
In 2014, 95% of the pregnant woman's skin was burned, and she was molted and scabbed for 42 days.

author:Listen to me
In 2014, 95% of the pregnant woman's skin was burned, and she was molted and scabbed for 42 days.
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In 2014, 95% of the pregnant woman's skin was burned, and she was molted and scabbed for 42 days.

On November 7, 2014, in the operating room of a hospital in Shandong, the air seemed to freeze. Jiao Bingying, a pregnant woman with burns 95% of her body, is in a life-and-death birth.

A month ago, a sudden fire completely changed the course of her life. Now, she is about to trade her life for the birth of the child in her womb.

Jiao Bingying's breathing was weak and rapid, and the medical staff looked solemn. The corridors outside the operating room were crowded with strangers who had come to pray, waiting with bated breath in the hope of witnessing a miracle happen.

Will this suffering child be born safely? Will Jiao Bingying be able to survive this difficulty? A test of life and love is unfolding, and every second touches everyone's hearts.

In 2014, 95% of the pregnant woman's skin was burned, and she was molted and scabbed for 42 days.

On October 16, 2014, the otherwise peaceful night was suddenly shattered. In the barbecue restaurant run by Jiao Bingying's family, a deafening explosion pierced the night sky.

In an instant, the entire house was engulfed in flames, and thick smoke billowed into the sky. Neighbors rushed out of their homes in terror to witness the horrific scene, the air filled with the pungent smell of smoke and helpless despair.

The firefighters rushed into the fire with all their might, and when they found Jiao Bingying, the sight was heartbreaking. The young pregnant woman was burned 95% of her body, and her skin was charred and curled.

However, to everyone's surprise, her abdomen was miraculously intact. The six-month-pregnant mother-to-be instinctively protected the fetus in her womb with both hands at the moment of life and death.

In 2014, 95% of the pregnant woman's skin was burned, and she was molted and scabbed for 42 days.

However, the blow of fate did not stop there. When the smoke cleared, it was discovered that Jiao Bingying's husband and mother-in-law had died. This sudden disaster took Jiao Bingying's closest family members overnight and completely changed the trajectory of her life.

By the time Jiao Bingying woke up in the hospital, her world had been turned upside down. In the face of this cruel reality, her eyes went from initial confusion and shock to incredible grief, and finally condensed into a firm belief: for the sake of the child in her womb, she must live strongly.

However, as the doctors discussed the treatment plan, Jiao Bingying's weak but firm voice interrupted them: "Please save my child." Even if I had to sell all my possessions, I would protect him from being born safely.

This sentence expresses a mother's deepest love, and also opens the prelude to an arduous battle for survival.

In 2014, 95% of the pregnant woman's skin was burned, and she was molted and scabbed for 42 days.

From this moment on, Jiao Bingying is no longer just fighting for herself, she is shouldering the heavy responsibility of living for the unborn child. Her story, a legend of maternal love, life force and the brilliance of humanity, is about to unfold over the next 42 days.

For the next 42 days, for Jiao Bingying, every minute and every second was a desperate struggle with death. Burns on 95% of the body mean that almost all of the skin needs to be debrided, scabbed, and dressing-changed.

The process was comparable to torture, but for the sake of the fetus in her womb, Jiao Bingying insisted on not using any painkillers that could affect the fetus.

Every day, medical staff need to treat Jiao Bingying's wounds. When the disinfectant touched the blackened skin, Jiao Bingying's body would tremble involuntarily, she gritted her teeth, and tears flowed silently.

In 2014, 95% of the pregnant woman's skin was burned, and she was molted and scabbed for 42 days.

However, she never let out a single moan, for fear of disturbing the child in her womb. The head nurse once sighed: "I have never seen such a strong patient, her willpower is beyond imagination."

To make matters worse, to prevent infections and pressure sores, Jiao Bingying had to turn over 12 times a day, an average of once every two hours. Every time you turn over, it's like tearing your body apart.

Jiao Bingying's back was glued to the sheets, and every movement brought severe pain. Sometimes, she would whisper a plea, "Can you wait another five minutes?" But whenever she thinks of the child in her womb, she gritted her teeth and persevered.

In these 42 days, Jiao Bingying experienced unimaginable pain. Her skin peeled off layer by layer, revealing bright red muscles. Every time you change the dressing, it's like rubbing salt on a wound.

In 2014, 95% of the pregnant woman's skin was burned, and she was molted and scabbed for 42 days.

However, she has always maintained an amazing willpower. When the pain is unbearable, she will hum "Only Mother is Good in the World", as if telling the child in her womb about the beauty of this world.

Jiao Bingying's strength touched everyone. When the medical staff saw her, their eyes were always full of admiration. A young nurse once said with tears in her eyes: "Jiao Bingying made me understand what true maternal love is, and her courage makes all of us ashamed."

However, Jiao Bingying's body is getting weaker every day. The risk of high fever, infection, and organ failure is always at risk. Doctors have had to weigh the trade-off between protecting the fetus and saving the mother.

Every decision can affect the fate of two lives. The attending physician once said helplessly to Jiao Bingying's family: "We are doing our best, but the situation is really not optimistic.

In 2014, 95% of the pregnant woman's skin was burned, and she was molted and scabbed for 42 days.

Despite this, Jiao Bingying never gave up hope. Even in the most painful moments, she asks about the fetus in her womb in a weak voice. Her sister once recalled: "Every time I went to see her, she always asked how the child was before telling her how she was.

