
Li Xuejian: has been fighting cancer for 23 years, and now he has become a "legend" in the entertainment industry!

author:Mei Mei Wen Agency
Li Xuejian: has been fighting cancer for 23 years, and now he has become a "legend" in the entertainment industry!
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Li Xuejian: has been fighting cancer for 23 years, and now he has become a "legend" in the entertainment industry!

In 2023, "Fengshen" will sweep the film industry with majestic momentum, but it has sparked heated discussions because of a unique voice. The character played by Li Xuejian, the hoarse and low "male duck voice", made many viewers frown.

Behind this controversial voice, however, lies a little-known story – a legend of life, art, and perseverance.

69-year-old Li Xuejian, who stepped onto the starry stage from Heze, Shandong Province, and won the actor crown 33 times, which should have been a glory. But few people know that behind this brilliant record, there is a 23-year battle against cancer.

This article will reveal how this legendary figure in the entertainment industry still adheres to his artistic ideals under the haze of illness, interprets every role with his life, and finally becomes an immortal legend in the Chinese entertainment industry.

Li Xuejian: has been fighting cancer for 23 years, and now he has become a "legend" in the entertainment industry!

In 1953, an ordinary family in Heze, Shandong Province welcomed a newborn Li Xuejian. The parents hoped that this frail child could grow up strongly, and deliberately changed his name from "Li Xuejian" to "Li Xuejian", placing good wishes for health and safety.

However, a turning point of fate came quietly at the age of 11, when Li Xuejian went to Guizhou with his father and started a new life far from his homeland.

In the mountain villages of Guizhou, young Li Xuejian often felt alienated as an outsider. The strange gazes cast by the villagers planted a seed in his heart that longed to change his fate.

Every day, he secretly resolves that one day he will get out of this remote mountain village and pursue a wider world.

Li Xuejian: has been fighting cancer for 23 years, and now he has become a "legend" in the entertainment industry!

After graduating from junior high school, Li Xuejian began working in a factory in the village. The monotony of life day after day made him feel more and more anxious, and his deep yearning for distant places became stronger and stronger.

That's when the opportunity crept in – the local publicity team began recruiting male actors. For Li Xuejian, who is eager to change the status quo, this is undoubtedly a ray of hope.

On the day of the interview, Li Xuejian dressed up carefully and stood in front of the judges with confidence. However, his thin stature made the interviewer frown, worried that he would not be able to handle the hard work of the actor.

But Li Xuejian's firm eyes and fearless attitude finally impressed the judges, and he successfully joined the publicity team and took the first step in his acting career.

Li Xuejian: has been fighting cancer for 23 years, and now he has become a "legend" in the entertainment industry!

Li Xuejian, who has just joined the propaganda team, knows that his foundation is weak, and he has made unimaginable efforts with the motto of "diligence can make up for shortcomings". I get up before dawn every day to practice, and I still read the script hard late at night, for fear of falling behind.

His diligence and perseverance quickly earned him praise from his colleagues, but Li Xuejian remained humble and understood that there was still a long way to go to become a good actor.

At the age of 19, Li Xuejian ushered in another turning point in his career - he entered the army art troupe. Here, he began to systematically get in touch with drama performance, and gradually realized the depth and hardships of the profession of actor.

This experience not only honed his acting skills, but also cultivated his awe for the performing arts.

Li Xuejian: has been fighting cancer for 23 years, and now he has become a "legend" in the entertainment industry!

It is this awe and dedication to art that has allowed Li Xuejian to always maintain a humble and enterprising attitude in his future acting career. He knows that only by constantly learning and making breakthroughs can he gain a firm foothold in this highly competitive industry.

This spirit also laid a solid foundation for his brilliant achievements in the future.

From a poor mountain village to the performing arts stage, Li Xuejian's every step has been arduous and firm. This experience not only shaped his tenacious character, but also laid the groundwork for him to become a legend in the entertainment industry in the future.

In 1980, by chance, Li Xuejian ushered in a major turning point in his career. Li Baotian, the actor of the drama "9.13 Incident", was unable to act for some reason, and the director remembered the unknown but hard-working Li Xuejian.

Li Xuejian: has been fighting cancer for 23 years, and now he has become a "legend" in the entertainment industry!

