
Girls have these four performances, and 90% of them are scumbags!

author:Single-minded kitten yl
Girls have these four performances, and 90% of them are scumbags!
Girls have these four performances, and 90% of them are scumbags!
Girls have these four performances, and 90% of them are scumbags!
Girls have these four performances, and 90% of them are scumbags!
Girls have these four performances, and 90% of them are scumbags!
Girls have these four performances, and 90% of them are scumbags!
Girls have these four performances, and 90% of them are scumbags!
Girls have these four performances, and 90% of them are scumbags!

On the busy city streets, Hao Chuan, a young man full of curiosity and kindness to the world, can always capture those inadvertent warmth and stories in the sea of people. One day, by chance, he noticed a girl named Su Qing, her appearance was like a breeze, but with a bit of elusive mystery. As time passed, Hao Chuan began to notice some behavior patterns on Su Qing's body, and these behaviors couldn't help but make him murmur in his heart: "Could it be that she is the legendary 'scumbag'?" But Hao Chuan was not in a hurry to draw conclusions, he decided to use his own way to explore the truth.

First Encounter: An Encounter on a Street Corner

The story begins on a spring afternoon, with the sun shining through the sparse clouds on a busy street. Hao Chuan stopped in front of a vintage bookstore and was about to go inside to pick up a few books when a crisp laugh caught his attention. Following the prestige, I saw a girl with long hair standing not far away, chatting and laughing with a group of friends. She is Su Qing. At that moment, Hao Chuan seemed to be pulled by some kind of magic power, and he couldn't help but look at it a few more times.

Observation 1: The ambiguity of if it is separated

As time passed, the intersection of Hao Chuan and Su Qing gradually increased. He found that Su Qing could always easily attract the attention of the men around her, whether it was a chance encounter in a café or sitting side by side in the library, she could always use her sweet smile and gentle words to create a subtle ambiguous atmosphere. Hao Chuan thought to himself: "Is this kind of immediacy attitude deliberately done by her?" But he didn't ask directly, just silently observed, trying to find an answer.

Inner monologue: "Perhaps, this is just a way for her to deal with people." However, shouldn't true emotions be honest and direct? ”

Observation 2: The blurring of the boundaries between material and emotional

Once, Hao Chuan was invited to a small party, and Su Qing was also present. At the party, Hao Chuan noticed that Su Qing's pursuit of material life seemed to be beyond ordinary people. Not only does she frequently mention the brand-name bags and shoes she owns, but she also expresses a strong interest in her friends' new products from time to time. Hao Chuan felt a little uncomfortable in his heart: "Could it be that in her heart, material things are really more important than emotions?" ”

Conversation: "Su Qing, what do you think happiness is?" Hao Chuan plucked up the courage to ask during a walk.

Su Qing thought for a while and said with a smile: "Happiness is to be able to have everything you want." Of course, there are also the little things that make me happy. ”

Hao Chuan didn't refute, just shook his head slightly, and secretly decided in his heart to guide her to a broader definition of happiness.

Observation 3: Evade commitments and responsibilities

As time passed, Hao Chuan and Su Qing's relationship seemed to grow closer, but whenever Hao Chuan tried to go one step further and talk about future plans or promises to each other, Su Qing always subtly changed the subject or jokingly avoided it. Hao Chuan began to realize that Su Qing didn't seem willing to take real responsibility for any relationship.

Inner monologue: "A true partner should be able to support each other and face the future together." Running away from promises will only make each other lose their way. ”

Observation 4: Emotional inattentiveness

In the end, what made Hao Chuan completely see Su Qing's true face was the vague relationship she maintained with many men. Hao Chuan has seen firsthand how she moves between different men, enjoying the pleasure of being pursued, but never really committing to any relationship. At this moment, Hao Chuan's heart sank to the bottom.

Conflict and awakening

In the face of Su Qing's various behaviors, Hao Chuan finally couldn't stay silent anymore. In a long late-night conversation, he was honest about his feelings and confusion.

"Su Qing, I have always admired your independence and self-confidence, but I also found that you seem to have some problems when dealing with feelings. True emotion requires both parties to pay and bear together. You're always running away, and it makes me uneasy. There was an imperceptible tremor in Hao Chuan's voice.

Su Qing was silent for a long time, and a trace of complicated emotions flashed in her eyes. "Hao Chuan, you're right. I was always afraid of getting hurt, so I chose this way to protect myself. But I neglected that true strength is the courage to face one's emotions and the courage to take responsibility. ”

Transition and growth

This conversation became a turning point in the relationship between the two. Su Qing began to reflect on her actions and gradually realized what was wrong with her. She worked hard to change and learned how to be sincere with every relationship and how to be brave enough to take on her responsibilities. And Hao Chuan has also become more mature in the process, learning how to distinguish true emotions and values.

Ending: Hope and Rebirth

At the end of the story, although Hao Chuan and Su Qing did not become lovers, they became indispensable friends in each other's lives. Together, they have walked the path of growth and witnessed each other's changes and rebirths. Hao Chuan knows that everyone can make mistakes, and it is important to have the courage to face them and correct them. And Su Qing also used her own experience to tell the world that even if you have been lost, as long as you are willing to turn back, there is always hope waiting for us.

"In this world, there are no absolute 'scumbags', only souls who have not yet found the right direction." Hao Chuan said silently in his heart. He believes that as long as there is hope and the courage to change, everyone can become the light in their own lives.