
The status quo of the old actor in his later years: 87-year-old Niu Ben lost his wife and lived alone, and 68-year-old Li Xue was fit and emaciated

author:Jin Su Deliberations

The entertainment industry is like a constantly rotating kaleidoscope, and the old actors have once bloomed the brightest here. Time flies, and many of them have entered the twilight of their lives. Although they have left countless classic images on the screen, in real life, everyone's situation is very different.

Some veteran actors choose to fade out of the stage and enjoy a peaceful life in their old age. They may be planting flowers and grass in the garden, or they may be spending time with their grandchildren. For example, Sun Yanjun, the actor of Liu Bei mentioned in 3, chose education at the peak of his career and founded the Performing Arts College, and then gradually faded out of the public eye and lived the life he longed for.

However, not all veteran actors can be so lucky. Some veteran actors have to face the hardships of life because of health problems or other reasons. is like Li Jingfei, the actor of Zhang Fei mentioned in 3, he couldn't take care of himself after three cerebral infarctions, and even lived in a nursing home. Lu Shuming, that is, Guan Yu's actor, not only gave him moral support after learning about Li Jingfei's situation, but also tried his best to help him get out of the predicament, showing a deep friendship.

The status quo of the old actor in his later years: 87-year-old Niu Ben lost his wife and lived alone, and 68-year-old Li Xue was fit and emaciated

There are also some veteran actors who are still active on the stage and continue to bring joy to the audience with their talents. For example, Wei Zongwan mentioned in 1, even though he is 84 years old, he also participated in Dragon TV's Shanghai-style live-action comedy during the Spring Festival of 2022, showing the spirit of being old and strong. He Qing, as the only female star who has participated in the "Four Masterpieces", although her works have been declining in recent years, she still has a place in the hearts of the audience, and her classic image is still talked about today.

Of course, there are also some old actors who have left us forever. 2 mentioned in "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" has passed away in 28 years, and the departure of each one is a huge loss to the film and television industry, and their wonderful performances have become eternal memories. An Yaping, Su Min, Han Shanxu, etc., all have moving stories and immortal artistic images behind these names.

In general, the current situation of the veteran actors is diverse. Some people have chosen to enjoy their old age in peace, some people are still contributing to the cause of art, and some people have left us. But no matter where they are now, they have brought countless laughs and touches to the audience, and their contributions and spirit will be remembered forever.

The status quo of the old actor in his later years: 87-year-old Niu Ben lost his wife and lived alone, and 68-year-old Li Xue was fit and emaciated

Teacher Niu Ben, an old actor who has created countless classic images on the screen, is now 87 years old. The years have carved deep marks on his face like a carver, but they still can't hide his eyes full of wisdom and stories. After the death of his wife, Mr. Niu Ben chose a different way of life - living alone in a nursing home.

Walking into the nursing home where Mr. Niu Ben is located, you will find that it has an elegant environment and perfect facilities, and it is a dream place for many elderly people to live. However, despite being in such a high-end retirement environment, Mr. Niu Ben's solitary life still makes people feel a little sad. When night falls, the lights come on, and he is the only one in his spacious room, which makes him look extremely lonely.

Teacher Niu Ben's living conditions are actually a situation that many old actors may face in their later years. Although the material conditions are good, the spiritual companionship and family warmth cannot be bought by any money. His daily life is simple and regular, getting up in the morning to take a walk in the yard to breathe in the fresh air, then go back to his room to read a book, listen to music, and occasionally chat with other elderly people in the nursing home, sharing some interesting stories from his youth.

The status quo of the old actor in his later years: 87-year-old Niu Ben lost his wife and lived alone, and 68-year-old Li Xue was fit and emaciated

Although Mr. Niu Ben's mental state seems to be good, whenever he talks about his family, especially his late wife, there is always a trace of imperceptible sadness in his eyes. The death of his wife was undoubtedly a huge blow to him, but life had to go on, and he chose to face it with a strong attitude.