This role of Lin Biao became an important turning point in Li Xuejian's acting career.

In order to perfectly interpret Lin Biao, a complex historical figure, Li Xuejian made up his mind to fully devote himself to the role. He cut off his hair without hesitation and deliberately imitated Lin Biao's hairstyle.

What's even more surprising is that he lost 20 pounds in a short period of time through a strict diet plan, just to be closer to the character in appearance. This extreme pursuit of the role and self-sacrifice spirit have made Li Xuejian's performance reach unprecedented heights, and also made him stand out in the drama industry.

However, what really made Li Xuejian famous was his outstanding performance in the movie "Jiao Yulu". In this work, Li Xuejian deeply portrays Jiao Yulu's spirit and character in the hearts of the audience.

Li Xuejian: has been fighting cancer for 23 years, and now he has become a "legend" in the entertainment industry!

He is not just playing a role, but more like injecting Jiao Yulu's soul into his body. Li Xuejian's performance was delicate and sincere, touching the hearts of countless audiences.

This work not only allowed Li Xuejian to win the Golden Rooster Award and the Hundred Flowers Award in one fell swoop, but also established his important position in the Chinese film industry.

Since then, Li Xuejian's name has begun to appear frequently in various award ceremonies. With his deep understanding of the role, superb acting skills and dedicated attitude, he has won the actor crown 33 times and has become a well-deserved representative of acting.

However, the honor did not stop Li Xuejian. Instead, he puts his heart and soul into each role, striving for perfection.

Li Xuejian: has been fighting cancer for 23 years, and now he has become a "legend" in the entertainment industry!

In Li Xuejian's view, being an actor is not only a profession, but also a responsibility. He often said, "We have to repay the audience's expectations with our works." This dedication to art and respect for the audience has led him to give his all in every performance and constantly break through himself.

Whether he plays a historical figure or an ordinary person, he will delve into the background of the character, and strive to restore the authenticity of the character in the details.

Li Xuejian's success lies not only in his talent, but also in his understanding and persistence in the performing arts. He believes that only by truly understanding the characters can the audience be impressed.

This professional attitude and persistent pursuit of art have allowed Li Xuejian to set a high standard in the Chinese film industry. He used his actions to interpret what a real actor is, and also set an example for future generations.

Li Xuejian: has been fighting cancer for 23 years, and now he has become a "legend" in the entertainment industry!

From the drama stage to the actor throne, Li Xuejian has walked solidly and firmly in every step. His acting career is not only a reflection of personal achievements, but also a microcosm of the development of Chinese film art.

Li Xuejian proved with his practical actions that as long as he has love and dedication to art, he can go further and higher on the road of acting.

In 2000, just when Li Xuejian's acting career was in full swing, fate played a cruel joke on him. During the filming of the TV series "China Orbit", he felt an unusual pain in his throat.

At first, Li Xuejian, like many people, attributed the discomfort to a common cold and just took some regular medications. However, as his symptoms continued to worsen, he realized that the situation could be more serious than he thought.

Li Xuejian: has been fighting cancer for 23 years, and now he has become a "legend" in the entertainment industry!

During a chance self-examination, Li Xuejian touched a small lump in his throat. This discovery made him fall into an ice cave, and he immediately went to the hospital for a detailed examination.

The doctor's diagnosis was like a bolt from the blue: Li Xuejian suffered from nasopharyngeal cancer.

Faced with this bad news, Li Xuejian's wife was grief-stricken. However, to everyone's surprise, Li Xuejian did not receive treatment immediately, but insisted on completing the scene at hand.

He said: "I can't affect the progress of the whole crew because of my own reasons. "This professionalism is admirable, but it also costs him dearly.

Li Xuejian: has been fighting cancer for 23 years, and now he has become a "legend" in the entertainment industry!

By the time Li Xuejian finally began treatment, the cancer had worsened. Despite his full cooperation with the doctor's treatment, his voice and hearing were severely affected. However, even so, Li Xuejian did not give up his love for acting.

His voice became hoarse and became known as the "male duck voice", but this did not hinder his determination to continue acting.

For the next 23 years, Li Xuejian struggled with cancer while persisting in his acting career. He has undergone countless chemotherapy treatments and endured unimaginable pain.

