
Not a word mentions cheering, but every sentence is a blessed college entrance examination god poem!

author:Single-minded kitten yl
Not a word mentions cheering, but every sentence is a blessed college entrance examination god poem!
Not a word mentions cheering, but every sentence is a blessed college entrance examination god poem!
Not a word mentions cheering, but every sentence is a blessed college entrance examination god poem!
Not a word mentions cheering, but every sentence is a blessed college entrance examination god poem!
Not a word mentions cheering, but every sentence is a blessed college entrance examination god poem!
Not a word mentions cheering, but every sentence is a blessed college entrance examination god poem!

In a corner of the city where the hustle and bustle and dreams are intertwined, there is an old street that has been polished by the years, which has witnessed the laughter and tears of countless people, and also carries Hao Chuan's exclusive memories of youth, dreams and college entrance examinations. Hao Chuan, a seemingly ordinary and unremarkable teenager, but in fact has a lot of luck in his heart, is standing at the end of this old street, using his unique way to weave a special blessing for the students who are about to step into the college entrance examination battlefield.

The story begins on an early summer evening, when the setting sun shines on the old street like molten gold, coating each bluestone slab with a warm golden glow. Hao Chuan carried his old guitar on his back and held a yellowed book of poetry in his hand, and slowly walked into the crowd. He is not here to perform, but has a more romantic and funny plan - to use poetry and singing to cheer for the candidates who are about to face an important turning point in their lives.

"Hey, boy, are you going to have a concert?" A passing grandmother asked with a smile, her eyes flashing with curiosity and kindness.

Hao Chuan shook his head with a smile, "Grandma, this is not a concert for me, it's the 'College Entrance Examination Fengshen Poetry Conference'!" I want to use the power of poetry to send the most special blessings to those warriors who are about to go to battle. ”

When the old grandmother heard this, she smiled even brighter, "Okay, okay, today's children are really creative, I like it!" ”

So, Hao Chuan found a relatively empty place, set up his guitar, cleared his throat, and a unique "College Entrance Examination Fengshen Poetry Conference" quietly kicked off.

"Students, do you know? The college entrance examination is just a stop in the journey of life, it is important, but it is not the end. I remember Su Shi Youyun: 'Bamboo canes and shoes are lighter than horses, who is afraid?' A cloud of smoke and rain is Ren Ping's life. No matter how stormy the road ahead is, as long as we have faith in our hearts and move forward bravely, nothing can stop us from moving forward. Hao Chuan's voice was gentle and firm, like a warm current, slowly flowing into the hearts of every listener.

Then, he played the guitar again and softly sang a song he had arranged: "Youth is a grand journey, and the college entrance examination is a scenery on the way." Don't be afraid, don't hesitate, because every step counts, and every drop of sweat will water the flowers of the future. ”

In the crowd, some people began to whisper, some people had tears in their eyes, and some people clenched their fists, as if they had found the momentum to move forward at this moment. Hao Chuan's poems and songs are like an invisible force that inspires everyone.

However, just as the atmosphere reached its climax, a sudden light rain came unexpectedly. The raindrops knocked on the bluestone slab, making a crisp and pleasant sound, but it also added a bit of uncertainty to this "conference".

"It seems that even God wants to give us an impromptu poetry party in the rain!" Instead of panicking at all, Hao Chuan became even more excited. He simply put away his guitar, stood in the rain, let the rain wet his clothes, and recited aloud Xin Qiji's "Qingyu Case: Yuan Xi": "The crowd looked for him thousands of times, and suddenly looked back, but the person was there, and the lights were dim. ”

"Students, you are the warriors who are struggling in the ocean of knowledge. Maybe you feel lost at this moment, but please believe that as long as you don't give up, one day, you will meet that better self at a certain corner of your life. The college entrance examination is just a test, a grinding, it will not define all of you, it will only make you more tenacious and brave. ”

The rain gradually stopped, and the old street returned to its former tranquility. Hao Chuan's "College Entrance Examination Fengshen Poetry Conference" also came to an end with applause and moving. But the power transmitted by poetry and singing quietly took root in everyone's heart like a seed.

At the end of the story, Hao Chuan stands alone at the end of the old street, looking at the blurring night in the distance, full of satisfaction and expectation. He knew that although he was only an insignificant existence on this street, he used his own way to send the most sincere blessings to those students who were about to embark on the journey.

"Everyone's youth is unique, and the college entrance examination is just one of the journeys. May you all carry the power of this poem and bravely go to the future, no matter what the result is, you can have no regrets about your choice and be worthy of your youth. Hao Chuan silently wished in his heart, and at the same time, he also secretly made the same wish for his upcoming college entrance examination journey.

And this old street, as well as those memories woven by poetry and singing, will become the most precious treasure in their hearts, and will always shine with the light of hope and dreams.

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