
"Golden Branch Desire": Yuying saw through Er Chun's gang on the first day, trespassing on the forbidden land, stupid or arrogant?


On the first day of entering the palace, Yuying caused trouble.

Because of trespassing on the forbidden land in the north courtyard of Zhongcui Palace, he offended Rufei.

"Golden Branch Desire": Yuying saw through Er Chun's gang on the first day, trespassing on the forbidden land, stupid or arrogant?

Fortunately, Anqian, the palace maid in charge of Zhongcui Palace, stood up and offset the punishment from Concubine Ru on the grounds of drawing talismans on her face to pray for blessings.

Here, there is a question:

When allocating rooms, Gonggong E specially told him that the north courtyard of Zhongcui Palace had been abandoned for many years and must not set foot in it.

The words have been said so clearly, why does Yuying still want to break in?

Regarding this, many people think that Yuying is too stupid.

Indeed, Yuying is not smart, or rather, among a group of smart people, she is not so smart, and everything she does, says and does seems particularly stupid.

But I still feel that the biggest problem exposed by Yuying in the north courtyard of Zhongcui Palace this time is not stupid.

Let's take a look at the timing of her break-in.

"Golden Branch Desire": Yuying saw through Er Chun's gang on the first day, trespassing on the forbidden land, stupid or arrogant?

Yuying couldn't sleep in the middle of the night in the heat and got up to chat with Er Chun. But Er Chun was not in the room at the time, but went to see Grandpa Xu with Shuning Yuanqi.

Yuying walked out of Er Chun's room with a puzzled expression, and said to herself, "Where did she go?" ”

Based on this, there is reason to believe that Yuying visited the various courtyards of Zhongcui Palace and couldn't find Er Chun, so she found the north courtyard. Even she may have found that Shuning Yuanqi was not in the room, so she deduced that the three of them were in a group.

Even if she didn't find out that Shuning Yuanqi was "missing", Yuying was already convinced that Er Chun was not simple, more scheming and gloomy than herself, and better at disguise. She ran out in the middle of the night, indicating that there was someone in the palace to answer or a conspiracy.

Other people's brains and resources are obviously better than hers. The enemies she faced were even more powerful than she had ever imagined.

At this time, Yuying should be quite annoyed in her heart.

"Golden Branch Desire": Yuying saw through Er Chun's gang on the first day, trespassing on the forbidden land, stupid or arrogant?

Thinking that when it was unsatisfactory to change rooms during the day, she was extremely angry, and under Er Chun's persuasion, she chose to forbear.

Er Chun persuaded her to endure and calm things down, on the surface, he was good for her everywhere, but behind the scenes, he acted secretly, and he didn't know what tricks he would use to deal with her.

Yuying's temperament has always been impulsive and irritable. When provoked or backstabbed, she will be furious, emotionally uncontrollable, and will have to make a big fuss.

A similar situation can be compared to Sun Baiyang's performance when she broke her jade bracelet later, and when she knew that Anqian had taken the opportunity to take the position.

When people are impulsive, it is difficult to calm down.

But at this time, the Er Chun she hated was not around, and it was not suitable to expose her, so it was entirely possible for her to find something or do something to vent under her anger.

Breaking into the forbidden place of the North Courtyard in front of you is one of the good outlets.

Yuying's heart can be glimpsed from the playful, gloomy, and ruthless eyes she showed when she looked in the mirror in Concubine Chen's room.

"Golden Branch Desire": Yuying saw through Er Chun's gang on the first day, trespassing on the forbidden land, stupid or arrogant?

In addition, there are two other reasons why Yuying broke in, which also exposed her bigger problems.

One is out of snooping psychology.

On the first day of entering the palace, Yuying did not know much about the sinister environment and personnel in the palace.

At this time, Er Chun (Shuning Yuanqi) was nowhere to be found, and there was another forbidden courtyard, plus Gonggong E only said that the North Courtyard was "abandoned for many years", and did not mention that it was the place where Concubine Chen died, and the haunting of the palace.