Although Mr. Niu Ben's children can't always be by his side because they are busy with work, they are very filial, often call to ask about his living situation, and try to find time to come back to visit him on holidays. Mr. Niu Ben understands this very well, he knows that children have their own lives and responsibilities, and he doesn't want to be a burden to them.

In the nursing home, Mr. Niu Ben also met some like-minded friends. Together, they participated in various activities organized by the nursing home, such as calligraphy classes and gardening groups, which not only enriched his life, but also made him feel that he was still needed by society and could still use his spare energy.

The status quo of the old actor in his later years: 87-year-old Niu Ben lost his wife and lived alone, and 68-year-old Li Xue was fit and emaciated

Teacher Niu Ben's life, although simple, is full of dignity and peace. In his own way, he tells us that even in the later years of life, we can live with taste and dignity. His story is a revelation to all veteran actors, and it is also an inspiration to all people - no matter what life gives us, we must face it with a positive attitude and cherish it.

Mr. Wang Zhihua, a name that shines on the stage, has won the respect and love of countless audiences with his superb acting skills and noble personality charm. However, Mr. Wang Zhihua in life is a simple person who can no longer be simple. Some netizens met him in the hospital, dressed plainly, even a little shabby, but the smile on his face was warm and sincere. Such a scene makes people feel that real artists never measure their value by material luxury.

Mr. Wang Zhihua's attitude to life, just like his acting skills, is unpretentious but full of power. During the epidemic in Shanghai, he even took practical actions to help his neighbors, showing the sense of social responsibility of an old artist. He not only helped materially, but also gave spiritual support, infecting the people around him with his optimism and positive energy.

The status quo of the old actor in his later years: 87-year-old Niu Ben lost his wife and lived alone, and 68-year-old Li Xue was fit and emaciated

Mr. Wang Zhihua's example shows us that veteran actors can still maintain an optimistic attitude and help others with practical actions even when they are not rich in material conditions. In their own way, they interpret what a true sense of social responsibility is. In them, we don't see the slightest utilitarianism, only the love of art and the sincerity of life.

Teacher Wang Zhihua's life and good deeds are a microcosm of the spiritual outlook of the old actors. They use their actions to tell us what is the real value of life. In this materialistic society, they still stick to their original intentions and use their own ways to add a touch of warmth to the world.

Teacher Wang Zhihua's story is like a clear stream, nourishing our hearts. He taught us that no matter what the circumstances, we should maintain a kind and optimistic heart. Because only in this way can we leave our own unique mark in this world and become a beautiful scenery in the eyes of others.

The status quo of the old actor in his later years: 87-year-old Niu Ben lost his wife and lived alone, and 68-year-old Li Xue was fit and emaciated

The story of the old actors continues. In their own way, they have influenced generations of people. Their spirit will always be remembered. And we, like them, should maintain a positive heart no matter what kind of living conditions we are in, and use our own actions to warm the world. 9

Peter Lai, a well-known name in the Hong Kong entertainment industry, is not only a talented lyricist, but also a veteran actor of TVB. However, after recovering from a serious illness, although he was recovering well, he faced the dilemma of not having a job opportunity. This is in stark contrast to his earlier contributions to the field of art in 1516.

Back then, Peter Lai, with his unique writing and deep understanding of music, contributed countless classics to the Hong Kong music scene. His cooperation with Xu Guanjie has become a golden partner for Cantonese pop songs. In those years, his works not only topped the music charts, but also deeply influenced the growth of a generation17.

The status quo of the old actor in his later years: 87-year-old Niu Ben lost his wife and lived alone, and 68-year-old Li Xue was fit and emaciated

At TVB, Peter Li has created many memorable roles with his superb acting skills. Whether it is a drama or a comedy, he can always accurately grasp the essence of the role and leave a deep impression on the audience. His acting talent made him an indispensable member of TVB.17

However, with the passage of time and the renewal of the entertainment industry, Peter Li has gradually faded out of the public eye. When he reappeared in the limelight, it was because of a serious illness and the ensuing financial hardship. The absence of a job offer means that there is no stable source of income, which is undoubtedly a sadness for an old artist who once made great contributions to the cause of art1516.

