enjoying some kind of special "drink". What do you think about you, who loves wine?

What is the difference between drinking "liquor" and "beer"? Which liquor has less effect on the body

Now, no matter the streets and alleys, liquor and beer can be found everywhere. But in this way, the question also comes: which is more unfriendly to the body, whether to drink liquor or beer? Today, let's talk about this topic.

First, the amount of alcohol is the same, and the beer is more powerful

As we all know, the alcohol content of beer is much lower than that of liquor, and if you want to consume the same amount of alcohol, you have to pour a lot of beer to match a small glass of liquor. Think about it, can you feel better with so much beer in your stomach?

What is the difference between drinking "liquor" and "beer"? Which liquor has less effect on the body

First of all, the abundance of beer will make your stomach bloated like a ball, and maybe even nauseous. Besides, although the beer is low, drinking too much can also hurt the stomach, and after a long time, the stomach will definitely protest. In the end, so much beer is in the stomach, the liver can't handle it, and it's a big burden.

Second, if you count by the glass, the liquor may hurt you more deeply

On the other hand, if we compare it according to the size of the cup, drink it like this one cup at a time, and the lethality of the liquor will be greater. For example, the same two cups, one for beer and the other for liquor, although the volume is the same, the liquor is much stronger.

What is the difference between drinking "liquor" and "beer"? Which liquor has less effect on the body

3. Whether you drink liquor or beer, you have to put your mentality right

Actually, which is good or bad between liquor and beer, it's really not that absolute, the key depends on how you drink. No matter what kind of wine it is, how to drink it, you have to have a spectrum in your heart. For example, before drinking, you have to get some snacks and put a glass of water next to it to moisten your throat. When drinking, you should be slow and methodical, take small sips, and don't drink cows.

Fourth, drinking liquor or beer, you have to learn to discern pearls

Nowadays, there are so many types of wine on the market, how do you choose the best wine from them? Take liquor as an example, you have to look at the ingredients first, and it has to be pure grains, such as natural materials such as sorghum and barley. If you see edible alcohol or flavor on the ingredient list, it is undoubtedly blended wine. Looking at the process again, pure grain wine is brewed using the solid method, if not, then you have to be careful.

What is the difference between drinking "liquor" and "beer"? Which liquor has less effect on the body

Finally, look at the grade, in the pure grain wine, the quality of the special grade and the excellent grade is good. Have mastered these tips for picking wine, but are you still afraid of picking inferior wine? The same goes for beer. Let's take the above two paragraphs:

1. Guokang 1935

Recently, in the wine circle, Guokang 1935 wine is very popular, because it is affordable, and it tastes full of sauce and flavor, and many wine friends use it as a ration wine for daily drinking, or a face wine for banquets, all thanks to its fine brewing process.

What is the difference between drinking "liquor" and "beer"? Which liquor has less effect on the body

The brewing of Guokang 1935 was controlled by Master Fan Yinghua, the brewing master of the original Moutai Distillery, who worked in the Moutai Distillery for 37 years and retired after being invited to Guokang Distillery to guide the process. The whole brewing process of Guokang 1935 is carried out in accordance with the "12987" Daqu Kunsha process, which is the same ancient process of Moutai, which has been inherited for hundreds of years, and is specially customized for soy sauce wine.

What is the difference between drinking "liquor" and "beer"? Which liquor has less effect on the body

As soon as this wine is poured out, the aroma is tangy, and the smell is intoxicating. The taste is not to say, it has to fight with the flying grass, it tastes soft and sweet, delicate and elegant, and it does not go up if you drink too much, and the aftertaste does not dissipate for a long time. If you love wine, you might as well give it a try.

2. Tsingtao beer

There are more pits for beer, how to choose? The focus is on the brewing recipe and the wort concentration. A good beer recipe should not contain ingredients such as rice, syrup or cornstarch, as they may dilute the original flavor of the beer, affect the taste, and sometimes make people uncomfortable to drink.

Among the domestic beers, Tsingtao Beer is definitely a brand that Chinese people are proud of, although its product range is varied, a bit miscellaneous, but Tsingtao whole wheat white beer is a very palatable one.

What is the difference between drinking "liquor" and "beer"? Which liquor has less effect on the body

4.1% vol, wort concentration up to 11°P, brewed using pure malt. Take a sip, the rich, natural sweetness of malt immediately fills the mouth, fresh and not greasy, especially suitable for barbecue, that taste, it is a perfect match, it can really be described as the best choice in beer.