"Golden Branch Desire": Yuying saw through Er Chun's gang on the first day, trespassing on the forbidden land, stupid or arrogant?

In Yuying's opinion, the North Courtyard is just a ruined courtyard, and people have died, but there is nothing to be afraid of, and Zhong Cui Palace is a place full of weirdness.

So, curiosity got in the way, and she recklessly pushed the door open.

Second, a very critical point, Yuying is too arrogant.

The above two reasons for the analysis reflect the weaknesses of Yuying's character, but what Yuying said next exposes Yuying's temperament.

Yuying couldn't change rooms, and her rhetoric was "I think they bullied me", and the first thing she said when she entered the north courtyard was "Keep the room and don't let me use it, bully me".

"Golden Branch Desire": Yuying saw through Er Chun's gang on the first day, trespassing on the forbidden land, stupid or arrogant?

Previously, she had lost her temper because the room she had been assigned to was not oriented well and was too stuffy.

In her eyes, she is beautiful, she will definitely be canonized in the future, and she is the daughter of the governor of Huguang, she has silver in her hand, and she should get the best treatment, and everyone should hold her.

The palace would rather seal up a good courtyard than let her live, with her exposed and flamboyant personality, she was not convinced at once and wanted to find out.

Therefore, Yuying's biggest problem is that she has a sense of superiority, arrogance, ignoring rules and regulations, and even to the point of being arrogant.

This attitude, in addition to her natural exposed temperament, also stems from her long-term being in a house fighting environment - her mother is an unfavored concubine at home, and if she fails in the house fight, she is naturally bullied.

What she learned from her original family is nothing more than pretending to be stupid and being a villain.

But most of these tricks used in Gong Dou do not work.

It's not the first time she's made this kind of mistake.

On the way to Beijing, she delayed time because she wanted to get out of the car to buy rouge, which attracted people from the Tianli Sect.

"Golden Branch Desire": Yuying saw through Er Chun's gang on the first day, trespassing on the forbidden land, stupid or arrogant?

After entering the palace, on the way back to Zhongcui Palace, when I met Ji Concubine Rong and these unfavored concubines, everyone saluted in a low-key manner, only Yuying shook her head and looked around curiously.

A beautiful girl who enters the palace, as the daughter of the governor of Huguang, even if she is a concubine, she must have learned the basic etiquette.

It's not that Yuying doesn't understand, but she is too crazy and thinks too highly of herself.

Er Chun was criticized for falling into the sand, Er Chun was low-key and taught, Yuying had to stand up and explain, showing off her own life experience, which immediately aroused the disgust of Concubine Ji and attracted the attention of Concubine Ru.

"Golden Branch Desire": Yuying saw through Er Chun's gang on the first day, trespassing on the forbidden land, stupid or arrogant?

When the division was unsatisfactory, she wanted to buy the slave maid and change the house at the first time. This is her habitual thinking, as long as she is willing to spend money, this little thing cannot be impossible.

But the slave took the red envelope and didn't do anything.

It's just that this incident did not make Yuying restrain and teach her a lesson, but made her more arrogant and had no one in her eyes.

She can only see the immediate gains and losses.

Therefore, when she first entered the palace, she ignored the reminder of her father-in-law, ignored the rules and etiquette in the palace, and had a perverse attitude, which was completely in line with her life.

Under this logic, it is not surprising that she trespassed on the forbidden land.

Of course, she soon paid the price for her impulsiveness and arrogance - her face was painted with runes, she walked around the Forbidden City with a lantern, was frightened by the crow cry, fell into the pool, and was almost punished by Concubine Ru.

"Golden Branch Desire": Yuying saw through Er Chun's gang on the first day, trespassing on the forbidden land, stupid or arrogant?

Later, she was calculated and bullied by Er Chun several times, and fell to the bottom, if it weren't for Sun Baiyang and An Qian to help, her survival in the palace would have been cut off early in the morning.

The so-called character determines fate, and temperament determines the pattern.