
The prototype of the movie orphan, the father found the abducted son and finally recognized him after 24 years, and the son still decided to accompany his parents

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The prototype of the movie orphan, the father found the abducted son and finally recognized him after 24 years, and the son still decided to accompany his parents
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The prototype of the movie orphan, the father found the abducted son and finally recognized him after 24 years, and the son still decided to accompany his parents

In the summer of 2021, a DNA report broke a 24-year silence. In Liaocheng, Shandong, Guo Gangtang and his wife finally waited for the long-awaited news - their son Guo Zhen was found.

On July 13, witnessed by relatives and friends, 26-year-old Guo Zhen hugged and cried with his parents, who had been thinking about it day and night.

However, moments of joy are mixed with mixed emotions. Guo Zhen said softly: "I want to continue to accompany my parents who raised me. This sentence expresses the difficult choices faced by the abducted children after returning home, and also casts a layer of sadness on this seemingly successful reunion story.

The smiles on the faces of Guo Gangtang and his wife were full of relief and a hint of helplessness. They understand that finding their son is just a new beginning, and that there are more challenges ahead of them.

The prototype of the movie orphan, the father found the abducted son and finally recognized him after 24 years, and the son still decided to accompany his parents

On September 21, 1997, a crisp autumn day, Guo Gangtang's family in Liaocheng, Shandong ushered in a seemingly ordinary but destined unforgettable day. Guo Gangtang, 27, and his wife, Zhang Wenge, are basking in the joy of a thriving career, and their small family has become a model of hard work and prosperity in the village.

This bad news was like a thunderbolt from the blue, and it instantly crushed this happy family. Zhang Wenge sat on the ground, tears raining down, helplessly calling out his son's name.

Guo Gangtang was struck by lightning, fell to the ground on his knees, and begged the villagers to help find him.

In the following days, Guo Gangtang and his wife and enthusiastic villagers searched everywhere, but they never found any trace of Guo Zhen. As time passed, the hope gradually became slim.

The prototype of the movie orphan, the father found the abducted son and finally recognized him after 24 years, and the son still decided to accompany his parents

Until the eve of the Spring Festival the following year, they had to accept a cruel reality: their son was likely to be trafficked.

Faced with this terrible fact, Guo Gangtang and his wife did not choose to give up. They made a life-changing decision: Guo Gangtang rode a motorcycle, carried a flag with his son's name on it, and embarked on a long road to find his son; Zhang Wenge, on the other hand, sells hot water bottles everywhere in his hometown, making ends meet while inquiring about his son's news.

Before Guo Gangtang left, he hugged his wife tightly, and a firm flame burned in his eyes. "As long as I have a breath left, I will never give up looking for our children," he said.

This sentence has become a source of strength to support them through countless difficult years.

The prototype of the movie orphan, the father found the abducted son and finally recognized him after 24 years, and the son still decided to accompany his parents

In this way, an ordinary farmer began his 24-year journey to find his son. Their story is not only a family tragedy, but also a microcosm of the families of countless abducted children, reflecting a serious social problem.

Guo Gangtang's persistence and courage will also inspire more people not to bow to fate and persevere to love to the end.

Guo Gangtang's journey to find his son is full of hardships and dangers, but it also witnesses the warmth of human nature. Riding a motorbike and carrying a flag with his son's name on it, he embarks on a seemingly impossible journey.

In the past 24 years, he has traveled an astonishing 450,000 kilometers, covering the vast land from Heilongjiang to Hainan.

The prototype of the movie orphan, the father found the abducted son and finally recognized him after 24 years, and the son still decided to accompany his parents

In this long journey, Guo Gangtang has experienced countless tests of life and death. Once in Jigong Mountain, a sudden rainstorm made the road slippery. A heavy truck drove by, and a boulder rolled off the truck hit the front wheel of his motorcycle.

Guo Gangtang flew out several meters with the car and fell unconscious. When he woke up, he endured severe pain, picked up the motorcycle and continued to move on. Whenever he encountered danger, he would glance at the picture of his son on the flag, as if hearing the child say, "Dad, I'm waiting for you."

This persistent fatherly love became the driving force for him to overcome all difficulties.

On the way to find his son, Guo Gangtang also met many kind strangers. Once, in the mountains of Guizhou, his motorcycle light suddenly failed. In the dark of night, he could only use the dim street lamps on the side of the road to make his way forward.

The prototype of the movie orphan, the father found the abducted son and finally recognized him after 24 years, and the son still decided to accompany his parents

At this moment, a car slowly followed, lighting him. It turned out to be a well-meaning driver who found out about his predicament. The stranger not only helped him fix the lights, but also gave him a meal and gave him the courage to keep going.

The support of the media also gave Guo Gangtang great help. He appeared on CCTV's "Waiting for Me" program and told his story to a national audience. Although the program did not directly help him find his son, it expanded the scope of the search and let more people understand the hardships of the families of the abducted children.

In the past 24 years, Guo Gangtang has received thousands of clues that may be related to his son. Each time, he went to the scene full of hope, but always returned disappointed.

However, these experiences allowed him to accumulate a wealth of information about missing children, which laid the foundation for future public welfare work.

The prototype of the movie orphan, the father found the abducted son and finally recognized him after 24 years, and the son still decided to accompany his parents

Sometimes, Guo Gangtang also falls into despair. At the top of Dabie Mountain, he almost jumped off a cliff and died. But at that moment, the child-seeking banner fluttering in the wind seemed to call him: "Dad, I'm still waiting for you."

This call rekindled his hope and continued his search for his son.

Guo Gangtang's persistence touched countless people. His story is not only a legend of a father searching for his son, but also a human hymn to love and hope. Even in the darkest moments, he never gave up hope, and this spiritual strength is admirable.

