
It is not the same as the father and the mother who leaves first

author:Single-minded kitten yl
It is not the same as the father and the mother who leaves first
It is not the same as the father and the mother who leaves first
It is not the same as the father and the mother who leaves first
It is not the same as the father and the mother who leaves first
It is not the same as the father and the mother who leaves first
It is not the same as the father and the mother who leaves first
It is not the same as the father and the mother who leaves first
It is not the same as the father and the mother who leaves first

In the bustling and noisy urban streets, the story of Hao Chuan quietly unfolds. It's a story of family, love, and growth, and it explores the profound theme of "father or mother who leaves first is different" in a unique way.

Hao Chuan, an optimistic and kind-hearted young man, runs a small café in a corner of the city. This café, called "Time Imprint", is not only the source of his life, but also the harbor of his soul. Every day, Hao Chuan will stand behind the bar, greet guests from far and wide with cups of carefully brewed coffee, listen to their stories, and share his past.

The turning point of the story takes place on a rainy evening. In the café, the lights were soft, the music was melodious, and Hao Chuan was busy wiping the freshly used cup, when suddenly, the phone ringing broke the silence. It was a call from his mother, with a subtle tremor in his voice: "Chuan'er, your dad is ...... He's gone. ”

At that moment, the cup in Hao Chuan's hand slipped down, and the crisp cracking sound echoed in the empty café. He froze, as if the whole world had stood still. The sudden death of his father was undoubtedly a bolt from the blue for him. He never imagined that his father, who was always smiling by the window and watching his busy figure, would leave so suddenly.

In the days that followed, Hao Chuan's life seemed to be shrouded in a thick layer of haze. He held on to his spirits and continued to run the café, but in the dead of night, the grief of losing a loved one came flooding in, making it difficult for him to sleep. He began to wonder what would happen if his mother had left first. This thought was like an invisible hand, plucking the strings of his heart.

By chance, Hao Chuan met an elderly customer, Li Bo. Lieber is a frequent visitor to the café, and he has a wealth of life experiences and a unique insight into the world. In a small talk, Hao Chuan inadvertently mentioned his confusion: "If it was my mother who left first, would it feel different?" ”

Li Bo was silent for a moment, and then slowly spoke: "Child, the difference is like the change of seasons, each with its own beauty and pain. Father is like a mountain, he gives us strength and support, when this mountain suddenly collapses, we will feel unprecedented emptiness and confusion; And mother is like water, she gently nourishes us, if she leaves first, that delicate care will become an eternal memory, let us learn to be independent and strong in our thoughts. ”

Hao Chuan listened to Li Bo's words, and complex emotions surged in his heart. He began to try to understand his father's death from another perspective. He recalls every moment he spent with his father, and those ordinary and warm images replayed in his mind like a movie. He realized that although his father was no longer around, the love and teachings he left behind would always light his way.

As time passed, Hao Chuan gradually walked out of the shadow of losing his father. He began to cherish every moment with his mother more, and expressed his love and care for his mother with practical actions. At the same time, he also integrates his own experience into the operation of the café, conveying warmth and hope through cups of coffee.

One sunny afternoon, Hao Chuan stood in front of the window of a café, looking at the pedestrians walking hurriedly on the street. His heart was filled with gratitude and relief. He understands that their departure, whether it is father or mother, is an inevitable part of life. It is important that we learn to cherish the happiness in front of us and be grateful to those who have given us love and companionship.

"It's not the same who leaves first, father or mother." Hao Chuan silently recited this sentence in his heart, but then smiled with relief. Because no matter who leaves first, that love and memory will always be engraved in his heart and become the most precious treasure in his life's journey. He believes that as long as there is love in his heart, he has the strength to face all the challenges and difficulties in life. And this love, like the aroma of coffee wafting from the café, warms everyone who walks here.