
Is there such a big aesthetic gap between male and female photographers? It's too real for netizens to share, and it's too difficult for photographers

author:Obsessed with durian
Is there such a big aesthetic gap between male and female photographers? It's too real for netizens to share, and it's too difficult for photographers

When we get married, we all want to take beautiful wedding photos, so we need to find a good photographer, but we usually meet male photographers.

But after watching the sharing of netizens, I realized that the effect of male photographers and female photographers is completely different


Is the aesthetic gap between male and female photographers really so big?

After reading the comment area of netizens, I found out that it was true.

Put it in the other, take a photo of the tour, and don't say anything. That's the marriage certificate, your wedding photo, you can make others not know who is married?

Is there such a big aesthetic gap between male and female photographers? It's too real for netizens to share, and it's too difficult for photographers

It depends on the needs of the customer, and the needs of boys and girls are different

Is there such a big aesthetic gap between male and female photographers? It's too real for netizens to share, and it's too difficult for photographers

Hahahaha, yes, but at least you have to let people see at a glance that it's you [snickering] [snickering]

Is there such a big aesthetic gap between male and female photographers? It's too real for netizens to share, and it's too difficult for photographers

Originally, taking wedding photos is to see who is married, you have to make the overall composition and you can't see the face, that's not just a few pictures can be said to be yourself [cover your face] [cover your face]

Is there such a big aesthetic gap between male and female photographers? It's too real for netizens to share, and it's too difficult for photographers

Generally, travel will only look at the artistic conception composition, but if you get married, you want to see the face

Is there such a big aesthetic gap between male and female photographers? It's too real for netizens to share, and it's too difficult for photographers

[covers face] [Covering his face], then it depends on whether their retouching skills are good

Is there such a big aesthetic gap between male and female photographers? It's too real for netizens to share, and it's too difficult for photographers

I think it's all good-looking, the female camera is suitable for hanging the room, and the male camera is suitable for weddings

Is there such a big aesthetic gap between male and female photographers? It's too real for netizens to share, and it's too difficult for photographers

Girls mainly shoot people, and boys mainly shoot atmosphere.

Is there such a big aesthetic gap between male and female photographers? It's too real for netizens to share, and it's too difficult for photographers

Men will compose pictures, women will be more prominent characters, a character and a scenery depends on which one you like

Is there such a big aesthetic gap between male and female photographers? It's too real for netizens to share, and it's too difficult for photographers

You can teach him, the most important thing is to look at the face

Is there such a big aesthetic gap between male and female photographers? It's too real for netizens to share, and it's too difficult for photographers

Because the P picture is too much, it doesn't look like [snickering] [snickering]

Is there such a big aesthetic gap between male and female photographers? It's too real for netizens to share, and it's too difficult for photographers

He's not saying you're beautiful, he's just saying the scenery is [snickering] [snickering]

Is there such a big aesthetic gap between male and female photographers? It's too real for netizens to share, and it's too difficult for photographers

Boy: The scenery is really good, you have to shoot it

Is there such a big aesthetic gap between male and female photographers? It's too real for netizens to share, and it's too difficult for photographers

The lens language of the female photographer is to tell you the lens of my life, except for me and you

The male camera is to tell you that in our lives, the two of us have to go through a lot of beauty,

Therefore, we will never lack us in the beautiful world in the future world, and the two of us must work together to become one color of the world

What do you think about this, welcome to leave a message in the discussion forum

(The source of the material is from the Internet, invaded and deleted)

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