As time goes on, Guo Gangtang is not only looking for his own children, but his experience is also inspiring other families looking for children. He often said, "Even if you can't find your own children, help others realize their dreams."

The prototype of the movie orphan, the father found the abducted son and finally recognized him after 24 years, and the son still decided to accompany his parents

This spirit of great love has made his journey to find his son transcend personal joys and sorrows, and become a long-distance run to promote social progress.

Guo Gangtang's story is the epitome of thousands of families looking for their children. It not only shows the tenacity and courage of a father, but also reflects the concern and efforts of the whole society for the problem of abducted children.

This arduous road of finding his son not only allowed Guo Gangtang to find his son, but also ignited the light of hope for countless separated families.

In 2008, Guo Gangtang's search for his son ushered in a turning point. He joined the "Baby Come Home" non-profit website and began to turn his personal child-seeking experience into the power to help others.

The prototype of the movie orphan, the father found the abducted son and finally recognized him after 24 years, and the son still decided to accompany his parents

This decision not only broadened his channels for finding his son, but also made him realize that his experience can help more families.

Kwok Gang Tong is well aware of the pain of losing a child, so he is particularly enthusiastic about helping other families find their lost relatives. "When I see the joy of other families reuniting, I feel like I see hope for my future," he said.

This ability to empathize makes him stand out from the crowd of volunteers.

In 2012, Guo Gangtang went one step further and founded the Tianya family search website. He brings together the experience and resources he has accumulated over the years to help more families looking for relatives.

The prototype of the movie orphan, the father found the abducted son and finally recognized him after 24 years, and the son still decided to accompany his parents

Thanks to his efforts, more than 1,000 families have regained the joy of reunion. Each successful case has brought great encouragement to Guo Gangtang and strengthened his determination to continue this career.

Guo Gangtang's dedication has been widely recognized by the society. His story was brought to the screen, and the film "Orphaned" not only tells his personal story, but also arouses public attention to the problem of child trafficking.

The impact of this film far exceeded expectations, triggering a discussion and reflection on this issue in the whole society.

As its influence grew, more and more people joined the fight against child trafficking. Guo Gangtang has become the spiritual leader of this group, and his perseverance and dedication inspire every family who is still looking for their loved ones.

The prototype of the movie orphan, the father found the abducted son and finally recognized him after 24 years, and the son still decided to accompany his parents

He often said, "As long as one child is missing, we can't stop."

In this process, Guo Gangtang has also grown from a father who is simply looking for his children to a person who selflessly dedicates himself to social welfare. His vision is no longer limited to his own family, but extends to society as a whole.

He is well aware that only by making more people aware of the seriousness of the problem can the occurrence of similar tragedies be fundamentally reduced.

Guo Gangtang's story is not only a history of a person's struggle, but also a model of how an ordinary person can influence society. He has proved with his actions that even the most ordinary individuals, as long as they have firm beliefs and unremitting efforts, can bring great positive energy to society.

The prototype of the movie orphan, the father found the abducted son and finally recognized him after 24 years, and the son still decided to accompany his parents

This shift from personal tragedy to social welfare is an important force for social progress.

In June 2021, a public security operation called "Reunion" brought a turning point for Guo Gangtang. The campaign uses advanced DNA testing and facial recognition technology to help reunite more separated families.

When Guo Gangtang received a call from the police, his heart was almost stopping — they might have found Guo Zhen.

After rigorous DNA comparison, the results finally confirmed: this 26-year-old young man is Guo Gangtang's long-lost son. When he learned the news, Guo Gangtang was so excited that he couldn't speak, and tears kept flowing.

The prototype of the movie orphan, the father found the abducted son and finally recognized him after 24 years, and the son still decided to accompany his parents

On July 13, witnessed by many relatives and friends, Guo Gangtang and his wife finally recognized their son who had been separated for 24 years. At this time, Guo Zhen has become a primary school teacher, his resolute character seems to be a copy of his father, and his appearance is also somewhat similar to Guo Gangtang.

The scene of recognition is deeply moving. Guo Gangtang hugged his son tightly, as if he wanted to pour all his thoughts into it for the past 24 years. Zhang Wenge stroked his son's face, his eyes blurred with tears, and muttered, "Child, you are finally back."

Guo Zhen couldn't hide his excitement, he said: "I finally found my roots.

This moment is not only the rebirth of Guo Gangtang's family, but also brings hope to thousands of families who are still looking for their relatives. It proves that miracles can happen if you don't give up.

The prototype of the movie orphan, the father found the abducted son and finally recognized him after 24 years, and the son still decided to accompany his parents

Guo Gangtang's persistence was finally rewarded on this day.

However, the joy of the reunion also carries some mixed emotions. After 24 years of separation, they have missed too much. But at this moment, they choose to cherish the reunion in front of them and face the challenges of the future together.

After the joy of reunion, the Guo family faced new challenges. Guo Zhen said frankly that he hopes to continue to accompany his adoptive parents who raised him. Although this decision made Guo Gangtang and his wife heartbroken, they chose to respect their son's wishes.

Guo Gangtang sighed deeply: "We missed his childhood, and we can no longer deprive him of his right to choose." This kind of tolerance and understanding embodies the great heart of a father.

The prototype of the movie orphan, the father found the abducted son and finally recognized him after 24 years, and the son still decided to accompany his parents

At the same time, Guo Zhen's choice has also triggered a deep reflection on the issue of abducted children. We need not only tougher legal sanctions, but also a sound preventive mechanism.

Only by the joint efforts of the whole society can we truly put an end to the occurrence of such tragedies and make every family happy and reunited.

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