
In 86, a woman took a train and kindly gave a handful of peanuts to the man next to her, but unexpectedly saved the lives of the whole carriage

author:Listen to me
In 86, a woman took a train and kindly gave a handful of peanuts to the man next to her, but unexpectedly saved the lives of the whole carriage
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In 86, a woman took a train and kindly gave a handful of peanuts to the man next to her, but unexpectedly saved the lives of the whole carriage

On an ordinary day in 1986, a train full of passengers was moving smoothly on the tracks. Suddenly, a deafening explosion shattered the silence in the carriage.

The second carriage was instantly blown to pieces and deviated from its original track. Smoke rose and screams rang out one after another. The sudden disaster claimed 33 lives, but miraculously, the passengers of the fourth carriage survived.

What is the story behind this tragedy? Why did the 4th carriage become a fish that slipped through the net at the fingertips of the Grim Reaper? The key to the answer lies in a man named Qiu Fengguo and a handful of ordinary peanuts handed by a kind woman.

This seemingly insignificant move turned out to be the key to turning around fate.

In 86, a woman took a train and kindly gave a handful of peanuts to the man next to her, but unexpectedly saved the lives of the whole carriage

In 1963, in an ordinary family in Jilin Province, Qiu Fengguo fell to the ground. As the sixth of nine children, his birth did not bring much joy.

His father was an employee of a local state-owned factory, and although he had a stable income, he was still struggling to support such a large family.

Since he was a child, Qiu Fengguo has never felt the love of his parents. He neither enjoyed the preferential treatment of being a big brother and sister, nor was he favored by his little brother and sister. In this crowded family, he seems to be a forgotten shadow.

He is an introvert and is not as clever and intelligent as his other siblings, which further exacerbates his marginalization in the family.

In 86, a woman took a train and kindly gave a handful of peanuts to the man next to her, but unexpectedly saved the lives of the whole carriage

School is supposed to be a place for children to grow up happily, but it has become a source of pain for Qiu Fengguo. He was always at the bottom of his academic record, scoring in the single digits on every exam.

In stark contrast, his siblings often come out on top. This gap made Qiu Fengguo's status in the family even more humble, his parents turned a blind eye to him, and his siblings nicknamed him "Six Fools".

Fate always seems to favor Qiu Fengguo. When he was 13 years old, his father died suddenly, and the family, which had been struggling to make ends meet, lost its main breadwinner.

In order to make ends meet, Qiu Fengguo's eldest brother took over his father's job. However, how can a young person who has just stepped into the society compare with an old employee with decades of experience? The sharp drop in income has plunged the extended family into a deeper predicament.

In 86, a woman took a train and kindly gave a handful of peanuts to the man next to her, but unexpectedly saved the lives of the whole carriage

In this case, Qiu Fengguo became a victim of the family. His mother decided to drop him out of school and work as a temporary worker in a factory. Qiu Fengguo, who was only 13 years old, was forced to say goodbye to the classroom and began a difficult part-time job.

Dealing with pungent engine oil every day, he was exhausted by the heavy physical labor.

What's even more poignant is that even Qiu Fengguo's hard-earned meager salary can't be used freely. Every time the day of the salary, his mother would stand guard at the gate of the factory and take away every penny of his salary.

This hard-earned money eventually became a living allowance for other siblings.

In 86, a woman took a train and kindly gave a handful of peanuts to the man next to her, but unexpectedly saved the lives of the whole carriage

In such an environment full of indifference and exploitation, Qiu Fengguo's personality has become more and more reticent. Deep in his heart, there is a strong desire for warmth and recognition, but he doesn't know how to express it.

This painful childhood experience planted a seed of lack of love in his young heart, which will grow into a twisted tree that bears bitter fruit.

A kind-hearted neighbor couldn't look past Qiu Fengguo's situation and decided to match him up. She introduced Qiu Fengguo to a girl named Xiao Dong. Xiao Dong is a regular worker with a gentle and kind personality.

She didn't care about Qiu Fengguo's background and Mu Ne's character, but was full of sympathy and understanding for his experience.

In 86, a woman took a train and kindly gave a handful of peanuts to the man next to her, but unexpectedly saved the lives of the whole carriage

This is the first time in Qiu Fengguo's life that he feels real warmth. Xiao Dong's kindness was like a ray of sunshine, shining into his long-hazy heart. With Xiao Dong's encouragement, Qiu Fengguo plucked up the courage to express his love.