Her eyes were always full of longing for life.

Jiao Bingying's 42 days are not only a personal battle for survival, but also a shocking hymn to life. She used her actions to interpret what is true maternal love and what is the meaning of life.

In the process, she is fighting not only for herself and her children, but also for all those who believe in love and hope.

In 2014, 95% of the pregnant woman's skin was burned, and she was molted and scabbed for 42 days.

Jiao Bingying's story soon spread throughout Shandong, and then shook the whole country. Faced with the cost of surgery as high as 900,000 yuan, this ordinary family fell into a desperate situation. However, there is true love in the world, and a relay race of love will begin.

The villagers took the lead. They donated their savings, and some even took out money that was going to be used to build a house. In just a few days, 20,000 yuan was raised.

One villager said emotionally: "Jiao Bingying's strength has touched all of us, and we can't stand idly by.

The media coverage attracted wider attention, and love poured in. Some people donate money, some donate materials, and even some children donate their New Year's money. When donating money, a primary school student said: "I hope that Aunt Jiao Bingying can live strongly, and her baby will be very happy."

In 2014, 95% of the pregnant woman's skin was burned, and she was molted and scabbed for 42 days.

An entrepreneur who did not want to be named donated 100,000 yuan at one time, said: "I was deeply touched by Jiao Bingying's story, and this is the least I can do for her.

Jiao Bingying's hospital room was filled with condolences and greeting cards from all over the country. Although she couldn't speak, her eyes glistened with tears every time she saw this.

Her sister looked at the donations and said with tears streaming down her face, "Thank you, you are the one who gave my sister and my child hope."

With the joint efforts of all sectors of society, the cost of 900,000 yuan for the operation was quickly raised. This is not only a life-saving money, but also a tribute to the respect for life and maternal love for countless people.

In 2014, 95% of the pregnant woman's skin was burned, and she was molted and scabbed for 42 days.

Jiao Bingying's story has become a microcosm of an era, showing the warmth of Chinese society and the brilliance of humanity.

On November 7, 2014, tension was in the hospital. Jiao Bingying showed signs of premature labor, and doctors had to make a difficult decision: to give birth immediately.

The attending physician said with a solemn expression: "If it drags on any longer, both mother and child will be in danger." We must act as soon as possible.

In the delivery room, Jiao Bingying was lying on the bed, her body stiff from burns, and it was difficult to even separate her legs. However, when she heard that she was about to see the child, her eyes twinkled with anticipation.

In 2014, 95% of the pregnant woman's skin was burned, and she was molted and scabbed for 42 days.

A nurse comforted her softly: "Jiao Bingying, you have been holding on for so long, with more effort, you will be able to see your baby soon."

After hours of hard work, a loud cry resounded through the delivery room. Jiao Bingying's daughter "Eun" finally came to this world, heavy 1. 68 kg. When the nurse carried the child to Jiao Bingying, the great mother showed her first smile after coming to the hospital.

She said softly, "Welcome, my darling." Mom has been waiting for you for a long time.

However, production exhausted Jiao Bingying's remaining physical strength. Her physiological indicators deteriorated dramatically, especially her kidney function. The doctors tried their best to save the day, but in the end they could not change the fateful arrangement.

In 2014, 95% of the pregnant woman's skin was burned, and she was molted and scabbed for 42 days.

One nurse recalled: "Jiao Bingying's eyes never left her daughter, and even in the last moments, she was still smiling.

On November 27, 2014, after 42 days of perseverance, Jiao Bingying closed his eyes forever. She used her life to interpret the greatness of mother's love, and exchanged 42 days of pain for her daughter's new life.

Everyone in the hospital was immersed in grief, but they were also proud of Jiao Bingying.

When the news broke, the entire hospital fell into grief. Those who had donated and prayed for Jiao Bingying came one after another, and they stood silently at the entrance of the hospital to see off this great mother.

In 2014, 95% of the pregnant woman's skin was burned, and she was molted and scabbed for 42 days.

One volunteer choked up and said, "Jiao Bingying taught us what true love is with her life.

Jiao Bingying's story shocked everyone. She used her life to interpret a legend of love and sacrifice. Although she is gone, her spirit will always inspire people.

Her sister hugged Xiao En'en and said with tears in her eyes: "Sister, you can leave with confidence." We will take good care of Eun Eun and let her know what a great mother she has.

Jiao Bingying's departure marks the end of a deeply moving story, but it also opens a new chapter. Her daughter "Eun" will continue her life's journey with her mother's love, and Jiao Bingying's story will forever be engraved in people's hearts and become an eternal symbol of maternal love.

In 2014, 95% of the pregnant woman's skin was burned, and she was molted and scabbed for 42 days.

Jiao Bingying's story is a tragic and touching hymn to life. With 42 days of perseverance and selfless sacrifice, she interpreted the greatness and eternity of maternal love. Although she is away from this world, her spirit will always inspire us.

In this world, every mother is writing a chapter of love in her own way. Some are ordinary, some are thrilling, but all are equally great. Jiao Bingying's story gives us a deeper understanding of the simple and profound word "mother's love".

Her strength, her patience, and her selflessness have all become synonymous with maternal love.

Her sacrifice, her courage, her cherishing of life, will forever be etched in our hearts as an eternal testimony to the brilliance of humanity.

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