
Digging deep into the scenario requirements and application logic, DJI's drone technology has entered the stage of digital intelligent application in forestry

author:Nine rivers on the clouds

Recently, DJI, a global provider of civil unmanned aerial vehicle systems and solutions, and Yichun Sengong Dailing Forestry Bureau Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Dailing Forestry Bureau Company") held an exchange meeting to explore the innovative practice of UAV technology in forestry scenarios. Through on-the-spot observation, interviews with industry users and the public, media organizations learned about the importance of drones in forest fire prevention, emergency disaster rescue, forest resource protection, etc., as well as how forest staff can use the power of science and technology to achieve modern forest protection and construction.

Digging deep into the scenario requirements and application logic, DJI's drone technology has entered the stage of digital intelligent application in forestry

At the event, Li Jiyong, director of the Forest Prevention and Safety Supervision Department of Dailing Forestry Bureau, shared how foresters can seize the opportunity of the times, rely on their own forest resources and scientific and technological advantages, and do a good job in forest fire prevention and ecological protection. Yang Teng, Director of DJI Forestry Industry, explained the necessity of new technologies in the current forestry stage, why DJI is deeply involved in the forestry field, and the cases and advantages of drone technology in forest fire prevention, pest control, and wildlife protection.

In March last year, Dailing Forestry Bureau took the lead in introducing DJI Airport's automated patrol solution, which includes 9 DJI airports (including the Matrice 30T Airport Edition aircraft), plans nearly 100 regular inspection routes, and has completed about 2,000 flight missions so far, with a total flight distance of nearly 10,000 kilometers.

DJI Airport is deployed in 9 forest farm branches under the jurisdiction of Dailing Forestry Bureau and connected to the modern forestry management system, which effectively complements the shortcomings of traditional patrol methods with the help of the aerial technology advantages of drones. At present, this set of "human-machine collaboration, air-ground complementarity" digital forestry patrol mode not only realizes normalized automatic inspection operations in daily patrols, but also carries out all-round patrol of fire hazards and real-time monitoring of river flood conditions and road safety during special periods such as forest fire prevention and flood seasons, which saves manpower and greatly improves the accuracy of patrols.

The rangers over the Xiaoxing'an Mountains open the forestry automatic inspection mode

The mainland has a forest coverage rate of about 24%, a forest area of 3.5 billion mu, and more than 2 million forest rangers patrol the complex forest area every day. However, there are many challenges in the efficiency, accuracy and safety of traditional human patrol methods, which are difficult to meet the needs of scientific management and ecological protection of forest resources.

Northeast forestry is the most important forestry resource area in the country, and the Xiaoxing'an Mountains run through the whole territory of Yichun, which is a national key state-owned forest area and a national key ecological function area. In particular, the resource-rich belt ridge has a total standing tree accumulation of 15.41 million cubic meters and a forest cover rate of 96%; There are more than 270 kinds of rare animals such as Chinese mergansers and red deer.

At the exchange event, Li Jiyong, director of the Forest Defense and Safety Supervision Department of Dailing Forestry Bureau, said that with the continuous development of science and technology, all walks of life are moving towards intelligent transformation, and Dailing Forestry Bureau Company can bring better vision and fly farther through DJI drone patrol, and automated patrol can further liberate manpower. Li Jiyong said: "The original patrol of a ranger for 3 kilometers round trip and 6 kilometers for more than 2 hours, now with drone patrol, every half an hour patrol, effectively improve the efficiency and frequency of patrol; Drone patrol can also minimize the safety risk of staff, save manpower and improve the accuracy of patrol. ”

Digging deep into the scenario requirements and application logic, DJI's drone technology has entered the stage of digital intelligent application in forestry

Yang Teng, Director of DJI Forestry Industry, said that DJI has always been committed to promoting the progress of human civilization, constantly pursuing technological innovation, and developing efficient, safe, and easy-to-use drone technology solutions. "In 2016, DJI began to have in-depth contact with front-line personnel from forest farms and forestry bureaus to explore the feasibility of drone applications in forestry. With the establishment of DJI's industrial application department, DJI has also successively launched a variety of functional payloads such as industrial drones, visible light, and lidar that meet industrial-grade standards, as well as a more intelligent and automated DJI airport series. In 2023, the nine airports deployed by the Yichun Sengongdailing Forestry Bureau in Xiaoxinganling are the first cases of automated forest patrols by a forestry customer in China. Today, the new airport has also been upgraded to be smaller, last longer, and be more automated. ”

Digging deep into the scenario requirements and application logic, DJI's drone technology has entered the stage of digital intelligent application in forestry

"Science and technology help forests", DJI provides the best solution for the industry

At present, the digital forestry patrol mode of "human-machine collaboration, air-ground complementarity" implemented by Yichun Forest Industry Group Dailing Forestry Bureau Company provides an application sample for UAV technology in forestry operations. Taking the Xiaoxing'anling Forest Area as an example, the total area of the Dailing Forestry Bureau Company is 96,742 hectares, of which 92,883 hectares are forest land, and the forest cover rate is as high as 96%. The risks lurking in the vast forests are all observed by the naked eye, and it is easy to leave blind spots and gaps. The new technology can not only help frontline rangers reduce the risks of daily patrol operations, but also improve operational efficiency and prevent risks such as forest fires, pests and diseases, and poaching and logging.