The two quickly fell in love, got along, and even began to plan their future lives.

Just as the two were about to further develop their relationship, Xiao Dong's mother learned about the relationship. She was very dissatisfied with Qiu Fengguo's identity and could not accept her daughter marrying a temporary worker.

Although Xiao Dong tried his best, she finally chose to break up under the strong opposition of her mother.

In 86, a woman took a train and kindly gave a handful of peanuts to the man next to her, but unexpectedly saved the lives of the whole carriage

This breakup dealt a heavy blow to Qiu Fengguo. The flame of hope that he had finally ignited was ruthlessly extinguished. With nowhere to vent his inner pain and disappointment, Qiu Fengguo once again fell into deep despair.

However, fate seems to have given him another chance. The enthusiastic neighbor saw Qiu Fengguo's condition and introduced him to a girl again. This time, the girl is from the countryside, and although she has not yet found a job, she has the same kind and beautiful personality.

Qiu Fengguo cautiously started a new relationship. However, this time it was his mother's turn to be adamantly opposed. She ruthlessly broke her son's hard-won hope, as if she had completely forgotten everything Qiu Fengguo had done for this family.

His mother's attitude made Qiu Fengguo feel deeply betrayed and angry.

In 86, a woman took a train and kindly gave a handful of peanuts to the man next to her, but unexpectedly saved the lives of the whole carriage

The failure of the two love loves completely broke Qiu Fengguo's fragile psychological defense. He felt that the whole world had abandoned him, and the hatred and resentment in his heart were like billowing smoke, gradually obscuring his reason.

Love, which was supposed to be the last straw for him to get rid of his tragic fate, became the last straw that crushed him. Qiu Fengguo's heart began to twist, and he was full of resentment towards the world, the people around him, and even himself.

This relationship experience was like a sharp knife that stabbed into Qiu Fengguo's already scarred heart. He began to question whether love really existed in this world, and whether there were still people who could understand and accept him.

Qiu Fengguo, who once longed for warmth, has now become a person who is hostile to the world. A terrible storm was brewing inside him.

In 86, a woman took a train and kindly gave a handful of peanuts to the man next to her, but unexpectedly saved the lives of the whole carriage

After experiencing two painful emotional setbacks, Qiu Fengguo's heart was already full of holes. At this moment, a news came that completely broke him - Xiao Dong was about to marry another man.

This news was like a hammer, completely shattering the only glimmer of hope in Qiu Feng's heart.

The desire for anger, jealousy, and revenge churned in Qiu Fengguo's heart like a monstrous wave. He began to think day and night about how to take revenge, how to make those who had hurt him taste the pain as well.

Once this idea was born, it spread like wildfire in his heart, and it could no longer be suppressed. Qiu Fengguo began to orchestrate this terrible conspiracy. He used his contacts in the factory to steal a package of explosives from the forest farm where Xiao Dong had worked.

In 86, a woman took a train and kindly gave a handful of peanuts to the man next to her, but unexpectedly saved the lives of the whole carriage

To make sure the plan was foolproof, he bought two more detonators from an unwitting fisherman.

Qiu Fengguo carefully hid these deadly items in his home, examining them every night, as if he were caressing his own treasure. He began to rehearse every detail of the plan in his mind, calculating all kinds of contingencies that might arise.

However, the night before the plan was implemented, a trace of hesitation suddenly appeared in Qiu Fengguo's heart. He remembered the occasional tenderness of his mother when he was a child, the warmth that Xiao Dong once gave him, and even the enthusiastic neighbor.

These memories flickered like faint candlelight in the darkness of his heart.

In 86, a woman took a train and kindly gave a handful of peanuts to the man next to her, but unexpectedly saved the lives of the whole carriage

Qiu Fengguo was caught in a fierce ideological struggle. On the one hand, he is eager to vent his resentment in this extreme way and punish those who have hurt him; On the other hand, there was still a glimmer of conscience in his heart, fearful and uneasy about the impending casualties.

However, the resentment and bitterness that had accumulated over the years eventually prevailed over reason. On the afternoon of the implementation of the plan, Qiu Fengguo carefully loaded the explosives and detonators into his backpack with mixed feelings.

He took a deep breath, tried to look like a normal passenger, and blended into the crowd to board the train destined to go down in history.

At this time, Qiu Fengguo's eyes were full of indifference and determination. It was as if his heart had been completely broken with the world, and he could no longer feel any warmth. He is no longer the young man who longs to be loved, but has become a terrifying being distorted by hatred.

