
These ten kinds of food are really-inducing, and they can be used when they can't be pulled out

author:Single-minded kitten yl
These ten kinds of food are really-inducing, and they can be used when they can't be pulled out
These ten kinds of food are really-inducing, and they can be used when they can't be pulled out
These ten kinds of food are really-inducing, and they can be used when they can't be pulled out
These ten kinds of food are really-inducing, and they can be used when they can't be pulled out
These ten kinds of food are really-inducing, and they can be used when they can't be pulled out
These ten kinds of food are really-inducing, and they can be used when they can't be pulled out
These ten kinds of food are really-inducing, and they can be used when they can't be pulled out
These ten kinds of food are really-inducing, and they can be used when they can't be pulled out
These ten kinds of food are really-inducing, and they can be used when they can't be pulled out
These ten kinds of food are really-inducing, and they can be used when they can't be pulled out

In the bustling city streets, there are many unknown little secrets, one of which is hidden in Hao Chuan's stall. Hao Chuan, a street foodie who calls himself an "intestinal guardian", has a small stall that always attracts groups of customers who gather for "small troubles". Hao Chuan's secret? It's not gorgeous decorations, nor complicated cooking skills, but the ten seemingly ordinary but magical foods in his hands that can "make".

The story begins on a sunny morning, when Hao Chuan, as usual, pushes his cart full of treasures and slowly walks into the veins of the city. On his cart, there was no ornate signboard, only a hand-painted wooden board with an exaggerated lettering: "Unblocked intestines, happy and carefree!" There is also a smiling face next to it, as if it can instantly dispel the gloom in people's hearts.

"Hey, Hao Chuan, what's the new trick today?" A regular customer, Lao Zhang, greeted him from afar and walked over expectantly. Lao Zhang is a middle-aged uncle who has suffered from constipation for a long time, and has become a frequent visitor here since he discovered Hao Chuan's stall.

Hao Chuan responded with a smile: "Lao Zhang, today is a good day, I have introduced ten new superfoods to ensure that your intestines are smoother than those of young people!" ”

Lao Zhang's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly approached: "Tell me, which ten kinds of treasures are they?" ”

Hao Chuan mysteriously lifted the curtain on the cart, and rows of colorful food came into view: dark green spinach, golden pumpkin, red dragon fruit, and plump chia seeds...... He introduced them one by one, and each food was accompanied by a humorous and scientifically informed explanation.

"For example, this spinach, don't look at its green and inconspicuous, it is a champion rich in dietary fiber, containing 2.2 grams of fiber per 100 grams, eating a plate, it's like hiring a cleaner for your intestines." Hao Chuan picked up a handful of spinach as he spoke, waving it exaggeratedly, causing a burst of laughter from the people around him.

"And this dragon fruit, not only delicious, but also rich in water and fiber, eat one to ensure that your intestines are as smooth as a slide." Hao Chuan continued his performance, as if he was not selling food, but giving a lively popular science lecture.

Lao Zhang listened with relish and couldn't help asking, "Then how to eat these things to be the most effective?" ”

Hao Chuan smiled slightly, and took out a homemade booklet from under the car, with the cover written "Intestinal Unobstructed Secrets". "I have specially prepared this secret book, which details the eating method and matching skills of each food to ensure that you eat happily and smoothly." As he spoke, he handed the pamphlet to Lao Zhang, his eyes shining with pride.

As time passed, more and more people gathered in front of Hao Chuan's stall. Among them are office workers who have been suffering from constipation for a long time, elderly people who are pursuing a healthy life, and young people who are curious about new things. Hao Chuan patiently answered everyone's questions, using his humor and professional knowledge to make the otherwise embarrassing topic light-hearted.

However, not everyone was able to accept Hao Chuan's ideas at first. One day, a young girl, Xiao Li, walked to the stall with a disdainful face: "Aren't they just some vegetables and fruits?" What can it do? ”

Hao Chuan didn't get angry, but said with a smile: "Little girl, don't underestimate these vegetables and fruits." They are ordinary, but they are the best gift that nature has given us. If you don't believe it, try it, stick to it for a week and see what kind of surprise your body will give you. ”

Xiao Li bought some food and went back in disbelief, and a week later, she appeared in front of Hao Chuan's stall again with a look of surprise: "Brother Hao Chuan, I was really conquered by you!" These things really work, I can now have a smooth bowel movement every morning and feel so much lighter! ”

Hao Chuan smiled and patted her shoulder: "Look, I'll just say you'll like them." Remember, health is the capital of the revolution, and taking care of your gut is taking care of yourself. ”

Over time, Hao Chuan's stalls have become a unique sight on the streets of the city. In his own way, he conveyed the concept of healthy life, helped countless people solve "small troubles", and also allowed them to regain the joy and self-confidence of life.

At the end of the story, Hao Chuan stood in front of his stall, looking at the gradually dispersing crowd, his heart full of satisfaction and happiness. He knows that he is not only selling food, but also spreading hope and positive energy. He believes that as long as everyone is willing to take care of their health and choose the right lifestyle, then life will become better and more fulfilling.

"The intestines are unblocked, and the happiness is worry-free." Hao Chuan muttered this sentence softly, as if it was a blessing to himself and everyone. In the days to come, he will continue to guard this small stall and use his wisdom and love to bring health and happiness to more people.

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