But every time he came out of the hospital, he immediately threw himself into a new role, as if he wanted to use his performance to forget the torture of his illness.

Li Xuejian: has been fighting cancer for 23 years, and now he has become a "legend" in the entertainment industry!

During the filming of "Fengshen", Li Xuejian's professionalism shocked the entire crew again. Despite his hearing loss, he insisted on completing the water scene without hearing aids, risking further hearing damage.

This dedication to art is something that people can't help but be moved by.

Li Xuejian often said: "I don't want to be defeated by the disease, and I don't want to disappoint the audience." This spirit has supported him through chemotherapy again and again, and it has also allowed him to continue to break through in his acting career.

He used practical actions to interpret what is true professionalism and what is infinite love for art.

Li Xuejian: has been fighting cancer for 23 years, and now he has become a "legend" in the entertainment industry!

For Li Xuejian, the 23-year anti-cancer process is not only a contest with death, but also a profound reflection on the meaning of life. With his strength and perseverance, he showed the world the resilience of life and the power of art.

Li Xuejian's story is not only a legend of an actor, but also a hymn to life.

Even in the difficult years of battling cancer, Li Xuejian still maintained his enthusiasm and focus on acting. He insisted on completing all the shots himself, never using stand-ins, even in the most dangerous or physically demanding scenes.

This kind of professionalism was fully demonstrated again in the filming of "Fengshen".

Li Xuejian: has been fighting cancer for 23 years, and now he has become a "legend" in the entertainment industry!

Despite his hearing loss, Li Xuejian persistently researched the characters and strived for perfect interpretation. In "Fengshen", there is a seemingly simple two-second shot, but it condenses Li Xuejian's nearly an hour of study.

In order to accurately understand and express the character's deep understanding of Zhou Yi, he did not hesitate to spend a lot of time studying this ancient science. This persistent pursuit of detail reflects Li Xuejian's awe for art and respect for his profession.

Li Xuejian often said: "The responsibility of an actor is not only to act well, but also to feel the role with his heart and transmit positive energy." This sentence is not only his creed, but also his philosophy of life that he interprets with practical actions.

Even in the most difficult moments, he never gave up his pursuit of acting, and always performed every role with the most dedicated attitude and 100% effort.

Li Xuejian: has been fighting cancer for 23 years, and now he has become a "legend" in the entertainment industry!

This professionalism is not only reflected in his performances, but also deeply affects the entire film and television industry. Many young actors follow Li Xuejian's example and learn from his professionalism and professionalism.

He proved with his actions that true art comes from life, and excellent actors need to feel life and interpret their roles with their hearts.

Li Xuejian's story tells us that in the face of difficulties, we should not give up easily, but stick to our dreams and pursuits. His experience is not only a legend of an actor, but also an inspirational story about the life force.

It teaches us that even in the face of life's major challenges, as long as we have a dream in our hearts, we will never be defeated.

Li Xuejian: has been fighting cancer for 23 years, and now he has become a "legend" in the entertainment industry!

Today, 69-year-old Li Xuejian has become a well-deserved "legend" in the Chinese entertainment industry. 23 years of anti-cancer history, 33 actor laurels, and the creation of countless classic roles, behind every number is his dedication to art and love for life.

Despite his age, Li Xuejian is still participating in the shooting of new film and television works. He once said: "As long as I can act, I will continue." This dedication and love for art is the key to his ability to become a "legend".

Li Xuejian's story has brought profound inspiration to the entire film and television industry. He proved with practical actions that true art comes from life, and excellent actors need to feel life and interpret roles with their hearts.

His experience tells us that in the face of difficulties, we should not give up easily, but stick to our dreams and pursuits.

Li Xuejian: has been fighting cancer for 23 years, and now he has become a "legend" in the entertainment industry!

From an ordinary teenager in Heze, Shandong Province to an evergreen in the film industry, Li Xuejian's life trajectory is not only the growth history of an actor, but also an inspirational biography about perseverance and courage.

His story teaches us that no matter what challenges we face, as long as we have a dream in our hearts, we will never be defeated.

Li Xuejian's legend continues, and he uses his actions to interpret what is a sincere love for art and what is perseverance in the face of life's challenges. His story will continue to inspire more people to perform their own wonderful chapters on the stage of life.

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