With the increasingly severe global environmental and economic problems, forests as natural resources play an increasingly important role in solving problems such as climate change, biodiversity loss, and energy crisis.

Since its establishment, DJI Industry Applications has been committed to changing the way traditional industries work through drone technology. Today, DJI drones are used in forestry systems such as large and small forest farms, city and county forestry bureaus, national parks, and nature reserves.

Digging deep into the scenario requirements and application logic, DJI's drone technology has entered the stage of digital intelligent application in forestry

The core value of drone technology lies in the fact that it first has the attributes of a tool, giving priority to solving the actual problems and needs of front-line users, bringing intelligent productivity to front-line workers, reducing operational safety risks and improving operational efficiency. With the development and progress of technology, the autonomous control technology, networked communication technology and data processing capabilities of UAVs are becoming more and more intelligent and powerful. Visual image technology, infrared survey capabilities, more accurate lidar point clouds, and intelligent target recognition algorithms all make drone technology play an important role in the fields of daily forestry patrol, forest fire prevention, animal and plant protection, and forest resource survey.

In daily patrols, the unattended operation platform "DJI Airport" can achieve 24-hour automatic inspections, and improve the real-time and accuracy of monitoring by sharing patrol conditions in real time. In forest fire prevention and flood control emergency, high-altitude reconnaissance will be more efficient, UAVs lock the heat source through infrared modules, and high-definition cameras monitor floods, providing valuable real-time information for fire fighting command and emergency rescue; In the investigation of forest land resources, high-resolution cameras, lidars and other sensors are used, and DJI Terra and other software analysis are used to obtain multi-type 3D high-precision models to meet the business needs of forestry surveys.

Digging deep into the scenario requirements and application logic, DJI's drone technology has entered the stage of digital intelligent application in forestry

In its guidance on promoting the development of artificial intelligence in forestry and grasslands, the National Forestry and Grassland Administration stated: "(Intelligent protection of ecosystems) should make full use of new generation information technologies such as drones to achieve intelligent ecological protection in the field of forest ecosystem protection and grassland ecosystem protection." ”

Applying "new quality productivity" to the forestry field, DJI is providing safer, more efficient, and smarter operations and solutions for the forestry industry, while opening up a new path for the harmonious coexistence of humans and nature.

From new productivity to industry change, drone technology empowers thousands of industries

This year, "new quality productivity" was written into the "Government Work Report" for the first time, and the cultivation of new quality productivity in all walks of life is in full swing. Heilongjiang Yichun Forest Industry Group Dailing Forestry Bureau Company took the lead in introducing drone technology to empower the forestry industry, which is a typical embodiment of the new quality productivity development strategy.

At present, DJI's forestry customers are located in many provinces and cities across the country, from Fujian and Guangxi in the south to Hunan, Hubei and Jiangxi in the central part of the country, and then to the forestry companies in the large and small Xing'an Mountains in the north. The wide application of drone technology in forestry systems such as large and small forest farms, municipal and county forestry bureaus, national parks, and nature reserves has demonstrated its great potential to improve the efficiency and productivity of forestry management.

In today's era of rapid technological development, DJI drones are no longer just a tool for aerial photography and entertainment, but have become the vanguard of change in many traditional industries. In Ganzhou, the birthplace of navel oranges, drones are responsible for the fine management of orchards in hilly terrain; On the island of Pingtan in Fuzhou, UAVs opened the "era of unmanned inspection" of the power grid; In the Mianshan Scenic Area of Shanxi, drones use digital technology to protect the cultural heritage of ancient buildings; On Mount Everest, 6,000 meters, drones completed the world's first high-altitude material delivery ...... Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have become an important role in many fields such as agriculture and forestry plant protection, emergency rescue, police patrol, cultural relics protection, and power inspection.

Digging deep into the scenario requirements and application logic, DJI's drone technology has entered the stage of digital intelligent application in forestry

From targeted agricultural assistance to rural revitalization, from ensuring energy security to serving the dual carbon goals, from ecological environmental protection to supporting the construction of a modern national emergency rescue system, DJI is accelerating the empowerment of thousands of industries with advanced industrial drone solutions, popularizing drone technology into all walks of life through cost-effective and good products and services, continuously providing intelligent application solutions and services for many basic and important industries, promoting industry efficiency improvement and productivity reform, and promoting sustainable social and economic development.

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