
People who always have to drink some "white wine" at dinner, what happened to their health later? Know early, change early!

author:Nine rivers on the clouds

In the busy city life, many middle-aged men see drinking as a way to relax and unwind. However, long-term excessive drinking often comes with health risks, but some people seem to be able to survive this "drinking game". One of them is my neighbor Wang, who is in his fifties and has been drinking for more than 30 years, but his physical indicators are still normal.

Today, let's reveal the secret of Brother Wang's healthy drinking.

People who always have to drink some "white wine" at dinner, what happened to their health later? Know early, change early!

1. Drink alcohol in moderation and be confident

Brother Wang knows the degree of drinking, he is never greedy for a cup, and he will not drink continuously. He used to say, "Drink for relaxation, not for alcohol." It is true that drinking alcohol in moderation can bring physical and mental pleasure, but excessive alcohol can be taxing on the body. His drinking habits tell us that mastery is the key to healthy drinking.

2. Avoid mixed drinks and stay awake

Unlike many people who like to mix drinks, Brother Wang always insists on a single variety of alcohol. He explained that different alcoholic beverages have different molecular structures, and mixed drinks not only affect the taste, but may also increase the body's metabolic burden, leading to hangovers and discomfort. Therefore, he advises us to try to choose a single variety when drinking alcohol to stay awake and comfortable.

3. Choose pure grain wine and stay away from alcoholic wine

In terms of wine selection, Brother Wang also has his own set of criteria. He always insisted on choosing pure grain wine and staying away from alcoholic wine. He believes that pure grain wine tastes better and is more comfortable for the body after drinking. Alcoholic liquor, on the other hand, tends to taste bad and can easily cause hangovers and discomfort. Brother Wang's suggestion is that we should carefully check the ingredient list and implementation standards when choosing wine, and try to choose pure grain wine.

Brother Wang shared two sets of crucial numbers: GB/T20821 and GB/T20822, what they represent and why they are so important.


This set of numbers represents the liquid liquor. The brewing process of liquid liquor is relatively simple, the main raw material is edible alcohol, which is blended with flavor and water. Although this liquor may be close to some brands of liquor in taste, it cannot be called pure grain liquor strictly speaking because its raw materials are not pure grains. For consumers who pursue pure grain brewing and mellow wine aroma, liquid liquor is obviously not the best choice.

People who always have to drink some "white wine" at dinner, what happened to their health later? Know early, change early!

Next, let's talk about GB/T20822.

This set of numbers represents solid-liquid liquor. The brewing process of solid-liquid liquor is relatively complex, and it is made of solid liquor (not less than 30%) and liquid liquor. In other words, this liquor contains not only the ingredients of pure grain liquor, but also the alcohol and flavor of liquid liquor. Although the quality of solid-liquid liquor is slightly better than that of liquid liquor, it cannot be completely called pure grain liquor because it also contains alcoholic liquor. For consumers who pursue high quality and original ecology, solid-liquid liquor is also not the most ideal choice.

People who always have to drink some "white wine" at dinner, what happened to their health later? Know early, change early!

So, how to buy a real bottle of pure grain wine?

First of all, we need to look at the implementation standard number on the bottle. Only liquor marked with the words GB/T10781 (strong flavor type), GB/T26760 (sauce flavor type) or GB/T10781.2 (light flavor type) is truly pure grain brewing. These standard numbers represent different flavor types and brewing processes of liquor, which are an important basis for purchasing pure grain liquor.

In order to make it more convenient for everyone to choose pure grain wine with different flavors, the following "Liquor Implementation Standard Comparison Table" map can be saved, and you can take it out when you buy wine in the future!

People who always have to drink some "white wine" at dinner, what happened to their health later? Know early, change early!

Next, I would like to recommend a delicious and cheap pure grain wine - Guokang 1935, which originated from Renhuai, Guizhou, and has won a high reputation for its excellent quality and unique taste.

The hero behind it is Master Fan Yinghua, who has 37 years of experience in brewing wine at Moutai Distillery.

After his retirement, Mr. Fan was sincerely invited by Guokang Liquor to serve as a brewing engineer, fully responsible for controlling the quality of Guokang Liquor. In the brewing process, Guokang 1935 adopts traditional ancient techniques, combined with high-quality sorghum, and carefully brews for up to 365 days. After that, it is blended with older wines to make the wine more mellow and more distinctive. This unique brewing method makes Guokang 1935 not only mellow in taste, but also with the aroma of seven or eight points M platform, which makes people have an endless aftertaste.

Brother Wang said that he drank Erliangkang 1935 every night, slept until dawn all night, did not feel dry mouth, and occasionally hiccups returned to the aroma of wine can also be savored, and the next morning he felt refreshed without the slightest sense of hangover! Brother Wang said that this wine is in the price range of 100 yuan, if it is rated on a 100-point scale, he is willing to give it a high evaluation of 90 points, just because the burnt aroma is almost strong, but it has surpassed many wines at the same price on the market, and it is worth savoring by every wine friend.

People who always have to drink some "white wine" at dinner, what happened to their health later? Know early, change early!

Under the general trend of consumption downgrade in 2024, Guokang 1935 is more suitable to become the preferred choice of many consumers. This 100-yuan liquor is not only affordable, but also tastes superior. For ordinary people, it not only satisfies the demand for good wine, but also meets the consideration of affordability. As a daily ration wine, Guokang 1935 is undoubtedly a wise choice.

Overall, Guokang 1935 is a great wine that integrates quality, taste and packaging. It inherits the winemaking culture of Guizhou, and has become a unique wine after the ingenuity of Master Fan Yinghua. If you haven't tasted Guokang 1935 yet, then you might as well go to Jingdong's "Guokang Liquor Flagship Store" to try it, I believe it will bring you different surprises.

4. Tips for healthy drinking

1. Drink in moderation: Everyone drinks differently, so you should grasp the amount according to your physical condition and drinking habits.

2. Avoid drinking alcohol on an empty stomach: Drinking alcohol on an empty stomach can easily irritate the gastric mucosa, causing stomach pain and discomfort. It is best to eat some foods like meat, milk, etc., before drinking alcohol.

3. Taste slowly: Don't rush it, tasting it slowly will allow us to better enjoy the deliciousness and taste of the wine.

4. Drink plenty of water: Drinking plenty of water when drinking alcohol can promote body metabolism and detoxification, reducing the damage of alcohol to the body.

In conclusion, healthy drinking requires us to take care of our bodies while enjoying good wine. By mastering techniques such as drinking in moderation, avoiding mixed drinks, and choosing pure grain wines, we can better enjoy drinking and protect our health.