Peter Lai's situation highlights the employment problems that some veteran artists in the entertainment industry may encounter in their later years. They once made great contributions to the cause of art, but in their later years faced the dilemma of being ignored by society. This is not only an injustice to the individual, but also a disrespect to the entire field of art1516.

The status quo of the old actor in his later years: 87-year-old Niu Ben lost his wife and lived alone, and 68-year-old Li Xue was fit and emaciated

We must not forget that it is the hard work and unremitting efforts of these old artists that have created the glory of the Hong Kong entertainment industry. Their wisdom and talent are a valuable asset that we should cherish and inherit. The society should give more attention and support to these veteran artists who have made contributions, so that they can enjoy their old age in peace and feel the respect and warmth of the society1516.

Peter Lai's story makes us think deeply. In the fast-paced modern society, should we slow down and look back at the old artists who once brought us joy and emotion? Are their living conditions, their spiritual needs, being given the attention and satisfaction they deserve? Let us take action and use our love and support to hold up a blue sky for these old artists, so that their old age will be full of dignity and happiness.

67-year-old Li Xuejian, who was met by netizens at the airport, was not accompanied by an assistant, handled the check-in procedures by himself, and was emaciated. This scene made many people feel emotional. He was once a benchmark in the entertainment industry, portrayed countless classic roles, and won countless honors and respects. Although his later life was full of challenges, Li Xuejian still insisted on acting, and his persistence and love are admirable.

The status quo of the old actor in his later years: 87-year-old Niu Ben lost his wife and lived alone, and 68-year-old Li Xue was fit and emaciated

Li Xuejian's low-key style has always been part of his personality. mentioned in 21 that Li Xuejian has been low-key all his life, does not like publicity, he does not like to be on variety shows, and he is not keen on making advertisements, and he only wants to be a good "people's actor" in his life. This kind of indifferent attitude towards fame and fortune is particularly commendable in today's impetuous society.

However, Li Xuejian's later life was not all smooth sailing. mentioned in 21 that in 2000, Li Xuejian was diagnosed with nose and throat cancer during filming, which was like earth-shattering news for him who loves acting. But he didn't give up, but while treating his illness, he completed the performance work of the crew. The treatment process was extremely painful, but he never delayed his performance and insisted on completing the scenes he was filming. This persistent pursuit of art is moving.

Li Xuejian's persistence is not only reflected in the process of fighting the disease, but also in his infinite love for acting. mentioned in 23 that Li Xuejian underwent chemotherapy in the morning and filmed in the afternoon, and insisted on completing his shooting task. After two years of active treatment, he overcame the disease and returned to the film and television industry to create many vivid images, and was known as the "anti-cancer fighter" in the film and television industry.

The status quo of the old actor in his later years: 87-year-old Niu Ben lost his wife and lived alone, and 68-year-old Li Xue was fit and emaciated

Li Xuejian's low-key and persistence reflect the love of some old actors for their acting careers and their indifference to personal fame and fortune. With their actions, they interpret what is the true spirit of an artist. At the same time, it also gives people a deeper understanding of the difficulties of their later life. In this era of looking at faces, Li Xuejian has won the respect and admiration of countless people with his personality charm and artistic achievements.

Li Xuejian's story allows us to see the perseverance and perseverance of an old artist. He used his actions to tell us that no matter what life gives us, we must face it bravely and hold on to our dreams and loves. This spirit is worth learning and inheriting from each of us. Let us pay tribute to Mr. Li Xuejian and all the old artists who have silently dedicated themselves to the cause of art.

The status quo of the old actor in his later years: 87-year-old Niu Ben lost his wife and lived alone, and 68-year-old Li Xue was fit and emaciated

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