
Don't suck your own child's energy

author:Single-minded kitten yl
Don't suck your own child's energy
Don't suck your own child's energy
Don't suck your own child's energy
Don't suck your own child's energy
Don't suck your own child's energy
Don't suck your own child's energy
Don't suck your own child's energy
Don't suck your own child's energy

In a corner of the city where the hustle and bustle are intertwined, there is an inconspicuous alley, which hides in the shadow of high-rise buildings, but has a different kind of vitality. This is Hao Chuan's "energy supply station", a place full of laughter and warmth, although its name sounds a little mysterious.

Hao Chuan, a middle-aged man, has a slightly fat figure, and always has a warm smile on his face, as if he can dispel all gloom. His "energy station" is actually a simple but cozy stall that sells a variety of healthy drinks and snacks. But what makes Hao Chuan special is that he is not only a businessman, but also a spiritual mentor, using his unique way to convey the wisdom and positive energy of life to passers-by.

The story begins on a spring afternoon, when the sun shines through the sparse clouds and sprinkles on Hao Chuan's stalls, adding a bit of warmth to this alley. Hao Chuan is busy making his signature drink, Sunshine Vitality Dew, a carefully blended of fresh fruits, vegetables and natural honey that is said to instantly awaken people's vitality and good mood.

"Uncle Hao Chuan, do you have any new tricks today?" A crisp voice interrupted Hao Chuan's thoughts, it was Xiao Yue, a little girl from the neighbor's house, who jumped up to the stall with a curious glint in her eyes.

Hao Chuan smiled and handed her a cup of freshly mixed "Sunshine Vitality Dew": "Come, try this, it is guaranteed to make you full of energy all day long." ”

Xiao Yue took the drink and took a sip of it, with a satisfied smile on her face. "Uncle Hao Chuan, you are always so magical, every time I drink your things, I feel full of strength."

When Hao Chuan heard this, a warm current surged in his heart. He knows that what he can give is not only these external drinks, but more importantly, the love and hope for life. He looked at Xiao Yue's innocent smiling face, and secretly decided in his heart that he wanted to protect this innocence and not let any negative energy erode her world.

However, life isn't always so rosy. As time passed, Hao Chuan began to notice that there was an imperceptible haze in the alley. It turns out that some parents are inadvertently "sucking" their children's energy - they either have too high expectations, or endless comparisons, so that the children are invisibly under great pressure and lose the happiness and freedom they deserve.

Hao Chuan saw it in his eyes and was anxious in his heart. He decided to change all that in his own way. So, he began to hang various slogans in front of the stall, such as "Let love be a child's wings, not a shackle", "Every child is a unique gem, no need to compare, just shine", etc., in an attempt to awaken the softness and rationality in the hearts of parents.

One evening, a haggard-looking mother passed by a stall with her child. The child lowered his head, his eyes full of fear and unease. Hao Chuan was keenly aware of the abnormality, he stepped forward and asked softly: "This mother, it seems that you and the child are a little unhappy, do you need to talk?" ”

Mother looked up, a flash of surprise in her eyes, followed by exhaustion. "Hao Chuan, you can always see through people's hearts. I...... I just wanted him to be better, so I was very strict with him, but I found that he was getting more and more unhappy. ”

Hao Chuan gently patted his mother's shoulder, "I understand your painstaking efforts, but every child has its own pace of growth. We should not bind them with our own expectations, but should be their most solid backing and give them love and support. Remember, true energy comes from inner joy and freedom. ”

When the mother heard this, her eyes were slightly red, and she hugged her child tightly, as if at this moment, all the fatigue and confusion had disappeared. "Thank you, Hao Chuan. I will change, for the sake of my children and for myself. ”

Hao Chuan watched them leave with a smile, his heart full of relief. He knows that his small efforts are quietly changing the world. He continues to run his "Energy Supply Station", not only providing delicious drinks and snacks for passers-by, but also replenishing the energy of the soul with his warm heart for everyone who needs it.

At the end of the story, Hao Chuan stood in front of the stall, looking at the gradually darkening sky, and his heart was full of emotion. He understands that everyone has the ability to be the "energy source" of themselves and others, and as long as we are willing to let go of those meaningless expectations and comparisons, and nourish each other's hearts with love, then the world will become a better and more harmonious place.

"Remember, never suck your own child's energy." Hao Chuan silently recited this sentence in his heart, as if it was a reminder to himself and a warning to everyone. In the days to come, he will continue to use his way to convey this hope and positive energy, and let the light of love and freedom illuminate the growth path of every child.