In 86, a woman took a train and kindly gave a handful of peanuts to the man next to her, but unexpectedly saved the lives of the whole carriage

Qiu Fengguo firmly believes that this operation will be his last indictment of this cold world.

Qiu Fengguo boarded the train with a determination for revenge. His gaze scanned back and forth in the carriage, trying to find Xiao Dong's figure. However, several carriages walked back and forth, but it never got their wish.

In the end, he had no choice but to sit in the seat of the fourth carriage, and the anxiety in his heart became more and more intense.

At this moment, fate gave Qiu Fengguo one last chance to change. Across from him sat a newlywed couple named Xiao Tang. The kind-hearted Xiao Tang keenly noticed that Qiu Fengguo's face was pale and his expression was solemn, and he mistakenly thought that he was unwell.

In 86, a woman took a train and kindly gave a handful of peanuts to the man next to her, but unexpectedly saved the lives of the whole carriage

Xiao Tang whispered softly to her husband, hoping that he could make a cup of hot tea for Qiu Fengguo. At the same time, she also took the initiative to get up and ask the flight attendant for help, and prepared motion sickness medicine for Qiu Fengguo.

This unreserved kindness made Qiu Feng's heart ripple. He took the hot water and swallowed the pill, feeling the care he hadn't experienced for a long time.

However, Don Jr.'s good deeds didn't stop there. She took out a handful of peanuts from her backpack and handed it to Qiu Fengguo. At first, Qiu Fengguo subconsciously shook his head and refused, but Xiao Tang insisted that he accept it, for fear that he would feel hungry during the long journey.

This small move set off a huge wave in Qiu Fengguo's heart. He silently peeled peanuts, countless thoughts flashing through his mind. Xiao Tang's gentleness reminded him of the former Xiao Dong, and also reminded him of those rare warm moments in his childhood.

In 86, a woman took a train and kindly gave a handful of peanuts to the man next to her, but unexpectedly saved the lives of the whole carriage

For a moment, his heart was full of contradictions and struggles.

Qiu Fengguo began to question his plan. He recalled his original intention, was it really worth exchanging the lives of innocent people for momentary pleasure? The kindness of Xiao Tang and his wife was like a beam of light shining into the darkness in his heart, making him begin to waver.

When leaving Xiao Tang and his wife, Qiu Fengguo left a meaningful sentence: "After I leave, I hope you can live happily." This sentence confused Don Jr., but he didn't know that this would be the key to her escape.

Qiu Fengguo got up and left, and heaven and man were at war in his heart. He knew he was about to make a decision that could change the lives of many. Xiao Tang's handful of peanuts became the last straw on the scale.

In 86, a woman took a train and kindly gave a handful of peanuts to the man next to her, but unexpectedly saved the lives of the whole carriage

With mixed feelings, Qiu Fengguo walked to the second carriage. His mind kept replaying Xiao Tang's smile and that warm kindness. At the last minute, he made a small but crucial change – he chose to detonate the explosives in the second carriage instead of the originally planned fourth carriage.

This decision, although it failed to prevent the tragedy from happening, inadvertently saved the lives of the passengers in the 4th carriage such as the Don and his wife. A small act of kindness, an ordinary peanut, has changed the fate of many people at a moment of life and death.

The loud explosion tore through the calm carriage, and 33 innocent lives were forever frozen in that moment. Qiu Fengguo's revenge plan was eventually implemented, but his final decision unexpectedly saved the lives of the passengers in the fourth carriage.

The tragedy reveals the profound impact of the family of origin on personal growth and the importance of love and care.

In 86, a woman took a train and kindly gave a handful of peanuts to the man next to her, but unexpectedly saved the lives of the whole carriage

Qiu Fengguo's extreme behavior is unforgivable, but his family's indifference and neglect when he was growing up are also to blame. In stark contrast, a small act of kindness by Xiao Tang saved many lives at a critical moment, highlighting the bright side of human nature.

This story is a reminder that everyone longs to be loved and understood, and that even a small act of kindness can change the fate of one person and even save the lives of many others.

Let's work together to warm each other with love and tolerance and avoid tragedy. In the contest between love and hate, we should choose to be the one who conveys warmth, not the poor one who is consumed by hatred.

The purpose of this article is to advocate positive social energy, without vulgarity and other bad guidance. If you are involved in copyright or character infringement, please contact us in time

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